Alternative existential sentences

Expressing something's existence in a certain place or location is not just limited to 在 (zài) and 有 (yǒu). The word order may be a little different from what you are used to, but 着 (zhe) and 是 (shì) are also ways to make everyday statements such as, "There is a book lying on the desk."


Pattern with 着

Verbs that are paired with 着 are usually stative verbs, strong action verbs are not used in this case.


Place + Verb + 着 + [Noun Phrase]


Pattern with 是

The subject in the 是 sentence pattern indicates the location or area. The object behind 是 is the only thing in this area.


Place + 是 + [Noun Phrase]


Note that 是 is used to describe a singular object existing somewhere, while 有 can refer to multiple objects/people.

See also

Sources and Further Reading
