你 和我	nǐ hé wǒ	you and I	Expressing "and" with "hé"	A1	GrammarWiki
老板 喜欢 咖啡 和茶。	Lǎobǎn xǐhuan kāfēi hé chá.	The boss likes coffee and tea.	Expressing "and" with "hé"	A1	GrammarWiki
我 的 爷爷 和 奶奶 都 70岁 。	Wǒ de yéye hé nǎinai dōu qīshí suì.	My grandpa and grandma are both 70 years old.	Expressing "and" with "hé"	A1	GrammarWiki
他 和 他 女朋友 都 喜欢中国 菜 。	Tā  hétā nǚpéngyou dōu xǐhuan Zhōngguó cài.	He and his girlfriend both like Chinese food.	Expressing "and" with "hé"	A1	GrammarWiki
 你 爸爸 和  你 妈妈 都是 美国 人 吗 ?	Nǐ bàba hé nǐ māma dōu shì Měiguó rénma?	Are your father and your mother both Americans?	Expressing "and" with "hé"	A1	GrammarWiki
手机 和 电脑 都 很 贵。	Shǒujī hé diànnǎo dōu hěn guì.	Cell phones and computers are both expensive.	Expressing "and" with "hé"	A1	GrammarWiki
德语 和 法语 都 很 难 吗?	Déyǔ hé Fǎyǔ dōu hěn nán ma?	Are both German and French difficult?	Expressing "and" with "hé"	A1	GrammarWiki
今天 和 明天 都 可以 吗?	Jīntiān hé míngtiān dōu kěyǐ ma?	Are today and tomorrow both OK?	Expressing "and" with "hé"	A1	GrammarWiki