CHINESE Chinese Characters March 1975 Revised October 1975 DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CENTER Preface The purpose of Chinese Characters I and II is to provide you with a foundation in the written language through the presentation of 600 carefully selected characters. The character forms introduced are those being used today in the People's Republic of China, where many of the traditional forms have been simplified to make the task of character learning easier. You will find the study of Chinese characters to be both fascinating and rewarding. Learning to read one of the world's most "exotic" written languages will not only give you a great sense of personal satisfaction, but will also provide you with an important tool for vocabulary building. As you learn some of the combinations in which a character recurs you will gradually develop the ability to infer the meaning of new words containing that character. Additionally, learning these 600 characters will thoroughly acquaint you with the basic principles of Chinese character structure which you need to know in order to look up unfamiliar characters in a Chinese-English dictionary. Thus, the characters that you learn will serve as the point of departure for exercises in dictionary use. For this purpose, a character index system has been provided at the end of this book. This particular indexing system is the one used in the Chinese-English Dictionary of Modern Communist Usage, which will be a standard reference for looking up characters both here and in the field. Lesson 1
Characters , , èr sān Nu: one, a, an Nu: two Nu: three Nu: four Nu: five liù , , jiǔ shí Nu: six Nu: seven Nu: eight Nu: nine Nu: ten rén xiǎo tiān yuè N: person, people SV: be big, great, large SV: be small, little M/N: day N: month shàng xià zhōng de V/Sp/PW: get onto, ascend/ last/on top (of) V/Sp/PW: get down from, descend/next below A: also, too BP: middle, China P: particle of modification yǒu méi shì liǎng V: have, has; there is or are V: have not EV: be, am, are, is Nu: couple, two M: unit (general measure) men , PN: I, me PN: you (singular) PN: he, she, him, her P: (pluralizing suffix for pronouns) A: (negative prefix to verbs and adverbs)
Reading Practice 1. 二月有二十八天。 sān yuè yǒu sān shí bā tiān. Février a vingt-huit jours. 2. 我们二十五个人 dōu dào dàxué qù niànshū wǒmen èr shí wǔ ge rén dōu dào dàxué qù niànshū 3. 三个 háizi 天天 chàng guó gēr Nà sān ge háizi tiān tiān chàng zhōngguó gēr. 4. 他们两 wèi dōu 没有 biǎo tāmen liǎng wèi dōu méi yǒu biǎo. 5. 你们的小 háizi 诶有 qián(你们的小孩子没有钱) nǐmen de xiǎo háizi méi yǒu qiān. 6. Zuó 天有六七个人 zài lóu kàn bào. Zuó Tiān yǒu liù qī gè rén zài lóu xià kàn bào . 7. 天天 zǎo 上我 zài 我们 jiāli chīfàn Tiāntiān zǎo shàng wǒ zài wǒmen jiāli chīfàn . 8. 有人 shuō 小的不是我的。 Yǒu rén shuō xiǎo de bù shì wǒ de. 9. 我们 jiā gòng 有九个大人。 Wǒmen jiā yī gòng yǒu jiǔ gè dà rén. 10. Tāmen méiyǒu xiǎo háizi wǒmen yě méiyǒu xiǎo háizi. 11. Wǒ, nǐ, tā, wǒmen sánge rén dōu shì xuésheng. 12. Nà liǎngge zhōngguó rén yǒu liǎngge xiǎo nǚháizi méiyǒu nánde. 13. Shàngtou de nàge shì wǒde. 14. Tāmen shì shíèr yuè jiǔ hào lái de.
Lesson 2
Characters zài zhè, zhèi ér nèi, , něi, CV/V: be at, in or on Sp: this BP: son, dimi- nutive particle Sp: that, which PW: inside wài qián tóu hòu le, liǎo PW: outside PW: front N: head P: localizer suffix PW: back, rear P: Ccompleted action RYE: capability dào shén ma, me fāng V: arrive at CV: to BP: what BP: what BP: place BP: place
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Lesson 3
Characters duō shǎo xiān shēng lái SV: be much, many SV: be few, little A: first BP: teacher BP: teacher V: come yào shuō hǎo huà AV/V: want to/ want V: go V: speak, say SV: be good, well N: speech, language gěi guó hěn kàn P: (noun suffix) V: give CV: for, to N: country, nation A: very V: see, look at, read
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Lesson 4
Characters mǎi mài dōng 西 BP/A: may/ indeed V: buy V: sell PW/BP: east/ thing PW/BP: west/ thing dōu xiǎng zuò shì duì 使 A: all AV/V: think/ to think V: do, make, act N: business SV/CV: be correct/ towards, to yòng xiē shí hòu qián CV/V: with/ use Nu: several, many BP: time BP: time N: money
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Lesson 5
Characters xué xiě běn V: study, learn V: write BP: Japan BP/M: Japan/ (volume) N: word, characters néng qǐng zuò chī fàn AV: can, be able to V: invite, request, please V: sit V: eat N: rice, mealy food huì jiù huí wèn AV/BP: can / a moment A: only, then BP: can (kěyǐ) V/M: return / (a time occurence) V: ask
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Lesson 6
Characters bǎi lǎo péng yǒu Nu: several M: hundred SV/A: be old/ always BP: friend BP: friend hái, huán wèi zǎo xiàn zǒu A/Vt still, yet, again/ return BP: for, because SV: be early BP: now V: walk, go, leave jiào bàn diǎn tīng V/CV: call/ let Nu: half BP: meaning, intention M/BF: (for hour)/a little V: hear, listen
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Lesson 7
Characters zhù qīn jiā V: live, stay BP: father BP: mother BF: parents N: home, family jīn wǎn niàn shū kuài BP: present (day, year) SV/BP: be late/ evening V: study, read aloud N: book M/BP: (for dollars)/ together suǒ xìng míng zuó BP: therefore P: Cordinalizing prefix to numbers) N/EV: surname/ be sumamed BP: next (year) tomorrow; clear BP: yesterday
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Lesson 8
Characters yòu děng zhe, zhuó, zháo, zhāo zhī dào A: again (completed action) V: wait P: (continuance) RV:(success) V: get BP: know BP: know kuài chū mén zài SV: be fast V: exit (out) N: door A: again (future) BP: rise, get up màn cóng nián zhōng SV: be slow CVs (in bi-pattern) CV: from M/Ns year BP/N: hours, ofclock/ clock
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Lesson 9
Characters bài bié ài BP: week BP: week BP/AV: other /don't AV/V: love to/lov V: take, carry yīn guì tài wèi B?: because SV: be expensive A/BP: too, excessively /wife, Mrs. BP: meaning M: (polite for persons) jìn xíng sòng qíng jiàn V: enter SV: all right V: sesdy deliver, escort BP: thing, affair, job M: (for articles, affairs, bagages)
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Lesson 10
Characters xīn shǒu biǎo xìn zhǐ SV: be new N: hand N: watch N/V: letter, mail/trust in N: paper nán shéi, shuí qiān wàn Att: male Att: female PN: who, whom M: thousand M: ten thousand zhēn cháng fáng A: really, truly N: pen, pencil A: often N : house BP: room
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Lesson 11
Characters zěn chàng ne zhèng BP: how V: sing N: song P: [continuance, suspence) A: just, in the midst of jiàn gāo dìng jǐn V: see, meet SV: be tall, high BP: must BP: certainly BP: important, urgent gěn zhāng ba CV: with, and M: (for tablesy papers, etc.〕 M: (for sentences) BP: angry polite P: (probability, request)
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Lesson 12
Characters jīng gào hái BP: already BP: already BP: tell BP: tell BP: child suì chà bái nán M/N: night N/M: year(s) old BP: almost V: differ by SV: be white SV: be hard, difficult dǒng wàng zhàn chéng V: understand V: forget V/N: stand /station N: city BP: younger brother
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Lesson 13
Characters kāi huǒ chē pǎo guò V: open, drive, operate N/BP: fire /train N: vehicle V: run V/P: pass/ (experience) xiè zhǎo bào guān xiào V: thank V: look for, hunt for N: newspaper V: close (up) BP: school , děi, de jiāo, jiào fēn shuǐ V/AV/P: get/must/ (infix in RV) V/BP: teach/ education V/M: divide /(minute, penny) M/BP: (1/4 hour)/ inediately N: water
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Lesson 14
Characters suàn xiào BP: self BP: self BP/V: plan/ beat, fight BP/V: plan/ calculate V/BP: smile/ joke rèn shì zhuō cài chá BP: recognize BP: recognize N: table, desk N: vegetable, dish of food N: tea gōng jiē fàng BP: free or leisure time BP: free or leisure time N: street V: put, place, let go of BP: underneath, below
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Lesson 15
Characters bìng yīng dāng shuì gòu N: sickness SV: be sick BP: should, ought to BP: should, ought to V: sleep SV: be enough huān bāng BP: elder brother BP: like to BP: like to V: help V: cry pīng yuàn dài wán BP: ordinary, peaceful BP: be willing to V: take or bring along N: road V: play
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Lesson 16
Characters bàn wán róng cuò V: manage, do V/RVE: finish /(completed) BP: be easy BP: be easy SV: be wrong wén měi huài 怀 V: fear, be afraid of BP: written language BP: method/ law/French SV/BP: be beautiful /America SV: be bad, broken jué, jiào míng BP: store, shop BP: feel/ sleep BP: name, famous BP: guest, polite BP: clothes
