Listen to the following list of words. Decide whether the first vowel of each word is stressed or unstressed. Indicate your choice by writing either "S" (stressed), or "U" (unstressed) on your paper in the space provided.
EXAMPLE: You hear радио . You mark your paper "S," because the а in ра́дио is stressed.
1. | хорошо | 6. | мороз |
2. | студент | 7. | глупый |
3. | дама | 8. | отец |
4. | брат | 9. | сестра |
5. | учитель | 10. | угол |
Listen to the following sentences. Decide whether it is a question or a statement, based on the end inflection (melody) of the sentence. Mark your paper either "Q" (question), or "S" (statement) in the pause provided.
EXAMPLE: You hear: ты идёшь домой?
You mark your paper with "Q," because the inflection went up, indicating that ты идёшь домой? is a question.
1. | Ты идёшь домой? |
2. | Парад сегодня! |
3. | Парад вечером? |
4. | Миша твой брат? |
5. | Это ваша учительница? |
etc. |
You will hear some questions and statements. Some are addressed to one person, some to more than one; some are addressed to males, others to females, Indicate the grammatical number (S- singular, or P- plural) and the gender (M- masculine, or F- feminine) of the person or persons addressed in these sentences. Note that you may not always be able to determine both the number and gender.
When you wish to indicate this inability to determine something, use a question mark.
You hear Ваня, это твой брат? On your paper you mark "S" for singular and "M" for masculine.
You hear Куда ты идёшь? You know that it is singular, because of the word ты, but you cannot determine the gender, so your paper should read "S" "?".
You will hear a series of questions. After each question, you will hear two answers, "A" and "B". Only one is correct. Indicate the choice on your paper.
EXAMPLE: You hear Он читает?
Then you hear
А- Нет, говорит по телефону.
В- Нет, говорю по телефону.
You mark A on your answer sheet because it correctly answers the Question Он читает?
1. | Они разговаривают? |
A- | Нет, молчат. |
B- | Нет, молчит. |
2. | Он свободен? |
A- | Да, отдыхает. |
B- | Да, отдыхают. |
etc. |
Number your paper from 1 to 10. This is an individual oral evaluation. You will hear ten words. You are to imitate each one» paying particular attention to the stress. You will be marked either PLUS or MINUS for each response. Plus indicates that you could have been understood by a native speaker, while MINUS indicates the opposite.
SAMPLE WORDS FOR THE TEACHER: автобус, биология, назначенный, разговаривать, и тд.
Number your paper from 1 to 5. Then place these letters across the top of the pages "Р" "I" "J" and "S". This is an individual oral evaluation.. You will hear five questions or statements. After each you are expected to make a logical rejoinder.
You will be evaluated on pronunciation, intonation, juncture and stress. A check mark in any one of these columns indicates poor performance. An acceptable answer will receive no check marks.
SAMPLE SENTENCES FOR THE TEACHER: Куда ты? Здравствуй! какой сегодня фильм? Температура, здесь, кажется, нормальная!
(you are referred to the text - units 6-8 drills)
Answer any three of the following five questions orally
Пора завтракать?
Куда ты идёшь?
Сегодня хороший фильм?
Какие это пластинки?
Парад здесь сегодня?
You will hear five statements. You are to give questions which would be logical precedes of three of the statements.
Его любимый предмет химия.
Number your paper from 1-10. You will be asked to read a list of familiar Russian words aloud. You will be evaluated on your pronunciation of stressed and unstressed vowels.
PLUS - indicates satisfactory pronunciation. MINUS indicates poor pronunciation.
Number your paper from 1-5. Then place these letters across the top of the pages "Р" "I" "J" "S". You . will be asked to read five Russian sentences containing familiar words, aloud. You will be evaluated on pronunciation, intonation, juncture and stress.
A check mark in any one of these columns indicates poor performance in that area. An acceptable answer will receive no check marks.
Read the following selection. Following it are five questions and five pairs of answers. Show complete comprehension of printed Russian by reading the selection, questions and answers, and by indicating the correct answers to each question.
Мы летим в Волгоград. Это мой первый полёт. Моя сестра, маша и я сидим и разговариваем. Я смотрю в окно. Влади уже вижу город. как это интересно лететь.
1. | Куда они летят? |
A - Ленинград B- Волгоград |
2. |
Почему он всё смотрит в окно? |
A - Это его первый полёт. B - Он энергичный. |
3. | Он летит один? Кто тоже летит? |
A - Да - он один. B - Нет, сестра тоже летит. |
4. |
что делает Маша и Ваня? |
A — разговаривают B - читают журнал |
5. | Он любит лететь? |
A - Нет, он нервный. B - Да! это интересно. |
Read the following selection which includes some new vocabulary. Answer three of the four questions which follow the selection.
Сегодня первый день учебного года. Я сижу около окна. Скоро входит учитель и мы все встаём, учитель говорит о физике. Он говорит что Исаак Ньютон первый великий физик.
Какой сегодня день?
Где сидит автор?
Почему они встают?
Учитель говорит о математике.
Copy the following printed selection in Cyrillic script:
Звонит будильник. Виктор быстро встаёт и надевает форму - чёрные брюки и красный шарф. Сегодня Пятница. у него сегодня его любимый предмет - математика. Он спешит. Первый урок через двадцать минут.
Write the following dictation» paying attention to spelling and punctuations
Смотри! школа украшена.
Вы не знакомы?
Это новый ученик.
Почему Кира довольна?
Она много отдыхает!
Fill in the appropriate missing word in each sentences
Он надевает _____ .
Маша читает _____ .
ребята ждут _____ .
Почему ты не _____ .
Rewrite the following sentences, changing the subject from singular to plural. Make all other necessary changes.
Сегодня начинается новый урок.
Она читает рассказ.
Мальчик болен.
Write short, complete answers to the following oral questions:
Вы ученик или ученица?
Сегодня пятница?
Что ты теперь делаешь?
Вы любите играть в шахматы?
Read the following ten statements about EDUCATION. Decide whether they apply to Russian education, United States education, or could apply to both countries. Mark each statement "R" "U" or "B" to indicate to whom the statements apply.
Students rise when the teacher enters the room.
Students choose their colleges and universities.
Public kindergartens are provided.
Make a ten minute oral report on "Air Travel,” "Space Exploration," or "The Soviet School Day."
Make a scrapbook of paper clippings, etc., which support the practicality of studying Russian as a modern foreign language.
Find information in the library which refers to the presence of, or the importance of folk music in "classical" or "serious" Russian music.
This is difficult to evaluate except for the pupils' active interest in the language in all its phases and in the people who speak it. He should display an attitude of sympathetic understanding toward the culture, its people, and its language without developing an unrealistic or unhealthy attitude toward communism. He should demonstrate his awareness of some of the many reasons for studying Russian and perhaps the best way to evaluate this would be by his desire to continue the study of this language. To facilitate as objective an evaluation as possible, the following guide for noting activities of each student could be kept: