Глава 15. Досуг. Отпуск

Тематический словарь

досугspare time, leisure

на досуге

in one's spare time
свободное времяfree time
каникулыvacation (from school)
ездить на каникулы to go on vacation
забаваamusement, pastime
отпускvacation, leave
идти в отпускto go on vacation, to go on leave
отдых rest, relaxation
активный отдыхactive recreation
тишинаquiet, silence
покойpeace, quiet
А санаторий is closest to what would be called a rest home. People go there more for reasons of health than for recreation — for mud baths, mineral waters, and the like. Those who require special medical care are also sent to a sanatorium, usually no less than for 26 days.
дом отдыха house of rest
А дом отдыха is not what is meant by a rest home, nor is it really comparable to our resorts. One does not go there for reasons of health; one is sent there on vacation as a reward for having done a good job. It differs from a resort in that activities are regulated: meals, exercise and rest periods and bedtime all take place at specified times. А дом отдыха is usually attended for 12 or 24 days.
курортspa, resort
А курорт is any region where the climate, beaches, mineral waters, or any physical aspect of the area is thought to be conducive to good health- The дом отдыха or санаторий is often located at а курорт.
пансионат(resort) hotel
А пансионат has rooms and a dining hall or cooking facilities. It is attended by entire families and is in a location conducive to rest and recreation, often with оборудование на прокат (equipment, such as rowboats, for rent).
турбаза (туристская база)tourist base


pass to a sanatorium, rest home, tourist trip, etc

The путевка provides one with the right to stay at а санаторий, дом отдыха, пансионат, or турбаза at varying rates— sometimes totally free, more often at a reduced rate, or also at full price.
дачаcountry house, summer house
The word дача describes more the use to which a house is put rather than what the house looks like. It can range from a peasant hut to a rather large structure, some even tinged with former elegance- It is located in the country but is usually not far from a large city.

парк (культуры и отдыха)

park (of culture and rest)


amusements, attractions


excursion, outing


hiking expedition, walking tour



ездить на рыбалку

to go fishing



ходить, ездить на охоту

to go hunting

азартная игра








lover (of something), amateur


amateur fisherman


amateur sportsman


person on vacation or leave


a person who is resting, one who is on vacation

«дикарь» (=неорганизованный отдыхающий)

a vacationer without "путёвка" a pass to a sanatorium or a tourist trip)


person spending the summer in the country


hunter, enthusiast



(футбольный, шахматный) болельщик

(soccer, chess) fan



bathing suit





тёмные очки


крем для загара (от загара)

suntan lotion


scuba diving






проводить/провести время

to spend time


gaily, merrily


in a boring way


interesting (ly)


to rest, to relax

отдыхать на природе

to rest out of town, in the country

отдыхать на курорте

to rest or relax at a resort

отдыхать в доме отдыха

to rest in a rest home

отдыхать (лечиться) в санатории

to rest (to be treated) in a sanatorium

отдыхать «диким способом» (без путёвки)

to vacation without а pass

гулять (по парку, в лесу)

to stroll (in a park, in a forest)

лежать (на пляже, на траве)

to lie (on the beach, on the grass)

купаться (в море, в реке)

to bathe, to swim (in the sea, in the river)

валяться на песке

to lie on the sand


to get a tan

ловить рыбу (удочкой, спиннингом)

to catch fish (with a fishing rod, with a spinning reel)

кататься на лодке (велосипеде,

to go boating (bicycle riding,

водных лыжах, чёртовом колесе)

water-skiing, to ride a Ferris wheel)

играть в волейбол (теннис, бадминтон, видеоигры)

to play volleyball (tennis, badminton, video games)

играть на гитаре (аккордеоне, саксофоне)

to play a guitar (an accordion, a saxophone)

увлекаться (туризмом, джазом, садоводством)

to be greatly interested in (tourism, jazz, gardening)

ездить за город, на природу

to go out of town

ездить на экскурсии (по городу, по стране)

to go on an excursion (around the city, around the country)

отправиться в путешествие

to set out on a journey, trip

получать новые впечатления

to get new impressions

бродить по горам (лесу, полю, городу)

to roam about the mountains (in a forest, in a field, in a city)

собирать грибы

to pick mushrooms

открывать (для себя) новые мести

to find out about new places (for oneself)

ночевать в палатке (на открытом воздухе)

to spend nights in a tent (in the open)


to draw, to paint

посещать выставки

to visit exhibits

играть в азартные игры

to gamble

общаться с друзьями

to socialize with friends


Как вы проводите свое свободное время?

How do you spend your spare time?

Какие ваши любимые занятия?

What are your favorite hobbies?

Я интересуюсь... (джазом, кино).

1 am interested in (jazz, cinema).

Мне нравится... (слушать музыку, читать книги)

I like (to listen to music, to read books).

Я люблю... (музыку, природу).

I like (music, nature).

Какой ваш любимый вид спорта?

What is your favorite sport?

Я играю в (волейбол, шахматы).

I play (volleyball, chess)

Я... (баскетбольный, футбольный) болельщик.

I am a (basketball, soccer) fan.

Какие у вас планы на вечер (на выходные дни)?

What plans do you have for this evening (for the weekend)?