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Lesson 17
Characters huà shān gēng, gèng V/N: draw, paint/ picture N: mountainy hill N: fish N: river A: even more cháng, zhǎng chuán zuì duǎn SV: be long /head of N: boat, ship A: the most, -~est SV: be short CV/V: than/ compare with yàng hēi tiáo M: kind, sort, way M: (a tine, occurrence〗 P: (indicating extreme degree) SV: be blacky dark M: (for rivers, streets, etc,)
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Lesson 18
Characters zuǒ biān jiǔ guǎn jìn PW: left M: .side, border, part N: wine, liquor BP: house (inn, hotel, restaurant, bar) SV: be near, close nán yuǎn chuān máng 穿 CV/BP: from/ leave PW: south SV: be far V: wear (clothes) SV: be busy zhí jiù yòu běi BP: straight on SV: be old (in use) PW: right V: drink PW: north
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Lesson 19
Characters guài cái liǎn BP: be strange BP: be strange A; just, not until V: wash N: face dàn rán wàng, wǎng biàn, pián 便 BP: but, not only BP: otherwisey certainly V/BP: allow/ perhaps CV: towards BP: be convenient/ be cheap měi xīn wáng máo shǔ/shù Sp: each N/BF: heart/ be careful N: (a surname) M: dime V/N: count/ number
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
Lesson 20
Reading Practice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Table of radicals (Excerpt from the Wikipedia page) No. Radical (variants) Stroke count Meaning Pīnyīn Simplified Examples 1 1 one 七三丈不丘世 2 1 line gǔn 3 1 dot zhǔ 丸, 主 4 丿 1 slash piě 久,之,乎 5 乙 (⺄, 乚) 1 second 九,也 6 1 hook jué 了,事 7 2 two èr 五,井,些,亞 8 2 lid tóu 亡,交,京 9 人 (亻,Ƣ) 2 man rén 仁,休,位,今 10 2 son, legs ér 兄,元 11 2 enter 入,全,兩 12 2 eight 公,六,共,兵 13 2 (down box) jiōng 内,再 14 2 cover 冗,冠 15 2 ice bīng 冬,冶,冷,凍 16 2 table 17 2 (open box) 凶,出,函 18 刀 (刂) 2 knife dāo 刀,分,切,初,利,刻,則,前 19 2 power 力,加,助,勉 20 2 wrap bāo 勾,包 21 2 spoon 化,北 22 2 (right open box) fāng 23 2 hiding enclosure xǐ/xì 匹,區 24 2 ten shí 十,千,午,半,博 25 2 divination 占,卦 26 卩 (㔾) 2 seal (device) jié 印,危,卵 27 2 cliff hǎn (pr. chǎng) 厚,原 28 2 private 去,參 29 2 again yòu 友,反,取,受 30 3 mouth kǒu 口,古,可,名,君,否,呉,告,周,味,命,和,哲,唐,善,器 31 3 enclosure wéi 四,回,國,圖 32 3 earth 土,在,地,型,城,場,壁,壓 33 3 scholar shì 士,壹 34 3 go zhǐ 35 3 go slowly suī 36 3 evening 夕,外,多,夜 37 3 big 大,天,奈,奧 38 3 woman 女,好,妄,妻,姉,始,姓,姫 39 3 child 子,孔,字,學 40 3 roof mián 守,家,寒,實 41 3 inch cùn 寸,寺,尊,將 42 小 (⺌, ⺍) 3 small xiǎo 小,少 43 尢 (尣) 3 lame wāng 尤,就 44 3 corpse shī 尺,局 45 3 sprout chè 46 3 mountain shān 山,岡,岩,島 47 巛 (川, 巜) 3 river chuān 川,州,巡 48 3 work gōng 工,左,巫,差 49 3 oneself 己,巳 50 3 turban jīn 市,布,帝,常 51 3 dry gān 平,年 52 3 short thread yāo 幻,幼 53 广 3 (dotted cliff) guǎng 序,店,府,度,座,庭,廣,廳 54 3 long stride yǐn 55 3 (two hands) gǒng 56 3 shoot 式,弑 57 3 bow gōng 弓,引,弟,弱,彌 58 彐 (彑) 3 snout 