Broad goals and performance objectives[1]

The learner at the end of this course, according to his level of maturity and achievement, will be able to at least:

  1. Listening


    discriminate between Russian hard and soft consonants when isolated in orally presented groups of words with 75% accuracy.


    imitate familiar "basic sentences" and "basic dialog" models, including pronunciation, intonation and juncture, with 70% of responses evaluated to be readily understandable to a native speaker.


    demonstrate an understanding of the Russian language when, given samples of the familiar content of this course or new arrangements thereof spoken at normal tempo, he selects the culturally acceptable response from a group of orally presented answers with 70%

  2. Speaking


    pronounce Russian words sampling hard and soft consonant sounds after hearing the model with 75% of the responses Judged readily understandable to a native.


    pronounce Russian words sampling the voiced and voice­less counterpart consonants after hearing the model with 75% of the responses judged readily understand­able to a native speaker.


    speak with acceptable Russian pronunciation, intonation and juncture In 70% of the responses in a free response situation using previously learned Russian content or recombinations thereof.


    perform necessary changes in form and order as regards the following grammatical concepts with 70% success in oral structure drills ( person-number substitution, replacement etc.) using familiar material:

    1. person and number agreement of first conjugation verbs.

    2. agreement of gender and number.

    3. pronoun agreement.

    4. possessive adjective agreement.

  3. Reading


    recognize and pronounce acceptably the sound-letter correspondence with 75% success from a printed list of familiar words sampling hard and soft consonants, especially soft л, hard л, ш , щ , and ч.


    recognize and pronounce acceptably voiced and voice­less counterpart consonants in both initial and final positions with 70% success from a printed list of familiar words sampling the following six pairs of counterpart consonants:

    б-п в-ф г-к д-т ж-ш з-c


    demonstrate direct reeding comprehension in Russian of material already mastered audio-lingually by selecting 70% of the correct printed answers to printed questions on a short printed selection( no more than thirty words).


    read (orally) familiar material in sentence form with pronunciation and meaningful intonation end juncture judged to be acceptable to a native speaker in 70% of sentences attempted.

  4. Writing


    copy correctly in Cyrillic script from Cyrillic print any previously audio-lingually mastered material ( 100% accuracy desired).


    write in Cyrillic script dictation of familiar idiomatic expressions and "dialogs" mastered audio-lingually with 70% accuracy in spelling and punctuation.

  5. Miscellaneous


    make three comparative statements between the target and native cultures based on the dialogs.


    demonstrate any of various reasons for studying the Russian language as evidenced by participation in discussion groups, research projects and making of art.


    identify three comparisons between other languages and the target language which demonstrate his understanding of the nature of language and how it works.

[1] These objectives are presented in five(5) skills groups: listening (L), speaking (S), reeding (R), writing (W) and miscellaneous (M). The letter-numbers used here will have corresponding letter-numbers in the sample evaluation section to help key objectives to evaluation samples.