1Module 5: TransportationDocBook XSL Stylesheets with Apache FOPChapter 1. Module 5: TransportationTable of ContentsObjectivesUnit 1 Target ListUnit 2 Target ListUnit 3 Target ListUnit 4 Target ListUnit 5 Target ListUnit 6 Target ListUnit 7 Target ListUnit 8 Target ListUnit 1ReferencesReference ListVocabularyReference NotesNotes on №1-2Notes on №3Notes on №4Notes on №5Notes on №6Notes on №7Notes on №8Notes on Additional VocabularyVocabulary boosterDrillsExpansion drillExpansion drillResponse drillResponse drillExpansion drillResponse drillTransformation drillTransformation drillExpansion drillResponse drillExpansion drillUnit 2ReferencesReference ListVocabularyReference NotesNotes on №1Notes on №2Notes on №3Notes on №4Notes on №5Notes on №6Notes on №7DrillsSubstitution drillResponse drillExpansion drillResponse drillResponse drillExpansion drillTransformation drillResponse drillResponse drillExpansion drillUnit 3ReferencesReference ListVocabularyReference NotesNotes on №1Notes on №2-3Notes on №4Notes on №5Notes on №6-7Notes on №8Notes on №9Notes on №10DrillsExpansion drillExpansion drillExpansion drillResponse drillTransformation drillExpansion drillResponse drillExpansion drillUnit 4ReferencesReference ListVocabularyReference NotesNotes on №1Notes on №2Notes on №3Notes on №4Notes on №5Notes on №6Notes on №7Notes on №8DrillsResponse drillExpansion drillResponse drillExpansion drillResponse drillResponse drillResponse drillTransformation drillUnit 5ReferencesReference ListVocabularyReference NotesNotes on №1Notes on №2Notes on №3-4Notes on №5Notes on №6Notes on №7-8DrillsResponse drillResponse drillResponse drillTransformation drillResponse drillTransformation drillSubstitution drillTransformation drillExpansion drillResponse drillExpansion drillUnit 6ReferencesReference ListVocabularyReference NotesNotes on №1Notes on №2Notes on №3Notes on №4Notes on №5Notes on №6Notes on №7DrillsExpansion drillResponse drillExpansion drillSubstitution drillExpansion drillResponse drillExpansion drillExpansion drillUnit 7ReferencesReference ListVocabularyReference NotesNotes on №1Notes on №2Notes on №3Notes on №4Notes on №5Notes on №6Notes on №7Notes on Additional VocabularyVocabulary booster: animalsDrillsTransformation drillExpansion drillResponse drillExpansion drillSubstitution drillTransformation drillTransformation drillExpansion drillExpansion drillUnit 8ReferencesReference ListVocabularyReference NotesNotes on №1Notes on №2Notes on №3Notes on №4Notes on №5Notes on №6Notes on №7Notes on Additional VocabularyDrillsTransformation drillExpansion drillSubstitution drillTransformation drillSubstitution drillResponse drillTransformation drillTransformation drillTransformation drillExpansion drillModule 5: TransportationModule 5: TransportationChapter 1. Module 5: TransportationTable of ContentsObjectivesUnit 1 Target ListUnit 2 Target ListUnit 3 Target ListUnit 4 Target ListUnit 5 Target ListUnit 6 Target ListUnit 7 Target ListUnit 8 Target ListUnit 1ReferencesDrillsUnit 2ReferencesDrillsUnit 3ReferencesDrillsUnit 4ReferencesDrillsUnit 5ReferencesDrillsUnit 6ReferencesDrillsUnit 7ReferencesDrillsUnit 8ReferencesDrillsStudent TextbookObjectivesObjectivesUpon successful completion of this module, the student should be able to1.Give the English equivalent for any Chinese sentence in the TRN Target Lists.2.Say any Chinese sentence in the TRN Target Lists when cued with its English equivalent.3.Use the bus system: find out which buses go to a specific destination, at what times they leave, how often they run, where to buy tickets, where to change buses (if necessary), when the last bus of the day leaves, and where his stop is.4.Take a taxi: hail one, tell the driver where to go, and use commands such as “hurry,” “slow down,” and “stop here.”5.Use the train system: find out which trains go to a specific destination, at what times they leave, when and where to buy tickets, whether or not tickets are available for a train leaving on a specific date at a specific time, the distance to the destination, the duration of the train trip to that place, which platform the train leaves from, what to do with luggage, and whether or not the train has a dining car.6.Take a plane: reserve a ticket for a certain date and time; find out whether or not the flight is direct, the duration of the flight, and traveling time to the airport; and arrange for transportation to the airport.7.Describe in detail a trip (taken in the past or planned for the future): places visited (which places and what they are like), traveling companions, transportation for the trip, length of stay, number of previous trips to the same places.Unit 1 Target ListUnit 1 Target List1.Dào Xīméndīng qù, zuò jǐlù chē?  到西門町去,坐幾路車?  What bus do you take to get to Ximénding?    Zuò Shíbālù.  坐十八路。  Take Number 18.  2.Shíbālù chē duō bu duo?  十八路車多不多?  Are there many Number 18 buses?    Bù hěn duō.  不很多。  Not very many.  3.Měi gé jǐfēn zhōng yǒu yìbān chē?  每隔幾分鐘有一班車?  How often is there a bus?   4.Wǒ měige Xīngqīliù dōu qù kàn diànyǐng.  我每個星期六都去看電影。  I go to see a movie every Saturday.   5.Zuìhòu yìbān chē shi jǐdiān zhōng?  最後一班車是幾點鐘?  What time is the last bus?   6.Zhèbān chē shì bu shi qù Xīméndīng?  這班車是不是去西門町?  Does this bus go to Xīméndīng?   Shì. Shàng chē ba!  是。上車吧!  Yes. Get on!   7.Dào Xīméndīngde shíhou, qǐng gàosong wǒ.  到西門町的時候,請告誦我。 When we get to Xīméndīng, please tell me.  8.Wǒ shì bu shi zài zhèli xià chē?  我是不是在這裏下車?  Is it here that I get off?    Bú shi. Xià yízhàn.  不是。下一站。  № The next stop.   ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-1 and P-1 tapes)  9.shàng-   last, previous (something)   10.tóu-   first (something)   11.gàosu  告訴 to tell, to inform (alternate pronunciation for gàosong)   12.shǎo   to be few   13.xià chē  下車  to get off the bus; “Out, please!”   14.yǒu(de) shíhou  有(的)時候  sometimes   15.chéng   city Unit 2 Target ListUnit 2 Target List1.Dào zhǎnlǎnguǎn yǒu meiyou zhídáchē?  到展覽館有沒有直達車?  Is there a direct bus to the exhibition hall?    Měiyou. Zuò Yīlù chē, zuò dao Xīdān huàn chē.  沒有。坐一路車,坐到西單換車。 № Take the Number 1 bus; take it to Xīdān and change buses.  2.Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào?  咱們在哪兒買票? Where do we buy tickets?    Zài chēshang mǎi piào. 在車上買票。 We buy tickets on the bus.   3.Hǎo, xiànzài zǒu ba!  好,現在走吧。 Okay, let’s go now!   4.Èi! Zánmen bú shi zuòguò zhàn le ba?  誒!咱們不是坐過站了吧? Hey! Haven’t we gone past our stop?    Hái méi ne. Xià yízhàn cái xià chē.  還沒呢。下一站才下車。 Not yet. We don’t get off until the next stop.  5.Láojià, Shíwǔlù qìchēzhàn zài nǎr?  勞駕,十五路汽車站在哪兒?  Excuse me, where is the Number 15 bus stop?    Jiù zài nèige lùkǒurshang.  就在那個路口兒上。 It’s (just) on that corner.   6.gōnggòng qìchē  公共汽車  public bus (local)   ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-1 and P-1 tapes)   7.-li   in (locational ending)   8.-shang   on   9.shàng ban  上班  to start work, to go to work   10.xià bān  下班  to get off from work, to leave work Unit 3 Target ListUnit 3 Target List1.Wǒ yào zuò jìchéngchē dào huǒchēzhàn qu. 我要計程車到火車站去。 I want to take a taxi to the train station.   2.Wǒ zhǐ yǒu zhè liǎngjiàn xíngli. 我只有這兩件行李。 I have only these two suitcases.    Hǎo, wǒ ba xíngli fàng zai qiánbǐan.  好,我把行李放在前邊。  Okay, I’ll put the suitcases in front.  3.Nǐ kāide tài kuài le!  你開得太快了! You are driving too fast!  4.Tā kāi chē, kāide bú kuài. 他開車,開得不快。 He doesn’t drive fast.  5.Wǒmen yǒu shíjiān, láidejí.  我們有時間,來得及。 We have time. We can make it in time.   6.Qǐng màn yìdiǎn kāi.  請慢一點開。 Please drive a little slower.   7.Bié kāi nàme kuāi!  別開那麽快! Don’t drive so fast!   8.Qǐng ni zài qiánbian nèige yínháng tíng yíxià. 請你在前邊那個銀行聼一下。 Please stop at that bank up ahead for a moment.   9.Bú yòng zhǎo le.  不用找了。 Keep the change.    ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-1 and P-1 tapes)   10.chūzū qìchē  出租汽車  taxi (PRC)   11.láibují  來不及  can’t make it in time   12.qìchē  汽車  car, motor vehicle   13.zhème  這麽  so, to this extent, in this way   14.zènme  怎麽  so, to this extent, in this way Unit 4 Target ListUnit 4 Target List1.Wǒ xiǎng qù Táinán wán jitiān. 我想去臺南玩幾天。  I’m thinking of going to Tainan to relax for a few days.  2.Nǐ shuō shi zuò huǒchē qu hǎo ne, háishi zuò Gōnglùjú qu hǎo e?  你説是坐火車去好呢,還是坐公路局去好呢? Would you say it’s better to go by train or to go by bus?   Zuò huǒchē qu hǎo. Dào Táinán qù zuò Gōnglùjú bú dǎ fāngbian.  坐火車去好。到臺南去坐公路局不大方便。 It’s better to go by train. To go to Tainan, it's not very convenient to take the bus.  3.Zuò huǒchē děi xiān mǎi piào ma?  坐火車得先買票嗎?  If I take the train, is it necessary to buy tickets ahead of time?    Nǐ zuìhǎo liǎngsāntiān yǐqián qù mǎi piào.  你最好兩三天以前去買票。  It would be best for you to go to buy your tickets two or three days ahead of time.    Zuò Gōnglùjú ne?  坐公路局呢?  And if I take the bus?    Bú bì xiān mǎi piào.  不必先買票。 It's not necessary to buy tickets ahead of time.  4.Nǐ yào zuò shénme shíhoude chē?  你要做什麽時候的車? What train do you want to take?    Wǒ yào zuò shàngwǔde chē.  我要坐上午的車。 I want to take a morning train.   5.Duìbuqǐ, shàngwǔde piào dōu màiwán le.  對不起,上午的票都賣完了。 I’m sorry, the tickets for the morning trains are all sold out.    ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-1 and P-1 tapes)   6.chuán   boat, ship   7.dìtiě  地鐵 subway (abbreviation for dìxià tiědào)   8.dìxià huǒchē  地下火車  underground train, subway  9.wán (wǎnr)  玩(兒) to play, to relax, to enjoy oneself   10.-wán   to be finished (occurs in compound verbs of result) Unit 5 Target ListUnit 5 Target List1.Wǒ xiǎng dào Nánjīng qù kànkan.  我想到南京去看看。 I would like to go to Nánjīng to look around.   Nǐ jìhua něitiān qù?  你計劃哪天去?  What day do you plan to go?    Míngtiān huòshi hòutiān qù dōu kéyi.  明天或是後天去都可以。 Tomorrow and (or) the day after are both possible.  2.Shànghǎi lí Nánjīng yǒu duó yuǎn? 上海離南京有多遠。 How far is Shanghai from Nánjīng?    Yǒu liǎngbǎiwǔshiduō gōnglī. 有兩百五十多公里。 It’s over 250 kilometers.  3.Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu duōshao shíhou?  坐火車要走多少時候。 How long does it take to go by train?    Yào zǒu sìge bàn xiǎoshí. 要走四個半小時。 It takes four and a half hours.  4.Zhèi shi wǒ dìyīcì dào Nánjīng qù. Yǐqiǎn méi qùguo. 這是我第一次到南京去。以前沒去過。 This will be the first time I have gone to Nánjīng. I haven’t gone there before.   5.Bànge xiǎoshí gòu le. 半個小時夠了。 Half an hour is enough.  6.Wǒ xīwang xiàwǔ líkāi zhèr. 我希望下午離開這兒。 I hope to leave here in the afternoon.   Shísāndiǎn líng wǔfēn yǒu yítàng tèkuài. 十三點零五分有一趟特快。 There’s an express at 1305.   ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-1 and P-1 tapes)   7.dǎsuan  打算 to plan to   8.huòzhě (huòzhe) 或者  or (alternate form of huòshi)  9.yǐhòu 以後  afterwards, later on, in the future   10.zhōngtóu  鐘頭  hour (alternate word for xiǎoshí) Unit 6 Target ListUnit 6 Target List1.Huǒchē jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi?  火車幾點鐘開?  What time does the train leave?    Shíbādiǎn wǔshiwǔfēn fā chē. 十八點五十五分發車。 It departs at 1855.   2.Qǐng nǐ bǎ nǐde hùzhào hé lǚxíngzhèng gěi wo.  請你把你的護照和旅行證給我。  Please give me your passport and travel permit.  3.Dào Shànghǎi qùde chē zài dìjǐ zhàntái?  到上海取得車在第幾站臺? On which platform is the train to Shànghǎi?   4.Bú yòng jí. Hái zǎo ne. Nǐ xiān zài zhèige jiēdàishì xiūxi xiuxi.  不用急。還早呢。你先在這個接待室休息休息。 No need to be anxious. It’s still early. First, rest a bit in this waiting room.   5.Wǒ zhèijiàn xíngli zěnme bàn? Shì bu shi kéyi náshang chē qu? 我這件行李怎麽辦?是不是可以拿上車去。  What should I do about this suitcase of mine? May I take it onto the train?    Kéyi bǎ xíngli náshang chē qu.  可以把行李拿上車去。 You may take the suitcase onto the train.  6.Zhèibān chē yǒu cānchē ba? 這班車有餐車吧?  This train has a dining car, I suppose?    Yǒu. Yǒu Zhōngcān, yě yǒu Xīcān. 有。有中餐,也有西餐。 Yes. There’s Chinese food and there’s also Western food.    Hǎojíle.  好極了。 Great.   ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-1 and P-1 tapes)   7.bān   to move   8.náshangqu  拿上去  to take up   9.náshanglai  拿上來 to bring up   10.áxiaqu  拿下去  to take down  11.náxialai 拿下來 to bring down   12.pǎo   to run   13.wǎn  to be late   14.yuètái 月臺  train platform (alternate word for zhàntái, more common in Taiwan) Unit 7 Target ListUnit 7 Target List1.Lǎo Sòng, zěnmeyàng? Máng ne? 老宋,怎麽樣?忙呢? Song, how are things going? Are you busy?   Bù zěnme máng. 不怎麽忙。 Not especially busy.  2.Qǐng ni gěi wo dìng yìzhāng fēijī piào. 請你給我訂一張飛機票。 Please reserve a plane ticket for me.  3.Piào dìnghǎo le. 票訂好了。 The ticket has been reserved.   Něibān fēijī? Jǐdiǎn zhōng qǐfēi? 哪班飛機?幾點鐘起飛? Which flight? What time does it take off?  4.Zhèibān fēijī zhí fēi Guǎngzhōuma? 這班飛機直飛廣州嗎?  Does this flight go directly to Guǎngzhōu?   5.Cóng Sānlǐtún dào fēijīchǎng yào duōshao shíjiān?  從三里屯到飛機場要多少時間?  How much time does it take to go from Sānlǐtún to the airport?   6.Rúguǒ wǒ bādiǎn zhōng líkāi jiā, láidejí ba?  如果我八點鐘離開家,來得及吧? If I leave home at eight o’clock, I can make it in time. Right?   7.Qǐng ni pài ge chē lái jiē wo, sòng wo dào fēijīchǎng qu.  請你派個車來接我,送我到飛機場去。  Please send a car to pick me up and take me to the airport.    ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-1 and P-1 tapes)   8.hǎo le  好了  to be satisfactorily completed   9.ǚguǎn  旅館  hotel   10.shuōhǎo le  説好了  to have come to an agreement (about something); (something) has been agreed on   11.xiǎnghǎo le  想好了 to have reached a conclusion (about something); (something) has been thought out   12.yàoshi  要是  if (alternate word for rúguǒ)   13.zuòhǎo le  做好了  to have finished doing (something); (something) has been finished Unit 8 Target ListUnit 8 Target List1.Hǎo jiǔ méi jiàn, nín chū mén le ba? 好久沒見,您出門了吧? I haven’t seen you in a long time. You have been away, I suppose?  2.Nín wèishénme gāng huílai yòu qù le ne? 您為什麽剛回來又去了呢? Why did you go again when you had just come back from there?   Wǒ zhèicì dào Guǎngzhōu qù shi yīnwei wǒ yǒu yige hěn hǎode péngyou cóng Xiānggǎng lái. 我這次到廣州去是因爲我有一個很好的朋友從香港來。 This time I went to Guǎngzhōu because I had a very good friend coming there from Hong Kong.  3.Wǒmen yǒu yìnián méi jiàn le. 我們有一年沒見了。 We had not seen each other for a year.   Tā qǐng wo péi ta yìqǐ qù lǚxíng. 她請我陪她一起去旅行。 She asked me to accompany her (in her) travels.  4.Sānge yuè yǐqián tā hái bù zhīdào néng bu néng lái. 三個月以前她還不知道能不能來。 Three months ago she didn’t know yet whether she would be able to come or not.  5.Nǐmen dōu qùguo shénme dìfang? 你們都去過什麽地方? What places did you go to?6.Hángzhōu gēn Sūzhōu zhēn shi piàoliang. 杭州跟蘇州真是漂亮。 Hángzhōu and Sūzhōu are really beautiful.  7.Yǒu jīhui wǒ yào zài qù yícì. 有機會我要再去一次。 If I have the chance, I would like to go again.  8.Zhèixiē dìfang nǐ dōu qùguo le ba? 這些地方你都去過了吧? You have gone to all those places, I suppose?   Méi dōu qùguo. 沒都去過。 I haven’t been to all of them.  9.huí guó 回國 to return to one’s native country  10.huí jiā 回家 to come/go home  11.huíqu 回去 to go back   ADDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-1 and P-1 tapes)   12.rènao 熱鬧 to be lively/bustling/noisy  13.yǒu yìsi 有意思 to be interesting  14.méi(yǒu) yìsi 沒(有)意思 to be uninteresting  15.suǒyǐ (suóyi) 所以 therefore, soUnit 1Unit 1ReferencesReferencesReference List1.A: Dào Xīméndīng qù, zuò jǐlù chē?  到西門町去,坐幾路車?  What bus do you take to get to Xīméndīng? B: Zuò Shíbālù.  坐十八路。  Take Number 18.2. A: Shíbālù chē duō bu duo?  十八路車多不多?  Are there many Number 18 buses? B:Bù hěn duō.  不很多。  Not very many.3.A: Měi gé duōshao shíhou yǒu yìbān chē?  每隔多少時候有一班車。  How much time is there between buses? B:Měi gé èrshifēn zhōng yǒu yìbān.  每隔二十分鐘有一班。  There’s one every twenty minutes.4. C:Wǒ měige Xīngqīliù dōu qù kàn diànyǐng.  我每個星期六都去看電影。  I go to see a movie every Saturday.5. A:Zuìhòu yìbān chē shi jǐdiǎn zhōng?  最後一班車是幾點鐘?  What time is the last bus? B: Shíyīdiǎn shífēn.  十一點十分。  Eleven-ten.  十一點十分。6. D:Zhèbān chē shì bu shi qù Xīméndīng?  這班車是不是去西門町?  Does this bus go to Xīméndīng? E: Shì. Shàng chē ba!  是。上車吧!  Yes, Get on!7. A: Dào Xīméndīngde shíhou, qǐng gàosong wǒ.  到西門町的時候,請告誦我。  When we get to Xīméndīng, please tell me. F: Hǎo.  好。  Okay.8. A:Hái yǒu jǐzhàn dào Xīméndīng?  還有幾站到西門町?  How many more stops are there to (before) Xīméndīng? F: Xià yízhàn jiù shi Xīměndīng.  下一站就是西門町。  The next stop is Xīméndīng.    DDITIONAL REQUIRED VOCABULARY (not presented on C-1 and P-1 tapes)    9.   shàng-    last, previous (something)   shàng-10.   tóu-    first (something)11.   gàosu  告訴  to tell, to inform (alternate pronunciation for gàosong)12.  shǎo    to be few13. xià chē  下車  to get off the bus; "Out, please!"14. yǒu(de) shíhou  有(的)時候  sometimes15. chéng    cityVocabulary-bān(counter for regularly scheduled trips of buses, planes, subways, trains, etc.)chēvehicle, bus, carchéngcityduōto be many-fēna minutegàosong告誦to tell, to informgàosu告訴to tell, to informto separate, to divide offjǐlù chē幾路車what number busměi-every, eachshàngto get onshàng-last, previous (something)shǎoto be fewtóu-first (something)xiàto get offxià-next (something)xià chē下車to get off the bus; “Out, please!”Xīmēndīng西門町(an area of Taipei)yǒu(de) shíhou有(的)時候sometimeszhàna stop, a stationzuìhòu最後last, final (something)   (introduced on C-2 and P-2 tapes)   Běihǎi Gōngyuán北海公園(a famous park in Běijīng)biěde shíhou別的時候other timesDōngjīng東京Tokyofàng jià放假to close for a holidayhǎowán好玩to “be fun (lit. , “good for relaxing”)huìwillsījī司機driver of a hired vehiclezǒu ba走吧let’s goReference NotesNotes on №1-21.A: Dào Xīméndīng qù, zuò jǐlù chē?  到西門町去,坐幾路車?  What bus do you take to get to Xīméndīng? B: Zuò Shíbālù.  坐十八路。  Take Number 18.2. A: Shíbālù chē duō bu duo?  十八路車多不多?  Are there many Number 18 buses? B:Bù hěn duō.  不很多。  Not very many.Xīméndīng literally means “West Gate ding”—dīng being a Japanese term for “district.” Xīméndīng is the area of Taipei which surrounds the former west gate of the city. Today the district includes many shops, department stores, and movie theaters. is the word for “route.” The question jǐlù? asks for the route number of the bus.Zuò, “to ride/to go by/to take [a conveyance]”:NoteZuò appeared earlier in Zuò diàntī dào èrlou, “Take the elevator to the second floor. Here zuò (literally, “to sit”) means to go by some means of transportation which the passenger is inside of (e.g., car, plane, boat, train, bus, elevator—NOT a motor- cycle or a horse). In exchange 1, zuò is used as a main verb. It can also be used as a prepositional verb, as inNǐ zěnme qù? 你怎麽去? How are you going? (i.e., by what means of transportation) Wǒ zuò huǒchē qù. 我坐火車去。 I am going by train.Duō, “to be many/much,” is an adjectival verb. There are several points to remember about duō: NoteAdjectival verbs are one type of STATE verb. See BIO, Unit 6. a.Adjectival verbs are sometimes used before a noun to modify it (e.g., xīn zhuōzi, “new table”; dà fángzi, “big house”). However, when duō is used in this way, it must be modified, for example, by hěn or tài. Tā mǎile hěn duō dōngxi. 他買了很多東西。 He bought a lot of things.   Běijīng jiēshang yǒu hěn duō cèsuǒ. 比較街上有很多厠所。 There are many toilets on the streets of Běijīng. b.Much more often, however, duō is used as the main verb of a sentence. Nǐde shū zhēn duō! 你的書很多。 You really have a lot of books!   Jīntiān jiēshangde rén hěn duō. 今天的街上的人很多。 There are a lot of people out today, (literally, “on the streets today”) [16] c.Often it does not occur to students to use duō as the main verb of a sentence because in English they do not usually say “The students are many.” They would say “There are many students,” with “many” as an adjective preceding “students.” Compare: Zhèrde rén hěn duō. 這兒的人很多。 There are a lot of people here.   Láide rén hěn duō. 來的人很多。 A lot of people came. NOTE: Shǎo, “to be few,” is used in almost the same ways as duō. (See Notes on Additional Required Vocabulary.) Notes on №33.A: Měi gé duōshao shíhou yǒu yìbān chē?  每隔多少時候有一班車。  How much time is there between buses? B:Měi gé èrshifēn zhōng yǒu yìbān.  每隔二十分鐘有一班。  There’s one every twenty minutes.Měi- is the word for “each,” “every.” is a verb meaning “to separate,” “to divide.” It is used for intervals of time between regularly occurring events (e.g., “every half hour”). In exchange 3, refers to the length of time between buses. měi gé duōshao shíhou 每 隔 多少 時候 (every divide-off [interval] how much time) “(every) how often” The first sentence could also be translated as “How often is there a bus?” or “How often do the buses run?”Example 1.1. Yìbān chē: The counter -bān is used for scheduled trips, or runs, of a vehicle. Yìbān chē is one bus run.Example 1.2. Èrshifēn zhōng:The counter -fēn, for minutes, is usually followed by zhōng, “clock.” (Zhōng means “o’clock” in telling time.) “One minute” is yìfēn zhōng.Měièrshifēn zhōngyǒuyìbānchē.二十分鐘一班車。eachintervaltwenty minutesthere isone [run]bus “There’s a bus every twenty minutes.”Notes on №44. C:Wǒ měige Xīngqīliù dōu qù kàn diànyǐng.  我每個星期六都去看電影。  I go to see a movie every Saturday.Měige: When used with a noun, měi- acts as a specifier and must be followed by a counter or a noun that does not require a counter.měi(ge) rěn 每(個)人 every person měizhāng zhuōzi 每個桌子 every table měitiān 每天 every day Dōu, “all”: Here the adverb dōu implies “each and every,” or “without exception”—“every Saturday, without exception.” When the subject of a sentence is specified by měi-, the following verb is usually modified by the adverb dōu.Notes on №55. A:Zuìhòu yìbān chē shi jǐdiǎn zhōng?  最後一班車是幾點鐘?  What time is the last bus? B: Shíyīdiǎn shífēn.  十一點十分。  Eleven-ten.  十一點十分。Zuìhòu yìbān chē: Zuì is the word for “most,” or “-est.” Zuìhòu means “latest,” or “last.” Note the order in which the elements of this phrase appear:zuìhòu-banchē最後lastonerunbus“the last bus”Both the number and the counter are required in this phrase.Compare:tóu -banchē“the first bus”xià-banchē“the next bus”shàng-banchē“the last (previous) bus”(See Note on № 8 and Notes on Additional Required Vocabulary for xià-, “next”; shàng-, “last,” “previous”; and tóu-, “first.”)Notes on №6 6. D:Zhèbān chē shì bu shi qù Xīméndīng?  這班車是不是去西門町?  Does this bus go to Xīméndīng? E: Shì. Shàng chē ba!  是。上車吧!  Yes, Get on! Shì bu shi qù, “does it go to”:* The use of shì bu shi qù rather than qù bu qu in this sentence implies that the speaker has an idea that the bus does go to Xīméndīng and wants to make sure. (Zhèbān chē qù bu qu Xīméndīng? would also be correct.)*For a discussion of the use of shì bu shi before another verb to form a question, see MON, Unit 5, notes on № 8.Qù Xīméndīng, “go to Xīméndīng”: The destination directly follows the main verb . You now know two ways to indicate destination: Wo dào Xīméndīng qù. I am going to Xīméndīng. 我到西門町去。 Wo qù Xīméndīng. 我去西門町。 The two forms are equally widely used.Shàng chē: This verb has several meanings. In the Directions Module, the meaning was “to go up” in Shàng lóu, yòubian jiù shi mài dìtúde. In this exchange, the meaning of shàng is “to get on/in [a vehicle].”Notes on №77. A: Dào Xīméndīngde shíhou, qǐng gàosong wǒ.  到西門町的時候,請告誦我。  When we get to Xīméndīng, please tell me. F: Hǎo.  好。  Okay.Dào Xīméndīngde shíhou means “when we arrive in Xīméndīng.” If you want to say, in Chinese, “when [something happens],” add -de shíhou to the phrase which names the happening.In English, “when” can mean either “during the same time” (e.g., “when I was a student”) or “immediately after” (e.g., “when the light turns green”). In Chinese, however, two different expressions are used for the two meanings: -de shíhou for “at the same time” and yǐhou for “immediately after.” Wǒ zài Xiānggǎngde shíhou hěn xǐhuan qù kàn diànyǐng. 我在香港的時候很喜歡去看電影。 When [i.e., while] I was in Hong Kong, I liked to go to the movies very much.   Wǒ dàole Táiběi yīhòu, mǎile hěn duō Zhōngwén shū. 我到了臺北以後,買了很多中文書。 When [i.e., after] I got to Taipei, I bought a lot of Chinese books. Notes on №88. A:Hái yǒu jǐzhàn dào Xīméndīng?  還有幾站到西門町?  How many more stops are there to (before) Xīméndīng? F: Xià yízhàn jiù shi Xīměndīng.  下一站就是西門町。  