This first volume in a three-part series intended to follow the Quinmester course "Survive a Russian Party" prescribes broad goals and performance objectives for the development of listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills. Students practice conversational skills in Russian over the telephone, discuss everyday activities from writing to playing soccer, and plan a Russian-style picnic in the mountains. Basic grammatical structures include the use of nouns, pronouns, and verbs. A vocabulary list and references are included. For the companion documents, see FL 003 641 and FL 003 643. (RL)
Mr. William Lehman, Chairman |
Mr. G. Holmes Braddock, Vice-Chairman |
Mrs. Ethel Beckham |
Mrs. Crutcher Harrison |
Mrs. Anna Brenner Meyers |
Dr. Ben Sheppard |
Mr. William H. Turner |
Dr. E. L. Whigham, Superintendent of Schools |
Dade County Public Schools |
Miami, Florida 33132 |
Published by the Dade County School Board |
Table of Contents
List of Figures
Note | |
Document edited by Eric Streit ( PDF and Epub versions available on Russian part checked by Goulya Streit ( |
Talk to a friend on the phone. Discuss everyday activities from writing to playing soccer. Go on a picnic to the mountains — Russian style.
While engaging in the above activities, you will learn to use critical structure of the Russian language both orally and in writing. Among the basics will be the use of nouns, pronouns and verbs.
The learner at the end of this course, according to his level of maturity and achievement, will be able to at least:
discriminate between Russian hard and soft consonants when isolated in orally presented groups of words with 75% accuracy.
imitate familiar "basic sentences" and "basic dialog" models, including pronunciation, intonation and juncture, with 70% of responses evaluated to be readily understandable to a native speaker.
demonstrate an understanding of the Russian language when, given samples of the familiar content of this course or new arrangements thereof spoken at normal tempo, he selects the culturally acceptable response from a group of orally presented answers with 70%
pronounce Russian words sampling hard and soft consonant sounds after hearing the model with 75% of the responses Judged readily understandable to a native.
pronounce Russian words sampling the voiced and voiceless counterpart consonants after hearing the model with 75% of the responses judged readily understandable to a native speaker.
speak with acceptable Russian pronunciation, intonation and juncture In 70% of the responses in a free response situation using previously learned Russian content or recombinations thereof.
perform necessary changes in form and order as regards the following grammatical concepts with 70% success in oral structure drills ( person-number substitution, replacement etc.) using familiar material:
person and number agreement of first conjugation verbs.
agreement of gender and number.
pronoun agreement.
possessive adjective agreement.
recognize and pronounce acceptably the sound-letter correspondence with 75% success from a printed list of familiar words sampling hard and soft consonants, especially soft л, hard л, ш , щ , and ч.
recognize and pronounce acceptably voiced and voiceless counterpart consonants in both initial and final positions with 70% success from a printed list of familiar words sampling the following six pairs of counterpart consonants:
б-п в-ф г-к д-т ж-ш з-c
demonstrate direct reeding comprehension in Russian of material already mastered audio-lingually by selecting 70% of the correct printed answers to printed questions on a short printed selection( no more than thirty words).
read (orally) familiar material in sentence form with pronunciation and meaningful intonation end juncture judged to be acceptable to a native speaker in 70% of sentences attempted.
copy correctly in Cyrillic script from Cyrillic print any previously audio-lingually mastered material ( 100% accuracy desired).
write in Cyrillic script dictation of familiar idiomatic expressions and "dialogs" mastered audio-lingually with 70% accuracy in spelling and punctuation.
make three comparative statements between the target and native cultures based on the dialogs.
demonstrate any of various reasons for studying the Russian language as evidenced by participation in discussion groups, research projects and making of art.
identify three comparisons between other languages and the target language which demonstrate his understanding of the nature of language and how it works.
[1] These objectives are presented in five(5) skills groups: listening (L), speaking (S), reeding (R), writing (W) and miscellaneous (M). The letter-numbers used here will have corresponding letter-numbers in the sample evaluation section to help key objectives to evaluation samples.
On the telephone
Conversation topics
playing, beginning to play
throwing (ball)
Where do you live?
Does he know how to play?
Do you understand?
