Lesson 1
Part I - The Russian Sound System
Section One: Introduction The Soviet Union is the largest country in the world, occupying an area of 8.65 million square miles (one-sixth of the earth's land mass). Russian is the administrative language of the Soviet Union and is spoken by more than 200 million people. The importance of the Russian language may be seen in the following statistics. At the beginning of the 19th century, one European in seven was Russian. At the beginning of the 20th century, one European in four was Russian. Today, including annexed lands and satellite countries, one of every two Europeans is either Russian or under Soviet rule. The situation after 1989 In 1989, the Soviet Union collapsed, and doesn't exist anymore.
Section Two: The Cyrillic Alphabet Russian uses the Cyrillic rather than the Latin alphabet. There are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet and, with few exceptions, there is basically only one corresponding pronunciation for each letter. Therefore, having learned the alphabet, one can read and pronounce Russian words more or less correctly. The letters of the Cyrillic alphabet are introduced in groups on the following charts.
Section Three: Cyrillic Letters The figure below shows Cyrillic letters that are similar in form to English letters and that denote similar sounds. The <emphasis role="italic"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Аа Оо Кк Мм Тт</foreignphrase></emphasis> letters. PRINTED WRITTEN SIMILAR TO ENGLISH COMMENTS a: father, palm, car, arm The Russian а sound is a bit shorter than its counterpart in English. o: more, pore The Russian о sound is never as in the English " so." k: skill, scotch, crab, crash The Russian к sound is not drawn out. m: my, mama, me, moose Represents the sound m. t: stop, tool, tick, tot The tongue is against the back of the upper teeth (as in seventh").
Section Four: Cyrillic Script Below are some Russian words formed from the letters presented in Figure above. Practice reading and writing these words. Application ма́ма от ток като́к мак кот ом ата́ка так мот акт такт кто Том Ка́ма там
Section Five: Cyrillic Letters The figure below shows Cyrillic letters which are similar to English letters in form, but that denote different sounds. The <emphasis role="italic"><foreignphrase xml:lang="ru">Вв Нн Рр Сс Хх Уу</foreignphrase></emphasis> letters. PRINTED WRITTEN SIMILAR TO ENGLISH COMMENTS v: voice, vote Represents the sound v. n: note, now ninth The tongue is against the back of the upper teeth (as in "ninth") . r There is no exact equivalent; p is rolled or trilled as in the Spanish. s: son, so, sell Represents the sound s. h: hut, Bach The х sound is close to the Spanish j in "Juan" and "Jose." oo; moon, ooze, tool, boot The Russian sound у is a bit shorter than its English counterpart.
Section Six: Cyrillic Script Below are some Russian words formed from the letters presented in Figure above. Practice reading and writing these wordsApplication вот сок хор у́ро нос ваш вас вор рот хо́бот сон
Section Seven: Cyrillic Letters The д, е, ё, и, ф, ц letters. PRINTED WRITTEN SIMILAR TO ENGLISH COMMENTS dinner, datcha, dude Represents the sound d. Represents the sound ye, like in yes. Represents the sound yo. Represents the sound i. f: football Represents the sound f, like in football. Represents the sound ts, like in cats.
Section Eight: Cyrillic Script Below are some Russian words formed from the letters presented in Figure above. Practice reading and writing these words Application фон це́нтер цирк дорого́й фа́брика моё Дон и́рис Ни́на ёлка фа́ра
Section Nine: Cyrillic Letters The щ, ъ, ы, ь, ю, я letters. PRINTED WRITTEN SIMILAR TO ENGLISH COMMENTS fresh, question looks like the letter ш, except for its little tail. It represents a sound similar to the combination shch, as in fresh cheese or the sti combination in the word question. No sound: it's a separator. represents a vowel sound which does not exist in English. This letter will never begin a word and is often used to form the plural of nouns. No sound: it's a softener of the precedent consonant. is a vowel which has two pronunciations in Russian: * Ю at the beginning of a word or as the second vowel in a vowel cluster is pronounced yoo. * After a consonant this letter indicates that the consonant is palatalized, i.e. It is pronounced with the middle portion of the tongue raised towards the roof of the mouth. Ю then represents the vowel y. Is a vowel which has two pronunciations in Russian: * Я at the beginning of a word or as the second vowel in a vowel cluster is pronounced ya. * After a consonant this letter indicates that the consonant is palatalized, i.e. It is pronounced with the middle portion of the tongue raised towards the roof of the mouth. Я then represents the vowel a.
