a. | |
досуг | spare time, leisure |
на досуге | in one's spare time |
свободное время | free time |
каникулы | vacation (from school) |
ездить на каникулы | to go on vacation |
развлечение | entertainment |
забава | amusement, pastime |
отпуск | vacation, leave |
идти в отпуск | to go on vacation, to go on leave |
отдых | rest, relaxation |
активный отдых | active recreation |
тишина | quiet, silence |
покой | peace, quiet |
b. | |
санаторий | sanatorium |
А санаторий is closest to what would be called a rest home. People go there more for reasons of health than for recreation — for mud baths, mineral waters, and the like. Those who require special medical care are also sent to a sanatorium, usually no less than for 26 days. | |
дом отдыха | house of rest |
А дом отдыха is not what is meant by a rest home, nor is it really comparable to our resorts. One does not go there for reasons of health; one is sent there on vacation as a reward for having done a good job. It differs from a resort in that activities are regulated: meals, exercise and rest periods and bedtime all take place at specified times. А дом отдыха is usually attended for 12 or 24 days. | |
курорт | spa, resort |
А курорт is any region where the climate, beaches, mineral waters, or any physical aspect of the area is thought to be conducive to good health- The дом отдыха or санаторий is often located at а курорт. | |
пансионат | (resort) hotel |
А пансионат has rooms and a dining hall or cooking facilities. It is attended by entire families and is in a location conducive to rest and recreation, often with оборудование на прокат (equipment, such as rowboats, for rent). | |
турбаза (туристская база) | tourist base |
путёвка | pass to a sanatorium, rest home, tourist trip, etc |
The путевка provides one with the right to stay at а санаторий, дом отдыха, пансионат, or турбаза at varying rates— sometimes totally free, more often at a reduced rate, or also at full price. | |
дача | country house, summer house |
The word дача describes more the use to which a house is put rather than what the house looks like. It can range from a peasant hut to a rather large structure, some even tinged with former elegance- It is located in the country but is usually not far from a large city. | |
парк (культуры и отдыха) | park (of culture and rest) |
аттракцион | amusements, attractions |
поход | excursion, outing |
турпоход | hiking expedition, walking tour |
рыбалка | fishing |
ездить на рыбалку | to go fishing |
охота | hunt |
ходить, ездить на охоту | to go hunting |
азартная игра | gamble |
с. | |
турист | tourist |
любитель | lover (of something), amateur |
рыболов-любитель | amateur fisherman |
спортсмен-любитель | amateur sportsman |
отпускник | person on vacation or leave |
отдыхающий | a person who is resting, one who is on vacation |
«дикарь» (=неорганизованный отдыхающий) | a vacationer without "путёвка" a pass to a sanatorium or a tourist trip) |
дачник | person spending the summer in the country |
охотник | hunter, enthusiast |
коллекционер | collector |
(футбольный, шахматный) болельщик | (soccer, chess) fan |
d. | |
купальник | bathing suit |
бикини | bikini |
шорты | shorts |
тёмные очки | sunglasses |
крем для загара (от загара) | suntan lotion |
акваланг | scuba diving |
ласты | flippers |
е. | |
проводить/провести время | to spend time |
весело | gaily, merrily |
скучно | in a boring way |
интересно | interesting (ly) |
отдыхать/отдохнуть | to rest, to relax |
отдыхать на природе | to rest out of town, in the country |
отдыхать на курорте | to rest or relax at a resort |
отдыхать в доме отдыха | to rest in a rest home |
отдыхать (лечиться) в санатории | to rest (to be treated) in a sanatorium |
отдыхать «диким способом» (без путёвки) | to vacation without а pass |
гулять (по парку, в лесу) | to stroll (in a park, in a forest) |
лежать (на пляже, на траве) | to lie (on the beach, on the grass) |
купаться (в море, в реке) | to bathe, to swim (in the sea, in the river) |
валяться на песке | to lie on the sand |
загорать/загореть | to get a tan |
ловить рыбу (удочкой, спиннингом) | to catch fish (with a fishing rod, with a spinning reel) |
кататься на лодке (велосипеде, | to go boating (bicycle riding, |
водных лыжах, чёртовом колесе) | water-skiing, to ride a Ferris wheel) |
играть в волейбол (теннис, бадминтон, видеоигры) | to play volleyball (tennis, badminton, video games) |
играть на гитаре (аккордеоне, саксофоне) | to play a guitar (an accordion, a saxophone) |
увлекаться (туризмом, джазом, садоводством) | to be greatly interested in (tourism, jazz, gardening) |
ездить за город, на природу | to go out of town |
ездить на экскурсии (по городу, по стране) | to go on an excursion (around the city, around the country) |
отправиться в путешествие | to set out on a journey, trip |
получать новые впечатления | to get new impressions |
бродить по горам (лесу, полю, городу) | to roam about the mountains (in a forest, in a field, in a city) |
собирать грибы | to pick mushrooms |
открывать (для себя) новые мести | to find out about new places (for oneself) |
ночевать в палатке (на открытом воздухе) | to spend nights in a tent (in the open) |
рисовать | to draw, to paint |
посещать выставки | to visit exhibits |
играть в азартные игры | to gamble |
общаться с друзьями | to socialize with friends |
f. | |
Как вы проводите свое свободное время? | How do you spend your spare time? |
Какие ваши любимые занятия? | What are your favorite hobbies? |
Я интересуюсь... (джазом, кино). | 1 am interested in (jazz, cinema). |
Мне нравится... (слушать музыку, читать книги) | I like (to listen to music, to read books). |
Я люблю... (музыку, природу). | I like (music, nature). |
Какой ваш любимый вид спорта? | What is your favorite sport? |
Я играю в (волейбол, шахматы). | I play (volleyball, chess) |
Я... (баскетбольный, футбольный) болельщик. | I am a (basketball, soccer) fan. |
Какие у вас планы на вечер (на выходные дни)? | What plans do you have for this evening (for the weekend)? |