Expressing fractions with "fenzhi"

分之 (fēn zhī) is used to form a fraction in Chinese. When expressing a fraction, the denominator is always said before the numerator. This pattern is also the way percentages are expressed in Chinese.

So "½" is read 二分之一 (èr fēn zhī yī), literally "1 of 2 portions." Note the order: it's NOT 一分之二 (yī fēn zhī èr). So "¾" is 四分之三 (sì fēn zhī sān), and "⅚" is 六分之五 (liù fēn zhī wǔ). To say a percentage, for example, 50 percent, you would say 百分之五十 (bǎi fēn zhī wǔshí), which is literally the same as how you would pronounce the equivalent fraction "50 hundredths."


Basic Pattern


Denominator + 分之 + Numerator

Remember that the denominator is the bottom number in a fraction, but it comes first in spoken Chinese.


Advanced Pattern


This structure is what you'll often see in news stories that use statistics. The word 占 (zhàn) is a bit more formal, and means something like "comprises" or "makes up" or "accounts for."

A + 是 / 占 + B + 的 + Denominator + 分之 + Numerator


See also

Sources and further reading