Section Ten: Cyrillic Script Below are some Russian words formed from the letters presented in Figure above. Practice reading and writing these words Application дя́дя шля́па ю́пка вы мы ты дождь мыр мы́ло про́ще сыр щу́ка моль прдъезд
Section Eleven: Reading and Writing Practice Practice reading and writing the words below. дом дар ду́ма акт том так тур А́нна сом сан суро́к ум рот рак рука́ а́рка кот как кум о́хра нос нас кутро́ у́рна вон вас рву антра́кт мох мат му́ха атама́н хор хам ху́нта Ма́рта
Section Twelve: Sound Discrimination - Unstressed <emphasis role="bold" >o</emphasis> The unstressed Russian о is pronounced like an unstressed Russian a. Compare the following words. Sound Discrimination Stressed ó ро́с Unstressed a Unstressed o раска́т роса́ ра́га - ра́но му́ха - у́хо
Section Thirteen: Reading Practice Practice reading the following words aloud. ́oн дом во́рон ра́но она́ дома́ воро́на стра́нно оно́ сова́ коро́ва у́хо охра́на коро́на мото́р Москва́ тома́т сторона́ тра́ктор доска́ арома́т самова́р окно́ у́тро
Part II - Conversational Models
Section One: Stress Stress is the pronunciation of a vowel with greater intensity, emphasis, or loudness than if it were unstressed. In Russian, stress not only determines the correct pronunciation of a word but may even alter its meaning. Consequently, in learning new vocabulary it is imperative that you learn the correct stress of each word as well as the changes that may accompany variations in form (e.g., singular to plural). To assist you in the process of memorization, stress patterns will be established wherever possible.
Section Two: Vocabulary vocabulary вот here is ... да yes дом - вот дом. house - here is the house. до́ма at home доска́ - вот доска́. blackboard - here is the blackboard. карма́н - вот карма́н. pocket - here is the pocket ка́рта - вот ка́рта. map - here is the map. ко́мната - вот ко́мната. room - here is the room. кто? who? курса́нт - кто курса́нт? student (male) (see note end of page) - who is the student? курса́нтка - вот курса́нтка. student (female) (see note end of page) - here is the student. матро́с - кто матро́с? seaman, sailor - who is the sailor? окно́ - вот окно́. window - here is a window. он - кто он? - он курса́нт. he - who is he? - he is a student она́ - она́ до́ма. she - she is at home. рука́ - вот рука́. hand - here is a hand. там - ка́рта там? - да, ка́рта там. there - is the map (over) there? - yes, the map is (over) there танк - там танк. tank (military vehicle) - the tank is (over) there тут - тут ко́мната, там окно́. here - the room is (over) here, the window is (over) there. уро́к - тут уро́к? - да. lesson, class (the activity, not the classroom) - is the class here? - yes. у́тро morning
The word курсант (ка) refers to a student in a military school.
Section Three: Communication Patterns Listen to your instructor read the exchanges aloud. Pay particular attention to the stress and intonation patterns. Practice voicing the exchanges. 1. - Кто там? Who's over there? - Там курса́нт. A student (male) is there. 2. - Он матро́с? Is he a sailor? - Да, он матро́с. Yes, he is a sailor 3. - Курса́нтка тут? Is the student (female) here? - Да, она́ тут, Yes, she's here. 4. - Кто до́ма? Who's at home. - Она́ до́ма. She's at home. 5. - Доска́ тут? Is the blackboard here? - Да, доска́ тут. Yes, the blackboard is here.
Part III - Progress Check
Section One: Homework Review Review and discuss the activities in Homework I.
