Sightseeing in Moscow ( 3 weeks )
Vocabulary and conversation topics
a. description
b. place names, building names
time elements
a. days of week
b. all day, all night, etc.
c. a long time ago
a. cashier
b. salesman, saleswoman
c. librarian
Russian names (usage)
mastery of additional vocabulary (see lists following this section)
Grammar explanations
accusative case of family names
the irregular verbs хотеть and мочь
the past tense
В and НА with the accusative case
time expressions with the accusative case
More extensive writing drill
Continuation of previously initiated skills
culture - song: The Volga Plows (popular song)
Buying a new car (3 weeks)
Vocabulary and conversation topics
new car buying
taking a ride
birthday: presents
mastery of additional vocabulary ( see lists which follow this section).
Grammar explanations
Есть and He было
impersonal expressions
negative words никогда and ничего
genitive singular and plural of nouns
genitive singular of demonstratives and possessives
genitive singular of adjectives
genitive case with expressions of quantity
Drills now include dialog construction
Continuation of previously initiated skills
report topics
Soviet automation
birthday customs in comparison
song: Through Valleys and Mills (march)
Summer vacation (2 weeks)
Vocabulary and conversation topics
summer camps
catching fish
gathering mushrooms
mastery of additional vocabulary (see lists at end of this section)
Grammar explanations
Идти vs. ехать
the accusative plural of nouns
the accusative plural of adjectives
prepositions with the genitive case
Drills include reading of Cyrillic Script
Continuation of previously initiated skills
report topic - teen activities
song - The Lonely Accordion ( popular)