Module-1.xml 7.9 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <?xml-model href="" schematypens=""?>
  3. <?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?>
  4. <book xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0"
  5. xmlns:xi="">
  6. <info>
  7. <title>CHINESE BASIC COURSE</title>
  8. <subtitle>Textbook - Module 1</subtitle>
  9. <subjectset>
  10. <subject>
  11. <subjectterm>Module I</subjectterm>
  12. <subjectterm>Lessons 1-6</subjectterm>
  13. </subject>
  14. </subjectset>
  15. <author>
  16. <personname><firstname/><surname/></personname>
  17. <affiliation>
  19. </affiliation>
  20. </author>
  21. <pubdate>June 1983</pubdate>
  22. <revhistory>
  23. <revision>
  24. <date>Revised August 1989</date>
  25. </revision>
  26. </revhistory>
  27. </info>
  28. <preface>
  29. <title>Preface</title>
  30. <para xml:id="Abbreviations">This third validation edition is the result of the revision of
  31. Units 1 through 4, Orientation Module, Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach (SCAMA), and the
  32. feedback received during the second validation of these materials (April 87.)</para>
  33. <para>
  34. <informaltable frame="all" xml:id="Abre">
  35. <tgroup cols="6">
  36. <colspec colname="c1" colnum="1" colwidth="0.5*"/>
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  42. <thead>
  43. <row>
  44. <entry namest="c1" nameend="c6" align="center">
  45. <para>Abbreviations used in the glossary of this module </para>
  46. </entry>
  47. </row>
  48. </thead>
  49. <tbody>
  50. <row>
  51. <entry>A:</entry>
  52. <entry>Adverb</entry>
  53. <entry>MA:</entry>
  54. <entry>Movable Adverb</entry>
  55. <entry>S/SUB:</entry>
  56. <entry>Subject</entry>
  57. </row>
  58. <row>
  59. <entry>ADJ:</entry>
  60. <entry>Adjective</entry>
  61. <entry>N:</entry>
  62. <entry>Noun</entry>
  63. <entry>SP:</entry>
  64. <entry>Specifier</entry>
  65. </row>
  66. <row>
  67. <entry>AV:</entry>
  68. <entry>Auxiliary Verb</entry>
  69. <entry>NU:</entry>
  70. <entry>Number</entry>
  71. <entry>SV:</entry>
  72. <entry>Stative Verb</entry>
  73. </row>
  74. <row>
  75. <entry>BF:</entry>
  76. <entry>Bound Form</entry>
  77. <entry>O:</entry>
  78. <entry>Object</entry>
  79. <entry>Tt:</entry>
  80. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tàitai</foreignphrase></entry>
  81. </row>
  82. <row>
  83. <entry>C/CONJ:</entry>
  84. <entry>Conjunction </entry>
  85. <entry>P:</entry>
  86. <entry>Particle</entry>
  87. <entry>TW:</entry>
  88. <entry>Time Word</entry>
  89. </row>
  90. <row>
  91. <entry>CV:</entry>
  92. <entry>Co-Verb</entry>
  93. <entry>PH:</entry>
  94. <entry>Phrase</entry>
  95. <entry>Tz:</entry>
  96. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">tóngzhì</foreignphrase></entry>
  97. </row>
  98. <row>
  99. <entry>EV:</entry>
  100. <entry>Eguative Verb</entry>
  101. <entry>PN:</entry>
  102. <entry>Pronoun</entry>
  103. <entry>V:</entry>
  104. <entry>Verb</entry>
  105. </row>
  106. <row>
  107. <entry>EX:</entry>
  108. <entry>Exclamation</entry>
  109. <entry>PT:</entry>
  110. <entry>Pattern</entry>
  111. <entry>VO:</entry>
  112. <entry>Verb Object</entry>
  113. </row>
  114. <row>
  115. <entry>IE:</entry>
  116. <entry>Idiomatic Expression</entry>
  117. <entry>PW:</entry>
  118. <entry>Place Word</entry>
  119. <entry>Xj:</entry>
  120. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiǎojiě</foreignphrase></entry>
  121. </row>
  122. <row>
  123. <entry>M:</entry>
  124. <entry>Measure</entry>
  125. <entry>QW:</entry>
  126. <entry>Question Word</entry>
  127. <entry>Xs:</entry>
  128. <entry><foreignphrase xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">xiānsheng</foreignphrase></entry>
  129. </row>
  130. </tbody>
  131. </tgroup>
  132. </informaltable>
  133. </para>
  134. </preface>
  135. <preface>
  136. <title>Module Objectives</title>
  137. <para> Upon successful completion of this module you will be able to recognize, discriminate and
  138. produce the sounds of Chinese Mandarin and to write the <foreignphrase
  139. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">hànyǔ pīnyīn</foreignphrase> romanization of any of its
  140. sounds.</para>
  141. </preface>
  142. <preface>
  143. <title>Functional Objectives</title>
  144. <para>At the end of the module you will be able to appropriately use Chinese to:<orderedlist>
  145. <listitem>
  146. <para>Identify yourself or someone else by title, surname and/or full name. </para>
  147. </listitem>
  148. <listitem>
  149. <para>Affirm or negate someone's identity. </para>
  150. </listitem>
  151. <listitem>
  152. <para>Greet someone and respond to a greeting. </para>
  153. </listitem>
  154. <listitem>
  155. <para>Count from 0 to 99 to 999 in isolation.</para>
  156. </listitem>
  157. <listitem>
  158. <para>State location of people and places.</para>
  159. </listitem>
  160. <listitem>
  161. <para>Identify your or someone else's place of origin and nationality. </para>
  162. </listitem>
  163. <listitem>
  164. <para>Ask and respond to questions about where someone is staying or living.</para>
  165. </listitem>
  166. <listitem>
  167. <para>Express possession and existence using the verb <foreignphrase
  168. xml:lang="cmn-Latn-pinyin">yǒu</foreignphrase>. </para>
  169. </listitem>
  170. <listitem>
  171. <para>Ask and respond to questions about the number of someone's family members, and their
  172. relationship to each other. </para>
  173. </listitem>
  174. <listitem>
  175. <para>Ask and respond to questions about birthday and birth places.</para>
  176. </listitem>
  177. <listitem>
  178. <para>Ask and respond to questions about employment and places of employment.</para>
  179. </listitem>
  180. <listitem>
  181. <para>Ask and respond to questions about specific location of place of employment.</para>
  182. </listitem>
  183. <listitem>
  184. <para>Ask and respond to questions regarding location of specific building in relation to
  185. other buildings or places of employment.</para>
  186. </listitem>
  187. <listitem>
  188. <para>Dodge an impolite or embarrassing question. </para>
  189. </listitem>
  190. </orderedlist></para>
  191. <para>Achievement of the above objectives will be evaluated by means of a CRT (Criterion
  192. Referenced Test) administered at the end of the module</para>
  193. </preface>
  194. <toc/>
  195. <xi:include href="Introduction.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
  196. <xi:include href="Lesson-1.xml" xpointer="element(/1)"/>
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  198. <xi:include href="book-1/lesson-05.xml" xpointer="element(/1)" />
  199. <xi:include href="book-1/lesson-06.xml" xpointer="element(/1)" />
  200. <xi:include href="book-1/lesson-07.xml" xpointer="element(/1)" />
  201. <xi:include href="book-1/lesson-08.xml" xpointer="element(/1)" />
  202. <xi:include href="book-1/lesson-09.xml" xpointer="element(/1)" />
  203. <xi:include href="book-1/lesson-10.xml" xpointer="element(/1)" />
  204. -->
  205. </book>