Mastery of additional vocabulary
Grammar Explanations
Алло used for telephone
а and и as conjunctions
The present tense of verbs
accompaniment of pronoun
three English equivalents of я играл... .
three groups of first conjugation verbs
presence of the vowel е, in most first conjugation forms.
pattern of у or ю being used for both first person singular and third person plural
three possible stress patterns:
1. other than ending - throughout
2. ending throughout
3. ending for first person singular; stem stress for all other forms
Audio-lingual techniques to be employed by student:
dialog completions
free substitution antonym drills
questions on basic dialog
conversation stimulus
structure drills
person number substitution
cued response
patterned response
progressive substitution
free response
free substitution
double item substitution
dialog variations
conversation stimulus
writing exercises
Continued development of pronunciation, reading and writing skills already initiated
continue with audio-visual, text illustrations and independent research
полешко Поле
A Trip to the Mountains ( 4 weeks )
conversation topics
Where is your ________ ? (my, his, her, their, our)
Is this your ________ ? (my, his, etc.)
Whose is this ________ ?
Who has ________ ?
the boys are waiting.
The cookies are ready.
mastery of additional vocabulary
Grammatical explanations
particle же
здесь, тут
закуска и печенье
gender of nouns
masculine - consonant ending
feminine а, я endings
neuter о, е endings
soft sign ь
living beings
masculine or feminine plural - ы or и ending
Irregular plural ребята
possessive adjectives
agree in number with the thing possessed
agree in gender with the thing possessed
different possessive adjectives
мой | моя | моё | мои |
твой | твоя | твоё | твои |
чей | чья | чьё | чьи |
наш | наша | наше | наши |
ваш | ваша | ваше | ваши |
Third person possessives
agree with possessor in number
agree with possessor in gender
Audio-lingual drills used by student
contextual response
patterned response
patterned response
noun to pronoun
cued responded
item substitution
мой to наш
твой to ваш
directed dialog
progressive substitution
directed dialog
conversation stimulus
writing drills
free substitution
sentence construction
Continued development of pronunciation, reading and writing skills already initiated
continue with audio-visual, text illustration and independent research
во кузнице
у Попа была собака
This course is intended to follow the course entitled SURVIVE A RUSSIAN PARTY 7543.01 Dade County Board of Public Instruction, Division of Instruction. In that course, the section on expansion of materials deals with the problems of pronunciation and reading and writing Cyrillic print and script. For continuation or reinforcement of these skills, you may find it profitable to utilize materials from that course.
Both units presented in this course utilize typical audio-lingual methods, A review of these methods and procedures prior to instruction will prove beneficial.
While the text authors suggest that a unit can be completed in 10-12 days, actual classroom experience has shown that the materials require at least twice that amount of time. The teacher's edition provides the teacher with simple quizzes to indicate student progress toward completion of the unit. There is an exercise workbook and a testing manual which are helpful to the teacher as well.
The authors of this quinmester feel that the teacher's edition and supplementary materials provide thorough expansion of text content. The inclusion of independent research and song singing will broaden the students' exposure to the target culture.
Should time remain after the objectives of this course are met, proceed to the next unit.
You will hear ten Russian words. In the pause after each word, indicate whether the "Л" sound in the word is soft or hard. Use the letter S for soft; G for hard.
1. | пошли | 6. | баскетбол |
2. | отлично | 7. | болен |
3. | делать | 8. | журнал |
4. | плохо | 9. | пластинки |
5. | фильм | 10. | телефон |
Repeat the following sentences after the model. The teacher will evaluate each sentence to be either understandable or not understandable (to a native speaker). If not understandable, the teacher will mark the proper column to indicate a specific problem.
Examples of sentence or dialog models:
Андрей? здравствуй!
Слушаю радио. Хороший джаз.
ты читаешь журнал?
он умеет играть в футбол?
Они только начинают играть.
You will hear a series of statements. After each one the speaker will make two further statements — A and B. Only one of these naturally continues the thought of the first statement. You are to decide which one it is. Indicate the correct answer by marking either A or B on your answer sheet.
игроки уже на поле.
Они бросают мяч.
они идут в парк.
я дома.
я играю в баскетбол.
я слушаю радио.
Я смотрю телевизор.
сегодня хороший фильм.
я как раз спрашиваю.
он опять спрашивает.
Почему ты не отвечаешь?
почему ты не берёшь?
он редко играет в футбол.
он здоров.
он очень занят.
Repeat the following list of words exactly as you hear them. The teacher will mark either U (understandable) or NU (not understandable) on your paper, You must have seven of the ten marked with a U to complete the exercise successfully.
1. | учитель | 6. | плохо |
2. | Коля | 7. | Футбол |
3. | отлично | 8. | слушать |
4. | болен | 9. | журнал |
5. | отлично | 10. | пластинки |
The same instructions apply to this list of words as apply to that in exercise "S-1a" .
1. | хлеб | 6. | свитер |
2. | готов | 7. | редко |
3. | диалог | 8. | сделать |
4. | джаз | 9. | блузка |
5. | лимонад | 10. | книжка |
Answer the following oral questions orally:
Он хорошо играет в карты?
кто хорошо играет в баскетбол?
вы каждый день слушаете радио?
вы иногда слушаете пластинки?
вы умеете играть в шахматы?
Я играю в мяч. Я играю в мяч.
ты -------- Ты играешь в мяч.
Он -------- Он играет в мяч.
Мы -------- . и т. д.
вы -------- .
Они -------- .
Зонтик не нужен. зонтик не нужен.
Свитер -------- . свитер не нужен.
Куртка -------- . Куртка не нужна.
пальто -------- . и т. д.
спички -------- .
одеяло -------- .
сумка здесь? Да она здесь.
печенье там? Да оно там.
Пирожки здесь? и т. д.
лимонад внизу?
хлеб там?
варенье тут?
(сумка) (твой) это твоя сумка.
(свитер) (мой) Это мой свитер.
(книги)(чей) чьи это книги?
(парта) (чей) и т. д.
(радио) (её)
(радио) (наш)
Read the following words to your teacher, being careful to pronounce them correctly.
1. |
джаз |
6. |
плащ |
2. |
ждёт |
7. |
ваш |
3. |
лишний |
8. |
кошелёк |
4. |
мешок |
9. |
почему |
5. |
вещи |
10. |
чай |
Read the following list to your teacher. Remember the paired counterpart consonants.
1. | автомобиль | 7. | всегда |
2. | свитер | 8. | отзвук |
3. | завтра | 9. | водка |
4. | близко | 10. | отвечать |
5. | книжка | 11. | редко |
6. | твой | 12. | сделать |
Read the following dialog. Demonstrate comprehension by correctly answering the multiple choice answers which follow the selection:
Серёжа — Тамара! куда ты идёшь?
Тамара — Домой.
Серёжа — домой? Ты не знаешь что сегодня матч?
Тамара — нет! Но я больна. до свидания.
1. | кто идёт домой? | 2. | Когда матч? |
A. | Серёжа | B. | Сегодня |
B. | Тамара | B. | Завтра |
Read the following to your teacher with meaningful pronunciation, intonation and juncture:
А. Брат не идёт в поход.
В. почему?
А. Он болен.
Copy the following in Cyrillic script. Strive for perfection:
Андрей и Борис не идут в поход.
Они больны!
Write the following dictation paying attention to spelling and punctuation:
Твои родители хорошо читают по-русски.
Что ты делаешь завтра?
Make three statements which compare life as you live
it and life in the dialogs from units 4 and 5.
List as many reasons as possible for studying Russian
culture and the Russian language.
Compare the Russian language to the English language using things you have learned in this course as points of comparison.