The next stop is Xīméndīng.Xià yízhàn: Here xià means “the next.” It is a specifier. Xià is usually followed by a numeral or a counter, as in the following examples: xiàge yuè next month 下個月 xià yíbān chē the next bus 下一班車 The phrase xià yízhàn contains no counter because -zhàn, like -nián and -tiān, is not used with a counter.Notes on Additional Vocabulary9. shàng-  last, previous (something)  10. tóu-  first (something)  11. gàosu 告訴 to tell, to inform (alternate pronunciation for gàosong)  12. shǎo  to be few  13.xià chē 下車 to get off the bus; "Out, please!"  14.yǒu(de) shíhou 有(的)時候 sometimes  15.chéng  cityThe specifier shàng-, “last,” “previous,” is used in the same patterns as xià-. shàngge yuè last month 上個月 shàng yìbān chē the previous bus 上一班車 Tóu-, “first,” literally “head”: Let’s contrast - and tóu-: - has no meaning of its own. Its function is to make a cardinal number into an ordinal number: for example, sān, “three,” becomes dìsān, “third,” as in dìsānge mén, “the third door.” Tóu- has a meaning of its own: “first,” as in tóusānge men, “the first three doors.”Tóu- is always followed by at least a number plus a counter (or a noun that does not require a counter). tóuliǎngge rén the first two people 頭兩個人 tóusānběn the first three volumes 頭三本 tóusìtiān the first four days 頭四天Notice that tóuliāngge, “the first two,” and dìèrge, “the second one,” must use different words for “two,” becausetóuliāngge (COUNTING) 頭兩個 dìèrge (NOT COUNTING) 第二個 Tóuyige, “the first one,” and dìyīge, “the first one,” are similar in meaning and often interchangeable.Gàosu, “to tell”: Gaosong is the usual colloquial pronunciation in Běijīng speech. Gàosu is the usual colloquial pronunciation in many other places in China, including Taiwan. The fact that, in a Taipei setting, the first speaker in exchange 7 uses gàosong tells you that he is almost certainly not a native of Taiwan.Shǎo, “to be few”: Most of the comments about duō in these Reference Notes (exchange 2) also apply to the adjectival verb shǎo. Most frequently shǎo is used as the main verb of a sentence. Wǒde qián bù shǎo. 我的錢不少。 I have quite a bit of money.   Zài Táiwān méiyou gōngzuòde rén hěn shǎo. 在臺灣沒有工作的人很少。 There are few people in Taiwan who do not have Jobs. One point deserves special attention: Although you may say hěn duō shū for “a lot of books,” you may not say hěn shǎo shū. Hěn shǎo can rarely modify a noun which follows—and neither can tài shǎo, zhēn shǎo, and related expressions.Xià chē, “to get off [a vehicle],” may be used to signal that you wish to get off—that this is your stop. The expression would be translated as “Out, please,” or “Getting off, getting off,” used by passengers in crowded buses and elevators.Yǒu(de) shíhou, “sometimes,” precedes the verb of a sentence, as other time expressions do. Tā yǒude shíhou kàn Yīngwén bào. He sometimes reads English newspapers. 他有的時候看英文報 Wǒ yǒu shíhou zuò Shíbālù chē. Sometimes I take the Number 18 bus. 我有時候坐十八路車。 Originally, chéng meant “city wall.” This early meaning still affects modern usage: you must say “going Into the city,” not just “to the city.” Tā jīntiān dào chénglǐtou qù. He is going to the city today. 他今天到城裏頭去。 Vocabulary boosterModes of Transportationbicycle[Běijīng] zìxíngchē自行車 [Táiwān] jiǎotàchē脚踏車boatchuánmotorboatqìtǐng汽艇rowboathuátǐng划艇sailboatfānchuán帆船sampanshānbǎn舢舨busgōnggòng qìchē公共汽車coach (long-distance)chángtú qìchē長途汽車car (automobile)qìchē汽車 chēzi車子 chēhelicopterzhíshēngfēijī直升飛機horseback ridingqí mǎ騎馬jeepjípǔchē吉普車motorcyclemótuōchē摩托車planefēijī飛機jet[PRC] pēnqìshì fēijī噴氣式飛機 [Táiwān] pēnshèshì fēijī噴射式飛機 [Táiwān] pēnshèjī噴射機subwaydìxiàtiě地下鐵 dìtiě地鐵 dìxià huǒchē地下火車taxichūzū qìchē出租汽車 [PRC] chūzū chē出租車 [Táiwān] jìchéngchē計程車trainhuǒchē火車trolleydiànchē電車truckkǎchē卡車walkingzǒu lù走路DrillsDrillsExpansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1Dào Xīméndīng qù, zuò jǐlù chē? 到西门町去,坐几路车? What bus do you take to get to Xīméndīng?  Cuehasn’t yet   Dào Xīméndīng qù, zuò jǐlù chē, tā hái méi gàosu wo. 到西门町去,坐几路车,他/她还没告诉我。 He/she hasn’t yet told me what bus to take to get to Xīméndīng.  2Dào Wǔguānchù qù, zuò jǐlù chē? 到武官处去,坐几路车? What bus do you take to get to military attaché's office?  Cuehas already   Dào Wǔguānchù qù, zuò jǐlù chē, tā yǐjīng gàosu wo le. 到武官处去,坐几路车,他/她已经告诉我。 He/she has already told me what bus to take to go to the military attaché office.  3Dào Nánjīng Lù qù, zuò jǐlù chē? 到南京路去,坐几路车? What bus do you take to get to Nánjīng road?  Cuedid not   Dào Nánjīng Lù qù, zuò jǐlù chē, tā méi gàosu wo le. 到南京路去,坐几路车,他/他告诉我。 He/she did not tell me what bus to take to go to Nánjīng road.  4Dào Zhōngshān Lù qù, zuò jǐlù chē? 到中山路去,坐几路车? What bus do you take to get to Zhōngshān road?  Cuehasn’t yet   Dào Zhōngshān Lù qù, zuò jǐlù chē, tā hái méi gàosu wo le. 到中山路去,坐几路车,他/她还没告诉我。 He/she hasn’t yet told me what bus to take to get to Zhōngshān road  5Dào Xīméndīng qù, zuò jǐlù chē? 到西门町去,坐几路车? What bus do you take to get to Xīméndīng?  Cuehas already   Dào Xīméndīng qù, zuò jǐlù chē, tā yǐjīng gàosu wo le. 到西门町去,坐几路车,他/她已经告诉我。 He/she has already told me what bus to take to go to Xīméndīng.  6Dào tā jiā qù, zuò jǐlù chē? 到他/她家去,坐几路车? What bus do you take to get to his home?  Cuehasn’t yet   Dào tā jiā qù, zuò jǐlù chē, tā hái méi gàosu wo le. 到他/她家去,坐几路车,他/她还没告诉我。 He/she hasn’t yet told me what bus to take to get to his home.  7Dào càishichǎng qù, zuò jǐlù chē? 到菜市场 去,坐几路车? What bus do you take to get to the market?  Cuedid not   Dào càishichǎng qù, zuò jǐlù chē, tā méi gàosu wo le. 到菜市场 去,坐几路车,他/他告诉我。 He/she did not tell me what bus to take to go to the market.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1Zuò Shíbālù chē. 坐十八路车。 Take the Number 18 bus.   Qǐng ni gàosu wo, zuò Shíbālù chē, kéyi bu keyi? 请你告诉我,坐十八路车,可以不可以? Please tell me, would it be all right to take the Number 18 bus?  2Zuò Yílù chē. 坐一路车。 Take the Number 1 bus.   Qǐng ni gàosu wo, zuò Yílù chē, kéyi bu keyi? 请你告诉我,坐一路车,可以不可以? Please tell me, would it be all right to take the Number 1 bus?  3Zuò Shílù chē. 坐十路车。 Take the Number 10 bus.   Qǐng ni gàosu wo, zuò Shílù chē, kéyi bu keyi? 请你告诉我,坐十路车,可以不可以? Please tell me, would it be all right to take the Number 10 bus?  4Zuò Liùlù chē. 坐六路车。 Take the Number 6 bus.   Qǐng ni gàosu wo, zuò Liùlù chē, kéyi bu keyi? 请你告诉我,坐六路车,可以不可以? Please tell me, would it be all right to take the Number 6 bus?  5Zuò Wǔlù chē. 坐五路车。 Take the Number 5 bus.   Qǐng ni gàosu wo, zuò Wǔlù chē, kéyi bu keyi? 请你告诉我,坐五路车,可以不可以? Please tell me, would it be all right to take the Number 5 bus?  6Zuò Qílù chē. 坐七路车。 Take the Number 7 bus.   Qǐng ni gàosu wo, zuò Qílù chē, kéyi bu keyi? 请你告诉我,坐七路车,可以不可以? Please tell me, would it be all right to take the Number 7 bus?  7Zuò Shíèrlù chē. 坐十二路车。 Take the Number 12 bus.   Qǐng ni gàosu wo, zuò Shíèrlù chē, kéyi bu keyi? 请你告诉我,坐十二路车,可以不可以? Please tell me, would it be all right to take the Number 12 bus?  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1Měi gé duōshao shíhou yǒu yìbān chē? 每隔多少时候有一班车? How often is there a bus?  Cueèrshifēn zhōng 二十分钟 20 minutes   Měi gé èrshifēn zhōng yǒu yìbān chē. 每隔二十分钟有一班车。 There’s a bus every 20 minutes.  2Měi gé duōshao shíhou yǒu yìbān chē?  每隔多少时候有一班车? How often is there a bus?  Cueshífēn zhōng 十分钟 10 minutes   Měi gé shífēn zhōng yǒu yìbān chē. 每隔十分钟有一班车。 There’s a bus every 10 minutes.  3Měi gé duōshao shíhou yǒu yìbān chē?  每隔多少时候有一班车? How often is there a bus?  Cuewǔfēn zhōng 五分钟 5 minutes   Měi gé wǔfēn zhōng yǒu yìbān chē. 每隔五分钟有一班车。 There’s a bus every 5 minutes.  4Měi gé duōshao shíhou yǒu yìbān chē?  每隔多少时候有一班车? How often is there a bus?  Cuebāfēn zhōng 八分钟 8 minutes   Měi gé bāfēn zhōng yǒu yìbān chē. 每隔八分钟有一班车。 There’s a bus every 8 minutes.  5Měi gé duōshao shíhou yǒu yìbān chē?  每隔多少时候有一班车? How often is there a bus?  Cueèrshifēn zhōng 二十分钟 20 minutes   Měi gé èrshifēn zhōng yǒu yìbān chē. 每隔二十分钟有一班车。 There’s a bus every 20 minutes.  6Měi gé duōshao shíhou yǒu yìbān chē?  每隔多少时候有一班车? How often is there a bus?  Cueshíwǔfēn zhōng 十五分钟 15 minutes   Měi gé shíwǔfēn zhōng yǒu yìbān chē. 每隔十五分钟有一班车。 There’s a bus every 15 minutes.  7Měi gé duōshao shíhou yǒu yìbān chē?  每隔多少时候有一班车? How often is there a bus?  Cueshíèrfēn zhōng 十二分钟 12 minutes   Měi gé shíèrfēn zhōng yǒu yìbān chē. 每隔十二分钟有一班车。 There’s a bus every 12 minutes.  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1Shíbálù chē duō bu duo? 十八路车多不多? Are there many Number 18 buses?  Cueèrshifēn zhōng 二十分钟 20 minutes   Bù shǎo. Měi gé èrshifēn zhōng yǒu yìbān. 不少。每隔二十分钟有一般。 Quite a few. There’s one every 20 minutes.  2Yílù chē duō bu duo?  一例车多不多? Are there many Number 1 buses?  Cuewǔfēn zhōng 五分钟 5 minutes   Bù shǎo. Měi gé wǔfēn zhōng yǒu yìbān. 不少。每隔五分钟有一般 Quite a few. There’s one every 5 minutes.  3Dào Táinán qùde chē duō bu duo?  到台南取得车多不多? Are there many buses to Táinán?  Cuewǔshifēn zhōng 五十分钟 15 minutes   Bù shǎo. Měi gé wǔshifēn zhōng yǒu yìbān. 不少。每隔五十分钟有一般。 Quite a few. There’s one every 15 minutes.  4Dào Jīlóng qùde chē duō bu duo?  到隆市取得车多不多? Are there many buses to Jīlóng?  Cuesìshifēn zhōng 四十分钟 40 minutes   Bù shǎo. Měi gé sìshifēn zhōng yǒu yìbān. 不少。每隔四十分钟有一般。 Quite a few. There’s one every 40 minutes.  5Shílù chē duō bu duo?  十路车多不多? Are there many Number 10 buses?  Cueshífēn zhōng 十分钟 10 minutes   Bù shǎo. Měi gé shífēn zhōng yǒu yìbān. 不少。每隔十分钟有一般。 Quite a few. There’s one every 10 minutes.  6Sānlù chē duō bu duo?  三路车多不多? Are there many Number 3 buses?  Cueèrshiwǔfēn zhōng 二十五分钟 25 minutes   Bù shǎo. Měi gé èrshiwǔfēn zhōng yǒu yìbān. 不少。每隔二十五分钟有一般。 Quite a few. There’s one every 25 minutes.  7Èrlù chē duō bu duo?  二路车多不多? Are there many Number 2 buses?  Cueshíwǔfēn zhōng 十五分钟 15 minutes   Bù shǎo. Měi gé shíwǔfēn zhōng yǒu yìbān. 不少。每隔十五分钟有一般。 Quite a few. There’s one every 15 minutes.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1Nèibān chē shi jǐdiǎn zhōng? 那班车是几点钟? What time is that bus?  CueTáizhōng 台中 Táizhōng   Qǐngwèn, dào Táizhōng qùde nèibān chē shi jǐdiǎn zhōng? 请问,到台中那班车是几点钟? May I ask, what time is that bus to Táizhōng?  2Nèibān chē shi jǐdiǎn zhōng?  那班车是几点钟? What time is that bus?  CueTáinán 台南 Táinán   Qǐngwèn, dào Táinán qùde nèibān chē shi jǐdiǎn zhōng? 请问,到台南那班车是几点钟? May I ask, what time is that bus to Táinán?  3Nèibān chē shi jǐdiǎn zhōng?  那班车是几点钟? What time is that bus?  CueJīlóng 基隆 Jīlóng   Qǐngwèn, dào Jīlóng qùde nèibān chē shi jǐdiǎn zhōng? 请问,到基隆那班车是几点钟? May I ask, what time is that bus to Jīlóng?  4Nèibān chē shi jǐdiǎn zhōng?  那班车是几点钟? What time is that bus?  CueJiāyì 嘉义 JJiāyì   Qǐngwèn, dào Jiāyì qùde nèibān chē shi jǐdiǎn zhōng? 请问,到嘉义那班车是几点钟? May I ask, what time is that bus to Jiāyì?  5Nèibān chē shi jǐdiǎn zhōng?  那班车是几点钟? What time is that bus?  CueTáiběi 台北  Táiběi   Qǐngwèn, dào Táiběi qùde nèibān chē shi jǐdiǎn zhōng? 请问,到台北那班车是几点钟? May I ask, what time is that bus to Táiběi?  6Nèibān chē shi jǐdiǎn zhōng?  那班车是几点钟? What time is that bus?  CueHuālián 花莲 Huālián   Qǐngwèn, dào Huālián qùde nèibān chē shi jǐdiǎn zhōng? 请问,到花莲那班车是几点钟? May I ask, what time is that bus to Huālián?  7Nèibān chē shi jǐdiǎn zhōng?  那班车是几点钟? What time is that bus?  CueGāoxióng 高雄 Gāoxióng   Qǐngwèn, dào Gāoxióng qùde nèibān chē shi jǐdiǎn zhōng? 请问,到高雄那班车是几点钟? May I ask, what time is that bus to Gāoxióng?  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1Zhè shì bu shi zuìhòu yìbān chē? 这是不是最后一班车? Is this the last bus?  Cue11:10   Bú shi. Zuìhòu yìbān chē shi shíyīdiǎn shífēn. 不是。最后一班车是十一点十分。 № The last bus is at 11:10.  2Zhè shì bu shi zuìhòu yìbān chē? 这是不是最后一班车? Is this the last bus?  Cue11:30   Bú shi. Zuìhòu yìbān chē shi shíyīdiǎn bàn. 不是。最后一班车是十一点半。 № The last bus is at 11:30.   3Zhè shì bu shi zuìhòu yìbān chē?  这是不是最后一班车? Is this the last bus?  Cue12:00   Bú shi. Zuìhòu yìbān chē shi shíèrdiǎn. 不是。最后一班车是十二点。 № The last bus is at 12:00.  4Zhè shì bu shi zuìhòu yìbān chē? 这是不是最后一班车? Is this the last bus?  Cue11:40   Bú shi. Zuìhòu yìbān chē shi shíyīdiǎn sìshifēn. 不是。最后一班车是十一点四十分。 № The last bus is at 11:40.  5Zhè shì bu shi zuìhòu yìbān chē?  这是不是最后一班车? Is this the last bus?  Cue12:10   Bú shi. Zuìhòu yìbān chē shi shíèrdiǎn shífēn. 不是。最后一班车是十二点十分。 № The last bus is at 12:10.  6Zhè shì bu shi zuìhòu yìbān chē?  这是不是最后一班车? Is this the last bus?  Cue11:00   Bú shi. Zuìhòu yìbān chē shi shíyīdiǎn. 不是。最后一班车是十一点。 № The last bus is at 11:00.  7Zhè shì bu shi zuìhòu yìbān chē?  这是不是最后一班车? Is this the last bus?  Cue10:50   Bú shi. Zuìhòu yìbān chē shi shídiǎn wǔshifēn. 不是。最后一班车是十点五十分。 № The last bus is at 10:50.  Transformation drillTransform according to the cue and the model.1Zhèibān chē dào Xīméndīng qù ma? 这班车到西门町去吗? Does this bus go to Xīméndīng?   Zhèibān chē shì bu shi qù Xīméndīng? 这班车是不是去西门町? Does this bus go to Xīméndīng?  2Zhèibān chē dào Zhōngshān Běilù qù ma? 这班车到中山北路去吗? Does this bus go to Zhōngshān Běilù?   Zhèibān chē shì bu shi qù Zhōngshān Běilù? 这班车是不是去中山北路? Does this bus go to Zhōngshān Běilù?  3Zhèibān chē dào Zhōnghuá Lù qù ma? 这班车到中华路去吗? Does this bus go to Zhōnghuá Lù?   Zhèibān chē shì bu shi qù Zhōnghuá Lù? 这班车是不是去中华路? Does this bus go to Zhōnghuá Lù?  4Zhèibān chē dào Zìyóu Lù qù ma? 这班车到自由路去吗? Does this bus go to Zìyóu Lù?   Zhèibān chē shì bu shi qù Zìyóu Lù? 这班车是不是去自由路? Does this bus go to Zìyóu Lù?  5Zhèibān chē dào Rénài Lù qù ma? 这班车到仁爱路去吗? Does this bus go to Rénài Lù?   Zhèibān chē shì bu shi qù Rénài Lù? 这班车是不是去仁爱路? Does this bus go to Rénài Lù?  6Zhèibān chē dào Nánjīng Dōnglù qù ma? 这班车到南京东路去吗? Does this bus go to Nánjīng Dōnglù?   Zhèibān chē shì bu shi qù Nánjīng Dōnglù? 这班车是不是去南京东路? Does this bus go to Nánjīng Dōnglù?  7Zhèibān chē dào Hépíng Xīlù qù ma? 这班车到和平西路去吗? Does this bus go to Hépíng Xīlù?   Zhèibān chē shì bu shi qù Hépíng Xīlù? 这班车是不是去和平西路? Does this bus go to Hépíng Xīlù?  Transformation drillTransform according to the cue and the model.1Tā xià chē le. 他/她下车了。 He/she got off the bus.  CueXīméndīng 西门町 Xīméndīng   Tā shì zài Xīméndīng xiàde chē. 他/她是在西门町下的车。 He/she got off the bus at Xīméndīng.   2Tā xià chē. 他/她下车。 He/she is getting off the bus.  CueXīméndīng 西门町 Xīméndīng   Tā zài Xīméndīng xià chē. 他/她西门町下车。 He/she is getting off the bus at Xīméndīng .  3Tā shàng chē le.  他/她上车了。 He/she got on the bus.  CueZhōngshān Běilù 中山北路 Zhōngshān Běilù   Tā shì zài Zhōngshān Běilù shàngde chē. 他/她是在中山北路上的车。 He/she got on the bus at Zhōngshān Běilù.  4Tā shàng chē.  他/她上车。 He/she is getting on the bus.  CueHépíng Dōnglù 和平东路 Hépíng Dōnglù   Tā zài Hépíng Dōnglù shàng chē. 他/她在和平东路上车。 He/she is getting on the bus at Hépíng Dōnglù.  5Tā xià chē le.  他/她下车了。 He/she got off the bus.  CueMínshēng Lù 民生路 Mínshēng Lù   Tā shì zài Mínshēng Lù xiàde chē. 他/她是在民生路下的车。 He/she got off the bus at Mínshēng Lù.  6Tā shàng chē le.  他/她上车了。 He/she got off the bus.  CueRénài Lù 仁爱路 Rénài Lù   Tā shì zài Rénài Lù shàngde chē. 他/她是在仁爱路上的车。 He/she got on the bus at Rénài Lù.  7Tā xià chē.  他/她下车。 He/she is getting off the bus.  CueZhōnghuá Lù 中华路 Zhōnghuá Lù   Tā zài Zhōnghuá Lù xià chē. 他/她在中华路下车。 He/she is getting off the bus at Zhōnghuá Lù.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1Dào Xīméndīng qǐng gàosu wo. 到西门町请告诉我。 When we get to Xīméndīng , please tell me.  Cueshíhou 时候 when   Dào Xīméndīngde shíhou qǐng gàosu wo. 到西门町的时候请告诉我。 When we get to Xīméndīng , please tell me.   2Dào Zhōngshān Běilù qǐng gàosu wo.  到中山北路请告诉我。 When we get to Zhōngshān Běilù, please tell me.  Cueyǐqián 以前 before   Dào Zhōngshān Běilù yǐqián qǐng gàosu wo. 到中山北路以前请告诉我。 Before we get to Zhōngshān Běilù, please tell me.  3Dào Nánjīng Dōnglù qǐng gàosu wo.  到南京东路请告诉我。 When we get to Nánjīng Dōnglù, please tell me.  Cueshíhou 时候 when   Dào Nánjīng Dōnglùde shíhou qǐng gàosu wo. 到南京东路的时候请告诉我。 When we get to Nánjīng Dōnglù, please tell me.  4Dào Rénài Lù qǐng gàosu wo.  到仁爱路请告诉我。 When we get to Rénài Lù, please tell me.  Cueyǐqián 以前 before   Dào Rénài Lù yǐqián qǐng gàosu wo. 到仁爱路以前请告诉我。 Before we get to Rénài Lù, please tell me.  5Dào Mínquán Lù qǐng gàosu wo.  到民权路请告诉我。 When we get to Mínquán Lù, please tell me.  Cueshíhou 时候 when   Dào Mínquán Lùde shíhou qǐng gàosu wo. 到民权路的时候请告诉我。  When we get to Mínquán Lù, please tell me.  6Dào Hépíng Xīlù qǐng gàosu wo.  到和平西路请告诉我。 When we get to Hépíng Xīlù, please tell me.  Cueyǐqián 以前 before   Dào Hépíng Xīlù yǐqián qǐng gàosu wo. 到和平西路以前请告诉我。 Before we get to Hépíng Xīlù, please tell me.  7Dào Zìyóu Lù qǐng gàosu wo.  到自由路请告诉我。 When we get to Zìyóu Lù, please tell me.  Cueshíhou 时候 when   Dào Zìyóu Lùde shíhou qǐng gàosu wo. 到自由路的时候请告诉我。  When we get to Zìyóu Lù, please tell me.  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1Hái yǒu jǐzhàn dào Xīméndīng? 还有几站到西门町? How many more stops are there to [before] Xīméndīng ?  Cuexià   Xià yízhàn jiù shi Xīméndīng. 下一站就是西门町。 The next stop is Xīméndīng .  2Hái yǒu jǐzhàn dào Xīméndīng? 还有几站到西门町? How many more stops are there to [before] Xīméndīng?  Cue3   Hái yǒu sānzhàn jiù shi Xīméndīng. 还有三战就是西门町。 Three more stops, and that’s Xīméndīng.  3Hái yǒu jǐzhàn dào Zhōnghuá Lù?  还有几站到中华路? How many more stops are there to [before] Zhōnghuá Lù?  Cuexià   Xià yízhàn jiù shi Zhōnghuá Lù. 下一站就是中华路。 The next stop is Zhōnghuá Lù.  4Hái yǒu jǐzhàn dào Nánjīng Dōnglù?  还有几站到南京东路? How many more stops are there to [before] Nánjīng Dōnglù?   Cue2   Hái yǒu liǎngzhàn jiù shi Nánjīng Dōnglù. 还有两战就是南京东路。 Two more stops, and that’s Nánjīng Dōnglù.  5Hái yǒu jǐzhàn dào Xīnshēng Nánlù?  还有几站到新生南路? How many more stops are there to [before] Xīnshēng Nánlù?  Cuexià   Xià yízhàn jiù shi Xīnshēng Nánlù. 下一站就是新生南路。 The next stop is Xīnshēng Nánlù.  6Hái yǒu jǐzhàn dào Zìyóu Lù?  还有几站到自由路? How many more stops are there to [before] Zìyóu Lù?  Cue2   Hái yǒu liǎngzhàn jiù shi Zìyóu Lù. 还有两战就是自由路。 Two more stops, and that’s Zìyóu Lù.  7Hái yǒu jǐzhàn dào Mínshēng Lù?  还有几站到民生路? How many more stops are there to [before] Mínshēng Lù?  Cuexià   Xià yízhàn jiù shi Mínshēng Lù. 下一站就是民生路。 The next stop is Mínshēng Lù.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1Tā dào Zhōngguo qù. 他/她到中国去。 He/she goes to China.  Cueměinián 每年 every year   Tā měinián dōu dào Zhōngguo qù. 他/她每年都到中国。 He goes to China every year.  2Tā kàn Zhōngguo diànyǐng. 他/她看中国电影。 He/she watches Chinese movies.   Cueyuè  month   Tā měige yuè dōu kàn Zhōngguo diànyǐng. 他/她每个月都看中国电影。 He/she watches Chinese movies every month.   3Tā dào Niǔ Yuē qù.  他/她纽约去。 He/she goes to New-York  Cuexīngqī 星期 week   Tā měige xīngqī dōu dào Niǔ Yuē qù. 他/她每个星期都到纽约去。 He/she goes to New-York every week.  4Tā dào xuéxiào lái.  他/她到学校来。 He/she comes to school.   Cuetiān  day   Tā měitiān dōu dào xuéxiào lái. 他/她每天都到学校来。 He/she comes to school every day.   5Tā mǎi Yīngwén zázhì.  他/她麦英文杂志。 He/she buys English magazines.  CueXīngqīwǔ 星期五 Friday   Tā měige Xīngqīwǔ dōu mǎi Yīngwén zázhì. 他/她每个星期五都麦英文杂志。 He/she buys English magazines every Friday.  6Tā dào càishichǎng qù.  他/她到采石场去。 He/she goes to the market.  Cuetiān  day   Tā měitiān dōu dào càishichǎng qù. 他/她每天都到采石场去。 He/she goes to the market every day.  7Tā kàn bào.  他/她看报。 He/she reads a newspaper.  Cuetiān  day   Tā měitiān dōu kàn bào. 他/她每天都看报。 He/she reads a newspaper every day.  Unit 2Unit 2ReferencesReferencesReference List1.A: Dào zhǎnlǎnguǎn yǒu meiyou zhídáchē?  到展覽館有沒有直達車?  Is there a direct bus to the exhibition hall? B: Méiyou.  沒有  No2. A: Dào nàr qù, zuò jǐlù chē ya?  到那兒去,坐幾路車呀?  What bus do you take to get there? B: Zuò Yīlù chē.  坐一路車。  Take the Number 1 bus.3.B: Zuò dao Xīdān huàn chē.  坐到西單換車。  Take it to Xīdān and change buses.4.A: Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào?  咱們在哪兒買票?  Where do we buy tickets? B: Zài chēshang mǎi piào.  在車上買票。  We buy tickets on the bus.5.B: Hǎo, xiànzài zǒu ba!  好,現在走吧!  Okay, let’s go now!6.A: Èi! Zánmen bú shi zuòguò zhàn le ba?  誒!咱們不是坐過站了吧?  Hey! Haven’t we gone past our stop?B: 還沒呢。下一站才下車,  Hái méi ne. Xià yízhàn cǎi xià chē.  Not yet. We don’t get off until the next stop.7.C:a Láojià, Shíwǔlù qìchēzhàn zài nǎr?  勞駕,十五路汽車站在哪兒?  Excuse me, where is the Number 15 bus stop? D: Jiù zài nèige lùkǒurshang.  就在那個路口上。  It’s (just) on that corner.8.  gōnggòng qìchē  公共汽車  public bus (local)9.  -li    in (locational ending)10.  -shang    on11.  shàng bān  上班  to start work, to go to work12.  xià bān  下班  to get off from work, to leave workaThis exchange occurs on the P-1 tape onlyVocabulary ba (tone softener) cái then and only then, not until gōnggòng qìchē 公共汽車 public bus (local) -li in (locational ending) piào (yìzhang) 票 (一張) ticket, coupon qìchēzhàn 汽車站 bus stop -shang on (locational ending) shàng bān 上班 to go to work, to start work xià bān 下班 to get off from work, to leave work Xīdān 西單 (a district in Běijīng) zánmen 咱們 we (specifically includes the listener) zhǎnlǎnguǎn 展覽館 exhibition hall zhídáchē 直達車 direct bus, nonstop bus zuò dao 坐到 to ride to zuòguò 坐過 to ride past Āndìngmén 安定門 (a neighborhood in Běijīng) bǐjiǎo 比較 comparatively, relatively dòngwuyuán 動物園 zoo liǎngcì 兩次 two times, twice Xiǎo (name) Little (name) [familiar form of name among friends] xióngmāo 熊貓 panda zhǎnlǎn 展覽 to exhibit zhèicì 這次 this time Reference NotesNotes on №11. A: Dào zhǎnlǎnguǎn yǒu meiyou zhídáchē?  到展覽館有沒有直達車?  Is there a direct bus to the exhibition hall? B: Méiyou.  沒有  NoDào zhanlǎnguǎn is the topic of the first sentence in exchange 1.Zhídáchē refers to a city bus in exchange 1, although the word is more properly used to refer to buses between cities.Changed tones: You have now learned several three-syllable words in which the middle syllable changes tone in normal fast speech. These words and the changes you hear are:Jiānádà加拿大 JiānādàXīméndīng西門町 Xīmēndīngzhǎnlǎnguǎn展覽館zhánlánguǎnzhanlǎnguǎnzhídáchē直達車 zhídáchē(For further discussion of this type of tone change, see Tone Changes in the P&R Summary.)Notes on №22. A: Dào nàr qù, zuò jǐlù chē ya?  到那兒去,坐幾路車呀?  What bus do you take to get there? B: Zuò Yīlù chē.  坐一路車。  Take the Number 1 bus.Ya is a variant form of the marker a. If the word directly preceding the a ends in a vowel, the semivowel y or w may be inserted; the marker is then pronounced ya or wa. If the word directly preceding a ends in a consonant, that sound is carried forward as the initial sound of the marker: /(consonant sound)a/Nǐ shi nǎrde rén /n/a?你是哪兒的人哪?Nǐ xìng Wáng /ng/a? 你是哪兒的人哪? Nǐ hǎo /w/a? 你好哇? Tā zhēn kuài /y/a! 他真快呀! Notes on №33. B: Zuò dao Xīdān huàn chē.  坐到西單換車。  Take it to Xīdān and change buses.Zuò dao Xīdān: In earlier exchanges, phrases consisting of dào and a place word were placed before the main verb in a sentence. In this exchange, you see that dào + place word can also be placed after the main verb. Dào is toneless when it follows the verb of a sentence.Huàn is used in exchange 3 for “changing” from one bus to another. It was used in earlier modules for “changing” from one currency to another.Notes on №44. A: Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào?  咱們在哪兒買票?  Where do we buy tickets? B: Zài chēshang mǎi piào.  在車上買票。  We buy tickets on the bus.Although spelled zánmen, this word is actually pronounced zámen, and in everyday conversation even as zám. Both wǒmen and zánmen are translated as “we.” Most speakers of Chinese outside Běijīng use only wǒmen.Many Chinese from Běijīng use the pronoun wǒmen only when the person being spoken to is not included in the “we.” To show that the person being spoken to IS included in the “we,” zánmen is used.For instance, if everyone in a room is Chinese, any one person could say to all of the others Zánmen dōu shi Zhòngguo ren, “All of us are Chinese.” If an American then entered the room, someone might say to him Wǒmen shi Zhòngguo rén, nǐ shi Měiguo rén, “We are Chinese, and you are American.”The phrase zài chēshang consists of the verb zài followed by the noun chē plus the locational ending -shang. Some verbs like zài must be followed by a place word or phrase (or by time words or phrases). But not all nouns which refer to things which occupy space can be used as place words. You must learn which words can function as place words and which cannot.Zhèr, nàr, relative location words (zuǒbianr, dōngbianr, wàibianr, etc.), and names of cities and countries may be used as place words. In general, nouns which refer to buildings, institutions, organizations, parks, and other specific locations may be used as place words. Nouns which refer to vehicles, people, books, furniture, and other things, that can be moved around are NOT considered place words. When a noun from this group is to be used in a phrase with zài, either a locational ending is added to the noun or the place word zhèr or nàr follows it. Zài zhuōzishang yǒu hěn duō shū. 在桌子上有很多書。 There are many books on the table.   Tā zài nèige zhuōzi nàr niàn shū. 他在那個桌子哪兒念書。 He studies at that table. Locational endings: -shang, “on”; -li, “in”; -wài, “outside”; and-xià, “under,” are locational endings. Tā zài lóuxià mǎi dōngxi. 他在樓下買東西。 He is buying things downstairs.   Fàndiànli yǒu méiyou mài tángde? 飯店裏有沒有賣糖的? Is there a place to buy candy in the hotel? You have learned three generally equivalent ways to form place expressions: noun + locational ending; noun followed by relative location word; noun + de followed by relative location word.zàimén- -wài děngni.zàimén wài-bianrděngni.zàimén-dewài-bianrděngni.Notes on №55. B: Hǎo, xiànzài zǒu ba!  好,現在走吧!  Okay, let’s go now!Ba: You have seen the marker ba used in different situations at the ends of sentences. In each case, however, its effect was to soften the impact of whatever the speaker was saying. Here is a summary of the uses you have seen:a. After a phrase which puts forth an opinion or guess, ba adds a questioning tone (BIO, Unit 2). Tā dàgài bù lái le ba? 他大概不來了吧? He’s probably not coming after all, is he?   Nǐ shi Wèi Shàoxiào ba? 你是魏少校吧? You must be Major Weiss. b. After a statement which puts forth a course of action, ba softens the tone. Ba may be used at the end of a sentence with a meaning ranging anywhere from tentative and consulting to suggesting or advising to requesting or ordering. (The tone of ba sentences varies according to the person being spoken to, the speaker’s tone of voice, and other words, such as qǐng, “please,” in a sentence.) (MON, Unit 3) Nǐ zǒu ba! 你走吧! Leave! (ORDERING)   Nǐ hǎohāor xiǎngxiang ba! 你好好兒想想吧! You think it over carefully! (ADVISING)   Qǐng ba! 請吧! Please go ahead! (INVITING)   Zánmen zǒu ba. 咱們走吧。 Let’s go. (SUGGESTING)   Wǒ mǎi dàde ba. 我買大的吧。 I guess I’ll get the large one. (TENTATIVE AND CONSULTING) There is no single way to translate this use of ba. In the examples above, you can see that when the subject is “you,” ba goes untranslated; when the subject is “we,” ba is translated as “let’s”; and when the subject is “I,” ba is translated as “I guess.”Notes on №66.A: Èi! Zánmen bú shi zuòguò zhàn le ba?  誒!咱們不是坐過站了吧?  Hey! Haven’t we gone past our stop? B:還沒呢。下一站才下車。  Hái méi ne. Xià yízhàn cǎi xià chē.  Not yet. We don’t get off until the next stop.Bú shi: Below are some examples of affirmative questions and their negative counterparts (using bú shi). Notice that in the two negative examples shi means something like “to be the case that....” Tā yǐjīng zǒu le ba? 他已經走了吧。 Has he already gone?   Tā bú shi yǐjīng zǒu le ba? 他不是已經走了吧? Hasn’t he already gone? (isn’t it the case that he has already gone?)   Tā zhù zai Shànghǎi ma? 她住在上海嗎? Does she live in Shànghǎi?   Tā bú shi zhù zai Shànghǎi ma? 她不是住在上海嗎? Doesn’t she live in Shànghǎi? (Isn’t it the case that she lives in Shànghǎi?) Zuòguò le: To the main verb zuò, “to ride,” “to take,” the ending -guò is added to indicate the result of the action—“going past/too far.” (The full verb guò means “to pass,” “to cross.”) The ending -guò may also be added to the verb zǒu, “to go,” to indicate result. Òu, nǐ zhǎo Nánwèi Hútong! Nǐ zǒuguò le! Nǐ děi wàng huí zǒu. 哦,你找南緯胡同!你坐過了!你得往回走。 Oh, you are looking for Nánwèi Hútong. You have walked past it. You will have to go back. Aspect marker ne: You have frequently seen an aspect marker used to indicate a CHANGE: completion le shows that an action or process has been carried out (Tā zǒu le, “He has left”); new situation le marks a change in the past, present, or future (Tāde dàyī pòle, “His coat is worn out”). In exchange 6, the aspect marker ne indicates the ABSENCE OF CHANGE. In this exchange, ne emphasizes that there has been no change in the situation. You may want to think of ne as the opposite of le.The marker ne is used with ACTION and STATE verbs. Tā xiànzài niàn shū ne. 他現在念書呢。 He is studying now.   Tā zài zhèr ne. 他在這兒呢。 He’s here.   Zhèizhī bǐ hái kéyi xiě ne. 這支筆還可以寫呢。 This pen is still good (can still write). Hái, “still,” “yet”: When this adverb is used, the sentence very often ends with the marker ne. Míngtiān wǒ hái bù zǒu ne. 明天我還沒走呢。 I’m not leaving tomorrow (yet). (i.e., I’ll still be here tomorrow.)   Tā hái méi lái ne. 他還沒來呢。 He hasn’t come yet. Cái means “then and only then” or “not until then.” It is used to talk about something that has happened or will happen later than expected. Wǒmen míngtiān cái zǒu. 我們明天才走。 We don’t leave until tomorrow. Sentences in which cái is used emphasize when something happened, rather than the fact that it happened. Therefore (shi)...-de, not le, is used to indicate completed action. Tā (shi) bādiǎn zhōng cái láide. 他是八點鐘才來的。 He didn’t come until eight o’clock.   Wǒ zuótiān cái dàode. 我昨天才到的。 I didn’t arrive until yesterday. Notice that the shi in the shi...-de construction may be omitted. Also, cái is placed AFTER a time word or phrase and BEFORE the verb.You have learned three words for “then”: jiù, zài, cái. Jiù is used for action taking place earlier than expected. Cái and zài imply that something happens later than expected. Cái and jiù are used in descriptions of completed or future action. Zài is used mostly for plans, suggestions, and commands—in reference to future actions. Tā zuótiān jiù dào le. 他昨天就到了。 He arrived yesterday (already).   Tā (shi) zuótiān cái láide. 他是昨天才來的。 He didn’t come until yesterday.   Nǐ míngtiān zài zǒu ba! 你明天再走吧。 Don’t go until tomorrow! Notice that, in the description of past events, most sentences containing jiù also contain the completion le marker.Notes on №77.C: Láojià, Shíwǔlù qìchēzhàn zài nǎr?  勞駕,十五路汽車站在哪兒?  Excuse me, where is the Number 15 bus stop? D: Jiù zài nèige lùkǒurshang.  就在那個路口上。  It’s (just) on that corner. Lùkǒurshang, literally “on the intersection”: Lùkǒur means “road mouth,” a crossroads or intersection. The word is a place-word expression and may follow zài with or without the locational ending -shang. DrillsDrillsSubstitution drillSubstitute according to the cue and the model.1. Dào Běijīng Zhǎnlǎnguǎn yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到北京展览馆有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Beijing Exhibition Center?  CueMínzú Fàndiàn 民族饭店 Ethnic Hotel   Dào Mínzú Fàndiàn yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到民族饭店有没有直达车? Is there a direct bus to the Nationalities Hotel?  2. Dào Mínzú Fàndiàn yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到民族饭店有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to National People's Hotel?  CueSǎnlítún 三里屯 Sǎnlítún   Dào Sǎnlítún yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到三里屯有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Sǎnlítún?  3. Dào Sǎnlítún yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到三里屯有没有直达车? Is there a direct train toSǎnlítún ?  CueXīdān 西单 Xīdān   Dào Xīdān yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到西单有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Xīdān?  4. Dào Xīdān yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到西单有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Xīdān?  CueDōngdān Càishichǎng 东单菜市场 Dōngdān Market   Dào Dōngdān Càishichǎng yǒu meiyou zhídáchē ? 到东单菜市场有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Dōngdān Market?  5. Dào Dōngdān Càishichǎng yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到东单菜市场有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Dōngdān Market?  CueDōngdān Diànyǐngyuàn 东单电影院 Dōngdān Cinema   Dào Dōngdān Diànyǐngyuàn yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到东单电影院有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Dōngdān cinema?  6. Dào Dōngdān Diànyǐngyuàn yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到东单电影院有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Dōngdān cinema?  CueJiānádà Wǔguānchù 加拿大武官処 Canadian Embassy   Dào Jiānádà Wǔguānchù yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到加拿大武官処有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Canada Military Office?  7. Dào Jiānádà Wǔguānchù you meiyou zhídáchē? 到加拿大武官処有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Canada Military Office?  CueSǎnlítún 三里屯 Sǎnlítún   Dào Sǎnlítún yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到三里屯有没有直达车? Is there a direct train to Sǎnlítún?  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Dào Běijīng Zhǎnlǎnguǎn yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到北京展览馆有没有直达车? is there a direct bus to the Běijīng Exhibition Hall?  CueXīdān 西单 Xīdān   Méiyou, děi zài Xīdān huàn chē. 没有,得在西单换车。 There isn’t. You have to change buses at Xīdān.  2. Dào Sǎnlítún yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到三里屯有没有直达车? Is there a direct bus to Sǎnlítún?  CueDōngdān 东单 Dōngdān   Méiyou, děi zài Dōngdān huàn chē. 没有,得在东单换车。 No, you have to change the bus in Dōngdān.  3. Dào Guānghuá Lù yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到光华路有没有直达车? Is there a direct bus to Guānghuá Road?  Cuetāmen nàr 他们那儿 by them   Méiyou, děi zài tāmen nàr huàn chē. 没有,得在他们那儿换车。    4. Dào Dōngdān Diànyǐngyuan yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到东单有没有直达车? Is there a direct bus to Dōngdān?  CueQiánmén 前门 Qiánmén   Méiyou, děi zài Qiánmén huàn chē. 没有,得在前门换车。 No, you have to change the bus.  5. Dào Jiānádà Wǔguānchù yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到武官処有没有直达车? Is there a direct bus to Wǔguān Beach?  CueXīdān 西单 Xīdān   Méiyou, děi zài Xīdān huàn chē. 没有,得在西单换车。 No, you have to change at Xīdān.  6. Dào Qiánmén yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到前门有没有直达车? Is there any direct bus to Qiánmén?  CueDōngdān 东单 Dōngdān   Méiyou, děi zài Dōngdān huàn chē. 没有,得在东单换车。 No, you have to change the bus in Dōngdān.  7. Dào Wángfǔjǐng Dàjiē yǒu meiyou zhídáchē? 到王府井大街有没有直达车? Is there a direct bus to Wángfǔjǐng Street?  Cuecàishichǎng nàr 菜市场 by the market   Méiyou, děi zài càishichǎng nàr huàn chē. 没有,得在菜市场换车。 No, have to change the bus at the food market.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. dào nàr qù 到那儿去 to go there  Cue  what number   Dào nàr qù zuò jǐlù chē? 到那儿去坐几路车? What [number] bus do you take to go there?  2. dào zhǎnlǎnguǎn qù 到展览馆去 to go to the exhibition hall  Cue3 3 3   Dào zhǎnlǎnguǎn qù zuò Sānlù chē. 到展览馆去坐三路车。 To go to the exhibition hall, take the Number 3 bus.  3. dào Dōngdān qù 到东单去 to do to Dōngdān  Cue3 3 3   Dào Dōngdān qù zuò Sānlù chē. 到东单去坐三路车。 To go to Dōngdān take the Number 3 bus.  4. dào nàr qù 到那儿去 to go there  Cue  what number   Dào nàr qù zuò jǐlù chē? 到那儿去坐几路车? What [number] bus do you take to go there?   5. dào Xīnhuá Shūdiàn qù 到新华书店去 to go to the Xīnhuá bookstore  Cue1 1 1   Dào Xīnhuá Shūdiàn qù zuò Yīlù chē. 到新华书店去坐一路车。 To go to Xīnhuá bookstore take the Number 1 bus.   6. dào Sānlǐtún qù 到三里屯去 to go to Sānlǐtún  Cue5 5 5   Dào Sānlǐtún qù zuò Wǔlù chē. 到三里屯去五路车。 To go to Sānlǐtún, take the Number 5 bus.   7. dào Dōngdān Càishichǎng qù 到东单菜市场去 to go to Dōngdān vegetable market  Cue  what number   Dào Dōngdān Càishichǎng qù zuò jǐlù chē? 到东单菜市场去坐几路车? What [number] bus do you take to go to Dōngdān vegetable market.  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Nín xiān zuò Yīlù chē, zuò dao Xīdān huàn chē. 您先坐一路车,坐到西单换车。 You first take the Number 1 bus. Take it to Xīdān and change buses.   Wǒ xiān zuò Yīlù chē, zuò dao Xīdān huàn chē, duì bu dui? 我先坐一路车,坐到西单换车,对不对。 I first take the Number 1 bus. I take it to Xīdān and change buses. Right?  2. Nín xiān zuò Sānlù chē, zuò dao Wángfǔjǐng Dàjiē huàn chē. 您先坐三路车,坐到王府井大街换车。 You first take the Number 3. Take it to Wángfǔjǐng boulevard and change buses.   Wǒ xiān zuò Sānlù chē, zuò dao Wángfǔjǐng Dàjiē huàn chē, duì bu dui? 我先坐三路车,坐到王府井大街换车,对不对。 I first take the Number 3 bus. I take it to Wángfǔjǐng and change buses. Right?  3. Nín xiān zuò Liùlù chē, zuò dao Dōngdān huàn chē. 您先坐六路车,坐到东单换车。 You first take the Number 6. Take it to Dōngdān and change buses.   Wo xiān zuò Liùlù chē, zuò dao Dōngdān huàn chē, duì bu dui? 我先坐六路车,坐到东单换车,对不对。 I first take the Number 6 bus. I take it to Dōngdān and change buses. Right?  4. Nín xiān zuò Wǔlù chē, zuò dao Qiánmén huàn chē. 您先坐五路车,坐到前门换车。 You first take the Number 5. Take it to Qiánmén and change buses.   Wǒ xiān zuò Wǔlù chē, zuò dao huàn chē, duì bu dui? 我先坐五路车,坐到前门换车,对不对。 I first take the Number 5 bus. I take it to Qiánmén and change buses. Right?  5. Nín xiān zuò Shílù chē, zuò dao Sānlītǔn huàn chē. 您先坐十路车,坐到三里屯换车。 You first take the Number 10. Take it to Sānlītǔn and change buses.   Wǒ xiān zuò Shílù chē, zuò dao Sānlītǔn huàn chē, duì bu dui? 我先坐十路车,坐到三里屯换车,对不对。 I first take the Number 10 bus. I take it to Sānlītǔn and change buses. Right?  6. Nín xiān zuò Qílù chē, zuò dao Rìtán Lù huàn chē. 您先坐七路车,坐到日坛路换车。 You first take the Number 7. Take it to Temple Road    and change buses.Wǒ xiān zuò Qílù chē, zuò dao Rìtán Lù huàn chē, duì bu dui? 我先坐七路车,坐到日坛路换车,对不对。 I first take the Number 7 bus. I take it to Temple Road and change buses. Right?  7. Nín xiān zuò Shíèrlù chē, zuò dao Guānghuá Lù huàn chē. 您先坐十二路车,坐到光华路换车。 You first take the Number 12. Take it to Guānghuá road    and change buses.Wǒ xiān zuò Shíèrlù chē, zuò dao Guānghuá Lù huàn chē, duì bu dui? 我先坐十二路车,坐到光华路换车,对不对。 I first take the Number 12 bus. I take it to Guānghuá road and change buses. Right?  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Dào nàr qù xiān zuò Sānlù chē, ránhòu zuò Wǔlù chē. 到那儿去先坐三路车,然后坐五路车。 To go there, first take the Number 3 bus; then take the Number 5 bus.   Wǒ xiān zuò Sānlù chē, ránhòu zuò Wǔlù chē. Qǐngwèn, zài nǎr huàn chē? 我先坐三路车,然后坐五路车。请问,在哪儿换车? I first take the Number 3 bus; then take the Number 5 bus. May I ask, where do I change buses?  2. Dào Zhǎnlǎnguǎn qù xiān zuò Yīlù chē, ránhòu zuò Sìlù chē. 到展览馆去先坐一路车,然后坐四路车。 To go to Zhǎnlǎnguǎn, first take the Number 1 bus; then take the Number 4 bus.   Wǒ xiān zuò Yīlù chē, ránhòu zuò Sìlù chē. Qǐngwèn, zài nar huàn chē? 我先坐一路车,然后坐四路车。请问,在哪儿换车? I first take the Number 1 bus; then take the Number 4 bus. May I ask, where do I change buses?  3. Dào Wángfǔjǐng Dàjiē qù xiān zuò Èrlù chē, ránhòu zuò Wǔlù chē. 到王府井大街去先坐二路车,然后坐五路车。 To go to Wángfǔjǐng boulevard, first take the Number 2 bus; then take the Number 5 bus.   .Wǒ xiān zuò Èrlù chē, ránhòu zuò Wǔlù chē. Qǐngwèn, zài nǎr huàn chē? 我先坐二路车,然后坐五路车。请问,在哪儿换车? I first take the Number 2 bus; then take the Number 5 bus. May I ask, where do I change buses?  4. Dào Rìtán Lù qù xiān zuò Qílù chē, ránhòu zuò Sānlù chē. 到日坛路去先坐七路车,然后坐三路车。 To go to Rìtán Road, first take the Number 7 bus; then take the Number "" bus.   Wǒ xiān zuò Qílù chē, ránhòu zuò Sānlù chē. Qǐngwèn, zài nar huàn chē? 我坐七路车,然后坐三路车。请问,在哪儿换车? I first take the Number 7 bus; then take the Number 3 bus. May I ask, where do I change buses?  5. Dào Sānlǐtún qù xiān zuò Liùlù chē, ránhòu zuò Èrlù chē. 到三里屯去先坐六路车,然后坐二路车。 To go to Sānlǐtún, first take the Number 6 bus; then take the Number 2 bus.   Wǒ xiān zuò Liùlù chē, ránhòu zuò Èrlù chē. Qǐngwèn, zài nar huàn chē? 我坐六路车,然后坐二路车。请问,在哪儿换车? I first take the Number 6 bus; then take the Number 2 bus. May I ask, where do I change buses?  6. Dào Rìtán Lù qù xiān zuò Shílù chē, ránhòu zuò Qílù chē. 到日坛路去先坐十路车,然后坐七路车。 To go to Rìtán Road, first take the Number 10 bus; then take the Number 7 bus.   Wǒ xiān zuò Shílù chē, ránhòu zuò Qílù chē. Qǐngwèn, zài nar huàn chē? 我先坐十路车,然后坐七路车。请问,在哪儿换车? I first take the Number 10 bus; then take the Number 7 bus. May I ask, where do I change buses?  7. Dào Xīdān qù xiān zuò Shíwulù chē, ránhòu zuò Liùlù chē. 到西单去先坐十五路车,然后坐六路车。 To go to Xīdān, first take the Number 10 bus; then take the Number 6 bus.   Wo xiān zuò Shíwulù chē, ránhòu zuò Liùlù chē. Qǐngwèn, zài nǎr huàn chē? 我先坐十五路车,然后坐六路车。请问,在哪儿换车? I first take the Number 10 bus; then take the Number 6 bus. May I ask, where do I change buses?  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? 咱们在哪儿买票? Where do we buy tickets?  Cuechēshang 车上 on the bus   Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? Zài chēshang mǎi piào ma? 咱们在哪儿买票?在车上买票吗? Where do we buy tickets? Do we buy them on the bus?  2. Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? 咱们在哪儿买票? Where do we buy tickets?  Cuezhèr 这儿 here   Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? Zài zhèr mǎi piào ma? 咱们在哪儿买票?在这儿买票吗? Where do we buy tickets? Do we buy them here?  3. Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? 咱们在哪儿买票? Where do we buy tickets?  Cuenar 那儿 there   Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? Zài nàr mǎi piào ma? 咱们在哪儿买票?在那儿买票吗? Where do we buy tickets? Do we buy them there?   4. Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? 咱们在哪儿买票? Where do we buy tickets?  CueDōngdān nàr 东单那儿 at Dōngdān   Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? Zài Dōngdān nàr mǎi piào ma? 咱们在哪儿买票?在东单那儿买票吗? Where do we buy tickets? Do we buy them at Dōngdān?  5. Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? 咱们在哪儿买票? Where do we buy tickets?  Cuechēshang 车上 on the bus   Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? Zài chēshang mǎi piào ma? 咱们在哪儿买票?在车上买票吗? Where do we buy tickets? Do we buy them on the bus?  6. Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? 咱们在哪儿买票? Where do we buy tickets?  Cuecàishichǎng nàr 菜市场 at the vegetable market   Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? Zài càishichǎng nàr mǎi piào ma? 咱们在哪儿买票?在菜市场买票吗? Where do we buy tickets? Do we buy them at the vegetable market?  7. Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? 咱们在哪儿买票? Where do we buy tickets?  CueXīdān nàr 西单那儿 at Xīdān   Zánmen zài nǎr mǎi piào? Zài Xīdān nàr mǎi piào ma? 咱们在哪儿买票?在西单那儿买票吗? Where do we buy tickets? Do we buy them at Xīdān?  Transformation drillTransform according to the cue and the model.1. Zánmen jiǔdiǎn zhōng shàng ban. 咱们九点钟上班。 We start work at nine o’clock.   Zánmen jiǔdiǎn zhōng cái shàng bān. 咱们九点钟才上班。 We don’t start work until nine o’clock.  2. Wǒmen wǔdiǎnbàn xià bān. 我们五点半下班。 We start work at 5 o’clock.   Wǒmen wǔdiǎnbàn cái xià bān. 我们五点半下班。 We'll not get off work until half past five.  3. Wǒmen xià yízhàn xià chē. 我们下一站才下车。 We get off at the next stop.   Wǒmen xià yízhàn cái xià chē. 我们下一站才下车。 We don't get off until the next stop.  4. Yínháng jiǔdiǎn zhōng kāi mén. 银行九点钟开门。 The bank opens at nine o'clock.   Yínháng jiǔdiǎn zhōng cái kāi mén. 银行九点钟才开门。 The bank doesn't open until nine o'clock.  5. Women xià yízhàn huàn chē. 我们下一站换车。 We change trains at the next stop.   Wǒmen xià yízhàn cái huàn chē. 我们下一站才换车。 We'll not change trains until the next stop.  6. Tāmen liùdiǎn zhōng xià ban. 他们六点钟下班。 They get off work at six o'clock.   Tāmen liùdiǎn zhōng cǎi xià ban. 他们六点钟才下班。 They don't get off work until six o'clock.  7. Tāmen shídiǎn zhōng shàng ban. 他们十点钟才上班。 They don't go to work until ten o'clock.   Tāmen shídiǎn zhōng cǎi shàng ban. 他们十点钟才上班。 They don't go to work until ten o'clock.  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Nánjīng Dōnglù dào le ma? 南京东路到了吗? Have we reached Nánjīng Dōnglù?  Cuehǎi méi ne 还没呢 Not yet   Hǎi méi ne. Xià yízhàn cái xià chē. 还没呢。下一站才下车。 Not yet. We don’t get off until the next stop.  2. Nánjīng Dōnglù dào le ma? 南京东路到了吗? Have we reached Nánjīng Dōnglù?  Cuedào le 到了 already arrived   Dào le. Wǒmen zài zhèr xià chē. 到了。我们在这儿下车。 We have already arrived. We get off here.  3. Zhōnghuá Lù dào le ma? 中华路到了吗? Have we reached Zhōnghuá Road?  Cuehái méi ne 还没呢 Not yet   Hái méi ne. Xià yízhàn cái xià chē. 还没呢。下一站才下车。 Not yet. We don’t get off until the next stop.   4. Dàlǐ Jiē dào le ma? 大理街到了吗? Have we reached Dàlǐ Street?  Cuedào le 到了 already arrived   Dào le. Wǒmen zài zhèr xià chē. 到了。我们在这儿下车。 We have already arrived. We get off here.  5. Zhōngshān Běilù dào le ma? 中山北路到了吗? Have we reached Zhōngshān Běilù?  Cuehái méi ne 还没呢 Not yet   Hái méi ne. Xià yízhàn cái xià chē. 还没呢。下一站才下车。 Not yet. We don’t get off until the next stop.  6. Hépíng Xīlù dào le ma? 和平西路到了吗? Have we reached Hépíng Xīlù?  Cuedào le 到了 already arrived   Dào le. Wǒmen zài zhèr xià chē. 到了。下车。 We have already arrived. We get off here.  7. Jīlóng Lù dào le ma? 基隆街到了吗? Have we reached Jīlóng Road?  Cuehái méi ne 还没呢 Not yet   Hái méi ne. Xià yízhàn cái xià chē. 还没呢。下车。下一站才下车。 Not yet. We don’t get off until the next stop.  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Qǐngwèn Shíwǔlù qìchēzhàn zài nǎr? 请问十五路站在哪儿? May I ask, where is the Number 15 bus stop?  Cuenèige lùkourshang 那个路口上 on that corner   Jiù zài nèige lùkourshang. 就在那个路口上。 it’s [just] on that corner.  2. Qǐngwèn Shísìlù qìchēzhàn zài nǎr? 请问十四路汽车站在哪儿? May I ask, where is № 14 bus stop?  Cuenèige dàlóu nàr 那个大楼那儿 right there by that building   Jiù zài nèige dàlóu nàr. 就在那个大楼那儿。 it’s [just] right there by that building.   3. Qǐngwèn Liùlù qìchēzhàn zài nǎr? 请问六路汽车站在哪儿? May I ask, where is № 6 bus stop?  Cuelùde nèibian 路德那边 over the road   Jiù zài lùde nèibian. 就在路德那边。 it’s [just] over the road.   4. Qǐngwèn, Yīlù qìchēzhàn zài nǎr? 请问一路汽车站在哪儿? May I ask, where is № 1 bus stop?  Cuenèige yínháng qiánbian 那个银行前边 front of the bank   Jiù zài nèige yínhǎng qiánbian. 就在那个银行前边。 it’s [just] in the front of the bank.  5. Qǐngwèn, Sānlù qìchēzhàn zài nǎr? 请问三路汽车站在哪儿? May I ask, where is № 3 bus stop?  Cuenèige shāngdiàn nàr 那个商店那儿 by that shop there   Jiù zài nèige shāngdiàn nàr. 就在那个商店那儿。 it’s [just] by that shop there.  6. Qǐngwèn, Qílù qìchēzhàn zài nǎr? 请问七路汽车站在哪儿? May I ask, where is № 7 bus stop?  Cuecàishichǎng qiánbian 菜市场前边 front of the vegetable market   Jiù zài nèige càishichǎng qiánbian. 就在菜市场前边。 it’s [just] in front of the vegetable market.   7. Qǐngwèn, Shílù qìchēzhàn zài nǎr? 请问十路汽车站在哪儿? May I ask, where is № 10 bus stop?  Cuenèige diànyǐngyuàn qiánbian 那个电影院前边 front of the movie theater   Jiù zài nèige diànyingyuàn qiánbian. 就在那个电影院前边。 it’s [just] in the front of the movie theater.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Tā jǐdiǎn zhōng lái? Tā jiǔdiǎn zhōng lái ma? 他/她几点钟来?他/她九点钟来吗? What time is he/she/she coming? Is He/she coming at nine o'clock?  Cuebā diǎn zhōng 八点钟 8 o'clock   Tā shuō tā bādiǎn zhōng jiù lái. 他/她说他/她八点钟来。 He/she says He/she is coming at eight o'clock.  2. Tā jǐdiǎn zhōng lái? Tā jiǔdiǎn zhōng lái ma? 他/她几点钟来?他/她九点钟来吗? What time is he/she/she coming? Is He/she coming at nine o'clock?  Cueshí diǎn zhōng 十点钟 10 o'clock   Tā shuō tā shídiǎn zhōng cái lái ne. 他/她说他/她十点钟才来呢。 He/she says He/she isn’t coming until ten o'clock.  3. Tā jǐdiǎn zhōng lái? Tā sìdiǎn zhōng lái ma? 他/她几点钟来?他/她四点钟来吗? What time is he/she/she coming?Is He/she coming at 4 o'clock?  Cuewǔ diǎn zhōng 五点钟 5 o'clock   Tā shuō tā wǔdiǎn zhōng cái lái ne. 他/她说他/她五点钟才来呢。 He/she says He/she isn’t coming until 5 o'clock.  4. Tā jǐdiǎn zhōng lái? Tā yìdiǎn zhōng lái ma? 他/她几点钟来?他/她一点钟来吗? What time is he/she/she coming?Is He/she coming at one o'clock?  Cueshí èr diǎn zhōng 十二点中 12 o'clock   Tā shuō tā shíèrdiǎn zhōng jiù lái. 他/她说他/她十二点钟才来呢。 He/she says He/she isn’t coming until 12 o'clock.  5. Tā jǐdiǎn zhōng lái? Tā bādiǎn zhōng lái ma? 他/她几点钟来?他/她八点钟来吗? What time is he/she/she coming?Is He/she coming at 8 o'clock?  Cueqī diǎn zhōng 七点中 7 o'clock   Tā shuō tā qīdiǎn zhōng jiù lái. 他/她说他/她七点钟才来呢。 He/she says He/she isn’t coming until 7 o'clock.  6. Tā jǐdiǎn zhōng lái? Tā liùdiǎn zhōng lái ma? 他/她几点钟来?他/她六点钟来吗? What time is he/she/she coming?Is He/she coming at 6 o'clock?  Cuebā diǎn zhōng 八点钟 8 o'clock   Tā shuō tā bādiǎn zhōng cái lái ne. 他/她说他/她八点钟才来呢。 He/she says He/she isn’t coming until 8 o'clock.  7. Tā jǐdiǎn zhōng lái? Tā shídiǎn zhōng lái ma? 他/她几点钟来?他/她十点钟来吗? What time is he/she/she coming?Is He/she coming at 10 o'clock?  Cueshí yī diǎn zhōng 十一点钟 11 o'clock   Tā shuō tā shíyidiǎn zhōng cái lái ne. 他/她说他/她十一点钟才来呢。 He/she says He/she isn’t coming until 11 o'clock.  Unit 3Unit 3ReferencesReferencesReference List1. A: Ài, jìchéngchē!  哎,計程車!  Hey, taxi! B: Ní dào náli?  你到哪兒?  Where are you going? A: Dào huǒchēzhàn.  到火車站。  To the train station.2. *B: Zhǐ yǒu zhè yíjiàn xíngli ma?  只有這一件行李嗎?  Is there only this one piece of luggage? A: Shì.  是。  Yes.3. *B: Wǒ bǎ xíngli fàng zai qiánbian.  我把行李放在前邊。  I’ll put the suitcase in front.4. A: Nǐ kāide tài kuài le!  你開得太快了!  You are driving too fast!5. C: Tā kāi chē, kāide bú kuài.  他開車,開得不快。  He doesn’t drive fast.6. A: Wǒmen yǒu shíjiān, láidejí.  我們有時間,來得及。  We have time. We can make it in time.7. A: Qǐng màn yìdiǎn kāi.  輕慢一點開。  Please drive a little slower.8. ** A: Bié kāi nàme kuài!  別開那麽快!  Don’t drive so fast!9. B: Zhè shi nínde xíngli.  這是您的行李。  Here is your suitcase. A: Xièxie. Duōshao qián?  謝謝,多少錢?  Thank you. How much is it [the fare]? B: Èrshiqīkuài.  二十七塊。  Twenty-seven dollars. A: Zhè shi sānshikuài, bú yòng zhǎo le.  這是三十塊,不用找了。  Here’s thirty dollars. Keep the change. (literally, “No need to give me change.”)10.A: Qǐng ni zài qiánbian nèige yínháng tíng yíxià.  請你在前邊那個銀行停一下。  Please stop at that bank up ahead for a moment. B: Hǎo. Wǒ bǎ chē tíng zai nèibian děng nín.  好。我把車停在那邊等您。  Okay. I’ll park the car over there and wait for you.11.  chūzū qìchē  出租汽車  taxi (PRC)12.  láibují  來不及  can’t make it in time13.  qìchē  汽車  car, motor vehicle14.  zhème  這麽  so, to this extent, in this way15.  zènme  怎麽  so, to this extent, in this wayVocabulary (prepositional verb which indicates the direct object) bié don’t bú yòng no need to chūzū qìchē 出租汽車 taxi (PRC) fàng to put huǒchēzhàn 火車站 train station -jiàn (counter for items or articles such as suitcases and clothing) jìchéngchē 計程車 taxi (Taipei) kāi to drive (a vehicle) kuài to be fast láibují 來不及 can’t make it in time láidejí 來得及 can make it in time màn to be slow nàme 那麽 so, to that extent, in that way qìchē 汽車 car, motor vehicle shíjiān 時間 time tíng to stop, to park xíngli (yíjiàn) 行李 luggage, suitcase yíxià 一下 a short amount of time zènme 怎麽 so, to this extent, in this way zhème 這麽 so, to this extent, in this way chī fàn 吃飯 to have a meal jìnliàng 盡量 to exert all one’s effort, to do one’s best to Lǎo (name) Old (name) [familiar nickname for an older person among close friends] mótuōchē 摩托車 motorcycle náchuqu 拿出去 to take (something) out sòng to see someone off, to escort someone to a train station, airport, bus depot, or pier Zhèng hǎo. 正好 Right on time. Reference NotesNotes on №11. A: Ài, jìchéngchē!  哎,計程車!  Hey, taxi! B: Ní dào náli?  你到哪兒?  Where are you going? A: Dào huǒchēzhàn.  到火車站。  To the train station.Nǐ dào náli? This expression, like the English “Where to?” is not a full sentence. The taxi driver is using a shortened form of Nǐ dào náli qù? Notes on №2-32.B:a Zhǐ yǒu zhè yíjiàn xíngli ma?  只有這一件行李嗎?  Is there only this one piece of luggage? A: Shì.  是。  Yes.3.B: Wǒ bǎ xíngli fàng zai qiánbian.  我把行李放在前邊。  I’ll put the suitcase in front.aAn object which follows the verb is nonspecific unless marked as specific with zhèi or nèi.Zhè yíjiàn xíngli: -jiàn is the counter for xíngli. is a prepositional verb which often cannot be directly translated into English. Originally, as a full verb, meant “to hold something with one’s hands.” Today is usually used as a prepositional verb which brings the direct object to the front of the sentence, before the main verb. In some cases, may be translated as “take.” Tā bǎ zhèiběn shū fàng zai zhuōzishang. 他把這本書放在桌子上。 He put the book on the table. (He took the book and put it on the table.) But, in many cases, the meaning of “take” does not correspond to the function of in the sentence. may be used with many types of objects, concrete and abstract. As a prepositional verb, shows that its object (the noun which follows) is the direct object in the sentence, even though it does not follow the main verb. Tā mài tāde qìchē le. He sold his car. 他賣他的汽車了。   Tā bǎ tāde qìchē mài le. 他把他的汽車賣了 The next questions are “Why use ?” and “When is used?” On the next page are some basic rules for using . a.The object in a phrase must be a particular known thing. This rule follows the general pattern in Chinese of an object preceding the verb, in topic position or in a phrase, being specific.* The object in a phrase should be translated by the English definite article “the” or by other words that indicate definiteness, such as “that” and “my.” Ní yǒu xíngli ma? 你有行李嗎? Do you have any luggage?   Yǒu. Zhǐ yǒu zhè yíjiàn. 有。只有這一件。 Yes. I have only this one piece.   Hǎo. Wǒ bǎ xíngli fàngzai qiánbian. 好。我把行李放在前邊。 Okay. I will put the suitcase in front. b.The object of a phrase must be at the disposal of the subject before the action begins. Thus the object of kànjian, “to see,” cannot be used with , nor can the object of mǎi, “to buy.” Wǒ mǎile nèiběn shū. 我買了那本書。 I bought the book.   Wǒ bǎ nèiběn shū mài le. 我把那本書賣了。 I sold the book. c.Fàng zai qiánbian: The verb in a sentence is usually a transitive ACTION verb. An action verb refers to an activity that can be done voluntarily, either physically (mài, “to sell”) or mentally (niàn, “to study”). Contrast this with a state verb, which refers to a quality or condition that the subject has no control over.For instance, you can decide to study or to learn something, so xué is an action verb. But you cannot decide to know something, so zhīdao is a state verb. Although some state verbs, like zhīdao and xǐhuan, are transitive, the objects of these verbs cannot be put in a phrase because these verbs are not action verbs.d.A sentence does not end with only a verb of one syllable. Either the verb has several syllables or a phrase follows the verb. In the final sentence of exchange 3, the action verb fàng is followed by zai and the destination qiánbian.Notes on №44. A: Nǐ kāide tài kuài le!  你開得太快了!  You are driving too fast!-de: To describe how action is performed, the marker -de is added to the verb describing the action, and that verb is followed by an adjectival verb which expresses the MANNER in which the action takes place.Cultural information: Taxi drivers are not offended by comments about their driving such as the exclamation in exchange 4. If ignored, a request to slow down should be repeated.Notes on №55. C: Tā kāi chē, kāide bú kuài.  他開車,開得不快。  He doesn’t drive fast.Verb, object, and the description of manner: If an action verb with a direct object is to be described in terms of how the action is done, use the following pattern. Tā shuō Zhōngguo huà shuō -de tài/hěn/bú man. 他 説 中國話 説得 太/很/不 慢。 (he speak Chinese speak too/very/not slow) “He speaks Chinese too/very/not slowly.” Notice that the main verb and direct object occur first; then the main verb is repeated, followed by -de and the description of manner. Compare the pattern above with the pattern you learned in the Biographic Information Module, Unit 8: Wo niàn Yīngwén niànle liùnián, “I studied English for six years.”The main verb is repeated when BOTH the direct object and a duration phrase or a description of manner MUST follow the verb directly. In such a case, Chinese handles this post-verb “traffic jam” by making a topic out of the more general information (what is being done): the verb and direct object. The more specific information about how the action is done becomes the comment. A literal translation of the pattern example above is “As for (the way) he speaks Chinese, (he) speaks too/very/not slowly.”A special point to observe: In English, we may say “He doesn’t speak Chinese slowly,” putting the negative word before “speak.” In Chinese, the negation must be placed directly in front of the word that is referred to (in the example, man, “slow”—not saying that he doesn’t speak, but saying that his speech is not slow).Linguists have pointed out the potentially comical effect of using English word order for sentences in Chinese with manner descriptions.If you were to use English word order to say “I can’t speak Chinese very well,” Wǒ bú huì shuō Zhōngguo huà hěn hào, your sentence would mean, literally, “(The fact that) I can’t speak Chinese is very good.” The right way to say “I can’t speak Chinese very well” is Wǒ shuō Zhōngguo huà shuōde bú tài hǎo.Notes on №6-76. A: Wǒmen yǒu shíjiān, láidejí.  我們有時間,來得及。  We have time. We can make it in time.7. A: Qǐng màn yìdiǎn kāi.  輕慢一點開。  Please drive a little slower.Shíjiān: You now know two words for “time”: shíhou and shíjiān. Shíjiān is used for an amount of time. Shíhou is usually used for a point or period in time when something happens.Láidejí is an idiom meaning “able to make it on time [to do some- thing].” The negative, “not able to make it on time,” is láibují. (See the Meeting Module for additional discussion of such idioms.)Qǐng màn yìdiǎn kāi, “Please drive a little slower”: In the notes on exchange 5, yǒu learned a pattern for describing manner: verb + -de + adjectival verb. In this sentence, however, the adjectival verb màn + yìdiǎn precede the verb kāi. When the adjectival verbs màn, kuài, zǎo, and wǎn are followed by yìdiǎn, the phrases thus formed may either precede or follow the verb of the sentence. Qǐng màn yìdiǎn kāi. Please drive a little slower. 輕慢一點開。 Qǐng kāi màn yìdiǎn. 請開慢一點。    Qǐng kuài yìdiǎn kāi. Please drive a little faster. 請快一點開。 Qǐng kāi kuài yìdiǎn. 請開快一點。    Qǐng ni zǎo yìdiǎn lái. Please come a little earlier. 請你早一點來。 Qǐng ni lái zǎo yìdiǎn. 請你來早一點。    Qǐng ni wǎn yìdiǎn lái. Please come a little later. 請你晚一點來。 Qǐng ni lái wǎn yìdiǎn. 請你來晚一點。 Many adjectival verbs + yìdiǎn must follow the sentence verb. Xiě xiǎo yìdiǎn. Write it a little smaller. 些小一點。    Xiě dà yìdiǎn. Write it a little bigger. 寫大一點。    Zuò hǎo yìdiǎn. Do it a little better. 做好一點。 The marker -de is optional, and usually omitted, before adjectival verb + yìdiǎn phrases.Notes on №88. A: Bié kāi nàme kuài!  別開那麽快!  Don’t drive so fast!Here you see a third way to describe the performance of an action.First, you saw a straight description: Nǐ kāide tài kuài le! 你開得太快了! You are driving too fast! OR Tā niàn shū niànde bú cuò. 她念書念得不錯。 She is doing pretty well in her studies. Then, you saw a command in which an adjectival verb + yìdiǎn phrase could be placed either before or after the main sentence verb: Qǐng màn yìdiǎn kāi. Please drive a little slower. 請慢一點開。 Qǐng kāi màn yìdiǎn. 請開慢一點。 Now, in Bié kāi nàme kuài, you see a negative command. The modifying adjectival verb follows the main verb. The marker -de is optional, and usually omitted, as long as the adjectival verb is preceded by name or zhème (zènme). Bié zǒu nàme màn le! 別走那麽慢了! Quit walking so slowly!   Bié qǐlai zènme wǎn! 別起來那麽晚! Don’t get up so late!   Nǐ zǒu nàme màn, zánmen jiu láibují le! 你走那麽慢,咱們就來不及了。 If you walk so slowly, we won’t make it in time! Notes on №99. B: Zhè shi nínde xíngli.  這是您的行李。  Here is your suitcase. A: Xièxie. Duōshao qián?  謝謝,多少錢?  Thank you. How much is it [the fare]? B: Èrshiqīkuài.  二十七塊。  Twenty-seven dollars. A: Zhè shi sānshikuài, bú yòng zhǎo le.  這是三十塊,不用找了。  Here’s thirty dollars. Keep the change. (literally, “No need to give me change.”)Èrshiqīkuài: This money phrase does not contain the word qián because the counter kuài can stand alone if the reference could clearly be only to money. Other counters for money, such as máo and fēn, usually require the addition of qián.Bú yòng zhǎo le: Bú yòng is an idiom meaning “no need to.” A more literal translation of the sentence is “No need to give me change.” Nǐ bú yòng kāi nàme kuài would be translated as “There’s no need for you to drive that fast.”11*The literal meaning of the verb yòng is “to use.”Notes on №1010.A: Qǐng ni zài qiánbian nèige yínháng tíng yíxià.  請你在前邊那個銀行停一下。  Please stop at that bank up ahead for a moment. B: Hǎo. Wǒ bǎ chē tíng zai nèibian děng nín.  好。我把車停在那邊等您。  Okay. I’ll park the car over there and wait for you.Yíxià, “awhile,” is used to indicate a short, indefinite amount of time. The use of this word communicates indefiniteness, just as reduplicating the verb would have done (tíngyitíng). The first speaker in this exchange does not commit himself to an exact length of time. DrillsDrillsExpansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Nǐ kāide tài kuài le. 你开得太快了。 You are driving too fast.  Cuechē  car   Nǐ kāi chē kāide tài kuài le. 你开车开得太快了。 You are driving (the car) too fast.  2. Tā tíngde tài kuài le. 他/她停得太快了。 He/she stopped too quickly.  Cuechē  car   Tā tíng chē tíngde tài kuài le. 他/她停车停得太快了。 He/she stopped the car too quickly.  3. Nǐ kànde tài màn le. 你看得太慢了。 You are reading too slowly.  Cueshū  book   Nǐ kàn shū kànde tài màn le. 你看书看得太慢了。 You are reading the book too slowly.  4. Tā shuōde tài kuài le. 他/她说得太快了。 He/she speaking too fast.  CueYīngwén 英文 English   Tā shuō Yīngwén shuode tài kuài le. 他/她说英文说得太快了。 He/she speaking English too fast.  5. Nǐ xuéde tài màn le. 你学得太慢了。 You learn too slowly.  CueZhōngwén 中文 Chinese   Nǐ xué Zhongwén xuéde tài màn le. 你学中文学得太慢了。 You learn Chinese too slowly.  6. Tā niànde tài kuài le. 他/她念得太快了。 He/she studying too fast.  Cuezhèngzhixué 政治学 politics   Tā niàn zhèngzhixué niànde tài kuài le. 他/她念政治学念得太快了。 He/she studying politics too fast.  7. Nǐ kànde tài màn le. 你看德太慢了。 You are reading too slowly.  Cuebào  newspaper   Nǐ kàn bào kànde tài màn le. 你看报看德太慢了。 You are reading the newspaper too slowly.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Qǐng ni màn kāi. 请你慢开。 Please drive slowly.   Qǐng ni màn yìdiǎn kāi. 请你慢一点开。 Please drive a little slower.  2. Qǐng ni màn zǒu. 请你慢走。 Please walk slower.    Qǐng ni màn yìdiǎn zǒu. 请你慢一点走。 Please walk a little slower.  3. Qǐng ni màn shuō. 请你慢说。 Please speak slower.   Qǐng ni màn yìdiǎn shuō. 请你慢一点说。 Please speak a little slower.  4. Qǐng ni kuài shuō. 请你快说。 Please speak quicker.   Qǐng ni kuài yìdiǎn shuō. 请你快一点说。 Please speak a little quicker.  5. Qǐng ni màn xià chē. 请你慢下车。 Please go out slower.   Qǐng ni màn yìdiǎn xià chē. 请你慢一点下车。 Please go out a little slower.  6. Qǐng ni kuài qù. 请你快去。 Please go quicker.   Qǐng ni kuài yìdiǎn qù. 请你快一点去。 Please go a little quicker.  7. Qǐng ni kuài shàng chē. 请你快上车。 Please get in quicker.   Qǐng ni kuài yìdiǎn shàng chē. 请你快一点上车。 Please get in a little quicker.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Nǐ kāi chē, kāide tài kuài le. 你开车,开得太快乐。 You are driving too fast.   Nǐ kāi chē kāide tài kuài le. Qǐng nǐ màn yìdiǎn kāi. 你开车,开得太快乐。请你慢一点开。 You are driving too fast. Please drive a little slower.  2. Nǐ kàn shū, kànde tài màn le. 你看书,看得太慢了。 You are reading the book too slowly.   Nǐ kàn shū, kànde tài màn le. Qǐng ni kuài yìdiǎn kàn. 你看书,看得太慢了。请你快一点看。 You are reading the book too slowly. Please read a bit quicker.  3. Nǐ kàn bào kànde tài màn le. 你看报看得太慢了。 You are reading the newspaper too slowly.   Nǐ kàn bào kànde tài màn le. Qǐng ni kuài yìdiǎn kàn. 你看报看得太慢了。请你快一点看。 You are reading the newspaper too slowly. Please read a bit faster.  4. Nǐ shuō Yīngwén shuōde tài kuài le. 你说英文说得太快了。 You are speaking English too fast.   Nǐ shuō Yīngwén shuōde tài kuài le. Qǐng ni màn yìdiǎn shuō. 你说英文说得太快了。请你慢一点说。 You are speaking English too fast. Please speak a bit slower.  5. Nǐ kāi chē kāide tài kuài le. 你开车开得太快了。 You are driving too fast.   Nǐ kāi chē kāide tài kuài le. Qǐng ni màn yìdiǎn kāi. 你开车开得太快了。请你慢一点开。 You are driving too fast. Please drive a bit slower.  6. Nǐ mài piào màide tài màn le. 你卖票卖得太慢了。 You are buying the ticket too slowly.   Nǐ mài piào màide tài màn le. Qǐng ni kuài yìdiǎn mài. 你卖票卖得太慢了。请你快一点卖。 You are buying the ticket too slowly. Please, buy a bit quicker.  7. Nǐ shuō Zhōngwén shuōde tài màn le. 你说中文说得太慢了。 You are speaking Chinese too slowly.   Nǐ shuō Zhōngwén shuōde tài màn le. Qǐng ni kuài yìdiǎn shuō. 你说中文说得太慢了。请你快一点说。 You are speaking Chinese too slowly. Please speak a bit quicker.  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Wǒmen yǒu shífēn zhōng, láidejí láibují? 我们有十分钟,来得及来不及? We have ten minutes. Can we make it in time?  Cuetài yuǎn 太远    Tài yuǎn. Jiù yǒu shífēn zhōng, láibují. 太远。就有十分钟,来不及。 It’s too far. [If] we have only ten minutes, we can’t make it in time.  2. Wǒmen yǒu shífēn zhōng, láidejí láibují? 我们有十分钟,来得及来不及? We have ten minutes. Can we make it in time?  Cuehěn jìn 很近 very near   Hěn jìn. Yǒu shífēn zhōng, láidejí. 很近。有十分钟,来得及。 It's very near. [If] we have 10 minutes, we can make it in time.  3. Wǒmen yǒu sānshifēn zhōng, láidejí láibují? 我们有三十分钟,来得及来不及? We have ten minutes. Can we make it in time?  Cuetài yuǎn 太远    Tài yuǎn. Jiù yǒu sānshifēn zhōng, láibují. 太远。就有三十分钟,来不及。 It’s too far. [If] we have only ten minutes, we can’t make it in time.  4. Wǒmen yǒu èrshifēn zhōng, láidejí láibují? 我们有二十分钟,来得及来不及? We have 20 minutes. Can we make it in time?  Cuehěn jìn 很近 very near   Hěn jìn. You èrshifēn zhōng, láidejí. 很近。有二十分钟,来得及。 It's very near. [If] we have 20 minutes, we can make it in time.  5. Wǒmen yǒu shíwǔfēn zhōng, láidejí láibují? 我们有十五分钟,来得及来不及? We have 15 minutes. Can we make it in time?  Cuetài yuǎn 太远 too far   Tài yuǎn. Jiù yǒu shíwǔfēn zhōng, láibují. 太远。就有十五分钟,来不及。 It’s too far. [If] we have only ten minutes, we can’t make it in time.  6. Wǒmen yōu shífēn zhōng, láidejí láibují? 我们有十分钟,来得及来不及? We have ten minutes. Can we make it in time?  Cuehěn jìn 很近 very near   Hěn jìn. You shífēn zhōng, láidejí. 很近。有十分钟,来得及。 It's very near. [If] we have 10 minutes, we can make it in time.  7. Wǒmen yǒu èrshifēn zhong, láidejí láibují? 我们有二十分钟,来得及来不及? We have 20 minutes. Can we make it in time?  Cuetài yuǎn 太远 too far   Tài yuǎn. Jiù yǒu èrshifēn zhōng, láibují. 太远。就有二十分钟,来不及。 It’s too far. [If] we have only 20 minutes, we can’t make it in time.  Transformation drillTransform according to the cue and the model.1. Qǐng màn yìdiǎn kāi. 请慢一点开。 Please drive a little slower.   Bié kāi zhème kuài! 别开这么快! Don't drive so fast!  2. Qǐng kuài yìdiǎn zǒu. 请快一点走。 Please walk a little quicker.   Bié zǒu zhème màn! 别走这么慢! Don't walk so slowly!  3. Qǐng màn yìdiǎn shuō. 请慢一点说。 Please speak a little slower.   Bié shuō zhème kuài! 别走这么快! Don't speak so quickly!  4. Qǐng kuài yìdiǎn kāi. 请快一点开。 Please drive a little quicker.   Bié kāi zhème màn! 别开这么慢! Don't drive so slowly!  5. Qǐng kuài yìdiǎn kàn. 请快一点看。 Please read a little quicker.   Bié kàn zhème màn! 别看这么慢! Don't read so slowly!  6. Qǐng màn yìdiǎn shuō. 请慢一点说。 Please speak a little slower.   Bié shuō zhème kuài! 别走这么快! Don't speak so quickly!  7. Qǐng kuài yìdiǎn zǒu. 请快一点走。 Please walk a little quicker.   Bié zǒu zhème màn! 别走这么慢! Don't walk so slowly!  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Wǒmen láidejí. 我们来得及。 We can make it in time.  Cueqǐng  please   Wǒmen láidejí. Qǐng ni màn yìdiǎn kāi. 我们来得及。请你慢一点开。 We can make it in time. Please drive a little slower.  2. Wǒmen láidejí. 我们来得及。 We can make it in time.  Cuebié  don't   Wǒmen láidejí. Bié kāi nàme kuài! 我们来得及。别开那么快! We can make it in time. Don't drive so fast!  3. Wǒmen yǒu shíjiān. 我们有时间。 We have time.  Cueqǐng  please   Wǒmen yǒu shíjiān. Qǐng ni màn yìdiǎn kāi. 我们有时间。请你慢一点开。 We have time. Please drive a bit slower.  4. Wǒmen yǒu shíjiān. 我们有时间。 We have time.  Cuebié  don't   Wǒmen yǒu shíjiān. Bié kāi nàme kuài! 我们来得及。别开那么快! We have time. Don't drive so fast!  5. Wǒmen láidejí. 我们来得及。 We can make it in time.  Cueqǐng  please   Wǒmen láidejí. Qǐng ni màn yìdiǎn kāi. 我们来得及。请你慢一点开。 We can make it in time. Please, drive a bit slower.  6. Wǒmen láidejí. 我们来得及。 We can make it in time.  Cuebié  don't   Wǒmen láidejí. Bié kāi nàme kuài! 我们来得及。别开那么快! We can make it in time. Don't drive so fast!  7. Wǒmen yǒu shíjiān. 我们有时间。 We have time.  Cueqǐng  please   Wǒmen yǒu shíjiān. Qǐng ni màn yìdiǎn kāi. 我们来得及。请你慢一点开。 We have time. Please drive a bit slower.  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Èrshiqīkuài. 二十七块。 Twenty-seven dollars.  Cue  no   Zhè shi sānshikuài. Bú yòng zhǎo le. 这是三十块。不用找了。 Here's thirty dollars. Keep the change.  2. Èrshiqīkuài. 二十七块。 Twenty-seven dollars.  Cuesān  3   Zhè shi sānshikuài. Qǐng ni zhǎo sānkuài qián. 这是三十块。请你找三块钱。 Here's thirty dollars. Please give me three dollars [in] change.  3. Èrshiliù kuài. 二十六块。  Twenty six dollars.  Cue  no   Zhè shi sānshikuài. Bú yòng zhǎo le. 这是三十块。不用找了。  Here's 30 dollars. Keep the change.  4. Èrshi kuài. 二十块。  Twenty dollars.  Cueshí  10   Zhè shi sānshikuài. Qǐng ni zhǎo shíkuài qiān. 这是三十块。请你找十块钱。 Here's 30 dollars. Please give me ten dollars [in] change.  5. Èrshiwǔ kuài. 二十五块  Twenty five dollars.  Cue  no   Zhè shi sānshikuài. Bú yòng zhǎo le. 这是三十块。不用找了。  Here's Keep the change.  6. Èrshiyī kuài. 二十一块。  Twenty one dollars.  Cuejiǔ  9   Zhè shi sānshikuài. Qǐng ni zhǎo jiukuài qián. 这是三十块。请你找九块钱。 Here's 30 dollars. Please give me nine dollars [in] change.  7. Èrshibā kuài. 二十八块。  Twenty eight dollars.  Cue  no   Zhè shi sānshikuài. Bú yòng zhǎo le. 这是三十块。不用找了。  Here's Keep the change.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1.Qǐng nǐ tíng yíxià. 请你停一下。 Please stop for a moment.  Cueyínháng 银行 bank   Qǐng nǐ zài nèige yínháng tíng yíxià. 请你银行停一下。 Please stop at that bank for a moment.  2.Qǐng nǐ tíng yíxià. 请你停一下。 Please stop for a moment.  Cuecàishichǎng 菜市场 vegetable market   Qǐng nǐ zài nèige càishichǎng tíng yíxià. 请你在那个菜市场停一下。 Please stop at that vegetable market for a moment.  3.Qǐng nǐ tíng yíxià. 请你停一下。 Please stop for a moment.  Cuediànyǐngyuàn 电影院 movie theater   Qǐng nǐ zài nèige diànyǐngyuàn tíng yíxià. 请你在那个电影院停一下。 Please stop at that movie theater for a moment.  4.Qǐng nǐ tíng yíxià. 请你停一下。 Please stop for a moment.  Cueshūdiàn 书店 bookstore   Qǐng nǐ zài nèige shūdiàn tíng yíxià. 请你在那个书店停一下。 Please stop at that bookstore for a moment.  5.Qǐng nǐ tíng yíxià. 请你停一下。 Please stop for a moment.  Cuexuéxiào 学校 school   Qǐng nǐ zài nèige xuéxiào tíng yíxià. 请你在那个学校停一下。 Please stop at that school for a moment.  6.Qǐng nǐ tíng yíxià. 请你停一下。 Please stop for a moment.  Cuefàndiàn 饭店 restaurant   Qǐng nǐ zài nèige fàndiàn tíng yíxià. 请你在那个饭店停一下。 Please stop at that restaurant for a moment.  7.Qǐng nǐ tíng yíxià. 请你停一下。 Please stop for a moment.  Cueyínháng 银行 bank   Qǐng nǐ zài nèige yínháng tíng yíxià. 请你在那个银行停一下。 Please stop at that bank for a moment.  Unit 4Unit 4ReferencesReferencesReference List1. A: Wo xiǎng qù Táinán wán jitiān.  我想去臺南玩幾天。  I’m thinking of going to Táinán to relax for a few days.2. A: Zuò Gōnglùjú xíng bu xíng?*  坐公路局行不行?  Would it be all right to take the bus? B: Dào Táinán qù zuò Gōnglùjú bú dà fāngbian.  到臺南去坐公路局不大方便。  To go to Táinán, it’s not very convenient to take the bus.3. C: Shì zuò huǒchē qu hǎo ne, háishi zuò Gōnglùjú qu hǎo ne?  是坐火車去好呢,還是坐公路局好呢?  Is it better to go by train or to go by bus? D: Zuò huǒchē qu hǎo.  坐火車去好。  It’s better to go by train.4. E: Nǐ shuō shi zuò huǒchē qu hǎo ne, háishi zuò Gōnglùjú qu hǎo ne?  你説是坐火車去好呢,還是坐公路局好呢?  Would you say it’s better to go by train or to go by bus? F: Dào Táinán zuò huǒchē zuì fāngbian.  到臺南坐火車最方便。  To Táinán, it’s most convenient to take the train.5. A: Děi xiān mǎi piào ma?  得先買票嗎?  Is it necessary to buy tickets ahead of time? B: Nǐ zuì hǎo liǎngsāntiān yǐqián qù mǎi piào.  你最好兩三天以前去買票。  It would be best for you to go to buy your tickets two or three days ahead of time.6. A: Zuò Gōnglùjú yě děi xiān mǎi piào ma?  坐公路局也得先買票嗎?  If I take the bus, is it also necessary to buy tickets ahead of time? B: Bú bì xiān mǎi piào.  不必先買票。  It’s not necessary to buy tickets ahead of time.7. B: Nǐ yào zuò shěnme shíhoude chē?  你要坐什麽時候的車?  What train do you want to take? A: Wǒ yào zuò shàngwǔde chē.  我要坐上午的車。  I want to take a morning train.8. B: Duìbuqǐ, shàngwǔde piào dōu màiwán le.  對不起,上午票都賣完了。  I’m sorry, the tickets for the morning trains are all sold out.9.  chuán    boat, ship10.  dìtiě  地鐵  subway (abbreviation for dìxià tiědào)11.  dìxià huǒchē  地下火車  underground train, subway12.  wán (wánr)  玩 (玩兒)  to play, to relax, to enjoy oneself13.  -wán    to be finished (occurs in compound verbs of result)Vocabulary bú bì 不必 not necessary, don’t have to chuán boat, ship dìtiě 地鐵 subway (abbreviation for dìxià tiedào) dìxià huǒchē 地下火車 underground train, subway fāngbian 方便 to be convenient Gōnglùjú 公路局 Bureau of Highways (Taiwan) huǒchē 火車 train liǎngsān- 兩三 two or three màiwán le 賣完了 to be sold out wán (wánr) 玩 (玩兒) to play, to relax, to enjoy oneself -wán to be finished (occurs in compound verbs of result) xiān ahead of time, beforehand zuì hǎo 最好 it would be best to huá chuán 划船 to row a boat sàn bù 散步 to take a walk shān hill, mountain shuǐ rivers, lakes (literally, "water") yóuyǒng 游泳 to swim Reference NotesNotes on №11. A: Wo xiǎng qù Táinán wán jitiān.  我想去臺南玩幾天。  I’m thinking of going to Táinán to relax for a few days.The basic meaning of the verb wán is “to play.” It is often best translated into English as “to relax,” “to enjoy oneself.” Notes on №22. A: Zuò Gōnglùjú xíng bu xíng?*  坐公路局行不行?  Would it be all right to take the bus? B: Dào Táinán qù zuò Gōnglùjú bú dà fāngbian.  到臺南去坐公路局不大方便。  To go to Táinán, it’s not very convenient to take the bus.Gōnglùjú, “the Bureau of Highways” in Taiwan, is the agency which administers the island’s intercity bus system. The phrase zuò Gōnglùjú means “to take a Bureau of Highways bus.” This phrasing is analogous to “I’m going by Greyhound.” In talking about the buses themselves, you would have to say Gōnglùjúde chē, “the buses of the Bureau of Highways”: Gōnglùjúde chē hěn shūfu. 公路局的車很舒服。 The buses of the Bureau of Highways are very comfortable. (shūfu, “to be comfortable”) Sentences containing both dào and zuò phrases: The zuò phrase usually comes first in a sentence with both a prepositional phrase expressing destination (dào...) and a prepositional phrase expressing means of conveyance (zuò...). However, if the destination is being stressed, the dào phrase may be placed at the beginning of the sentence, in the topic position. (See the second sentence in exchange 2.) Tā měitiān zuò gōnggòng qìchē dào xuéxiào lái. 他每天坐公共汽車到學校來。 He rides the bus to school every day.   Dào yínháng qù, tā bú zuò gōnggòng qìchē. Tā zǒu lù qu. 到銀行去,他不坐公共汽車。 她走路去。 To go to the bank, he doesn’t take the bus. He walks there, Bú dà might also be translated as “not too,” “not so.”Notes on №33. C: Shì zuò huǒchē qu hǎo ne, háishi zuò Gōnglùjú qu hǎo ne?  是坐火車去好呢,還是坐公路局好呢?  Is it better to go by train or to go by bus? D: Zuò huǒchē qu hǎo.  坐火車去好。  It’s better to go by train.Shi...háishi: In a choice-type question, shi and háishi serve to mark off the choices more clearly. Below are some of the most common ways of asking the question “Do you want the red one or the yellow one?” Nǐ yào hóngde, háishi yào huángde? (PREFERRED FORMS) 你要紅的,還是要黃的?   Nǐ shi yào hóngde, háishi yào huángde? 你是要紅的,還是要黃的?   Nǐ yào hóngde, huángde? (FAMILIAR, VERY COLLOQUIAL; NO PAUSE AT COMMA) 你要紅的,黃的?   Nǐ shi yào hóngde, shi yào huángde? (LEAST PREFERRED; shi UNSTRESSED HERE) 你是要紅的,是要黃的? The marker ne clarifies the choices in a choice-type question. Ne may be placed after one or the other choice or after both choices. Nǐ jīntiān qù ne, háishi míngtiān qù? 你今天去呢,還是明天去? Are you going today or tomorrow?   Nǐ jīntiān qù, háishi míngtiān qù ne? 你今天去,還是明天去呢?   Nǐ jīntiān qù ne, shi míngtiān qù ne? (COMMUNICATES GENUINE PERPLEXITY) . 你今天去呢,是明天去呢? Zuò huǒchē qu hǎo: Here a whole phrase, which could also be a sentence, is used as the subject of the sentence. Zuò huǒchē qù hǎo. 坐 火車 去 好。 ride train go good Hǎo is translated here as “better,” not as “good.” Adjectival verbs used alone (i.e., not modified by words such as hěn and tài) usually express comparison. Něige xuésheng hǎo? 哪個學生好? Which student is better?   Shéi kuài? 誰快? Who is faster? Notes on №44. E: Nǐ shuō shi zuò huǒchē qu hǎo ne, háishi zuò Gōnglùjú qu hǎo ne?  你説是坐火車去好呢,還是坐公路局好呢?  Would you say it’s better to go by train or to go by bus? F: Dào Táinán zuò huǒchē zuì fāngbian.  到臺南坐火車最方便。  To Táinán, it’s most convenient to take the train.When nǐ shuō begins a question, the phrase is translated as “would you say” or “do you think.”Notes on №55. A: Děi xiān mǎi piào ma?  得先買票嗎?  Is it necessary to buy tickets ahead of time? B: Nǐ zuì hǎo liǎngsāntiān yǐqián qù mǎi piào.  你最好兩三天以前去買票。  It would be best for you to go to buy your tickets two or three days ahead of time.The adverb xiān may sometimes be translated as “ahead of time,” “beforehand.”Zuì hǎo, “best,” acts as an adverb in exchange 5, coming after the subject in the second sentence. Zuì hǎo is used to offer advice politely, not to warn a person that he had “better” or “best” do something.Liǎngsāntiān: When approximate amounts, such as “two or three,” are given in Chinese, the numbers are read together, with no equivalent of “or.” This system is also used when two words are combined to indicate an approximate date. sìwǔge rén 四五個人 four or five people   mínghòutiān 明後天 tomorrow or the day after  Qībāyuè七八月 July or August Liǎngsāntiān yǐqián: For “ahead of time,” “in advance,” yǐqián is used (instead of xiān) when the amount of time is stated. Yǐqián follows the word indicating the amount of time. Nǐ děi xiān qù mǎi piào. 你得先去買票。 You have to go ahead of time to buy tickets.   Nǐ děi liǎngsāntiān yǐqián qù mǎi piào. 你得兩三天以前去買票。 You have to go two or three days ahead of time to buy tickets. Notes on №66. A: Zuò Gōnglùjú yě děi xiān mǎi piào ma?  坐公路局也得先買票嗎?  If I take the bus, is it also necessary to buy tickets ahead of time? B: Bú bì xiān mǎi piào.  不必先買票。  It’s not necessary to buy tickets ahead of time.Zuò Gōnglùjú, “if I take the bus”: The beginning of the first sentence in exchange 6 is translated with an “if” in English. Literally, the Chinese sentence is “Take the bus, also have to beforehand buy tickets?” In a sense the “if” part of the sentence is a kind of topic in Chinese, providing the setting for the second part of the sentence. In Chinese, the setting or condition can often be put in the topic position. In English, a particular word must be used to clarify the relationship of the first part of the sentence to the second part. Zuò Gōnglùjú,.... If I take the bus,.... When one takes the bus,.... For taking the bus,.... To take the bus,.... Bú bì, “not necessary,” “don’t have to,” is the phrase to use as the negative of the auxiliary děi, “must,” “have to.” Děi cannot be made negative.22“Must not” as in “You must not go” can be translated as bù néng: Nǐ bù néng qù.Notes on №77. B: Nǐ yào zuò shěnme shíhoude chē?  你要坐什麽時候的車?  What train do you want to take? A: Wǒ yào zuò shàngwǔde chē.  我要坐上午的車。  I want to take a morning train.Shénme shíhoude chē has been translated simply as “what train.” More literally, the phrase means “a train (arriving at) what time.” Notes on №88. B: Duìbuqǐ, shàngwǔde piào dōu màiwán le.  對不起,上午票都賣完了。  I’m sorry, the tickets for the morning trains are all sold out.Wán, “to end,” ”to be over,” cannot take a direct object. Wánle ma? 完了嗎? Is it over?   Wánle meiyou? 玩了沒有? Is it over yet?   Hái méi wán ne. 還沒完呢? It isn’t over yet. By itself, the expression Wán le! means “That’s all,” “There’s no more,” or “That’s it!” People often end speeches and recordings with Wán le!Màiwán le, “to be sold out,” literally “sell finished”: Here is another example of a compound verb of result.NoteIn DIR, Unit U, you learned kànjian, “to see,” literally “look-perceive.”All examples which have been presented in this and previous modules occur with completion le.Compound verbs of result communicate both the action being performed and its result. In compound verbs of result, the first verb indicates the action; and the second, the result. Not every action verb is used in compound verbs of result, nor are verbs indicating the result always predictable.When -wán is used as an ending, it indicates finishing, as in Wǒ hái méi shuōwán, “I haven’t finished speaking yet,” or depletion, as in màiwán le, “sold out,” and yòngwán le, “used up.” In English, you might Just say “finished,” without indicating what you have finished doing. In Chinese, the action which has been finished is usually mentioned. Wǒ chīwán le. 我吃完了。 I have finished eating.   Wǒ huàwán le. 我畫完了。 I have finished drawing.   Wǒ kànwán le. 我看完了。 I have finished reading.   Wǒ hái méi shuōwán ne. 我還沒説完呢。 I have not finished talking yet.   Tā hái méi zuòwán ne. 他還沒做完呢。 He has not finished (doing something) yet. DrillsDrillsResponse drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Nǐ qù náli? 你去哪里? Where are you going?  CueTáinán 台南 Táinán   Wǒ xiǎng qù Táinán wán jitiān. 我想去台南玩几天。 I’m thinking of going to Táinán to relax for a few days.  2. Nǐ qù náli? 你去哪里? Where are you going?  CueXīnzhú 新竹 Xīnzhú   Wǒ xiǎng qù Xīnzhú wán jitiān. 我想去新竹玩几天。 I’m thinking of going to Xīnzhú to relax for a few days.  3. Nǐ qù náli? 你去哪里? Where are you going?  CueJiāyì 嘉义 Jiāyì   Wǒ xiǎng qù Jiāyì wán jitiān. 我想去嘉义玩几天。 I’m thinking of going to Jiāyì to relax for a few days.  4. Nǐ qù náli? 你去哪里? Where are you going?  CueGāoxióng 高雄 Gāoxióng   Wǒ xiǎng qù Gāoxióng wán jitiān. 我想去高雄玩几天。 I’m thinking of going to Gāoxióng to relax for a few days.  5. Nǐ qù náli? 你去哪里? Where are you going?  CueHuālián 花莲 Huālián   Wǒ xiǎng qù Huālián wán jitiān. 我想去花莲玩几天。 I’m thinking of going to Huālián to relax for a few days.  6. Nǐ qù náli? 你去哪里? Where are you going?  CueTáidōng 台东 Táidōng   Wǒ xiǎng qù Táidōng wán jitiān. 我想去台东玩几天。 I’m thinking of going to Táidōng to relax for a few days.  7. Nǐ qù náli? 你去哪里? Where are you going?  CueTáiběi 台北 Táiběi   Wǒ xiǎng qù Táiběi wán jitiān. 我想去台北玩几天。 I’m thinking of going to Táiběi to relax for a few days.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Zuò Gōnglùjú. 坐公路局 Take the bus.  CueTáinán 台南 Táinán   You: Dào Táinán qù zuò Gōnglùjú xíng bu xíng? 到台南去坐公路局行不行? To go to Táinán, would it be all right to take the bus?  2. Zuò huǒchē. 坐火车 Take the train.  CueJiāyì 嘉义 Jiāyì   Dào Jiāyì qù zuò huǒchē xíng bu xíng? 到嘉义去坐坐火车行不行? To go to Jiāyì, would it be all right to take the train?  3. Zuò zhídáchē. 坐直达车 Take the direct train.  CueGāoxióng 高雄 Gāoxióng   Dào Gāoxióng qù zuò zhídáchē xíng bu xíng? 到高雄去坐坐直达车行不行? To go to Gāoxióng, would it be all right to take the direct train?  4. Zuò jìchéngchē. 坐计程车 Take the taxi.  CueTáidōng 台东 Táidōng   Dào Táidōng qù zuò jìchéngchē xíng bu xíng? 到台东去坐坐计程车行不行? To go to Táidōng, would it be all right to take the taxi?  5. Zuò huǒchē. 坐火车 Take the train.  CueHuālián 花莲 Huālián   Dào Huālián qù zuò huǒchē xíng bu xíng? 到花莲去坐坐火车行不行? To go to Huālián, would it be all right to take the train?  6. Zuò jìchéngchē 坐计程车 Take the taxi.  CueJīlóng 基隆 Jīlóng   Dào Jīlóng qù zuò jìchéngchē xíng bu xíng? 到基隆去坐坐计程车行不行? To go to Jīlóng, would it be all right to take the taxi?  7. Zuò Gōnglù jú. 坐公路局 Take the high way.  CueTáizhōng 台中 Táizhōng   Dào Táizhōng qù zuò Gōnglùjú xíng bu xíng? 到台中去坐公路局行不行? To go to Táizhōng, would it be all right to take the high way?  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Zuò gōnggòng qìchē xíng bu xíng? 坐公共汽车行不行? Would it be all right to take the bus?  Cuekěshi bú dà 可是不大 not very convenient   Zuò gōnggòng qìchē xíng, kěshi bú dà fāngbian. 坐公共汽车行,可是不大方便。 It would be all right to take the bus, but it’s not very convenient.  2. Zuò gōnggòng qìchē xíng bu xíng? 坐公共汽车行不行? Would it be all right to take the bus?  Cuezuì     Zuò gōnggòng qìchē xíng, zuì fāngbian. 坐公共汽车行,最方便。 It would be all right to take the bus; it’s most convenient.  3. Zuò huǒchē xíng bu xíng? 坐火车行不行? Would it be all right to take the train?   Cuekěshi bú dà 可是不大 not very convenient   Zuò huǒchē xíng, kěshi bú dà fāngbian. 坐火车行,可是不大方便。 It would be all right to take the train, but it’s not very convenient.  4. Zuò Gōnglùjú xíng bu xíng? 坐公路局行不行? Would it be all right to take high way?  Cuezuì  most convenient   Zuò Gōnglùjú xíng, zuì fāngbian. 坐公路局行,最方便。 It would be all right to take the high way; it’s most convenient.  5. Zuò jìchéngchē xíng bu xíng? 坐计程车行不行? Would it be all right to take taxi?  Cuezuì     most convenientZuò jìchéngchē xíng, zuì fāngbian. 坐计程车行,最方便。 It would be all right to take the taxi; it’s most convenient.  6. Zuò Sānlù chē xíng bu xíng? 坐三路车行不行? Would it be all right to take the three-way car?  Cuekěshi bú dà 可是不大 not very convenient   Zuò Sānlù chē xíng, kěshi bú dà fāngbian. 坐三路车行,可是不大方便。 It would be all right to take the three-way car, but it’s not very convenient.  7. Zuò Wǔlù chē xíng bu xíng? 坐五路车行不行? Would it be all right to take five-way car?  Cuezuì  most convenient   Zuò Wǔlù chē xíng, zuì fāngbian. 坐五路车行,最方便。 It would be all right to take the five-way car; it’s most convenient.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Zuò huǒchē hǎo bu hǎo? 坐火车好不好? Is it all right to take the train?  CueGōnglùjú 公路局 bus   Nǐ shuō shi zuò huǒchē qu hǎo ne, háishi zuò Gōnglùjú qu hǎo ne? 你说是坐火车去好呢,还是坐公路局去好不呢? Would you say it’s better to go by train or to go by bus?  2. Jīntiān qù hǎo bu hǎo? 今天去好不好? Is it all right to go today?  Cuemíngtiān 明天 tomorrow   Nǐ shuō, jīntiān qù hǎo ne, háishi míngtiān qù hǎo ne? 你说,今天去好呢,还是明天去好呢? Would you say it’s better to go today or tomorrow?  3. Zuò Gōnglùjú hǎo bu hǎo? 坐公路局好不好? Is it all right to take the bus?  Cuejìchéngchē 计程车 taxi   Nǐ shuō shi zuò Gōnglùjú qu hǎo ne, háishi zuò jìchéngchē qu hǎo ne? 你说是坐公路局去好呢,还是坐计程车去好呢? Would you say it's better to take the bus or a taxi?  4. Míngtiān qù hǎo bu hǎo? 明天去好不好? Is it all right to go tomorrow?  Cuehòutiān 后天 the day after tomorrow   Nǐ shuō, míngtiān qù hǎo ne, háishi hòutiān qù hǎo ne? 你说,明天去好呢,还是后天去好呢? Would you say it's better to go tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?  5. Zuò huǒchē hǎo bu hǎo? 坐火车好不好? Is it all right to take a train?  Cueqìchē 汽车 car   Nǐ shuō shi zuò huǒchē qu hǎo ne, háishi zuò qìchē qu hǎo ne? 你说是坐火车去好呢,还是坐汽车去好呢? Would you say it's better to take the train of the car?  6. Jīntiān qù hǎo hu hǎo? 今天去好不好? Is it all right to go today?  Cuemíngtiān 明天 tomorrow   Nǐ shuō, jīntiān qù haǒ ne, háishi míngtiān qù hǎo ne? 你说,今天去好呢,还是明天去好呢? Would you say it's better to go today or tomorrow?  7. Zuò fēijī hǎo hu hǎo? 坐飞机好不好? Is it all right to take a plane?  Cuehuǒchē 火车 train   Nǐ shuō shi zuò fēijī qu hǎo ne, háishi zuò huǒchē qu hǎo ne? 你说是坐飞机去好呢,还是坐火车去好呢? Would you say it's better to take a plane or the train?  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Děi xiān mǎi piào ma? 得先买票吗? Is it necessary to buy tickets ahead of time?  Cueshì  yes   Dei xiān mǎi piào. 得先买票。 It’s necessary to buy tickets ahead of time.  2. Děi xiān mǎi piào ma? 得先买票吗? Is it necessary to buy tickets ahead of time?  Cuebú shì 不是 no   Bú bì xiān mǎi piào. 不必先买票。 It’s not necessary to buy tickets ahead of time.  3. Děi xiān niàn Zhōngguo lìshǐ ma? 得先念中国历史吗? Is it necessary to study Chinese history first?  Cueshì  yes   Děi xiān niàn Zhōngguo lìshǐ. 得先念中国历史。 It’s necessary to study Chinese history first.  4. Děi xiān zuò Yílù chē ma? 得先坐一路车吗? Is it necessary to take the one way?  Cuebú shì 不是 no   Bú bì xiān zuò Yílù chē. 不必先坐一路车。 It’s not necessary to take the one way.  5. Děi xiān dào Xīdān ma? 得先到西单吗? Is it necessary to go to Xīdān first?  Cueshì  yes   Děi xiān dào Xīdān. 得先到西单。 It’s necessary to go to Xīdān first.  6. Děi xiān huàn qián ma? 得先还钱吗? Is it necessary to change money ahead of time?  Cuebú shì 不是 no   Bú bì xiān huàn qián. 不必先还钱。 It’s not necessary to change money ahead of time.  7. Děi xiān qù kàn gēge ma? 得先去看哥哥吗? Is it necessary to see the older brother first?  Cuebú shì 不是 no   Bú bì xiān qù kàn gēge. 不必先去看哥哥。 It’s not necessary to see the older brother first.  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Děi xiān mǎi piào ma? 得先买票吗? Is it necessary to buy tickets ahead of time?  Cueliǎngsāntiān 两三天 2 or 3 days   Nǐ zuì hǎo liǎngsāntiān yǐqián mǎi piào. 你最好两三天以前买票。 It would be best for you to buy your tickets two or three days ahead of time.  2. Děi xiān mǎi piào ma? 得先买票吗? Is it necessary to buy tickets ahead of time?  Cue  no   Bú bì xiān mǎi piào. 不必先买票。 It’s not necessary to buy tickets ahead of time.  3. Děi xiān mǎi piào ma? 得先买票吗? Is it necessary to buy your tickets ahead of time?  Cueliǎngtiān 两天 2 days   Nǐ zuì hǎo liǎngtiān yǐqián mǎi piào 你最好两天以前买票。 It would be best for you to buy your tickets two days ahead of time.  4. Děi xiān huàn qián ma? 得先还钱吗? Is it necessary to change money ahead of time?  Cuesìwǔtiān 四五天 4 or 5 days   Nǐ zuì hǎo sìwǔtiān yǐqián huàn qián. 你最好四五天以前还钱。 It would be best for you to change money 4 or 5 days ahead of time.  5. Děi xiān qù kàn gēge ma? 得先去看哥哥吗? Is it necessary to see the older brother ahead of time?  Cue  no   Bú bì xiān qù kàn gēge. 不必先去看哥哥。 It’s not necessary to see the older brother ahead of time.  6. Děi xiān kàn zhèiběn shū ma? 得先看这本书吗? Is it necessary to read this book ahead of time?  Cuesāntiān 三天 3 days   Nǐ zuì hǎo sāntiān yǐqián kàn zhèiběn shū. 你最好三天以前看这本书。 It would be best for you to read this boob three days ahead of time.  7. Děi xiān huàn qián ma? 得先还钱吗? Is it necessary to change money ahead of time?  Cue  no   Bú bì xiān huàn qián. 不必先还钱。 It’s not necessary to change money ahead of time.  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Nǐ yào zuò shénme shíhoude chē? 你要坐什么时候的车? What train do you want to take?  Cueshàngwǔ 上午 morning   Wǒ yào zuò shàngwǔde chē. 我要坐上午的车。 I want to take a morning train.  2. Nǐ yào zuò jǐdiǎn zhōngde chē? 你要坐几点钟的车? What time do you want to take the bus?  Cuexiàwǔ 2:10 下午 2:10 after noon at 2:10   Wǒ yào zuò xiàwǔ liǎngdiǎn shífēnde chē. 我要坐下午两点十分的车。 I want to take the afternoon train at 2:10.  3. Nǐ yào zuò shénme shíhoude chē? 你要坐什么时候的车? What train do you want to take?  Cuewǎnshang 晚上 evening   Wǒ yào zuò wǎnshangde chē. 我要坐晚上的车。 I want to take an evening train.  4. Nǐ yào zuò jǐdiǎn zhōngde chē? 你要坐几点钟的车。 What time do you want to take the bus?  Cuezǎoshang 9:50 早上 9:50 morning at 9:50   ǒ yào zuò zǎoshang jiǔdiǎn wǔshifēnde chē. 我要坐早上酒店五十分的车。 I want to take the early morning train at 9:50.  5. Nǐ yào zuò shénme shíhoude chē? 你要坐什么时候的车? What train do you want to take?  Cueshàngwǔ 上午 after noon   Wǒ yào zuò shàngwǔde chē. 我要坐上午的车。 I want to take morning train.  6. Nǐ yào zuò jǐdiǎn zhōngde chē? 你要坐几点钟的车。 What time do you want to take the bus?  Cueshàngwǔ 11:00 上午 11:00 morning at 11:00   Wǒ yào zuò shàngwǔ shíyīdiǎn sìshifēnde chē. 我要坐上午十一点四十分的车。 I want to take the morning train at 11:00.  7. Nǐ yào zuò shénme shíhoude chē? 你要坐什么时候的车? What train do you want to take?  Cuexiàwǔ 下午 after noon   Wǒ yào zuò xiàwǔde chē. 我要坐下午的车。 I want to take an afternoon train.  Transformation drillTransform according to the cue and the model.1. Qǐngwèn, shàngwǔde chēpiào hái yǒu meiyou? 请问,上午的车票还有没有? May I ask, are there still tickets for the morning train?   Qǐngwèn, shàngwǔde chēpiào dōu màiwán le meiyou? 请问,上午的车票都卖完了没有? May I ask, are the tickets for the morning trains all sold out?  2. Qǐngwèn, dào Táinán qùde chēpiào hái yǒu meiyou? 请问,到台南去的车票还有没有? May I ask,are there still train tickets to Táinán?   Qǐngwèn, dào Táinán qùde chēpiào dōu màiwán le meiyou? 请问,到台南去的车票都卖完了没有? May I ask, are the train tickets to Táinán all sold out?  3. Qǐngwèn, míngtiān shàngwǔde chēpiào hái yǒu meiyou? 请问,明天上午的车票还有没有? May I ask, are there still tickets for the afternoon train?   Qǐngwèn, míngtiān shàngwǔde chēpiào dōu màiwán le meiyou? 请问,明天上午的车票都卖完了没有? May I ask, are the tickets for the morning trains all sold out?  4. Qǐngwèn, dào Huālián qùde chēpiào hái yǒu meiyou? 请问,到花莲去的车票还有没有? May I ask,are there still train tickets to Huālián?    Qǐngwèn, dào Huālián qùde chēpiào dōu màiwán le meiyou? 请问,到花莲去的车票都卖完了没有? May I ask, are the train tickets to Huālián all sold out?  5. Qǐngwèn, jǐntiān xiàwude chēpiào hái yǒu meiyou? 请问,今天下午的车票还有没有? May I ask,are there still tickets for the today train?    Qǐngwèn, jīntiān xiàwǔde chēpiào dōu màiwán le meiyou? 请问,今天下午的车票都卖完了没有? May I ask, are the tickets for the today trains all sold out?  6. Qǐngwèn, dào Gāoxióng qùde chēpiào hái yǒu meiyou? 请问,到高雄去的车票还有没有? May I ask,are there still train tickets to Gāoxióng?   Qǐngwèn, dào Gāoxiong qùde chēpiào dōu màiwán le meiyou? 请问,到高雄去的车票都卖完了没有? May I ask, are the train tickets to Gāoxiong all sold out?  7. Qǐngwèn, míngtiānde chēpiào hái yǒu meiyou? 请问,明天的车票还有没有? May I ask,are there still tickets for the tomorrow train?    Qǐngwèn, míngtiānde chēpiào dōu màiwán le meiyou? 请问,明天的车票都卖完了没有? May I ask, are the tickets for the tomorrow trains all sold out?  Unit 5Unit 5ReferencesReferencesReference List1. A: Wo yě xiǎng dào Nánjīng qù kànkan.  我也想到南京去看看。  I would also like to go to Nánjīng to look around. B: Nǐ jìhua něitiān qù?  你計劃那天去?  What day do you plan to go? A: Míngtiān huòshi hòutiān qù dōu kéyi.  明天或是後天去都可以。  Tomorrow and (or) the day after are both possible.2. A: Shànghǎi lí Nánjīng yǒu duō yuǎn?  上海離南京有多元。  How far is Shànghǎi from Nánjīng? B: Yǒu liǎngbǎiwǔshiduō gōnglǐ.  有兩百五十多公里。  It’s over 250 kilometers.3. A: Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu duōshao shíhou?  坐火車要走多少時候。  How long does it take to go by train? B: Dàgài yào zǒu sìge bàn xiǎoshí.  大概要走四個半小時。  It probably takes four and a half hours.4. C: Yào zǒu bànge xiǎoshí.  要走半個小時。  It takes half an hour.5. B: Nǐ jìhua zài Nánjīng zhù jǐtiān?  你計劃在南京住幾天?  How many days do you plan to stay in Nánjīng? A: Zhèi shi wǒ dìyīcì dào Nánjīng qù. Yǐqián méi qùguo. Nǐ shuō liǎngtiān gòu bu gou?  這是我第一次到南京去。以前沒去過。你説兩天夠不夠?  This will be the first time I have gone to Nánjīng. I haven’t gone there before. Would you say two days are enough? B:Liǎngtiān gòu le.  兩天夠了。  Two days are enough.6. A: Měitiān yǒu jǐtàng chē?  每天有幾趟車?  How many trips are there each day? A: Xiàwǔ yǒu meiyou chē?  下午有沒有車?  Are there trains in the afternoon? A: Wǒ xīwang xiàwǔ líkāi zhèr.  我希望下午離開這兒。  I hope to leave here in the afternoon.7. *B: Shísǎndiǎn líng wǔfēn yǒu yìbān tèkuài.  十三點零五分有一班特快。  There’s an express at 1305.8. **B: Shísǎndiǎn líng wǔfēn yǒu yítàng tèkuài.  十三點零五分有一趟特快。  There’s an express at 1305.9.  dǎsuan  打算  to plan to10.  huòzhě (huòzhe)  或者  or (alternate form of huòshi)11.  yǐhòu  以後  afterwards, later on, in the future12.  zhōngtóu  鐘頭  hour (alternate word for xiǎoshí)Vocabulary bàn half (followed by a counter or a noun which does not take a counter) -cì occasion, time dàgài 大概 probably, approximately dǎsuàn (dǎsuan) 打算 to plan to dìyícì (dìyícì) 第一次 the first time -duō over, more than gōnglǐ 公里 kilometer gòu to be enough huòshi 或是 or huòzhě (huòzhe) 或者 or jìhua 計劃 to plan to kànkan 看看 to see, to look around, to sight-see, to visit líkǎi 離開 to leave -tàng (counter for bus trips, train trips, etc.) tèkuài 特快 express train xiǎoshí 小時 hour xīwàng (xīwang) 希望 to hope yào must, to have to; to take (a certain amount of time) yǐhòu 以後 afterwards, later on; in the future yǐqián 以前 before, in the past zhōngtóu 鐘頭 hour biéde dìfang 別的地方 other places (cf. biěrén, “other people”) cānguān 參觀 to visit as an observer duōshao hào 多少號 what size (shoe) gōngchǎng 工廠 factory juéding 決定 to decide yìshuāng píxié 一雙皮鞋 a pair of leather shoes yòu hǎo yòu piányi 又好又便宜 both good and inexpensive Reference NotesNotes on №11. A: Wo yě xiǎng dào Nánjīng qù kànkan.  我也想到南京去看看。  I would also like to go to Nánjīng to look around. B: Nǐ jìhua něitiān qù?  你計劃那天去?  What day do you plan to go? A: Míngtiān huòshi hòutiān qù dōu kéyi.  明天或是後天去都可以。  Tomorrow and (or) the day after are both possible.Kànkan, “to have a look”: In exchange 1, kànkan refers to doing some sight-seeing. The reduplicated verb form implies an indefinite amount of sight-seeing, best translated into English as “to have a look,” “to look around.”Huòshi (alternate, huòzhě) is used for “or” when both alternatives are acceptable or possible. Wǒ qù mǎi yìdiǎnr píjiǔ huòshi mǎi yìdiǎnr qìshuǐ. 我去買一點兒啤酒或是後天來看你嗎? I will go to buy some beer or some soft drinks.   