Section Two: Vocabulary Check Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in parentheses. Translate the sentences into English. Кто ___? (he) Кто он? Тут ___. (student, male) Тут студе́нт. ___ там? (who) Кто там? Там ___. (student, female) Там студе́нтка. Курса́нт ___? (at home) Курса́нт дома? ___, курса́нт до́ма. (yes) Да, курса́нт до́ма Курса́нтка ___? (there) Курса́нтка там? Да, ___ там. (she) Да, она там. Кто ___? (he) Кто он? Он ___. (seaman) Он матрос. ___ ко́мната. (here is) Тут ко́мната. Вот ___. (map) Вот карта. ___ там. (house) Дом там. ___ тут. (blackboard) доска тут. Вот ___. (pocket) Вот карман.
Section Three: Reading Practice Practice reading the following exchanges aloud. - Он курса́нт? - Да, он курса́нт. - Она курса́нтка? - Да, она курса́нтка. - Кто до́ма? - Матро́с до́ма. - Тут уро́к? - Да, тут уро́к. - Окно́ там? - Да, окно́ там.
Section four: Writing Practice Practice writing the following words. тот окно стакан Москва дом доска урок удар Антон внук вода комната
Section Five: Dictation Write the words read by your instructor.
Part IV - Structural Models
Section One: Intonation in Questions and Answers Read the models paying particular attention to the intonational patterns. Question Answer Кто он? Он курса́нт. Кто она́? Она́ курса́нка. Question Answer Он курса́нт? Да, он курса́нк. Она́ курса́нка? Да, она́ курса́нка. Note that Russian uses a rising intonation in questions and a falling intonation in answers. Он курсант? Да, он курсант.
Section Two: Exercises Exercise 1. Form two questions for each of the sentences below as in the model. Он курса́нт. Кто он? Он курса́нт? Она курса́нтка. Он матро́с. Он курса́нт. Она́ тут. Он там. Курса́нт тут. Матро́с там. Exercise 2. Answer the questions using complete sentences as in the model. Кто там? Там курса́нт. Кто там? (Матро́с) А In conversation, the connective a is often placed at the beginning of a sentence, particularly in questions. It serves to introduce a new idea or topic. кто тут? (Курсантка) Она́ тут? (да) Матро́с там? (Да) Кто он? (Матро́с) А кто она́? (Курса́нтка) Она курса́нтка? (Да) А кто курса́нт? (Он) Он курса́нт? (Да) А кто курса́нтка? (Она) А кто матро́с? (Он) Дом там? (Да) А ко́мната тут? (Да) Курса́нт до́ма? (Да) А курса́нтка до́ма? (Да) Доска́ тут? (Да) А ка́рта там? (Да)
Section Three: Notes on Structural Features Unlike English (which has the definite and indefinite articles "the" and "a/an"), Russian lacks articles. The meanings conveyed in English by articles are rendered in Russian by context or word order. Там карта. There is a map over there. Карта там. The map is over there. The verb "to be" in English has present tense forms ("am, is, are") which are used as linking verbs. The corresponding forms in Russian are not used. He is a sailor. Он матрос. She is a student. Она курсантка. Exercise. Provide Russian equivalents for the following sentences. - Who is he? - He's a student (male). - Who is she? - She is a student (female). - Is he a seaman? - Yes, he is a seaman. - Is the map (over) there? - Yes, the map is (over) there. - Is the class (over) here? - Yes, the class is (over) here.
Part V - Application: practice reading the following words and word pairs.