当,彖 59 3 bristle shān 形,彦 60 3 step chì 役,彼,後,得,徳,徼 61 心 (忄,⺗) 4 heart xīn 必,忙,忌,性,悪,情,想 62 4 halberd 成,式,弐,戦 63 戶 (户,戸) 4 door 戸,戻,所 64 手 (扌,龵) 4 hand shǒu 手,才,持,掛,挙,拜,拳,掌,掣,擧 (打,批,技,抱,押) 65 4 branch zhī 攱,攲 66 攴 (攵) 4 rap, tap 收,敍,數,斅 67 4 script wén 文,斊,斈,斌,斐,斑,斕 68 4 dipper dǒu 料,斡 69 4 axe jīn 斦,斧,新,斥,斬,斷 70 4 square fāng 方,放,旅,族 71 无 (旡) 4 not 无,旡,既,旣 72 4 sun 日,白,百,明,的,映,時,晩 73 4 say yuē 書,最,晉,曷,曹,曾 74 4 moon yuè 有,服,青,朝 75 4 tree 木,杢,板,相,根,森,楽,機,末,本,杉,林 76 4 lack qiàn 欣,欽,欧,欲,歌 77 4 stop zhǐ 正,歩,此,步,武,歪,歲 78 歹 (歺) 4 death dǎi 死,列,殕 79 4 weapon shū 役,投,殴,殷 80 毋 (母, ⺟) 4 do not 毋,母,毎,姆,梅 81 4 compare 皆,批,毕,毖,毘,毚 82 4 fur máo 毟,毡,毦,毫,毳,耗 83 4 clan shì 氏,民,紙,婚,氓 84 4 steam 気,汽,氧 85 水 (氺,氵) 4 water shuǐ 水,永,泳,決,治,海,演,漢,瀬 86 火 (灬) 4 fire huǒ 火,灯,毯,爆 (烈,烹,焦,然,煮) 87 爪 (爫) 4 claw zhǎo 爬,爯,爭,爰,爲 88 4 father 斧,釜 89 4 (double x) yáo 爼,爽,爾 90 爿 (丬) 4 (half tree trunk) qiáng 牀,奘,牃 91 4 slice piàn 版,牌,牒 92 4 fang 芽,呀,牚 93 牛 (牜, ⺧) 4 cow niú 告,牟,牧,物,特,解 94 犬 (犭) 4 dog quǎn 犬,犯,狂,狙,狗,献,獣 95 5 profound xuán 弦,玆 96 玉 (玊, 王, ⺩) 5 jade 王,玉,主,弄,皇,理,差,聖 97 5 melon guā 呱,瓞 98 5 tile 瓧,瓮,甄 99 5 sweet gān 柑,甜,酣 100 5 life shēng 牲,笙,甥 101 5 use yòng (shuǎi) 佣,甬,甯 102 5 field tián 田,町,思,留,略,番 103 疋 (⺪) 5 bolt of cloth 疏,楚,胥,延 104 5 sickness 病,症,痛,癌,癖 105 5 dotted tent, legs 発,登 106 5 white bái 皃,的,皆,皇 107 5 skin 披,彼,波 108 5 dish mǐn 盂,盉,盍,監,蘯 109 5 eye 目,見,具,省,眠,眼,観,覧 110 5 spear máo 茅,矜 111 5 arrow shǐ 医,族,矩 112 5 stone shí 石,岩,砂,破,碑,碧 113 示 (礻) 5 spirit shì 示,礼,社,奈,神,祭,視,禁,福 114 5 track róu 禹,禺,禽 115 5 grain 利,私,季,和,科,香,秦,穀 116 5 cave xué 空,突,窅,窘,窩,窶,竇 117 5 stand 立,音,産,翌,意,新,端,親,競 118 竹 (⺮) 6 bamboo zhú 竺,笑,第,等,簡 119 6 rice 料,断,奥,糊,麟 120 糸 (糹) 6 silk 系,級,紙,素,細,組,終,絵,紫 121 6 jar fǒu 缶,缸,窑,陶 122 网 (罒,⺲,罓,⺳) 6 net wǎng 買,罪,置,羅 123 羊 (⺶,⺷) 6 sheep yáng 着,羚,翔,着 124 6 feather 習,翀,翁,翔 125 老 (耂) 6 old lǎo 耆,孝,耋 126 6 and ér 耎,耐,耑 127 6 plow lěi 耔,耝,耨,耰 128 6 ear ěr 取,聞,職,叢 129 聿 (⺻) 6 brush 律,書,建 130 肉 (⺼) 6 meat ròu 肉,肖,股,胃,腅,脤 131 6 minister chén 臥,宦,蔵 132 6 self 自,臫,臬,臲 133 6 arrive zhì 致,臸,臺 134 6 mortar jiù 桕,舅,舂,鼠,插 135 6 tongue shé 乱,适,話,舍 136 6 oppose chuǎn 舛,舜,舞 137 6 boat zhōu 航,船,艦 138 6 stopping gēn 良,飲,很 139 6 color 色,艴,艷 140 艸 (艹) 6 grass cǎo 共,花,英,苦,草,茶,落,幕,靴,鞄,薬 141 6 tiger 虎,虐,彪,虒 142 6 insect chóng (pr. chóng) 蚯,蚓,強,触,蟻,蟹 143 6 blood xuè 洫,衁,衅,衆 144 6 walk enclosure xíng 行,衍,術,衝 145 衣 (衤) 6 clothes 衣,初,被,装,裁,複 146 襾 (西,覀) 6 west 西,要,覊 147 7 see jiàn 規,親,覺,觀 148 7 horn jiǎo 觚,解,觕,觥,觸 149 言 (訁) 7 speech yán 誁,詋,詔,評,詗,詥,試,詧 150 7 valley 谿,豀,谸 151 7 bean dòu 豈,豐,豎 152 7 pig shǐ 豖,豚,象 153 7 badger zhì 豹,貌,貓,貈,貉 154 7 shell bèi 財,賊,賜,贛,貧,貨,貫,貿 155 7 red chì 赫,赭 156 走 (赱) 7 run zǒu 赴,起,超 157 足 (⻊) 7 foot 跑,跨,跟,跪,路 158 7 body shēn 躬,躲,軀 159 7 cart chē 軌,軟,較,軍,載 160 7 bitter xīn 辜,辟,辣,辦,辨 161 7 morning chén 辱,農 162 辵 (辶,⻌,⻍) 7 walk chuò / zouzhi 巡,迎,通,追,逃,辶,迎,進 