Tā míngtiān huòshi hòutiān lái kàn nǐ ma? 他明天或是後天來看你嗎? Is he coming to see you tomorrow or the day after? (i.e., sometime during the next two days) Háishi is used for “or” when a choice is required between the alternatives. Nǐ mǎi píjiǔ háishi mǎi qìshuī? 你買啤酒還是買汽水? Are you buying beer or (are you buying) soft drinks?   Nǐ xǐhuan dàde háishi xǐhuan xiǎode? 你喜歡大的還是喜歡小的? Do you like the large one or (do you like) the small one? Do you like the large one or (do you like) the small one?Notes on №22. A: Shànghǎi lí Nánjīng yǒu duō yuǎn?  上海離南京有多元。  How far is Shànghǎi from Nánjīng? B: Yǒu liǎngbǎiwǔshiduō gōnglǐ.  有兩百五十多公里。  It’s over 250 kilometers.Shànghǎi lí Nánjīng yǒu duo yuǎn? Yǒu is used in expressing the distance between two points.ShànghǎiNánjīngyǒuduōyuǎn?上海南京遠?Shànghǎibe separated fromNánjīnghere ishow muchdistance?“How far is Shànghǎi from Nánjīng?”TianjinBěijīngyǒu120gōnglǐ.天津北京120公里。Tiānjīnbe separated fromBěijīngthere is 120kilometers.“Tianjin is 120 kilometers from Běijīng.”Liǎngbǎi wǔshiduō gōnglǐ: Approximate numbers may be expressed by adding -duō to number phrases. When added immediately after a number, before the counter,33Gōnglǐ is one of the nouns used without a counter. -duō refers to an indefinite amount within the range of the round number. liǎngbǎiduō gōnglǐ 兩百多公里 more than 200 kilometers (but fewer than 300)   yìqiānduōge xuésheng 一千多個學生 more than 1,000 students (but fewer than 2,000)   sānshiduōkuài qián 三十多塊錢 more than 30 dollars (but fewer than 40) Beginning with 20, -duō may be used in this way with any round number.With round numbers from 20 through 90, - may be used instead of -duō. èrshiduōge rén more than 20 persons (but fewer than 30) 二十多個人 èrshijǐge rén 二十幾個人 sìshiduō gōnglǐ more than 40 kilometers (but fewer than 50) 四十多公里 sìshijǐ gōnglǐ 四十幾公里 With the number 10, - only is used, never -duō. shíjǐkuài qián 十幾塊 more than 10 dollars (but fewer than 20) Notes on №3-43. A: Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu duōshao shíhou?  坐火車要走多少時候。  How long does it take to go by train? B: Dàgài yào zǒu sìge bàn xiǎoshí.  大概要走四個半小時。  It probably takes four and a half hours.4. C: Yào zǒu bànge xiǎoshí.  要走半個小時。  It takes half an hour.The auxiliary verb yào, “to want,” is sometimes used as “to need to,” “to have to.” (See the first sentence in exchange 3.)Zuò huǒchēyào zǒuduōshao shíhou?坐 火車要走多少時候。ride trainhave to gohow much time?“How long does it take to go by train?”Yào may also be used as a main verb meaning “to take [a certain amount of time]”:Zuò huǒchēyàoduōshao shíhou?坐 火車少時候。ride traintakeshow much time?“How long does it take by train?”Bàn-, “a half (of),” is used like a number—before a counter or before a noun which does not require a counter. bànge xiǎoshí half an hour 半個小時   bànniǎn half a year 半年   bànge píngguǒ half an apple 半個蘋果Sìge bàn: When bàn FOLLOWS a counter or a noun not requiring a counter, the word is translated as “and a half.” liǎngkuài bàn 兩塊半 two and a half dollars   sāntiān bàn 三天半 three and a half days   yíge bàn xiǎoshí 一個半小時 one and a half hours Xiǎoshí: Formerly, the Chinese considered that one day and night (24 hours) was divided into twelve 2-hour periods of time. Each of these time periods was divided into two xiǎoshí, “small hours,” when telling time by the Western 24-hour system gained popularity throughout the world.Notes on №55. B: Nǐ jìhua zài Nánjīng zhù jǐtiān?  你計劃在南京住幾天?  How many days do you plan to stay in Nánjīng? A: Zhèi shi wǒ dìyīcì dào Nánjīng qù. Yǐqián méi qùguo. Nǐ shuō liǎngtiān gòu bu gou?  這是我第一次到南京去。以前沒去過。你説兩天夠不夠?  This will be the first time I have gone to Nánjīng. I haven’t gone there before. Would you say two days are enough? B:Liǎngtiān gòu le.  兩天夠了。  Two days are enough.Gòu le: The last sentence in exchange 5 ends with the new-situation marker le. This marker is used to describe what a situation is, was, or will be AT A SPECIFIED TIME. The travel agent says that, when the visit has lasted two days, THEN it will be long enough. Notes on №66. A: Měitiān yǒu jǐtàng chē?  每天有幾趟車?  How many trips are there each day? A: Xiàwǔ yǒu meiyou chē?  下午有沒有車?  Are there trains in the afternoon? A: Wǒ xīwang xiàwǔ líkāi zhèr.  我希望下午離開這兒。  I hope to leave here in the afternoon.Jǐtàng: The counter -tàng is used when the trip mentioned is not a particular one, scheduled at a certain time. Similarly, it can also be used to talk about the number of trips a person has made, or will make.Líkāi, “to leave,” may be followed by an object (the place). On the other hand, zǒu, “to leave,” is never followed by an object. Nǐ shénme shíhou líkāi zhèr? 你什麽時候離開這兒? When are you leaving here?   Nǐ shénme shíhou zǒu? 你什麽時候走? When are you leaving? Notes on №7-87. B: Shísǎndiǎn líng wǔfēn yǒu yìbān tèkuài.  十三點零五分有一班特快。  There’s an express at 1305.8. B: Shísǎndiǎn líng wǔfēn yǒu yítàng tèkuài.  十三點零五分有一趟特快。  There’s an express at 1305.Shísāndiǎn líng wǔfēn: For train and bus schedules, a 24-hour clock is commonly used in China, beginning with 1 A.M. and continuing to midnight, or 24:00. 12-hour clock 24-hour clock zǎoshàng shídiǎn 10 a.m. shídiǎn1000早上十點 十點      xiàwǔ yìdiān 1 p.m. shísāndiǎn1300下午一點 十三點      xiàwǔ wǔdiǎn 5 p.m. shìqīdiǎn1700下午五點 十七點      wǎnshàng shídiǎn 10 p.m. èrshièrdiǎn 2200晚上十點  二十二點   Líng is included to indicate the zero in “1305.”Tèkuài is an abbreviation for tèbié kuàichē, “special express train.”Yìbān and yítàng, counters for trips made by trains, buses, planes, and other conveyances, are sometimes interchangeable.DrillsDrillsResponse drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Wǒ dǎsuan dào Nánjīng qù kànkan. 我打算到南京去看看。 I'm planning to go to Nánjīng to look around.  Cueněitiān 哪天 what day   Nǐ dǎsuan něitiān qù? 你打算哪天去 What day do you plan to go?  2. Wǒ xiǎng dào Xīān qù kànkan. 我想到西安去看看。 I'm planning to go to Xiān to look around.  Cuejǐyuè 几月 what month   Nǐ xiǎng jǐyuè qù? 你想几月去? What month do you plan to go?  3. Wǒ jìhua dào Húběi qù kànkan. 我计划到湖北去看看。 I'm planning to go to Huéběi to look around.  Cuexīngqījǐ 星期几 what day of the week   Nǐ jìhua xīngqījǐ qù? 你想星期几去? What day of the week do you plan to go?  4. Wǒ dǎsuan dào Shànghǎi qù kànkan. 我打算到上海去看看。 I'm planning to go to Shànghǎi to look around.  Cue jǐhào 几号 what date   Nǐ dǎsuan jǐhào qù? 你打算几号去? What date do you plan to go?  5. Wǒ jìhua dào Sūzhōu qù kànkan. 我计划到苏州去看看。 I'm planning to go to Sūzhōu to look around.  Cuejǐyuè 几月 what month   Nǐ jìhua jǐyuè qù? 你计划jǐyuè去? What month do you plan to go?  6. Wǒ xiǎng dào Běijīng qù kànkan. 我想到北京去看看。 I'm planning to go to Běijīng to look around.  Cueněitiān 哪天 what day   Nǐ xiǎng něitiān qù? 我想哪天去? What day do you plan to go?  7. Wǒ dǎsuan dào Wǔchāng qù kànkan. 我打算到武昌去看看。 I'm planning to go to Wǔchāng to look around.  Cuexīngqījǐ 星期几 what day of the week   Nǐ dǎsuan xīngqījǐ qù? 你打算星期几去。 What day of the week do you plan to go?  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Nǐ dǎsuan shénme shíhou dào Nánjīng qù? 你打算什么时候到南京去? When are you planning to visit Nánjīng?  Cuexiàge yuè 下个月 next month   Wǒ dǎsuan xiàge yuè dào Nánjīng qu kànkan. 我打算下个月到南京去看看。 I'm planning to visit Nánjīng next month.  2. Nǐ jìhua jǐyuè dào Shànghǎi qù? 你计划几月到上海去? What month are you planning to visit Shànghǎi?   Cueliùyuè 六月 in June   Wǒ jìhua liùyuè dào Shànghǎi qu kànkan. 我计划六月到上海去看看。 I'm planning to visit Shànghǎi in June.  3. Nǐ xiǎng něitiān dào Guǎngzhōu qù? 你想哪天到广州去? What day are you planning to visit Guǎngzhōu?   Cuehòutiān 后天 the day after tomorrow   Wǒ xiǎng hòutiān dào Guǎngzhōu qu kànkan. 我想后天到广州去看看。 I'm planning to visit Guǎngzhōu the day after tomorrow.  4. Nǐ dǎsuan něinián dào Zhōngguo qù? 你打算哪年到中国去? What year are you planning to visit China?   Cuemíngnián 明年 tomorrow   Wǒ dǎsuan míngnián dào Zhōngguo qu kànkan. 我打算明年到中国去看看。 I'm planning to visit China next year.  5. Nǐ jìhua jǐyuè dào Xiānggǎng qù? 你计划几月到香港去? What month are you planning to visit Xiānggǎng?   Cueèryuè 二月 in February   Wǒ jìhua Èryuè dào Xiānggǎng qu kànkan. 我计划二月到香港去看看。 I'm planning to visit Xiānggǎng in February.  6. Nǐ xiǎng xīngqījǐ dào Běijīng qù? 你想星期几到北京去。 What day of the week are you planning to visit Běijīng?  Cuexīngqīsān 星期三 on Wednesday   Wǒ xiǎng Xīngqīsān dào Běijīng qu kànkan. 我想星期三到北京去看看。 I'm planning to visit Běijīng on Wednesday.  7. Nǐ dǎsuan jǐdiǎn zhōng dào tā nèr qù? 你打算几点钟到他那儿去? At what time are you planning to visit his place?   Cuesāndiǎn zhōng 三点钟 at 3 o'clock   Wǒ dǎsuan sāndiǎn zhōng dào tā nèr qu kànkan. 我打算三点钟到他那儿去看看。 I'm planning to visit his place at 3 o'clock.   Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Nǐ jìhua něitiān qù? 你计划哪天去? What day do you plan to go?  CueXīngqīèr 星期二 Tuesday   Xīngqīèr huòzhě Xīngqīsān, dōu kéyi. 星期二或者星期三,都可以。 Tuesday and [or] Wednesday are both possible.  2. Nǐ jìhua něitiān qù? 你计划哪天去? What day do you plan to go?  Cuewǔhào 五号 the fifth   Wǔhào huòzhě liùhào, dōu kéyi. 五号或者六号,都可以。  The fifth or the sixth, both are possible.  3. Nǐ xiǎng jǐyuè qù? 你想几月去? What month do you plan to go?  CueWǔyuè 五月 May   Wǔyuè huòzhě Liùyuè, dōu kéyi. 五月或者六月,都可以。 May or June, both are possible.  4. Nǐ xiǎng něinián qù? 你想哪年去? What year do you plan to go?  Cue1977 1977 1977   Yījiǔqīqī huòzhě Yījiǔqībā, dōu kéyi. 一九七七或者一九七八,都可以。 1977 or 1978, both are possible.  5. Nǐ dǎsuan shénme shíhou qù? 你打算什么时候去? When do you plan to go?  Cuexiàyuè sìhào 下月四号 The fourth of next month   Xiàyuè sìhào huòzhě xiàyuè wǔhào, dōu kéyi. 下月四号或者下月五号,都可以。 The fourth or the sixth of next month, both are possible.  6. Nǐ dǎsuan jǐdiǎn zhōng qù? 你打算几点钟去? What time do you plan to go?  Cueshàngwù shídiǎn 上午十点 10:00 a.m.   Shàngwù shídiǎn huòzhě shàngwù shíyīdiǎn, dōu kéyi. 上午十点或者上午十一点,都可以。 10:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m., both are possible.  7. Nǐ jìhua jǐhào qù? 你计划几号去? What date do you plan to go?  Cueèrshiqī 二十七 the Twenty-seventh   Èrshiqíhào huòzhě èrshibáhào, dōu kéyi. 二十七号或者二十八号,都可以。 The Twenty-seventh or the Twenty-eighth, both are possible.  Transformation drillTransform according to the cue and the model.1. Shànghǎi lí Nánjīng yuǎn ma? 上海离南京远吗? Is Shànghǎi far from Nánjīng?  Cueduō yuǎn 多远 how far   Shànghǎi lí Nánjīng yǒu duōyuǎn? 上海离南京有多远? How far is Shànghǎi from Nánjīng?  2. Shànghǎi lí Nánjīng yuǎn ma? 上海离南京远吗? Is Shànghǎi far from Nánjīng?  Cueduōshǎo 多少 how many   Shànghǎi lí Nánjīng yǒu duōshǎo gōnglǐ? 上海离南京有多少公里? How many kilometers is Shànghǎi from Nánjīng?  3. Běijīng lí Tiānjīn yuǎn ma? 北京离天津远吗? Is Běijīng far from Tiānjīn?  Cueduó yuǎn 多远 how far   Běijīng lí Tiānjīn yǒu duōyuǎn? 北京离天津有多远? How far is Běijīng from Tiānjīn?  4. Běijīng lí Shànghǎi yuǎn ma? 北京离上海远吗? Is Běijīng far from Běijīng?  Cueduōshao 多少 how many   Běijīng lí Shànghǎi yǒu duōshao gōnglǐ? 北京离上海有多少公里? How many kilometers is Běijīng from Běijīng?  5. Nánjīng lí Běijīng yuǎn ma? 南京离北京远吗? Is Nánjīng far from Běijīng?  Cueduōshao 多少 how many   Nánjīng lí Běijīng yǒu duōshao gōnglǐ? 南京离北京有多少公里? How many kilometers is Nánjīng from Běijīng?  6. Guǎngzhōu lí Wǔhàn yuǎn ma? 广州离武汉远吗? Is Guǎngzhōu far from Wǔhàn?   Cueduó yuǎn 多yuǎn how far   Guǎngzhōu lí Wǔhàn yǒu duōyuan? 广州离武汉多远? How far is Guǎngzhōu far from Wǔhàn?  7. Shànghǎi lí Hángzhōu yuǎn ma? 上海离杭州远吗? Is Shànghǎi far from Hángzhōu?  Cueduōshao 多少 how many   Shànghǎi lí Hángzhōu yǒu duōshao gōnglǐ? 上海离杭州有多少公里? How many kilometers is Shànghǎi from Hángzhōu?  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Shànghǎi lí Nánjīng yǒu duó yuǎn? 上海离南京有多远? How far is Shànghǎi from Nánjīng?  Cuedàgài 270 大概 270 about 270   Dàgài yǒu èrbǎiqīshí gōnglǐ. 大概有二百七十公里。 It's probably 270 kilometers.  2. Tiānjīn lí Běijīng yǒu duó yuǎn? 天津离北京有多远? How far is Tiānjīn from Běijīng?  Cue80 duō 80 多 more than 80   Dàgài lí Běijīng yǒu bàshíduō gōnglǐ. 大概离北京有八十多公里。 It's probably more than 80 kilometers.  3. Běijīng lí Hángzhōu yǒu duó yuǎn? 北京离杭州有多远? How far is Běijīng from Hángzhōu?  Cue900 duō 900 多 more than 900   Dàgài lí Hángzhōu yǒu jiubǎiduō gōnglǐ. 大概离杭州有九百多公里。 It's probably more than 900 kilometers.  4. Běijīng lí Shànghǎi yǒu duó yuǎn? 北京离上海有多远? How far is Běijīng from Shànghǎi?   Cuedàgài 800 大概 800 about 800   Dàgài yǒu bābǎi gōnglǐ. 大概有八百公里。 It's probably about 800 kilometers.  5. Nánjīng lí Shànghǎi yǒu duó yuǎn? 南京离上海有多远? How far is Nánjīng from Shànghǎi?  Cuedàgài 200 大概二百 about 200   Dàgài yǒu èrbǎi gōnglǐ. 大概有二百公里。 It's probably about 200 kilometers.  6. Wǔhàn lí Běijīng yǒu duó yuǎn? 武汉离北京有多远? How far is Wǔhàn from Běijīng?  Cue700 duō 700 多 more than 700   Dàgài lí Běijīng yǒu qībǎiduō gōnglǐ. 大概离北京有七百多公里。 It's probably more than 700 kilometers.  7. Hángzhōu lí Shànghǎi yǒu duó yuǎn? 杭州离上海有多远? How far is Hángzhōu from Shànghǎi?  Cue170 duǒ 170 多 more than 170   Dàgài lí Shànghǎi yǒu yībǎiqīshíduō gōnglǐ. 大概离上海有一百七十多公里。 It's probably more than 170 kilometers.  Transformation drillTransform according to the cue and the model.1. Shànghǎi lí Nánjīng yǒu sānbǎi gōnglǐ. 上海离南京有三百公里。 Shànghǎi is 300 kilometers from Nánjīng.  Cueméi  isn't less   Shànghǎi lí Nánjīng méiyou sānbǎi gōnglǐ. 上海离南京没有三百公里。 Shànghǎi isn't [is less than] 300 kilometers from Nánjīng.  2. Shànghǎi lí Nánjīng yǒu sānbǎi gōnglǐ. 上海离南京有三百公里。 Shànghǎi is 300 kilometers from Nánjīng.  Cuedàgài 大概 probably   Shànghǎi lí Nánjīng dàgài yǒu sānbǎi gōnglǐ. 上海离南京大概有三百公里。 Shànghǎi is probably 300 kilometers from Nánjīng.  3. Shànghǎi lí Nánjīng yǒu sānbǎi gōnglǐ. 上海离南京有三百公里。 Shànghǎi is 300 kilometers from Běijīng.  Cueduō  more than   Shànghǎi lí Nánjīng yǒu sānbǎiduō gōnglǐ. 上海离南京有三百多公里。 Shànghǎi is more than 300 kilometers from Běijīng.  4. Běijīng lí Shànghǎi yǒu yìqiān gōnglǐ. 北京离上海有一千公里。 Běijīng is 1000 kilometers from Shànghǎi  Cueméi  isn't less   Běijīng lí Shànghǎi méiyou yìqiān gōnglǐ. 北京离上海没有一千公里。 Běijīng isn't [is less than] 1000 kilometers from Shànghǎi.  5. Wǔhàn lí Běijīng yǒu bābǎi gōnglǐ. 武汉离北京有八百公里。 Wǔhàn is 800 kilometers from Běijīng  Cuedàgài 大概 probably   Wǔhàn lí Běijīng dàgài yǒu bābǎi gōnglǐ. 武汉离北京大概有八百公里。 Wǔhàn is probably 800 kilometers from Běijīng.  6. Nánjīng lí Shànghǎi yǒu èrbǎi gōnglǐ. 南京离上海有二百公里。 Nánjīng is 200 kilometers from Shànghǎi   Cueduō  more than   Nánjīng lí Shànghǎi yǒu èrbǎiduō gōnglǐ. 南京离上海有二百多公里。 Nánjīng is more than 200 kilometers from Shànghǎi.  7. Hángzhōu lí Shànghǎi yǒu yìbǎi gōnglǐ. 杭州离上海有一百公里。 Hángzhōu is 100 kilometers from Shànghǎi.  Cueduō  more than   Hángzhōu lí Shànghǎi yǒu yìbǎiduō gōnglǐ. 杭州离上海有一百多公里。 Hángzhōu is more than 100 kilometers from Shànghǎi.  Substitution drillSubstitute according to the cue and the model.1. Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu jǐge zhōngtóu? 坐火车要走几个钟头? How many hours does it take by train?  Cueduó jiǔ 多久 how long   Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu duó jiǔ? 坐火车要走多久? How long does it take by train?  2. Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu duó jiǔ? 坐火车要走多久? How long does it take by train?  Cueduōshao shíhou 多少时候 how much time   Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu duōshao shíhou? 坐火车要走多少时候? How much time does it take by train?  3. Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu duōshao shíhou? 坐火车要走多少时候? How much time does it take by train?  Cuejǐtiān 几天 how many days   Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu jǐtiān? 坐火车要走几天? How many days does it take by train?  4. Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu jǐtiān? 坐火车要走几天? does it take by train?  Cuejǐge xīngqī 几个星期 how many weeks   Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu jǐge xīngqī? 坐火车要走几个星期? How many weeks does it take by train?  5. Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu jǐge xīngqī? 坐火车要走几个星期? How many weeks does it take by train?  Cuejǐge xiǎoshí 几个小时 how many hours   Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu jǐge xiǎoshí? 坐火车要走几个小时? How many hours does it take by train?  6. Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu jǐge xiaoshí? 坐火车要走几个小时? How many hours does it take by train?  Cueduōshao tiān 多少天 how many days   Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu duōshao tiān? 坐火车要走多少天? How many days does it take by train?  7.Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu duōshao tiān? 坐火车要走多少天? How many days does it take by train?  Cuejǐge xīngqī 几个星期 how many weeks   Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu jǐge xīngqī? 坐火车要走几个星期? How many weeks does it take by train?  Transformation drillTransform according to the cue and the model.1. Yào zǒu bànge zhōngtóu. 要走半个钟头。 It takes half an hour.  Cue  1    Yào zǒu yíge bàn zhōngtóu. 要走一个半钟头。 It takes an hour and a half.  2. Yào zǒu bàntiān. 要走半天。 It takes half a day.  Cuesān  3   Yào zǒu sāntiān bàn. 要走三天半。 It takes three and a half days.  3. Yào zǒu bànge yuè. 要走半个月。 It takes half a month.   Cueèr  2   Yào zǒu liāngge bàn yuè. 要走两个半月。 It takes 2 and a half months.  4. Yào zǒu bànge xīngqī. 要走半个星期。 It takes half a week.  Cue  1   Yào zǒu yíge bàn xīngqī. 要走一个半星期 It takes a week and a half.  5. Yào zou bànnián. 要走半年。 It takes half a year.  Cue  1   Yào zǒu yìnián bàn. 要走一年半。 It takes a year and a half.  6. Yào zǒu bànge zhōngtóu. 要走半个钟头。 It takes half an hour.  Cue  4   Yào zǒu sìge bàn zhōngtóu. 要走四个半钟头。 It takes 4 and a half hours .  7. Yào zǒu bànge yuè. 要走半个月。 It takes half a month.  Cue  1   Yào zǒu yíge bàn yuè. 要走一个半月。 It takes a month and a half.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Zhèi shi wǒ dìyīcì dào Nánjīng qù. 这是我第一次到南京去。 This will be the first time I have gone to Nánjīng.  Cueyǐhòu 以后 later   Zhè shi wǒ dìyīcì dào Nánjīng qù. Yǐhòu hái yào qù. 这是我第一次到南京去。以后还要去。 This will be the first time I have gone to Nánjīng. Later on I want to go again.  2. Zhèi shi wǒ dìyīcì dào Nánjīng qù. 这是我第一次到南京去。 This will be the first time I have gone to Nánjīng.  Cueyǐqián 以前 before   Zhè shi wǒ dìyīcì dào Nánjīng qù. Yǐqián méi qùguo. 这是我第一次到南京去。以前没去过。 This will be the first time I have gone to Nánjīng. I haven't gone there before.  3. Zhèi shi tā dìyīcì xué Zhōngguo huà. 这是他第一次学中国话。 This will be the first time I have studied Chinese.   Cueyǐhòu 以后 later   Zhè shi tā dìyīcì xué Zhōngguo huà. Yǐhòu hái yào xué. 这是他第一次学中国话。以后还要学。  This will be the first time I have studied Chinese. Later on I want to study again.  4. Zhèi shi tā dìyīcì chī Zhōngguo fàn. 这是他第一次吃中国饭。 This will be the first time I have eaten Chinese food.  Cueyǐqián 以前 before   Zhè shi tā dìyīcì chī Zhōngguo fàn. Yǐqián méi chīguo. 这是他第一次吃中国饭。以前没吃过。 This will be the first time I have eaten Chinese food. I haven't eaten it before.  5. Zhèi shi wǒ dìyīcì dào zhèr lái. 这是我第一次到这儿来。 This will be the first time I have gone here.   Cueyǐhòu 以后 later   Zhè shi wǒ dìyīcì dào zhèr lái. Yǐhòu hái yào lái. 这是我第一次到这儿来。以后还要来。 This will be the first time I have gone here. Later on I want to go again.  6. Zhèi shi wǒ dìyīcì dào zhèr lái. 这是我第一次到这儿来。 This will be the first time I have gone here.  Cueyǐqián 以前 before   Zhè shi wǒ dìyīcì dào zhèr lái. Yǐqián méi láiguo. 这是我第一次到这儿来。以前没来过。 This will be the first time I have gone here. I haven't gone there before.  7. Zhèi shi wǒ dìyīcì dào Měiguo qù. 这是我第一次到美国去。 This will be the first time I have gone to America.  Cueyǐqián 以前 before   Zhè shi wǒ dìyīcì dào Měiguo qù. Yǐqián méi qùguo. 这是我第一次到美国去。以前没去过。 This will be the first time I have gone to America. I haven't gone there before.  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Nǐ shuō lái liǎngtiān gòu bu gou? 你说来两天够不够? Would you say it would be enough to come for two days?   Lái liǎngtiān gòu le. 来两天够了。 It would be enough to come for two days.  2. Nǐ shuō qù liǎngtiān gòu bu gou? 你说去两天够不够? Would you say it would be enough to go for two days?    Qù liǎngtiān gòu le. 说去两天够了。 It would be enough to go for two days.  3. Nǐ shuō xué liǎngniánde Zhōngwén gòu bu gou? 你说学两年的中文够不够? Would you say it would be enough to study Chinese for 2 years?   Xué liǎngniánde Zhōngwén gòu le. 学两年的中文够了。 It would be enough to study Chinese for 2 years.  4. Nǐ shuō zhù sānge yuè gòu bu gou? 你说住三个月够不够? Would you say it would be enough to stay for 3 months?   Zhù sānge yuè gòu le. 住三个月够了。 It would be enough to stay for 3 months.  5. Nǐ shuō niàn jiǔge xīngqī gòu hu gou? 你说念九个星期够不够? Would you say it would be enough to study for 9 weeks?   Niàn jiǔge xīngqī gòu le. 念九个星期够了。 It would be enough to study for 9 weeks.  6. Nǐ shuō dào nèr qù wánr shítiān gòu bu gou? 你说到那儿去玩儿十天够不够? Would you say it would be enough to go there for 10 days?   Wánr shítiān gòu le. 玩儿十天够了。  It would be enough to go there for 10 days?  7. Nǐ shuō zǒu yíge zhōngtóu gòu bu gou? 你说走一个钟头够不够? Would you say it would be enough to walk for one hour?   Zǒu yíge zhōngtóu gòu le. 走一个钟头够了。 It would be enough to walk for one hour.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Wǒ xīwang xiàwǔ líkāi zhèr. 我希望下午离开这儿。 I hope to leave here in the afternoon.  CueXiàwǔ yǒu jǐtàng chē? 下午有几趟车? How many trains are there in the afternoon    Wǒ xīwang xiàwǔ líkāi zhèr. Xiàwǔ yǒu jǐtàng chē? 我希望下午离开这儿。下午有几趟车? I hope to leave here in the afternoon. How many trains are there in the afternoon?  2. Wǒ xīwang xiàwǔ líkái zhèr. 我希望下午离开这儿. I hope to leave here in the afternoon.  CueXiàwǔ yǒu meiyou chē? 下午有没有车? Is there a train in the afternoon?   Wǒ xīwang xiàwǔ líkāi zhèr. Xiàwǔ yǒu meiyou chē? 我希望下午离开这儿.下午有没有车? leave here in the afternoon. Is there a train in the afternoon?  3. Wǒ xīwang wǎnshang líkāi zhèr. 我希望晚上离开这儿。 I hope to leave here in the morning.   CueWǎnshang yǒu jǐtàng chē? 晚上有几趟车? How many trains are there in the evening?   Wǒ xīwang wǎnshang líkāi zhèr. Wǎnshang yǒu jǐtàng chē? 我希望晚上离开这儿。晚上有几趟车? I hope to leave here in the morning. How many trains are there in the evening?  4. Wǒ xīwang Xīngqīsān líkāi zhèr. 我希望星期三离开这儿。 I hope to leave here on Wednesday.  CueXīngqīsān yǒu jǐtàng chē? 星期三有几趟车?  How many trains are there on Wednesday?   Wǒ xīwang Xīngqīsān líkāi zhèr. Xīngqīsān yǒu jǐtàng chē? 我希望星期三离开这儿。星期三有几趟车? I hope to leave here on Wednesday. How many trains are there on Wednesday?  5. Wǒ xīwang míngtiān líkāi zhèr. Míngtiān yǒu jǐtàng chē? 我希望明天离开这儿。 I hope to leave here tomorrow.  CueMíngtiān yǒu jǐtàng chē? 明天有几趟车? How many trains are there tomorrow?   Wǒ xīwang míngtiān líkāi zhèr. Míngtiān yǒu jǐtàng chē? 我希望明天离开这儿。明天有几趟车? I hope to leave here tomorrow. How many trains are there tomorrow?  6. Wǒ xīwang jīntiān shàngwǔ líkāi zhèr. Shàngwǔ yǒu meiyou chē? 我希望离今天上午开这儿。 I hope to leave here this morning.  CueShàngwǔ yǒu meiyou chē? 上午有没有车? Is there a train in the morning?   Wǒ xīwang jīntiān shàngwǔ líkāi zhèr. Shàngwǔ yǒu meiyou chē? 我希望离今天上午开这儿。上午有没有车? I hope to leave here this morning. Is there a train in the morning?  7. Wǒ xīwang Xīngqīwǔ líkāi zhèr. 我希望星期五离开这儿。 I hope to leave here on Friday.  CueXīngqīwǔ yǒu jǐtàng chē? 星期五有几趟车? How many trains are they in there on Friday?    Wǒ xīwang Xīngqīwǔ líkāi zhèr. Xīngqīwǔ yǒu jǐtàng chē? 我希望星期五离开这儿。星期五有几趟车? I hope to leave here on Friday. How many trains are there on Friday?  Unit 6Unit 6ReferencesReferencesReference List1. A: Jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi?  幾點鐘開?  What time does it leave? B: híbādiǎn wǔshiwǔfēn fā chē.  十八點五十五分發車。  It departs at 1855. A: Nà hǎo.  那好。  That’s fine.2. B: Qǐng ni bǎ nǐde hùzhào hé lǚxíngzhèng gěi wo.  請你把你的護照和旅行證給我。  Please give me your passport and travel permit. A: Hǎo, gěi ni.  好,給你。  Okay, here it is.3. A: Dào Shànghǎi qùde chē zài dìjǐ zhàntái?  到上海去的車在第幾站臺?  On which platform is the train to Shànghǎi? B: Zài dìyī zhàntái.  在第一站臺。  It’s on Platform Number 1.4. B: Bú yòng jí. Hái zǎo ne.  不用急。還早呢。  No need to be anxious. It’s still early. B: Nǐ xiān zài zhèige jiēdàishì xiūxi xiuxi.  你先在這個接待室休息休息。  First, rest a bit in this waiting room.5. A: Wǒ zhèijiàn xíngli zěnme bàn? Shì bu shi kéyi náshang chē qu?  我這件行李怎麽辦?是不是可以拿上車去?  What should I do about this suitcase of mine? May I take it onto the train? B: Kéyi bǎ xíngli náshang chē qu.  可以把行李拿上車去。  You may take the suitcase onto the train.6. A: Zhèibān chē yǒu cānchē ba?  這班車有餐車吧?  This train has a dining car, I suppose? B: Yǒu. Yǒu Zhōngcān, yě yǒu Xīcān.  