a |
генерал |
зебра |
ладно |
акт |
география |
знаком |
лампа |
актёр |
гимн |
знаю |
лейтенант |
альбатрос |
гимнастика |
знать |
ликёр |
алгебра |
гном |
зона |
лимон |
алло |
говори |
зонтик |
лимонад |
американский |
горилла |
и |
лингвистика |
апрель |
готов |
играть |
литература |
армия |
грамматика |
игроки |
лишний |
асфальт |
гусь |
идти |
лодка магазин |
атлет |
да |
идиот |
майор макароны |
балерина |
далеко |
или | |
балет |
дата |
иногда | |
банан |
два |
инстинкт |
мальчики |
бандит |
девочки |
институт |
мама |
банк |
девять |
интрига |
манёвр |
баскетбол |
дед |
история |
марабу |
бейсбол |
делать |
йод |
маршал |
бизон |
дельфин |
их |
математика |
биология |
день |
каждый |
матрос |
бифштекс |
деньги |
кажется |
матч |
близко |
десять |
как |
мать |
болен |
джаз |
как всегда |
место |
бомба |
джунгли |
как раз |
мешок |
борщ |
диск |
какой |
мимика |
брат |
доберман |
как так |
минус |
брать |
пинчер |
календарь |
минута |
бросать |
доктор |
канарейка |
мода |
будет |
дома |
кандидат |
мои |
бутерброды |
Домой |
капитан |
мой |
бутылка |
дорога |
карп |
музей |
в |
драма |
карты |
музыка |
варенье |
думать |
кафе |
мустанг |
ваш |
ей |
кенгуру |
мы |
вечером |
его |
кино |
мяч |
вещи |
её |
класс |
на |
виза |
есть |
климат |
на вы |
вино |
жакет |
клоун |
на ты |
вирус |
ждать |
кобра |
начинать |
витамин |
же |
когда |
не |
вместе |
жираф |
концерт |
недалеко |
внизу |
жить |
корзина |
нейлон |
водка |
журнал |
кот |
нет |
волейбол |
журналист |
кофе |
никогда |
восемь |
завтра |
кошелёк |
ничего |
вот |
закуска |
краб |
но |
всегда |
занят |
кто |
новости |
всё |
здесь |
куда |
новый |
вы |
здоров |
культура |
нос |
где |
здравствуйте |
куртка |
нота |
ну |
почему |
соус |
учитель |
нужен |
почта |
соя |
учителя |
одежда |
пошли |
спальный |
учительница |
один |
привет |
спаржа |
факт |
он |
приходи |
спасибо |
физика |
она |
приятель |
спеши |
филе |
оно |
провизия |
спички |
фильм |
они |
проигрыватель |
спорт |
фламинго |
опера |
профессор |
спортивные |
фокус |
опять |
пульс |
спрашивать |
фотоаппарат |
орангутанг |
пума |
спросите |
фронт |
оставь |
пять |
спутник |
фрукт |
ответьте |
радар |
стадион |
футбольный |
отвечать |
радио |
стюардесса |
характер |
отец |
радиоприёмник |
сумка |
химия |
очень |
раз |
суп |
хлеб |
очки |
ракета |
так |
хороший |
палатка |
ребята |
так себе |
хорошо |
пальто |
редко |
такт |
хулиган |
паника |
репортёр |
там |
цемент |
пантера |
рептилия |
тарантул |
цензор |
папа |
ресторан |
твой |
центр |
парад |
рис |
телевизор |
цирк |
парашют |
риск |
теннис |
чай |
парк |
родители |
теперь |
часто |
перчатки |
рубль |
термит |
чей |
петь |
румба |
терьер |
чек |
печенье |
рюкзак |
тигр |
чемпион |
пилот |
салют |
только |
четыре |
пингвин |
салями |
тоже |
читать |
пинг-понг |
сандвич |
тост |
шакал |
пирожки |
сардина |
три |
шанс |
писать |
свитер |
туннель |
шарада |
письмо |
свободен |
турне |
шахматы |
питон |
себе |
тур |
шпинат |
план |
сегодня |
тут |
шербет |
пластинки |
семь |
ты |
шесть |
плащ |
сенбернар |
У |
школа |
плохо |
сержант |
уже |
шпиц |
плюс |
сестра |
у кого |
штат |
по |
сироп |
у вас |
шторм |
по-английски |
скажите |
у меня |
эксперт |
поле |
сколько |
у нас |
эмигрант |
полная |
скунс |
у него |
это |
полотенце |
слушать |
у неё |
я |
понимать |
смотреть |
у них |
ягуар |
пожалуйста |
советский |
университет |
як |
позовите |
согласен |
уверен |
яхта |
порт |
сода |
уметь | |
по-русски |
соль |
урок |
ALM Russian - Level One» Second Edition (Teacher1 s Edition), Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., New York, 1970.
LIVING IN THE SOVIET UNION TODAY Miller, Murrey Lincoln, Living in the Soviet Union Today. f Society for Visual Education, Inc., 1345 Dlversey Pkwy., Chicago 14, 111.
Titles In Series:
"Калинка" Soviet Army Chorus and Band, Angel Records - New York.
"Полюшко-поле" soviet Army Chorus and Band, Angel Records, New York
"Во кузнице" (for availability of these song, contact supervisor of F. Lang.)
"у попе была собака" (for availability of these song, contact supervisor of F. Lang.)