163 邑 (阝,⻏,⻖) 7 city 那,邦,郎,部,郭,都,鄉 164 7 wine yǒu 醉,酱,油,醒,酸 165 7 distinguish biàn 釉,釋 166 7 village 野,野 167 金 (釒) 8 gold jīn 銀,銅,釘,銳,鋞,鋙,鉒,鉍,鉗,鈡,鈠 168 長 (镸) 8 long cháng 镸,镽 169 8 gate mén 間,閑,關,闘,閉,開,閏,間,關 170 阜 (阝) 8 mound 阪,防,阻,陆,陘,院,险,陳 171 8 slave 隸,隺 172 8 short-tailed bird zhuī 雀,集,雁,难,雀,雅 173 8 rain 雾,霜,雪,霸,雲,霧 174 青 (靑) 8 blue qīng 靕,靖,靜 175 8 wrong fēi 靠,靠,靟 176 面 (靣) 9 face miàn 靦,靨 177 9 leather 靴,鞍,鞅,鞍,鞭 178 9 tanned leather wéi 韋,韓,韜 179 9 leek jiǔ 韱,韲 180 9 sound yīn 韶,韻,韾 181 9 leaf 頃,項,順,須,領,頭,頩,頂 182 風 (ب) 9 wind fēng 颱,飄,颿,颩,颪 183 9 fly fēi 飜,飝 184 食 (飠) 9 eat shí 飯,飲,餓,餘,餐,養 185 9 head shǒu 馗,馘 186 9 fragrant xiāng 馨,馫 187 10 horse 馮,馴,馳,駐,驚 188 10 bone 骼,髒,髀,骿,骾 189 高 (髙) 10 tall gāo 髚,髛 190 10 hair biāo 髮,鬚,鬆,鬍,髦 191 10 fight dòu 鬧,鬪 192 10 sacrificial wine chàng 鬰,鬱 193 10 cauldron 鬶,鬷,鬸 194 10 ghost guǐ 魂,魁,鬽,魄 195 11 fish 鯉,鮑,魛,魜,魝,魞,魟,魠 196 11 bird niǎo 鳫,鳮,鳱,鳳,鳴,鳿,雞,鳴,鴻,鴛 197 11 salt 鹹,鹼,鹽 198 鹿 11 deer 塵,麃,麋,麉,麟 199 11 wheat mài 麴,麵,麱,麨,麺 200 11 hemp 麼,魔 201 12 yellow huáng 黊,黌 202 12 millet shǔ 黏,黎 203 12 black hēi 點,黛,黱,黨 204 12 embroidery zhǐ 黼,黻 205 13 frog mǐn 鼈,黿,鼆 206 13 tripod dǐng 鼏,鼒 207 13 drum 鼗,鼘 208 13 rat shǔ 鼢,鼣,鼤 209 14 nose 鼼,鼽,鼿 210 14 even 齋,齏,齏 211 15 tooth chǐ 齿 齡,齠,齗 212 16 dragon lóng 龖,龘 213 16 turtle guī 214 17 flute yuè Original from the textbook, based on Chinese-English dictionary of Modern Communist Usage. Chinese characters index 愛(爱) ài AV/V: love to/love 9 ba P: (probability, request) 11 , Nu: eight 1 CV: (in - pattern) 8 bái SV: be white 12 bǎi M: hundred 6 bài BF: week 9 bàn V: manage, do 16 bàn Nu: half 6 bān V: help 15 bào N: newspaper 13 běi PW: north 18 běn BF/M: Japan/ (volume) 5 N: pen, pencil 10 CV/V: than/compare with 17 BF: must 11 biān M: -side, border, part 18 便 biàn, pián BF: be convenient/be cheap 19 biǎo N: watch 10 bié BF/AV: other/don't 9 bìng N: SV: sickness be sick 15 , A: (negative prefix to verbs and adverbs) 1 cái A: just, not until 19 cài N: vegetable, disb. of food 14 chà BF: V: almost differ by 12 chá N: tea 14 cháng, zhǎng SV: be long/head of 17 cháng A: often 10 chàng V: sing 11 chē N: vehicle 13 chéng N: city 12 chī V: eat 5 chū V: exit (out) 8 穿 chuān V: wear (clothes) 18 chuán N: boat, ship 17 M: (a time, occurrence) 17 cóng CV: from 8 cuò SV: be wrong 16 BF/V: plan/beat, fight 14 SV: be big, great, large 1 dài V: take or bring along 15 dàn BF: but, not only 19 dāng BF: should, ought to 15 dào V: CV: arrive at to 2 dào BF: know 8 de P: particle of modification 1 dé, děi, de V/AV/P: get/must/(infix in RV) 13 děng V: wait 8 BF: underneath, below 14 P: (ordinalizing prefix to numbers) 7 BF: place 2 BF: younger brother 12 diǎn M/BF: (for hour)/a little 6 dìng BF: certainly 11 dōng PW/BF: east/thing 4 dǒng V: understand 12 dōu A: all 4 duǎn SV: be short 