有。有中餐,也有西餐。  Yes. There’s Chinese food and there’s also Western food. A: Hǎojíle.  好極了。  Great.7. C: Xià yízhàn jiù shi Shànghǎi le.  下一站就是上海了。  The next station is Shànghǎi. C: Kuài yào dào zhàn le.  快要到站了。  We are about to arrive at the station. C: Nín zhǔnbèi xià chē ba.  您準備下車了。  Please get ready to get off the train.8. bān    to move9.  náshangqu  拿上去  to take up  náshanglai  拿上來  to bring up  náxiaqu  拿下去  to take down  náxialai  拿下來  to bring down10. pǎo    to run11.  wǎn    to be late12.  yuètái  月臺  train platform (alternate word for zhàntái. more common in Taiwan)Vocabulary bān to move (e.g., furniture) (new house) bàn to handle, to manage, to do cānchē 餐車 dining car fā chē 發車 to depart (from the first terminal of a train route) hǎojíle 好極了 to be wonderful, to be great and hùzhào 護照 passport to be anxious jiēdàishì (jiēdàishī) 接待室 waiting room -jíle 極了 extremely, awfully kāi to leave kuài soon lǚxíngzhèng 旅行證 travel permit to pick up, to hold, to take náshanglai 拿上來 to bring up náshangqu 拿上去 to take up náxialai 拿下來 to bring down náxiaqu 拿下去 to take down pǎo to run wǎn to be late Xīcān 西餐 Western food xiūxi 休息 to rest, to relax yào will, going to yuètái 月臺 train platform zǎo to be early zhàntái 站臺 train platform Zhōngcān 中餐 Chinese food zhǔnbèi 準備 to prepare, to get ready bāng to help bú yào 不要 don’t láilai-wǎngwǎng 來來往往 coming and going qǐdiǎnzhàn 起點站 station where a train originates (literally, “starting station”) shūfu 舒服 to be comfortable Reference NotesNotes on №11. A: Jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi?  幾點鐘開?  What time does it leave? B: híbādiǎn wǔshiwǔfēn fā chē.  十八點五十五分發車。  It departs at 1855. A: Nà hǎo.  那好。  That’s fine.Kāi and fā chē: When referring to trains, the verb kāi, “to start,” means “to start off” or “to leave.” The technical term fā chē, “to send out the train,” is used in reference to a train which is departing from the terminal at the beginning of a trip, or line. Notes on №22. B: Qǐng ni bǎ nǐde hùzhào hé lǚxíngzhèng gěi wo.  請你把你的護照和旅行證給我。  Please give me your passport and travel permit. A: Hǎo, gěi ni.  好,給你。  Okay, here it is., “and,” is a common alternate to gēn. Both and gēn are used as “and” between nouns.Bǎ nǐde hùzhào...: The prepositional verb points out the direct objects (passport and travel permit) and brings those objects to the beginning of the sentence, preceding the main verb. Without this construction, a “traffic jam” of sentence elements would follow that verb.Notes on №33. A: Dào Shànghǎi qùde chē zài dìjǐ zhàntái?  到上海去的車在第幾站臺?  On which platform is the train to Shànghǎi? B: Zài dìyī zhàntái.  在第一站臺。  It’s on Platform Number 1.Notes on №44. B: Bú yòng jí. Hái zǎo ne.  不用急。還早呢。  No need to be anxious. It’s still early. B: Nǐ xiān zài zhèige jiēdàishì xiūxi xiuxi.  你先在這個接待室休息休息。  First, rest a bit in this waiting room.In exchange 4, the aspect marker ne emphasizes that there has been no change in the situation. Tā zài zhèr ne. 他在這兒呢。 He is here. When the adverb hái, “still,” “yet,” is used, the sentence very often ends with the marker ne. Míngtiān wǒ hái bù zǒu ne. 明天我還不走呢。 I am not leaving tomorrow (yet), (i.e., I will still be here tomorrow.) Verb reduplication: In Unit 3 of the Money Module, you learned that reduplication is one way to indicate ASPECT, although markers are more common. INDEFINITENESS is the aspect expressed when an action verb is reduplicated. The speaker does not commit himself to the duration or extent of the action.In the last sentence of № the speaker asks the listener to “rest a bit.” Instead of using additional words to indicate a short duration, the speaker reduplicates the verb, xiūxi, expressing some duration, but of no particular limit.To reduplicate a two-syllable verb, simply repeat the whole verb. The repetition is unstressed, or even toneless: xiūxi xiuxiXiān: Since this use of “first” is not followed by an explicit “afterwards,” xiān might also be translated as “for the time being” or “right now.” Wǒ xiān zǒu le, nǐmen mànmānr chī ba. 我先走了,你們慢慢兒吃吧。 Right now I’m going to excuse myself; you take your time eating.   Nǐ xiān bié jí, mànmānr zhǎo. 你先別急,慢慢兒找。 For the time being, don’t be anxious; take your time looking for it. Notes on №55. A: Wǒ zhèijiàn xíngli zěnme bàn? Shì bu shi kéyi náshang chē qu?  我這件行李怎麽辦?是不是可以拿上車去?  What should I do about this suitcase of mine? May I take it onto the train? B: Kéyi bǎ xíngli náshang chē qu.  可以把行李拿上車去。  You may take the suitcase onto the train.Zěnme bàn means something like “how should [something] be managed” or “what should be done [about something].”Náshang chē qu, “take onto the train,” is a COMPOUND VERB OF DIRECTION which has been separated by a noun object. is the verb “to pick up,” “to hold,” “to take,” “to bring.” The directional endings -shàng, “up,” “onto,”* and , “to go,” tell you that the action takes place up and away from the speaker.NoteYou have seen shàng used as several different parts of speech: shàng lóu to go up (FULL verb) 上樓   shàng chē to get on (FULL verb) 上車  shàngbianr upper, above (IN PLACE WORDS) 上邊兒   shàngge yuè last, previously (SPECIFIER) 上個月   zài chēshang on (LOCATIONAL ENDING [with nouns]) 在車上    náshangqu up, onto (DIRECTIONAL ENDING [with verbs]) 拿上去    ná shang qu (hold up/onto away) “to take up/onto” 拿 上 去 Compound verbs of direction are easily formed, as shown in the chart below. The first column contains action verbs you have learned which may be used. The endings in the middle column are relatively few. For the second part of the directional ending, only lái and may be used.ACTIONPlusDIRECTION (to carry)-shàng (up)lái (towards)   zǒu (to walk/go)-xià (down) (away)    bān (to move)-chū (out)     pǎo (to run)-jìn (in)     kāi (to drive)-huí (back)  (AND OTHERS)Compound verbs of direction may be two or three syllables: chūqu, “to go out”; zǒuchuqu, “to walk out”It is possible to split up a two-part directional ending by placing an object or location before the final lái or . náshang chē qu 拿上車去 take onto the train/bus   náchu yìběn shū lai 拿出一本書來 bring out a book   xià lóu qu 下樓去 go downstairs A direct object (such as nèiběn shū) may be placed EITHER at the beginning of a sentence, using , OR later in the sentence, splitting up the directional ending. Locations which are the goal of the action (such as chē and lóu above) MUST be placed between the two parts of the directional ending.Bǎ xíngli náshang chē qu: In the last sentence of exchange 5, the direct object, xíngli, is placed before the verb. The location of the action, chē, is placed before the final qu. When both a location and a direct object occur in a sentence with a multisyllabic directional verb, the location is placed between the two syllables of the directional ending, and the direct object is moved closer to the beginning of the sentence.Notes on №66. A: Zhèibān chē yǒu cānchē ba?  這班車有餐車吧?  This train has a dining car, I suppose? B: Yǒu. Yǒu Zhōngcān, yě yǒu Xīcān.  有。有中餐,也有西餐。  Yes. There’s Chinese food and there’s also Western food. A: Hǎojíle.  好極了。  Great.The ending -jíle, meaning “extremely,” “awfully,” may be added to adjectival verbs. Nèige píngguo dàjíle. 那個蘋果大幾了。 That apple is huge.   Zuò huǒchē fāngbianjíle. 坐火車方便極了。 Riding the train is extremely convenient.   Tā zǒude kuàijíle. 他走得快極了。 He walks awfully fast. -jíle is seldom used in Taiwan.Notes on №77. C: Xià yízhàn jiù shi Shànghǎi le.  下一站就是上海了。  The next station is Shànghǎi. C: Kuài yào dào zhàn le.  快要到站了。  We are about to arrive at the station. C: Nín zhǔnbèi xià chē ba.  您準備下車了。  Please get ready to get off the train.Kuài means “soon” in the second sentence of exchange 7. You have already learned another meaning for kuài: “to be fast”In the sentence Kuài yào dào zhàn le, yào is an auxiliary verb meaning “will” or “to be going to.” Other meanings you have learned for yào are “to want,” “to need,” “to have to,” “to require.”New-situation le: The aspect marker le for new situations occurs in the first two sentences of № 7. In Xià yízhàn jiù shi Shànghǎi le, the speaker uses le to communicate a change in the circumstances: after passing through many stations, Shànghǎi will finally be the next station.When a speaker uses le, he is saying that something has changed in reference to him or in reference to the listener. In the first sentence in № 7, Shànghǎi itself has not changed, but what constitutes the “next station” for the speaker and the listener has changed.In Kuài yào dào zhàn le, new-situation le marks a change which is about to take place—their arrival. Here are examples of references to future changes: Tā míngnián jiù shísuì le. 他明年就十歲了。 He will be ten (years old) next year.   Wǒ zǒu le. 我走了。 I’m leaving now. (I’ll be leaving now.)   Piào kuài yào màiwán le. 票快要賣完了。 The tickets will soon be sold out. Many speakers of English have trouble with new-situation le because they would not think of using it when the Chinese do. Take note of situations which the Chinese consider to be changes, and try to use new-situation le in your speech.DrillsDrillsExpansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi? 几点钟开? What time does it leave?  Cuehuǒchē 火车 train   Nèibān huǒchē jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi? 那班车几点钟开? What time does that train leave?  2. Jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi? 几点钟开? What time does it leave?  Cuegōnglùjúde chē 公路局的车 highway Department's car   Nèibān gōnglùjúde chē jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi? 那班公路局的车几点钟开? What time does the highway Department's car leave?  3. Jǐdiǎn zhōng kai? 几点钟开? What time does it leave?  Cuegōnggòng qìchē 公共汽车 bus   Nèibān gōnggòng qìchē jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi? 那班公共汽车几点钟开? What time does that bus leave?  4. Jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi? 几点钟开? What time does it leave?  Cuezhídáchē 直达车 direct train   Nèibān zhídáchē jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi? 那班直达车几点钟开? What time does that direct train leave?  5. Jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi? 几点钟开? What time does it leave?  Cuetèkuài 特快 express   Nèibān tèkuài jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi? 那班特快几点钟开? What time does that express leave?  6. Jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi mén? 几点钟开? What time does it leave?  Cueyínháng 银行 bank   Nèige yínháng jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi mén? 那个银行几点钟开门? What time does the bank open?  7. Jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi men? 几点钟开? What time does it open?  Cueyóuzhèngjú 邮政局 post office   Nèige yóuzhèngjú jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi mén? 那个邮政局几点钟开门? What time does the post office open?  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Zuò sìdiǎn zhōngde chē, láidejí ma? 坐四点钟的车,来得及吗? Can we make the four o'clock train?  Cue  no   Láibují, yǐjīng wǎn le. 来不及,已经晚了。 We can't make it; we are already late.  2. Zuò sìdiǎn zhōngde chē, láidejí ma? 坐四点钟的车,来得及吗? Can we make the four o'clock train?  Cueshì  yes   Láidejí, hái zǎo ne. 来得及,还早呢。 Don't worry. It's still early.  3. Zuò jiǔdiǎn èrshifēnde chē, láidejí ma? 坐九点二十分的车,来得及吗? Can we make the 9:20 train?  Cue  no   Láibují, yǐjīng wǎn le. 来不及,已经晚了。 We can't make it; we are already late.  4. Zuò shídiǎn wǔshifēnde chē, láidejí ma? 坐十点五十分的车,来得及吗? Can we make the 10:50 train?  Cueshì  yes   Láidejí, hái zǎo ne. 来得及,还早呢。 Don't worry. It's still early.  5. Zuò qīdiǎn wǔshifēnde chē, láidejí ma? 坐七点五十分的车,来得及吗? Can we make the 7:50 train?  Cue  no   Láibují, yǐjīng wǎn le. 来不及,已经晚了。 We can't make it; we are already late.  6. Zuò sìdiǎn língwǔfēnde chē, láidejí ma? 坐四点零五分的车,来得及吗? Can we make the 4:05 train?  Cueshì  yes   Láidejí, hái zǎo ne. 来得及,还早呢。 Don't worry. It's still early.  7. Zuò liǎngdiǎn língbāfēnde chē, láidejí ma? 坐两点零八分的车,来得及吗? Can we make the 2:08 train?  Cue  no   Láibují, yǐjīng wǎn le. 来不及,已经晚了。 We can't make it; we are already late.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Zài dìjǐ zhàntái? 在第几站台? On which platform is it?  CueShànghǎi 上海 Shànghǎi   Dào Shànghǎi qùde chē zài dìjǐ zhàntái? 到上海去的车在第几站台? On which platform is the train to Shànghǎi?  2. Zài dìsān zhàntái. 在第三站台。 On which platform is it?  CueNánjīng 南京 Nánjīng   Dào Nánjīng qùde chē zài dìsān zhàntái. 到南京去的车在第三站台? On which platform is the train to Nánjīng?  3. Zài dìjǐ zhàntái? 在第几站台? On which platform is it?  CueGuǎngzhōu 广州 Guǎngzhōu   Dào Guǎngzhōu qùde chē zài dìjǐ zhàntái? 到广州去的车在第几站台? On which platform is the train to Guǎngzhōu?  4. Zài dìèr zhàntái. 在第二站台。 On which platform is it?  CueTianjīn 天津 Tianjīn   Dào Tiānjīn qùde chē zài dìèr zhàntái. 到天津去的车在第二站台? On which platform is the train to Tianjīn?  5. Zài dìjǐ zhàntái? 在第几站台? On which platform is it?  CueQīngdǎo 青岛 Qīngdǎo   Dào Qīngdǎo qùde chē zài dìjǐ zhàntái? 到青岛去的车在第几站台? On which platform is the train to Qīngdǎo?  6. Zài dìyī zhàntái. 在第一站台。 On which platform is it?  CueHángzhōu 杭州 Hángzhōu   Dào Hángzhōu qùde chē zài dìyī zhàntái. 到杭州去的车在第几站台? On which platform is the train to Hángzhōu?  7. Zài dìjǐ zhàntái? 在第几站台? On which platform is it?  CueBěijīng 北京 Běijīng   Dào Běijīng qùde chē zài dìjǐ zhàntái? 到北京去的车在第几站台? On which platform is the train to Běijīng?  Substitution drillSubstitute according to the cue and the model.1. Duìbuqǐ, wǒ děi zài zhèr xiūxi xiuxi. 对不起,我得在这儿休息休息。 Excuse me, I must rest here a moment.  Cuezhèige dìfang 这个地方    Duìbuqǐ, wǒ děi zài zhèige dìfang xiūxi xiuxi. 对不起,我得在这个地方休息休息。 Excuse me, I must rest at this place a moment.  2. Duìbuqǐ, wǒ děi zài zhèige dìfang xiūxi xiuxi. 对不起,我得在这个地方休息休息。 Excuse me, I must rest at this place a moment.  Cuejiālǐ 家里    Duìbuqǐ, wǒ děi zài jiāli xiūxi xiuxi. 对不起,我得在家里休息休息。 Excuse me, I must rest at home a moment.  3. Duìbuqǐ, wǒ děi zài jiāli xiūxi xiuxi. 对不起,我得在家里休息休息。 Excuse me, I must rest at home a moment.  Cuefàndiànli 饭店里    Duìbuqǐ, wǒ děi zài fàndiànli xiūxi xiuxi. 对不起,我得在饭店里休息休息。 Excuse me, I must rest in the restaurant place a moment.  4. Duìbuqǐ, wǒ děi zài fàndiànli xiūxi xiuxi. 对不起,我得在饭店里休息休息。 Excuse me, I must rest in the restaurant a moment.  Cuechēli 车里    Duìbuqǐ, wǒ děi zài chēli xiūxi xiuxi. 对不起,我得在车里休息休息。 Excuse me, I must rest in the car a moment.  5. Duìbuqǐ, wǒ děi zài chēli xiūxi xiuxi. 对不起,我得在车里休息休息。 Excuse me, I must rest in the car a moment.  Cuejiēdàishi 接待室    Duìbuqǐ, wǒ děi zài jiēdàishì xiūxi xiuxi. 对不起,我得在接待室休息休息。 Excuse me, I must rest in the waiting room a moment.  6. Duìbuqǐ, wǒ děi zài jiēdàishì xiūxi xiuxi. 对不起,我得在接待室休息休息。 Excuse me, I must rest in the waiting room a moment.  Cuezhèr 这儿    Duìbuqǐ, wǒ děi zài zhèr xiūxi xiuxi. 对不起,我得在这儿休息休息。 Excuse me, I must rest here a moment.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Wǒ zhèijiàn xíngli hái zài zhèr. 我这件行李还在这儿。 This suitcase of mine is still here.   Wǒ zhèijiàn xíngli hái zài zhèr. Zěnme bàn? 我这件行李还在这儿。怎么办? This suitcase of mine is still here. What should I do about it?  2.Tā yào dào nàr qù. 他/她要到那儿去。 He/she wants to go there.   Tā yào dào nàr qù. Zěnme zǒu? 他/她要到那儿去。怎么走? He/she wants to go there. How do I get there [go]?  3. Wǒ zhèixiē dōngxi hái zài zhèr. 我这些东西还在这儿。 These things of mine are still here.   Wǒ zhèixiē dōngxi hái zài zhèr. Zěnme bàn? 我这些东西还在这儿。怎么办? These things of mine are still here. What should I do about it?  4. Tǎ yào dào Wangfǔjǐng Dàjiē qù. 他/她要到王府井大街去。 He/she wants to go to Wangfǔjǐng Boulevard.   Tā yào dào Wángfùjīng Dàjiē qù. Zěnme zǒu? 他/她要到王府井大街去。怎么走? He/she wants to go to Wangfǔjǐng Boulevard. How does He/she get there [go]?  5. Wǒ nèixiē xíngli hái zài chēshang. 我那些行李还在车上。 My luggage is still in his/her car.   Wǒ nèixiē xíngli hái zài chēshang. Zěnme bàn? 我那些行李还在车上。怎么办? My luggage is still in his/her car. What should I do about it?  6. Tā yào dào Shànghǎi qù. 他/她要到上海去。 He/she wants to go to Shànghǎi.   Tā yào dào Shànghǎi qù. Zěnme zǒu? 他/她要到上海去。怎么走? He/she wants to go to Shànghǎi. How does He/she I get there [go]?  7. Wǒ zhèixiē zázhì hái méi màiwán. 我这些杂志还没卖完。 These magazines of mine are still unsold.   Wǒ zhèixiē zázhì hái méi màiwán. Zěnme bàn? 我这些杂志还没卖完。怎么办? These magazines of mine are still unsold. What should I do about it?  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Tāmen yǒu Zhōngcān háishi Xīcān? 他们有中餐还是西餐? Do they have Chinese food or Western food?  Cue  also   Tāmen yǒu Zhōngcǎn, yě you Xīcān. 他们有中餐也有西餐 They have Chinese food and they also have Western food.  2. Tāmen yào zhèige háishi nèige? 他们要这个还是那个? Do they want this or that?  Cuedōu     Zhèige, nèige, tāmen dōu yào. 这个,那个,他们都要。 They want both this and that.  3. Nǐmen mǎi zhuōzi háishi yǐzi? 你们买桌子还是椅子? Do buy a table or a chair?  Cue  also   Wǒmen mǎi zhuōzi, yě mǎi yǐzi. 你们买桌子也买椅子 We buy a table and a chair.  4. Nǐmen mǎi pánzi háishi wǎn? 你们买盘子还是碗? Do you buy plates or bowls?  Cuedōu  all   Pánzi, wǎn, wǒmen dōu mǎi. 盘子,碗,我们都买。 Plates, bowls, we buy both.  5. Tāmen mài zhèige hóngde háishi nèige lánde? 他们卖这个红的还是那个蓝的? Do they sell this red one or that blue one?  Cuedōu  all   Hóngde, lánde, tāmen dōu mài. 红的,蓝的,他们都卖。 The red one, the blue one, they sell both.  6. Tāmen kàn zhèixiē zázhì háishi nèixiē bào? 他们看这些杂志还是那些报? Do they read these magazines or those newspapers?  Cue  also   Tāmen kàn zhèixiē zázhì, yě kàn nèixiē bào. 他们看这些杂志,也看那些报 They read these magazines, they read those newspapers too.  7. Nǐ niàn jīngjixué háishi zhèngzhixué? 你念经济学还是政治学。 Do you study economics or political science.  Cue  also   Wǒ niàn jīngjixué, yě niàn zhèngzhixué. 我念经济学,也念政治学。 I study economics and I studied political science.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Kuài yào dào zhàn le. 快要到站了。 We are about to arrive at the station.   Kuài yào dào zhàn le. Wǒmen zhǔnbèi xià chē ba. 快要到站了。我们准备下车吧。 We are about to arrive at the station. Let's get ready to get off.  2. Xià yízhàn jiù shi Běijīng le. 下一站就是北京了。 The next stop is Beijing.   Xià yízhàn jiù shi Běijīng le. Wǒmen zhǔnbèi xià chē ba. 下一站就是北京了。我们准备下车吧。 The next stop is Beijing. Let's get ready to get off.  3. Kuài yào dào Tiānjīn le. 快要到天津了。 We are about to arrive in Tiānjīn.   Kuài yào dào Tiānjīn le. Wǒmen zhunbèi xià chē ba. 快要到天津了。我们准备下车吧。 We are about to arrive in Tiānjīn. Let's get ready to get off.  4. Xià yízhàn jiù shi Nánjīng le. 下一站就是南京了。 The next stop is Nánjīng.   Xià yízhàn jiù shi Nánjīng le. Wǒmen zhǔnbèi xià chē ba. 下一站就是南京了。我们准备下车吧。 The next stop is Nánjīng. Let's get ready to get off.  5. Kuài yào dào Hángzhōu le. 快要到杭州了。 We are about to arrive in Hángzhōu.   Kuài yào dào Hángzhōu le. Wǒmen zhùnbèi xià chē ba. 快要到杭州了。我们准备下车吧。 We are about to arrive in Hángzhōu. Let's get ready to get off.  6. Xià yízhàn jiù shi Shànghǎi le. 下一站就是上海了。 The next stop is Shànghǎi.   Xià yízhàn jiù shi Shànghǎi le. Wǒmen zhùnbèi xià chē ba. 下一站就是上海了。我们准备下车吧。 The next stop is Shànghǎi. Let's get ready to get off.  7. Kuài yào dào Guǎngzhōu le. 快要到广州了。 We are about to arrive in Guǎngzhōu.   Kuài yào dào Guǎngzhōu le. Wǒmen zhùnbèi xià chē ba. 快要到广州了。我们准备下车吧。 We are about to arrive in Guǎngzhōu. Let's get ready to get off.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Tā kéyi náshànglái ma? 他可以拿上来吗? Can he bring it up?  Cuechē  car   Tā kéyi náshàng chē lái ma? 他可以拿上车来吗? Can he bring it in the car?  2. Tā kéyi náxiàlái ma? 他可以拿下来吗? Can he bring it down?  Cuelóu  stairs   Tā kéyi náxià lóu lái ma? 他可以拿下楼来吗? Can he bring it down the building?  3. Tā kéyi náshàngqù ma? 他可以拿上去吗? Can he take it up?  Cuehuǒchē 火车 train   Tā kéyi náshàng huǒchē qù ma? 他可以拿上火车去吗? Can he take it up to the train?  4. Tā kéyi náshànglái ma? 他可以拿上来吗? Can he bring it up?  Cuelóu  stairs   Tā kéyi náshàng lóu lái ma? 他可以拿上楼来吗? Can he bring it upstairs?  5. Tā kéyi náxiàqù ma? 他可以拿下去吗? Can he take it down?  Cuechē  car   Tā kéyi náxià chē qù ma? 他可以拿下车去吗? Can he take it off the train?  6. Tā kéyi náxiàlái ma? 他可以拿下来吗? Can he bring it down?  Cuehuǒchē 火车 train   Tā kéyi náxià huǒchē lái ma? 他可以拿下火车来吗? Can he bring it off the train?  7. Tā kéyi náshàngqù ma? 他可以拿上去吗? Can he take it up?  Cuelóu  stairs   Tā kéyi náshàng lóu qù ma? 他可以拿上楼去吗? Can he take it upstairs?  Unit 7Unit 7ReferencesReferencesReference List1. A: Lǎo Sòng, zěnmeyàng? Máng ne?  老宋,怎麽樣?忙呢?  Sòng, how are things going? Are you busy? B: Bù zěnme máng. Nǐ yǒu shì ma?  不怎麽忙。你有事嗎?  Not especially busy. Can I do something for you?2.A: Wǒ Sìyue Shísìhào yào dào Guǎngzhōu qù. Qǐng ni gěi wo dìng yìzhāng fēijī piào.  我四月十四號要到廣州去。請你給我訂一張飛機票。  I’m going to Guǎngzhōu on April 14. Please reserve a plane ticket for me. B: Hǎo  好。  Sure.3. B: Piào dìnghǎo le.  票訂好了。  The ticket has been reserved. A: Něibān fēijī? Jǐdiǎn zhōng qǐfēi?  那班飛機?幾點鐘起飛。  Which flight? What time does it take off? B: Jiǔdiǎn shíwǔfēn qǐfēi.  九點十五分起飛。  It takes off at 9:15.4. A: Zhèibān fēijī zhí fēi Guǎngzhōu ma?  這班飛機直飛廣州嗎?  Does this flight go directly to Guǎngzhōu? B: Shì, zhí fēi Guǎngzhōu.  是,直飛廣州。  Yes, it flies directly to Guǎngzhōu.5. A: Cóng Sānlǐtún dào fēijīchǎng yào duōshao shíjiān?  從三里屯到飛機場要多少時間?  How much time does it take to go from Sānlǐtún to the airport? B: Yào sìshifēn zhōng.  要四十分鐘。  It takes forty minutes.6. A: Rúguo wǒ bādiǎn zhōng líkāi jiā, láidejí ba?  如果我八點鐘離開家,來得及吧?  If I leave home at eight o’clock, I can make it in time. Right? B: Láidejí.  來得及。  Yes.7. A: Qǐng ni míngtiān zǎoshang pài ge chē lái jiē wo.  請你明天早上派個車來接我  Please send a car to pick me up tomorrow morning. B: Hǎo. Wǒ míngtiān bādiǎn zhōng pài chē sòng ni dào fēijīchǎng qu.  好。我明天八點鐘派車送你到飛機場去。  Okay. I’ll send a car at eight o’clock tomorrow to take you to the airport.8.  -hǎo le  好了  to be satisfactorily completed9.  lǚguǎn  旅館  hotel10.  shuōhǎo le  説好了  to have come to an agreement (about something); (something) has been agreed on11.  xiǎnghǎo le  想好了  to have reached a conclusion (about something); (something) has been thought out12.  yàoshi  要是  if (alternate word for rúguǒ)13.  zuòhǎo le  做好了  to have finished doing (something); (something) has been finishedVocabulary bù zěnme 不怎麽 not especially, not particularly dìng to reserve dìnghǎo le 訂好了 to have (been) reserved fēi to fly fēijī 飛機 airplane fēijīchǎng 飛機場 airport Guǎngzhōu 廣州 (name of a city in the PRC—Canton) -hǎo le 好了 to be satisfactorily completed jiē to meet/pick up/get (someone) lǎo to be old lǚguǎn 旅館 in years hotel máng to be busy pài to send/assign (a person to do something) qǐfēi 起飛 to take off (airplane) rúguǒ (rúguo) 如果 if Sānlǐtún 三里屯 (a district in Běijīng where many Foreign diplomats and Chinese people from other countries live) shuōhǎo le 説好了 to have come to an agreement (about something); (something) has been agreed on xiǎnghǎo le 想好了 to have reached a conclusion (about something); (something) has been thought out yàoshi 要是 if zhí directly zuòhǎo le 做好了 to have finished doing (something); (something) has been finished chū chāi 出差 to go on a business trip chùzhǎng 處長 division chief gǎnbushàng 趕不上 won’t be able to catch (a plane, train, etc.) hái hǎo 還好 fairly good/well kāi huì 開會 to attend a meeting/conference Reference NotesNotes on №11. A: Lǎo Sòng, zěnmeyàng? Máng ne?  老宋,怎麽樣?忙呢?  Sòng, how are things going? Are you busy? B: Bù zěnme máng. Nǐ yǒu shì ma?  不怎麽忙。你有事嗎?  Not especially busy. Can I do something for you?The greeting zěnmeyàng is more informal than nǐ hǎo a. Zěnmeyàng is used only if the two people already know each other.Máng ne? and Máng ma? are translated into English as “Are you busy?” However, the two Chinese questions are not interchangeable. When a speaker asks the question Máng ma? he really wants to find out whether someone is busy. On the other hand, Máng ne? is an example of the Chinese custom of greeting a person by stating the obvious. The speaker is simply acknowledging the fact that the listener is busy. The question mark following Máng ne? shows that the speaker is inviting the listener to comment. You might think of Máng ne? as something like the English “Well, it looks like you are working hard,” which invites a response like “Sure am” or “Oh, I’m really not doing much of anything.”Ne may be used in many sentences to comment on what the person being addressed is doing at the moment: Chī fàn ne? 