{{Grammar Box}} 只有 (zhǐyǒu) means "only if," and is used with 才 (cái) to emphasize that ''only one'' course of action will bring about the desired outcome. == Structure == <div class="jiegou"> 只有 + Essential Condition + 才 + Desired Outcome </div> == Examples == <div class="liju"> * <em>只有</em> 努力 <em>才</em> 能 做 好 工作。<span class="trans">Only with hard work is it possible to do a good job.</span> * <em>只有</em> 经济 发展 <em>才</em> 会 有 更 好 的 明天。<span class="trans">Only if the economy develops will it be possible to have an even better tomorrow.</span> * <em>只有</em> 多 吃饭 <em>才</em> 能 长高。<span class="trans">Only if you eat more will you be able to grow tall.</span> </div> ==See also== *[["As long as" with "zhiyao"]] *[["If…, then…" with "ruguo…, jiu…"]] == Sources and further reading == === Books === * [[New Practical Chinese Reader 4 (新实用汉语课本4) ]] (pp. 42) [http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/7561913192/ref%3das_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=allset-20&linkCode=as2&camp=217145&creative=399369&creativeASIN=7561913192 →buy] *[[卓越汉语-公司实战篇]] (p. 113) [http://www.amazon.cn/%E5%8D%93%E8%B6%8A%E6%B1%89%E8%AF%AD-%E5%85%AC%E5%8F%B8%E5%AE%9E%E6%88%98%E7%AF%87-%E8%83%A1%E7%81%B5%E5%9D%87/dp/B003QZWQ6M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1347863170&sr=8-1 →buy] *[[40 Lessons for Basic Chinese Course (基础汉语40课下册)]] (p. 516)[http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001FTL8D8/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B001FTL8D8&linkCode=as2&tag=allset-20 →buy] ===Websites=== * Yale Chinese Usage Dictionary [http://comet.cls.yale.edu/chineseusagedictionary/0127.html 只 and 只有] [[Category: B2 grammar points]] {{Basic Grammar|只有|B2|只有⋯⋯,才⋯⋯|<em>只有</em> 你 帮忙 , 我 <em>才</em> 能 完成 任务 。|grammar point|ASGJDV3Y}} {{Rel char|只}} {{Rel char|才}} {{Similar|"As long as" with "zhiyao"}} {{Similar|"If…, then…" with "ruguo…, jiu…"}} {{Similar|The "if" sandwich pattern}} {{Used for|Indicating cause and effect}} {{Used for|Indicating conditions}} {{Structure|Conditional Statements}} {{Translation|if}}