[http://amzn.to/2iioVRP [[File:Expressing%20%22again%22%20in%20the%20future%20with%20%22zai%22%20-%20Chinese%20Grammar%20Wiki_fichiers/CGW-print-250_60.jpg]]]
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= Expressing "again" in the future with "zai" =
[https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/ASGIZQJ2 [[File:Expressing%20%22again%22%20in%20the%20future%20with%20%22zai%22%20-%20Chinese%20Grammar%20Wiki_fichiers/link.png]]]
- Level[https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/B1_grammar_points B1]
- Similar to
- [https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Expressing_%22again%22_in_the_past_with_%22you%22 Expressing "again" in the past with "you"] (B1)
- [https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Expressing_%22the_other%22_with_%22lingwai%22 Expressing "the other" with "lingwai"] (B1)
- [https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Sequencing_with_%22xian%22_and_%22zai%22 Sequencing with "xian" and "zai"] (B1)
- [https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Comparing_%22zai%22_and_%22you%22 Comparing "zai" and "you"] (B2)
- [https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Expressing_%22never_again%22_with_%22zai_ye_bu%22 Expressing "never again" with "zai ye bu"] (B2)
- [https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Expressing_%22over_and_over_again%22_with_%22zaisan%22 Expressing "over and over again" with "zaisan"] (B2)
- Used for[https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Expressing_time_and_date Expressing time and date]
- Keywords[https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/%E5%86%8D 再]
- Translations[https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Again again], [https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Another another]
[https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/File:Chinese-grammar-wiki-zai-2.jpg [[File:Expressing%20%22again%22%20in%20the%20future%20with%20%22zai%22%20-%20Chinese%20Grammar%20Wiki_fichiers/300px-Chinese-grammar-wiki-zai-2.jpg|300x300px|Chinese-grammar-wiki-zai-2.jpg]]]
== Contents ==
* [[#Used_as_.22Again.22|1 Used as "Again"]]
** [[#Structure|1.1 Structure]]
** [[#Examples|1.2 Examples]]
* [[#Used_as_.22Another.22_or_.22Some_More.22|2 Used as "Another" or "Some More"]]
** [[#Structure_2|2.1 Structure]]
** [[#Examples_2|2.2 Examples]]
* [[#Used_for_Continuous_Action|3 Used for Continuous Action]]
** [[#Structure_3|3.1 Structure]]
** [[#Examples_3|3.2 Examples]]
* [[#See_also|4 See also]]
* [[#Sources_and_further_reading|5 Sources and further reading]]
** [[#Books|5.1 Books]]
** [[#Websites|5.2 Websites]]
Subj. + 再 + [Verb Phrase]
=== Examples ===
* 我们 明年 ''再'' 来 。We'll come again next year.
* ''再'' 试 一下 。Try it again.
* 你 可以 ''再'' 说 一 遍 吗 ?Can you please say it again?
* 这 本 书 我 要 ''再'' 看 一 遍 。I want to read this book again.
* 你 应该 ''再'' 复习 一 遍 。You should review it again.
In fact, this structure is present in one of the most common Chinese phrases: "再见!" In this case, it literally means, "See you again!"
== Used as "Another" or "Some More" ==
The English word "another" is often avoided altogether by using 再.
=== Structure ===
Subj. + 再 + Verb + Obj.
In this case, the object includes a quantity phrase.
=== Examples ===
* ''再'' 吃 '''一点''' 。Eat more.
* ''再'' 点 '''几个 菜''' 吧 。Let's order some more dishes.
* 服务员 ,''再'' 来 '''两 瓶 啤酒''' 。Waiter, two more bottles of beer, please.
* ''再'' 给 我 '''三天 时间''' 。Give me another three days.
* 我 能 不 能 ''再'' 拿 '''两 个''' ?Can I take two more?
== Used for Continuous Action ==
Here 再 is similar to the English "for a while longer" or "keep [going/doing]."
=== Structure ===
Subj. + 再 + Verb + Verb
=== Examples ===
* ''再'' 找找 。Keep looking.
* 你 ''再'' 问问 。 Keep asking and ask someone else.
* 别 急 ,''再'' 想想 。Don't worry. Keep thinking.
You can also add 一会儿 after the verb to mean "keep doing something a little longer."
* ''再'' 聊 一会儿 。Let's keep talking for a little bit.
* ''再'' 等 一会儿 。Let's wait a little longer.
== See also ==
* [https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/%22Never_again%22_with_%22zai_ye_bu%22 "Never again" with "zai ye bu"]
* [https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Sequencing_with_%22xian%22_and_%22zai%22 Sequencing with "xian" and "zai"]
* [https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Expressing_%22again%22_in_the_past_with_%22you%22 Expressing "again" in the past with "you"]
== Sources and further reading ==
=== Books ===
* [https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Integrated_Chinese:_Level_2,_Part_1 Integrated Chinese: Level 2, Part 1] (pp. 157) [http://amzn.to/2fdV2l3 →buy]
* [https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/New_Practical_Chinese_Reader_3_(%E6%96%B0%E5%AE%9E%E7%94%A8%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD%E8%AF%BE%E6%9C%AC3) New Practical Chinese Reader 3 (新实用汉语课本3)] (pp. 202) [http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/756191251X/ref%3das_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=allset-20&linkCode=as2&camp=217145&creative=399369&creativeASIN=756191251X →buy]
=== Websites ===
* Yale Chinese Usage Dictionary: [http://comet.cls.yale.edu/chineseusagedictionary/0212.html Using 再 and 又]
[https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Special:Categories Category]:
* [https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Category:B1_grammar_points B1 grammar points]
[http://amzn.to/2iioVRP [[File:Expressing%20%22again%22%20in%20the%20future%20with%20%22zai%22%20-%20Chinese%20Grammar%20Wiki_fichiers/CGW-print-500_120.jpg]]]