17 duì SV/CV: be correct/towards, to 4 duō SV: be much, many 3 ér BF: son, diminutive particle 2 èr Nu: two 1 BF: method/law/French 16 fàn N: rice, meal, .food 5 fāng BF: place 2 fáng N: house 10 fàng V: put, place, let go of 14 fēn V/M: divide/(minute, penny) 13 BF: free or leisure time 14 BF: father 7 gāo SV: be tall, high 11 gào BF: tell 12 BF: elder brother 15 N: song 11 M: unit (general measure) 1 gěi V: CV: give for, to 3 gēn CV: with, and 11 gēng, gèng A: even more 17 gōng BF: free or leisure time 14 gòu SV: be enough 15 guài BF: be strange 19 guān V: close (up) 13 guǎn BF: house (inn, hotel, restaurant, bar) 18 guì SV: be expensive 9 guó N: country, nation 3 guò V/P: pass/(experience) 13 hái BF: child 12 hái, huán A/V: still, yet, again/return 6 hǎo SV: be good, well 3 V: drink 18 N: river 17 hēi SV: be black, dark 17 hěn A: very 3 hòu PW: back, rear 2 hòu BF: time 4 huà V/N: draw, paint/picture 17 huà N: speech, language 3 huài SV: be bad, broken 16 huān BF: like to 15 huí V/M: return/(a time occurrence) 5 huì AV/BF: can/a moment 5 huǒ N/BF: fire/train 13 P: (indicating extreme degree) 17 BF: self 14 Nu: several 6 jiā N: home, family 7 jiàn M: (for articles, affairs, baggages) 9 jiàn V: see, meet 11 jiāo, jiào V/BF: teach/education 13 jiào V/CV: call/let 6 jiē N: street 14 jīn BF: present (day, year) 7 jǐn BF: important, urgent 11 jìn SV: be near, close 18 jìn V: enter 9 jīng BF: already 12 jiǔ N: wine,liquor 18 jiǔ Nu: nine 1 jiù SV: be old (in use) 18 jiù A: only, then 5 M: (for sentences) 11 jué, jiào BF: feel/sleep 16 kāi V: open, drive, operate 13 kàn V: see, look at, read 3 BF/A: may/indeed 4 BF: guest, polite 16 M/BF: (l/4 hour)/immediately 13 kuài M/BF: (for dollars)/together 7 kuài SV: be fast 8 V: cry 15 lái V: come 3 lǎo SV/A: be old/always 6 le, liǎo P: RVE: (completed action) (capability) 2 CV/BF: from/leave 18 PW: inside 2 BF: week 9 liǎn N: face 19 liǎng Nu: couple, two 1 liù Nu: six 1 N: road 15 ma, me BF: what 2 mǎi V: buy 4 mài V: sell 4 màn SV: be slow 8 máng SV: be busy 18 -毛(钱) máo(qián) M: dimes 19 没— méi V: have not 1 měi SV/BF: be beautiful/America 16 měi Sp: each 19 men P: (pluralizing suffix for pronouns) 1 mén N: door 8 míng BF: name, famous 16 míng BF: next (year), tomorrow; clear 7 BF: mother 7 V: take, carry 9 nán SV: be hard, difficult 12 nán Att: male 10 nán PW: south ne P: (continuance, suspense) 18 那哪 nèi, nà, něi, nǎ Sp: that, which 11 néng AV: can, be able to 2 PN: you (singular) 5 nián M/N: year 1 niàn V: study, read aloud 8 Att: female 7 V: fear, be afraid of 16 pǎo V: run 13 péng BF: friend 6 píng BF: ordinary, peaceful 15 BF: store, shop 16 qī, qí Nu: seven 1 BF: be strange 19 —起 BF: rise, get up 8 BF: angry, polite 11 qiān M: thousand 10 qián PW: front 2 qián N: money 4 qīn BF: parents 7 qíng