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- [Expressing "from… to…" with "cong… dao…"](https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Expressing_%22from%E2%80%A6_to%E2%80%A6%22_with_%22cong%E2%80%A6_dao%E2%80%A6%22) (A2)
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来自 (láizì) is used to express where something or someone comes from. Its meaning is similar to "to come from" in English.
Contents --------  [hide]([# "wikilink")\] 
- [1 Structure](#Structure "wikilink") - [2 Examples](#Examples "wikilink") - [3 Sources and further reading](#Sources_and_further_reading "wikilink") - [3.1 Books](#Books "wikilink")
### Structure
Subj. + 来自 + Place
### Examples You can see that in some of the sentences below dealing with ideas and other abstract nouns, a translation like "originate from" may be more appropriate.
- 我 *来自* 中国 。 Wǒ *láizì* Zhōngguó.I come from China. - 我 的 很 多 书 都 *来自* 日本 。 Wǒ de hěn duō shū dōu *láizì* Rìběn.I lot of the books I read come from Japan. - 我们 公司 的 客户 *来自* 美国 。 Wǒmen gōngsī de kèhù *láizì* Měiguó.Our company's clients come from the USA. - 我的 这个 想法 *来自* 生活 。 Wǒ de zhège xiǎngfǎ *láizì* shēnghuó.This idea of mine originated from daily life. - 这 是 *来自* 政府 的 报告 。 Zhè shì *láizì* zhèngfǔ de bàogào.This is a report from the government. - 有 些 坏 习惯 *来自* 迷信 。 Yǒu xiē huài xíguàn *láizì* míxìn.There are some bad habits that originate from superstition. - 小明 的 成功 *来自* 他的 努力 和 认真 。 Xiǎo Míng de chénggōng *láizì* tā de nǔlì hé rènzhēn.Xiao Ming's success stems from his hard work and earnestness. - 听 了 *来自* 教授 的 建议 , 我 决定 去 上海 。 Tīng le *láizì* jiàoshòu de jiànyì, wǒ juédìng qù Shànghǎi.After listening to the professor's suggestion, I decided to go to Shanghai. - 我 和 Tom 虽然 *来自* 不同 的 国家 , 但是 我们 是 好 朋友 。 Wǒ hé Tom suīrán *láizì* bùtóng de guójiā, dànshì wǒmen shì hǎo péngyou.Although Tom and I come from different countries, we're good friends. - 我 设计 的 这 副 作品 *来自* 小王 的 启发 。 Wǒ shèjì de zhè fù zuòpǐn *láizì* Xiǎo Míng de qǐfā.This piece I designed was inspired by Xiao Wang.
Sources and further reading --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Books - [Anything Goes (无所不谈)](https://resources.allsetlearning.com/chinese/grammar/Anything_Goes_(%E6%97%A0%E6%89%80%E4%B8%8D%E8%B0%88)) (pp. 63, 107, 237) [→buy](https://amzn.to/2Kr8yz8)
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