Section One: Reading Practice акт дрок куст дно такт трон мост Марс кто кран хвост курс танк торт два страх кадр старт двор храм тут - тот так -как рак - рок мох - мах тот - дот как - кок рок - ром мах - хам дот - дон кок - мор ром - мор хам - сам Дон - дом ком - мок мор - вор сам - сом дом - дам мок - мак вор - вон сом - сок дам - там мак - му́ка вон - вот сок - сук там - том му́ка - мука́ вот - ва́та сук - сух том - мот му́ха - мука́ ва́та - ха́та сух - су́мма мот - мо́да мука́ - кума́ ха́та - тара́ су́мма - су́хо мо́да - до́ма кума́ - куда́ Та́ра - ра́на су́хо - са́хар до́ма - да́ма куда́ - туда́ ра́на - ра́ма са́хар - ка́сса уро́к ва́хта ко́нтур уда́р давно́ ко́нкурс тума́н ква́рта карма́н со́ус матро́с су́мрак ко́нус кра́ска ту́ндра стака́н у́рна ко́мната кво́та м́арка канта́та сно́ва су́мка курса́нтка дра́ма но́рма стару́ха она́ соро́ка у́тро окно́ воро́та ра́но вода́ домкра́т во́рох сова́ Москва́ ро́кот коса́ коро́ва тра́ктор доска́ воро́на хо́хот нора́ острова́ су́дно дрова́ сторона́ тру́дно корма́ хромота́ ко́ротко
Section Two: Pronunciation Exercises Listen to your instructor read the following sentences. Pay particular attention to stress and intonation. Repeat the sentences after your instructor. - Вот танк. - Танк тут. - Танк тут? - Да, танк тут. - Там ка́рта. - Ка́рта там. - Ка́рта там? - Да, ка́рта там. - Вот Анто́н. - Кто он? - Он курса́нт. - Вот Анна. - Она́ курса́нтка? - Да, она́ курса́нтка. - Кто тут? - Тут матро́с. - Он курса́нт? - Да, он курса́нт. - Кто там? - Там курса́нтка. - А кто тут? - Тут курса́нт. - Анто́н до́ма? - Да, он до́ма. - А А́нна тут? - Да, она́ тут.
Section Three: Structural Exercises Form questions and answers as in the model. Доска тут. Доска тут? Да, доска тут. Ка́рта там. Он курса́нт. Тут ко́мната. Там курса́нтка. Она́ там. Он матро́с. Окно́ тут. Танк там. Она́ курса́нтка. Матро́с тут.
Part VI - Comprehension Read the following sentences aloud. The words that you have not had are included for pronunciation only.
Section One: Listening Comprehension Exercises Exercise 1. Listen to your instructor read the following sentences. Indicate which utterances are questions and which are answers by supplying the correct punctuation. Тут танк_ Тут танк_ Доска́ тут_ Доска́ тут_ Он курса́нт_ Он курса́нт_ Матро́с до́ма_ Матро́с до́ма_ Ко́мната там_ Ко́мната там_ Там окно́- Там окно́_ Exercise 2. Write the words read by your instructor. Exercise 3. Read the words you wrote and provide an English translation for each.
Section Two: Reading Comprehension Exercises Exercise 1. Там Москва́, а тут Курск. Тут доска́, а там ка́рта. Анто́н - курса́нт, а А́нна - курса́нтка. Вот дом. Тут ко́мната, а там окно́. Тут у́тро, а там? Вот тра́ктор, а тут мото́р. Вот дом. Курса́нтка до́ма. Там Том. Он матро́с. Exercise 2. Read the following sentences aloud and provide an English translation of each. Вот дом. Там матро́с. - Курса́нтка до́ма? - Да, она́ до́ма. Вот ко́мната. Тут окно́, там доска́. А́нна - курса́нтка. Ато́н - курса́нт. Он матро́с.
Part VII - Reinforcement
Section One: Homework Review Review and discuss the activities in Homework II.
Section two: Writing Exercises Practice writing the following words and sentences, утро, стакан, драма, Москва, трудно, монарх, вахта, сорока Вот рука. Тут комната, там окно. Тут урок. Доска там, карта тут. Вот Антон. Он матрос. Вот Анна, она дома. Кто она? Она курсантка. Там танк.
Section Three: Conversation Form questions and answers based on the pictorial cues as in the model Тут карта? А там окно? Да, ткт акрта. ДА, там окно.
Part VIII - Communication
Section One: Interpreter Exercise Translate the Russian sentences into English and the English sentences into Russian. - Is the house here? - Да, дом тут. - Who is at home? - Курсант до́ма. - Is he a sailor? - Да, он матро́с. - Is the window there? - Да, окно́ там. - And is the blackboard here? - Да, доска́ тут. - Is Anna a student? - Да, А́нна - курса́нтка. - Who is he? - Он курса́нт. - And who is she? - Она́ курса́нтка. - Is the lesson here? - Да, уро́к тут. - Is the map there? - Да, ка́рта там.
Section Two: Conversation Exercise Exercise 1. Ask another student as many questions as possible on the basis of the pictorial cues. Exercise 2. Make as many inquiries as you can concerning the people and items in your classroom.
Section Three: Lesson Review Review any of the previous parts of this lesson as necessary.