BF: thing, affair, job 9 qǐng V: invite, request, please 5 V: go 3 rán BF: otherwise, certainly 19 rén N: person, people 1 rèn BF: recognize 14 BF: Japan 5 róng BF: be easy 16 sān Nu: three 1 shān N: mountain, hill- 17 shàng V/Sp/PW: get onto, ascent/last/ on top (of) 1 shǎo SV: be few, little 3 shéi, shuí PN: who, whom 10 shén BF: what 2 shēng BF: teacher 3 shí Nu: ten 1 shí BF: time 4 shì EV: be, am, are, is 1 shì N: business 4 shì BF: recognize 14 shǒu N: hand 10 shū N: book 7 shǔ/shù V/N: count/number 19 shuǐ N: water 13 shuì V: sleep 15 shuō V: speak, say 3 BF: meaning 9 Nu: four 1 sòng V: send, deliver, escort 9 BF: tell 12 suàn BF/V; plan/calculate 14 suì N/M: year(s) old 12 suǒ BF: therefore 7 PN: he, she, him, her 1 tài A/BF: too, excessively/wife, Mrs. 9 tiān M/N: day 1 tiáo M: (for rivers, streets, etc.) 17 tīng V: hear, listen 6 tóu N: P: head (localizer suffix) 2 wài PW: outside 2 wán V/RVE: finish/(completed) 16 玩儿 wánr V: play 15 wǎn SV/BF: be late/evening 7 wàn M: ten thousand 10 wáng N: (a surname) 19 wàng V: forget 12 wàng, wǎng CV: towards 19 wèi BF: for , because 6 wèi M: (polite for persons) 9 wén BF: written language 16 wèn V: ask 5 PN: I,me 1 BF: room 10 Nu: five 1 西 PW/BF: west/thing 4 BF: like to 15 V: wash 19 —下 xià V/Sp/PW: get down from, descend/next below 1 xiān A: BF: first teacher 3 xiàn BF: now 6 xiǎng AV/V: think/to think 4 xiǎo SV: be small, little 1 xiào BF: school 13 xiào V/BF: smile/joke 14 xiē Nu: several, many 4 xiě V: write 5 xiè V: thank 13 xīn SV: be new 10 xīn N/BF: heart/be careful 19 xìn N/V: letter, mail/trust in 10 xíng SV: all right 9 xìng N/EV: surname/be surnamed 7 V/BF: allow/perhaps 19 xué V: study, learn 5 yào AV/V: want to/want 3 yàng M: kind, sort, way 17 A: also, too 1 M/N: night 12 BF: clothes 16 yī, yí, yì Nu: one, a, an 1 BF: already 12 BF: can (kěyǐ) 5 BF: be easy 16 BF: meaning, intention 6 yīn BF: because 9 yīng BF: should, ought to 15 yòng CV/V: with/use 4 yǒu BF: friend 6 yǒu V: have, has, there is or are 1 yòu A: again (completed action) 8 yòu PW: right 18 N: fish 17 yuǎn SV: be far 18 yuàn BF: be willing to 15 yuè N: month 1 zài A: again (future) 8 zài CV/V: be at, in or on ... 2 zǎo SV: be early 6 zěn BF: how 11 zhàn V/N: stand/station 12 zhāng M: (for tables, papers, etc.) 11 zhǎo V: look for, hunt for 13 —着 zhe, zhuó, zháo, zhāo P: RVE: V: (continuance) (success) get 8 zhè, zhèi Sp: this 2 zhēn A: really, truly 10 zhèng A: just, in the midst of 11 zhī BF: know 8 zhí BF: straight on 18 zhǐ N: paper 10 zhōng BF/N: hours o'clock/clock 8 zhōng BF: middle, China 1 zhù V: live, stay 7 zhuō N: table, desk 14 P: <noun suffix) 3 N: word, characters 5 BF: self 14 zǒu V: walk, go, leave 6 zuì A: the most, -est 17 zuó BF: yesterday 7 zuǒ PW: left 18 zuò V: sit 5 作 做 zuò V: do, make, act 4