吃飯呢? Having dinner, I see?   Zài zhèr ne? 在這兒呢? Well, you’re here?   Mǎi dōngxi ne? 買東西呢? Doing some shopping, eh? These sentences are almost greetings in themselves.The overall intonation of the question Máng ma? is higher than that of a statement. The intonation of Máng ne? is somewhat lower. Listen carefully to the tape.Bù zěnme may precede a state verb. The expression would then mean “not especially,” “not particularly.” Wǒ bù zěnme xǐhuan nèiběn shū. 我不怎麽喜歡那本書。 I don’t particularly like that book.   Wǒ bù zěnme qīngchu. 我不怎麽清楚。 I’m not particularly clear on this. (This isn’t very clear to me.)   Wǒ jīntiān bù zěnme hǎo. 我今天不怎麽好。 I’m not particularly well today.   Tā bù zěnme yǒu qián. 他不怎麽有錢。 He’s not especially rich.   Wǒ bù zěnme xiǎng qù. 我不怎麽想去。 I don’t especially want to go.  Contrast bù zěnme with bú zènme, “not as much as that”: Wǒ bú zenme xǐhuan kàn diànyǐngr. 我不怎麽喜歡看電影兒。 I don’t like to go to the movies that much, (i.e., as much as someone else just mentioned)   Wǒ bù zěnme xǐhuan kàn diànyǐngr. 我不怎麽喜歡看電影兒。 I don’t particularly like to go to the movies. Notes on №22.A: Wǒ Sìyue Shísìhào yào dào Guǎngzhōu qù. Qǐng ni gěi wo dìng yìzhāng fēijī piào.  我四月十四號要到廣州去。請你給我訂一張飛機票。  I’m going to Guǎngzhōu on April 14. Please reserve a plane ticket for me. B: Hǎo  好。  Sure.Notes on №33. B: Piào dìnghǎo le.  票訂好了。  The ticket has been reserved. A: Něibān fēijī? Jǐdiǎn zhōng qǐfēi?  那班飛機?幾點鐘起飛。  Which flight? What time does it take off? B: Jiǔdiǎn shíwǔfēn qǐfēi.  九點十五分起飛。  It takes off at 9:15.Dìnghǎo is a compound verb of result. When used as the final element in a compound verb of result, hǎo indicates that the action described by the initial verb has been brought to a successful conclusion.The same form of the verb, dìnghǎo, is used to describe an object having something done to it and a person doing something to an object. Piào dìnghǎo le. 票訂好了。 The ticket has been reserved.   Wǒ bǎ piào dìnghǎo le. 我把票訂好了。 I have reserved the ticket. Here are additional examples of compounds with the result-ending -hǎo: Wǒmen yǐjīng shuōhǎo le. 我們已經説好了。 We have already come to an agreement about it. (We have already talked it out to a conclusion.)  Nǐ xiǎnghǎo le meiyou? 你想好了沒有? Have you reached a conclusion yet? (Have you thought it out to a conclusion yet?)   Wǒ yǐjīng bǎ jīntiān wǎnshàng yào chīde dōngxi zuòhǎo le. 我已經把今天晚上要吃的東西做好了。 I have already finished making the things we are going to eat tonight.   Nǐde xíngli zhǔnbèihǎo le ma? 你的行李准備好了嗎? Is your luggage ready? Notes on №44. A: Zhèibān fēijī zhí fēi Guǎngzhōu ma?  這班飛機直飛廣州嗎?  Does this flight go directly to Guǎngzhōu? B: Shì, zhí fēi Guǎngzhōu.  是,直飛廣州。  Yes, it flies directly to Guǎngzhōu.Zhèibān fēijī, “this flight”: In Chinese, the specifier zhèi- is used to refer to what has Just been talked about. In English, “that” and “the” are used for the same purpose.The adverb zhí is not used in as many situations as is its English translation, “directly,” “straight.” In other contexts, the word for “directly” or “direct” would be zhíjiē, and the word for “straight” would be yìzhí.Notes on №55. A: Cóng Sānlǐtún dào fēijīchǎng yào duōshao shíjiān?  從三里屯到飛機場要多少時間?  How much time does it take to go from Sānlǐtún to the airport? B: Yào sìshifēn zhōng.  要四十分鐘。  It takes forty minutes.Notes on №66. A: Rúguo wǒ bādiǎn zhōng líkāi jiā, láidejí ba?  如果我八點鐘離開家,來得及吧?  If I leave home at eight o’clock, I can make it in time. Right? B: Láidejí.  來得及。  Yes.Rúguo is one of the commonest words in Chinese for “if.” Another widely used word for “if” is yàoshi. (See Additional Required Vocabulary, № 12.) You have already learned that the idea of “if” may be conveyed in Chinese without any special word: Zuò Gōnglùjú děi xiān mǎi piào ma? 坐公路局得先買票嗎? If I take the bus, is it necessary to buy tickets ahead of time?   Bādiǎn zhōng líkāi jiā láidejí ba? 八點鐘離開家來得及吧? If I leave home at eight o’clock, I can make it in time. Right? Notes on №77. A: Qǐng ni míngtiān zǎoshang pài ge chē lái jiē wo.  請你明天早上派個車來接我  Please send a car to pick me up tomorrow morning. B: Hǎo. Wǒ míngtiān bādiǎn zhōng pài chē sòng ni dào fēijīchǎng qu.  好。我明天八點鐘派車送你到飛機場去。  Okay. I’ll send a car at eight o’clock tomorrow to take you to the airport.The verb pài means “to send/assign someone [to do something].Ge: You have already learned that, when toneless, yíge means “a,” not “one.” In the first sentence of exchange 7, you see that yíge can be reduced to the one syllable ge. This reduction happens most frequently when “a” follows the sentence verb. zhǎo ge ren 找個人 to look for someone (i.e., a person)   chī ge píngguǒ 吃個蘋果 to eat an apple The verb jiē means “to meet,” as in “meeting someone at the station,” or “to get,” “to pick up,” as in “I’ll come by to get you (pick you up) about eight o’clock.”Pài ge chē lái jiē wo, literally “send a car to come pick me up”: In English, “come” may be omitted. In Chinese, lái must separate the action (pài ge chē) from the purpose of the action (jiē wo).Either lái or may be used to mark purpose expressions, depending on the direction of the action.The verb sòng means “to take/escort someone” in the last sentence of exchange 7. Sòng may also mean “to send” in the sense of “delivering an object,” in contrast with the verb pài, which means “to send a person.” Qǐng pài ge rén dào wǒ jiā lái. 請派個人到我家來。 Please send a man over to my house.   Qǐng bǎ zhuōzi sòng dao wǒ jiā qù. 請把桌子送到我家去。 Please deliver the table to my house. Notes on Additional Vocabulary8.  -hǎo le  好了  to be satisfactorily completed9.  lǚguǎn  旅館  hotel10.  shuōhǎo le  説好了  to have come to an agreement (about something); (something) has been agreed on11.  xiǎnghǎo le  想好了  to have reached a conclusion (about something); (something) has been thought out12.  yàoshi  要是  if (alternate word for rúguǒ)13.  zuòhǎo le  做好了  to have finished doing (something); (something) has been finishedLǚguǎn is the general term for any kind of hotel. When following a verb or the prepositional verb zài, lǚguǎn may be followed by the locational ending -li, “in,” or there may be no locative ending. This is also the case with other place words naming institutions, business establishments, and organizations.Tā zài zhèige lǚguǎnli (OR zài zhèige lǚguǎn) zhùle liǎngge yuè.他在這個旅館裏(OR 在這個旅館)住了兩個月。He stayed in this hotel for two months. Vocabulary booster: animals bearxióngcamelluòtuo駱駝catmāochickencowniúdeer鹿doggǒudonkeyduckelephantxiàngfishfoxhúli狐狸goatshānyáng山羊horselionshīzi獅子monkeyhóuzi猴子mouse/ratlǎoshǔ老鼠pandaxióngmǎo熊貓pigzhūsheepyángtigerlǎohǔ老虎turkeyhuǒjī火鷄wolflángDrillsDrillsTransformation drillTransform according to the cue and the model.1. Qǐng ni gěi wo mǎi yìzhāng chuán piáo. 请你给我买一张船票。 Please buy one boat ticket for me.   Qǐng ni gěi wo dìng yìzhāng chuán piào. 请你给我订一张船票。 Please reserve one boat ticket for me.  2. Qǐng ni gěi Mǎ Xiānsheng mǎi liǎngzhāng huǒchē piào. 请你给马先生买两张火车票。 Please buy 2 train tickets for Mr. .   Qǐng ni gěi Mǎ Xiānsheng dìng liǎngzhāng huǒchē piào. 请你给马先生订两张火车票。 Please reserve 2 train tickets for Mr. .  3. Qǐng ni gěi Máo Tàitai mǎi yìzhāng gōnglùjúde chēpiào. 请你给毛太太买一张公路局的车票。 Please buy a ticket for Mrs. Máo from the Highway Department.    Qǐng ni gěi Máo Tàitai dìng yìzhāng gōnglùjúde chēpiào. 请你给毛太太订一张公路局的车票 Please reserve a ticket for Mrs. Máo from the Highway Department.  4. Qǐng ni gěi Lín Xiǎojiě mǎi sānzhāng zhídáchēde chēpiào. 请你给林小姐买三张直达车的车票。 Please buy three tickets for Miss Lín for the direct train.   Qǐng ni gěi Lín Xiǎojiě dìng sānzhāng zhídáchēde chēpiào. 请你给林小姐订三张直达车的车票 Please reserve three tickets for Miss Lín for the direct train.  5. Qǐng ni gěi Líu Nǚshì mǎi sānzhāng tèkuàichēde chēpiào. 请你给刘女士买三张特快车的车票。 Please buy three tickets for Ms. Líu for the express train.   Qǐng ni gěi Líu Nǚshì dìng sānzhāng tèkuàichēde chēpiào. 请你给刘女士订三张特快车的车票。 Please reserve three tickets for Ms. Líu for the express train.  6. Qǐng ni gěi Zhōu Xiānsheng mǎi liǎngzhāng fēijī piào. 请你给周先生买两张飞机票。 Please buy 2 plane tickets for Mr. Zhōu.   Qǐng ni gěi Zhōu Xiānsheng dìng liǎngzhāng fēijī piào. 请你给周先生订两张飞机票。 Please reserve 2 plane tickets for Mr. Zhōu.  7. Qǐng ni gěi Zhào Tàitai mǎi liǎngzhāng chuán piào. 请你给赵太太买两张船票。 Please buy 2 boat tickets for Mrs. Zhào.   Qǐng ni gěi Zhào Tàitai dìng liǎngzhāng chuán piào. 请你给赵太太订两张船票。 Please reserve 2 boat tickets for Mrs. Zhào.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Wǒ yào dào Guǎngzhōu qù. 我要到广州去。 I want to go to Guǎngzhōu.  Cuehuǒchē piào 火车票 train   Wǒ yào dào Guǎngzhōu qù, kéyi bu keyi dìng yìzhāng huǒchē piào? 我要到广州去,可以不可以订一张火车票? I want to go to Guǎngzhōu. May I reserve a train ticket?  2. Wǒ yào dào Běijīng qù. 我要到北京去。 I want to go to Běijīng.  Cuefēijī piào 飞机票 plane ticket   Wǒ yào dào Běijīng qù, kéyi bu keyi dìng yìzhāng fēijī piào? 我要到北京去,可以不可以订一张飞机票? I want to go to Běijīng. May I reserve a plane ticket?  3. Wǒ yào dào Nánjīng qù. 我要到南京去。 I want to go to Nánjīng.  Cuetèkuàichēde piào 特快车的票 express train ticket   Wo yào dào Nánjīng qù, kéyi bu keyi dìng yìzhāng tèkuàichēde piào? 我要到南京去,可以不可以订一张特快车的票? I want to go to Nánjīng. May I reserve a ticket for an express train?  4. Wǒ yào dào Qīngdǎo qù. 我要到青岛去。 I want to go to Qīngdǎo.  Cuechuán piào。 船票 boat ticket   Wǒ yào dào Qīngdǎo qù, kéyi bu keyi dìng yìzhāng chuán piào? 我要到青岛去,可以不可以订一张船票? I want to go to Qīngdǎo. May I reserve a boat ticket?  5. Wǒ yào dào Tiānjīn qù. 我要到天津去。 I want to go to Tiānjīn.   Cueqìchē piào 汽车票 bus ticket   Wǒ yào dào Tiānjīn qù, kéyi bu keyi dìng yìzhāng qìchē piào? 我要到天津去,可以不可以订一张汽车票? I want to go to Tiānjīn. May I reserve bus ticket?  6. Wo yào dào Hángzhōu qù. 我要到杭州去。 I want to go to Hángzhōu.  Cuefēijī piào 飞机票 plane ticket   Wǒ yào dào Hángzhōu qù, kéyi bu keyi ding yìzhāng fēijī piào? 我要到杭州去,可以不可以订一张飞机票? I want to go to Hángzhōu. May I reserve a plane ticket?  7. Wǒ yào dào Sūzhōu qù. 我要到苏州去。 I want to go to Sūzhōu.  Cuezhídáchēde piào 直达车票 direct train ticket   Wǒ yào dào Sūzhōu qù, kéyi bu keyi ding yìzhāng zhídāchēde piào? 我要到苏州去,可以不可以订一张直达车票? I want to go to Sūzhōu. May I reserve direct train ticket?  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Zuòhǎo le ma? 做好了吗? Have you finished doing it?  Cueméi  no   Méi zuòhǎo ne. 没做好呢。 I haven't finished doing it.  2. Shuōhǎo le ma? 说好了吗? Have you finished saying it?  Cueshì  yes   Shuōhǎo le. 说好了。 I finished saying it.  3. Xiǎnghǎo le ma? 想好了吗? Have you finished thinking about it?  Cuekuài  soon   Kuài xiǎnghǎo le. 快想好了。 I'll finish thinking about it soon.  4. Dìnghǎo le ma? 订好了吗? Have you finished order it?  Cuehái méi 还没 not yet   Hái méi dìnghǎo ne. 还没订好。 I haven't ordered it yet.  5. Shuōhǎo le ma? 说好了吗? Have you finished saying it?  Cueméi  no   Méi shuōhǎo ne. 没说好呢。 I haven't said it yet.  6. Zuòhǎo le ma? 做好了吗? Have you finished doing it?  Cuekuài  soon   Kuài zuòhǎo le. 快做好了。 I'll finish it soon.  7. Xiǎnghǎo le ma? 想好了吗? Have you finished thinking about it?  Cuehái méi 还没 not yet   Hái méi Xiǎnghǎo ne 还没想好呢。 I haven't thought about it yet.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Něibān fēijī? 哪班飞机? Which flight?   Něibān fēijī? Jǐdiǎn zhōng qǐfēi? 哪班飞机?几点钟起飞? Which flight? What time does it take off?  2. Něibān huǒchē? 哪班火车? Which train?   Něibān huǒchē? Jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi? 哪班火车?几点钟开? Which train? What time does it leave?  3. Něibān qìchē? 哪班汽车? Which bus?   Něibān qìchē? Jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi? 哪班汽车?几点钟开? Which bus?What time does it leave?  4. Něibān fēijī? 哪班飞机? Which flight?   Něibān fēijī? Jǐdiǎn zhōng qǐfēi? 哪班飞机?几点钟起飞? Which flight? What time does it take off?  5. Něibān zhídáchē? 哪班直达车? Which direct train?   Něibān zhídáchē? Jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi? 哪班直达车?几点钟开? Which direct train? What time does it leave?  6. Něibān tèkuàichē? 哪班特快车? Which express train?   Něibān tèkuàichē? Jǐdiǎn zhong kāi? 哪班特快车?几点钟开? Which express train? What time does it leave?  7. Něibān fēijī? 哪班飞机? Which flight?   Něibān fēijī? Jǐdian zhōng qǐfēi? 哪班飞机?几点钟起飞? Which flight? What time does it take off?  Substitution drillSubstitute according to the cue and the model.1. Zhèibān fēijī zhí fēi Guǎngzhōu ma? 这班飞机直飞广州吗? Does this flight go directly to Guǎngzhōu?  CueNánjīng 南京 Nánjīng   Zhèibān fēijī zhí fēi Nánjīng ma? 这班飞机直飞南京吗? Does this flight go directly to Nánjīng?  2. Zhèibān fēijī zhí fēi Nǎnjīng ma? 这班飞机直飞南京吗? Does this flight go directly to Nánjīng?  CueShànghǎi 上海 Shànghǎi   Zhèibān fēijī zhí fēi Shànghǎi ma? 这班飞机直飞上海吗? Does this flight go directly to Shànghǎi?  3. Zhèibān fēijī zhí fēi Shànghǎi ma? 这班飞机直飞上海吗? Does this flight go directly to Shànghǎi?  CueBěijīng 北京 Běijīng   Zhèibān fēijī zhí fēi Běijīng ma? 这班飞机直飞北京吗? Does this flight go directly to Běijīng?  4. Zhèibān fēijī zhí fēi Běijīng ma? 这班飞机直飞北京吗? Does this flight go directly to Běijīng?  CueWǔhàn 武汉 Wǔhàn   Zhèibān fēijī zhí fēi Wǔhàn ma? 这班飞机直飞武汉吗? Does this flight go directly to Wǔhàn?  5. Zhèibān fēijī zhí fēi Wǔhàn ma? 这班飞机直飞武汉吗? Does this flight go directly to Wǔhàn?  CueSūzhōu 苏州 Sūzhōu   Zhèibān fēijī zhí fēi Sūzhōu ma? 这班飞机直飞苏州吗? Does this flight go directly to Sūzhōu?   6. Zhèibān fēijī zhí fēi Sūzhōu ma? 这班飞机直飞苏州吗? Does this flight go directly to Sūzhōu?  CueQīngdǎo 青岛 Qīngdǎo   Zhèibān fēijī zhí fēi Qīngdǎo ma? 这班飞机直飞青岛吗? Does this flight go directly to Qīngdǎo?  7.Zhèibān fēijī zhí fēi Qīngdǎo ma? 这班飞机直飞青岛吗? Does this flight go directly to Qīngdǎo?  CueBěijīng 北京 Běijīng   Zhèibān fēijī zhí fēi Běijīng ma? 这班飞机直飞北京吗? Does this flight go directly to Běijīng?  Transformation drillTransform according to the cue and the model.1. Cóng Sānlǐtún dào huǒchēzhàn yào duōshao shíjiān? 从三里屯到火车站要多少时间? How much time does it take to go from Sānlǐtún to the train station?  Cueduōshaofēn zhōng 多少分钟 how many minutes   Cóng Sānlǐtún dào huǒchēzhàn yào duōshaofēn zhōng? 从三里屯到火车站要多少分钟? How many minutes from Sānlǐtún to the train station?  2. Cóng Dōngdān dào Wǎngfǔjǐng Dàjiē yào duōshao shíjiān? 从东单到王府井大街要多少时间? How many time does it take to go from Dōngdān to Wǎngfǔjǐng?  Cueduōshao shíhou 多少时候 how long    Cóng Dōngdān dào Wǎngfǔjǐng Dàjiē yào duōshao shíhou? 从东单到王府井大街要多少时候? How long does it take to go from Dōngdān to Wǎngfǔjǐng?  3. Cóng Chángān Jiē dào Rìtánlù yào duōshao shíjiān? 从长安街到日坛路要多少时间? How many time does it take to go from Chángān to Rìtánlù?  Cuejǐfēn zhōng 几分钟 how many minutes   Cóng Chángān jiē dào Rìtánlù yào jǐfēn zhōng? 从长安街到日坛路要几分钟? How many minutes does it take to go from Chángān to Rìtánlù?  4. Cóng Běijīng dào Guǎngzhōu yào duōshao shíjiān? 从北京到广州要多少时间? How many time does it take to go from Běijīng to Guǎngzhōu?  Cuejǐtiān 几天 how many days   Cóng Běijīng dào Guǎngzhōu yào jǐtiān? 从北京到广州要几天? How many days does it take to go from Běijīng to Guǎngzhōu?  5. Cóng Nánjīng dào Shànghǎi yào duōshao shíjiān? 从南京到上海要多少时间? How many time does it take to go from Nánjīng to Shànghǎi?  Cueduōshao xiǎoshí 多少小时 how many hours   Cóng Nánjīng dào Shànghǎi yào duōshao xiǎoshí? 从南京到上海要多少小时? How many hours does it take to go from Nánjīng to Shànghǎi?  6. Cóng Hǎngzhōu dào Guǎngzhōu yào duōshao shíjiān? 从杭州到广州要多少时间? How many time does it take to go from Hǎngzhōu to Guǎngzhōu?  Cueduōshao xiǎoshí 多少小时 how many hours   Cóng Hǎngzhōu dào Guǎngzhōu yào duōshao xiǎoshí? 从杭州到广州要多少小时? How many hours does it take to go from Hǎngzhōu to Guǎngzhōu?  7. Cóng Guānghuálù dào huǒchēzhàn yào duōshao shíjiān? 从光华路到火车站要多少时间? How many time does it take to go from Guānghuálù to the train station?  Cueduōshaofēn zhōng 多少钟 how many minutes   Cóng Guānghuálù dào huǒchēzhàn yào duōshaofēn zhōng? 从光华路到火车站要多少钟? How many minutes does it take from Guānghuá Road to the train station?  Transformation drillTransform according to the cue and the model.1. Rúguō wǒ bādiǎn zhōng líkāi jiā, láidejí ma? 如果我八点钟离开家,来得及吗? If I leave home at eight o'clock, can I make it?   Rúguǒ wǒ bādiǎn zhōng líkāi jiā, shénme shíhou dào? 如果我八点钟离开家,什么时候到? If I leave home at eight o'clock, what time will I arrive?  2. Rúguǒ wǒ shídiǎn zhōng líkāi xuéxiào, láidejí ma? 如果我十点钟离开学校,来得及吗? If I leave the school at 10 o'clock, can I make it?   Rúguǒ wǒ shídiǎn zhōng líkāi xuexiào shěnme shíhou dào? 如果我十点钟离开学校什么时候到? If I leave the school at 10 o'clock, what time will I arrive?  3. Rúguǒ Lǐ Xiānsheng shíyīdiǎn shifēn líkāi Dàshiguǎn, láidejí ma? 如果李先生十一点十分离开大使馆,来得及吗? If Mr. leaves the embassy at 11 o'clock, can he make it?   Rúguǒ Lī Xiānsheng shíyīdiǎn shífēn líkāi Dàshiguǎn, shénme shíhou dào? 如果李先生十一点十分离开大使馆,什么时候到? If Mr. leaves the embassy at 11 o'clock, what time will he arrive?  4. Rúguǒ Zhāng Nǚshì shíyuè qíhào líkāi zhèli, láidejí ma? 如果张女士十月七号离开这里,来得及吗? If Mrs. Zhāng leaves in October, can she make it?    Rúguǒ Zhāng Nǚshì shíyuè qíhào líkāi zhèli, shénme shíhou dào? 如果张女士十月七号离开这里,什么时候到? If Mrs. Zhāng leaves in October, what time will she arrive?  5. Rúguǒ tā sìdiǎnbàn líkāi fàndiàn, láidejí ma? 如果他/他四点半离开饭店,来得及吗? If he/she leaves the store at 4:30, can he/she make it?    Rúguǒ tā sìdiǎnbàn líkāi fàndiàn, shénme shíhou dào? 如果他/他四点半离开饭店,什么时候到? If he/she leaves the store at 4:30, what time will he/she arrive?  6. Rúguǒ nǐ zǎoshang qīdiǎn zhong líkāi jiā, láidejí ma? 如果早上七点钟离开家,来得及吗? If you leave at 7 o'clock in the morning, can you make it?   Rúguǒ nǐ zǎoshang qīdiǎn zhōng líkāi jiā, shénme shíhou dào? 如果早上七点钟离开家,什么时候到? If you leave at 7 o'clock in the morning, what time will you arrive?  7. Rúguǒ tāmen xiànzài líkāi chēzhǎn, láidejí ma? 如果他/他们现在离开车站,来得及吗? If they leave the station now, can they make it?   Rúguǒ tāmen xiànzài líkāi chēzhàn, shénme shíhou dào? 如果他/他们现在离开车站,什么时候到? If they leave the station now, what time will they arrive?  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Qǐng ni lái jiē wo. 请你来接我。 Please pick me up.   Qǐng ni pài ge chē lái jiē wo. 请你派个车来接我。 Please send a car to pick me up.  2. Qǐng ni lái jiē ta. 请你来接他/他。 Please pick him/her up.   Qǐng ni pài ge chē lái jiē ta. 请你派个车来接他/他。 Please send a car to pick him/her up.5  3. Qǐng ni qù jiē tamen. 请你去接他/他们。 Please go and pick them up.    Qǐng ni pài ge chē qù jiē tamen. 请你派个车去接他/他们。 Please send a car to pick them up.  4. Qǐng ni qù jiē ta. 请你去接他/他。 Please go and pick them up.    Qǐng ni pài ge chē qù jiē ta. 请你派个车去接他/他。 Please send a car to pick him/her up.  5. Qǐng ni sòng wo qù. 请你送我去。 Please drive me there.   Qǐng ni pài ge chē sòng wo qù. 请你派个车送我去。 Please send a car to take me there.  6. Qǐng ni lái jiē ta. 请你来接他/他。 Please pick him/her up.   Qǐng ni pài ge chē lái jiē ta. 请你派个车来接他/他。 Please send a car to pick him/her up.  7. Qǐng ni sòng tamen qù. 请你送他/他们去。 Please drive them there.   Qǐng ni pài ge chē sòng tamen qù. 请你派个车送他/他们去。 Please send a car to take them there.  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Wǒ sòng ni dào fēijīchǎng qù. 我送你到飞机场去。 I'll take you to the airport.   Wǒ pài chē sòng ni dào fēijīchǎng qù. 我派车送你到飞机场去。 I'll send a car to take you to the airport.  2. Wǒ sòng ni dào huǒchēzhàn qù. 我送你到火车站去。 I'll take you to the train station.   Wǒ pài chē sòng ni dào huǒchēzhàn qù. 我派车送你到火车站去。 I'll send a car to take you to the train station.  3. Wǒ sòng ni dào Qìchēzhàn qù. 我送你到汽车站。 I'll take you to Qìchēzhàn.    Wǒ pài chē sòng ni dào qìchēzhàn qù. 我派车送你到汽车站。 I'll send a car to take you to Qìchēzhàn.  4. Wǒ sòng ni dào tā jiā qù. 我送你到他家去。 I'll take you home.    Wǒ pài chē sòng ni dào tā jiā qù. 我派车送你到他家去。 I'll send a car to take you home.  5. Wǒ sòng ni dào yínháng qù. 我送你到银行去。 I'll take you to the bank.   Wǒ pài chē sòng ni dào yínháng qù. 我派车送你到银行去。 I'll send a car to take you to the bank.  6. Wǒ sòng ni dào Dàshiguǎn qù. 我送你到大使馆去。 I'll take you to Dàshǐguǎn.   Wǒ pài chē sòng ni dào dàshiguǎn qù. 我派车送你到大使馆去。 I'll send a car to take you to Dàshǐguǎn.  7. Wǒ sòng ni dào fēijīchǎng qù. 我送你到飞机场去。 I'll take you to the airport.   Wǒ pài chē sòng ni dào fēijīchǎng qù. 我派车送你到飞机场去。 I'll send a car to take you to the airport.  Unit 8Unit 8ReferencesReferencesReference List1.B: Hǎo jiǔ méi jiàn, nín chū mén le ba?  好久不見,您出門了吧?  I haven’t seen you for a long time, You have been away, I suppose?  A: Shì a, wǒ yòu dào Guǎngzhōu qu le.  是啊,我又到廣州去了。  Yes, I went to Guǎngzhōu again.2. B: Nín wèishénme gāng huílai, yòu qù le ne?  您爲什麽剛回來,又去了呢?  Why did you go again when you had just come back from there? A: Wǒ zhèicì dào Guǎngzhōu qù shi yīnwei wǒ yǒu yige hěn hǎode péngyou cóng Xiānggǎng lái.  我這次到廣州去是因爲我有一個很好的朋友從香港來。  This time I went to Guǎngzhōu because I had a very good friend coming there from Hong Kong.3. A: Wǒmen yǒu yìnián méi jiàn le.  我們有一年沒見了。  We had not seen each other for a year. A: Tā qǐng wo péi ta yìqǐ qù lǚxíng.  她請我陪她一起去旅行。  She asked me to accompany her (in her) travels.4. A: Sānge yuè yǐqián wǒ zài Guǎngzhōu, nèige shíhou tā hái bù zhīdào néng bu néng lái.  三個月以前我在廣州,那個時候她還不知道能不能來。  Three months ago, when I was in Guǎngzhōu, she didn’t know yet whether she would be able to come or not.5. B: Nǐmen dōu qùguo shénme dìfang?  你們都去過什麽地方?  What places did you go to? A: Nánjīng, Shànghǎi, Hángzhōu, Sūzhōu, dōu qù le. Hángzhōu zhēn shi piàoliang.  南京,上海,杭州,蘇州,都去了。杭州真是漂亮。  We went to Nánjīng, Shànghǎi, Hángzhōu, and Sūzhōu. Hángzhōu is really beautiful.6. A: Yǒu jīhui wǒ yào zài qù yícì.  有機會我要再去幾次。  If I have the chance, I would like to go again.7. A: Zhèixiě dìfang nǐ dōu qùguo le ba?  這些地方你都去過了吧。  You have gone to all those places, I suppose? B: Méi dōu qùguo. Wǒ hái méi qùguo Sūzhōu.  沒都去過。我還沒去過蘇州。  I haven’t been to all of them. I still haven’t been to Sūzhōu.8.  huí guó  回國  to return to one’s native country9.  huí jiā  回家  to come/go home10.  huíqu  回去  to go back11.    rènao  熱鬧12.  yǒu yìsi  有意思  to be interesting13.  méi(yǒu) yìsi  沒(有)意思  to be uninteresting14.  suǒyǐ (suóyi)  所以  therefore, soVocabulary chū mén (chū ménr) 出門 (出門兒) to go out, to go away from home, to go out of town gāng only a short while ago, just Hángzhōu 杭州 (a city in Zhèjiang Province in the PRC, formerly spelled Hangchow) hǎo jiǔ 好久 a long time huí to return to, to go back to huí guó 回國 to return to one’s native country huí jiā 回家 to return home huílai 回來 to come back huíqu 回去 to return to one’s native country, to go back jiàn to meet, to see jīhui 機會 opportunity, chance méi(yǒu) yìsi 沒(有)意思 to be uninteresting néng can; to be able to péi to accompany piàoliang 漂亮 to be beautiful qǐng to request, to invite rènao 熱鬧 to be lively/bustling/noisy suǒyǐ (suóyi) 所以 (所以) therefore, so Sūzhōu 蘇州 (a city in Jiāngsū Province in the PRC, formerly spelled Soochow) wèishénme 爲什麽 why yīnwei 因爲 because yìqǐ 一起 together, along with yòu again yǒu yìsi 有意思 (with completed actions) to be interesting zài again (with uncompleted actions) huār kāile 花兒開了 the flowers have bloomed (literally, “opened”) jiānglái 將來 in the future shōudao 收到 to receive yǒumíngde dìfang 有名的地方 famous place zuìjìn 最近 recently Reference NotesNotes on №11.B: Hǎo jiǔ méi jiàn, nín chū mén le ba?  好久不見,您出門了吧?  I haven’t seen you for a long time, You have been away, I suppose?  A: Shì a, wǒ yòu dào Guǎngzhōu qu le.  是啊,我又到廣州去了。  Yes, I went to Guǎngzhōu again.Hǎo jiǔ, “very long”: In this phrase, the word hǎo means “very.” Some additional examples of this use of hǎo are: hǎo dà 好大 very large   hǎo duō rén 好多人 a good many people   hǎo jitiān 好幾天 quite a few days Persons from Taiwan frequently use hǎo, “very,” before another hǎo, as in Hǎo hǎowan! “What fun.”’ and Hǎo hǎochī! “Delicious!” Speakers from Běijīng think that this repetition of hǎo sounds bad.The verb jiàn means “to see someone” in the sense of “to visit/talk with someone.” The verb kànjian is used for “to see” in the sense of “to perceive an object.”Chū mén means “to go out,” “to go away from home,” “to go out of town”; literally, “to go out the door.”Yòu is the word for “again” which is used with completed actions. (See notes on № 6 for “again” with actions that have not been completed.) Òu, nǐ yòu lái le! 哦,你又來了! Oh, you have come again!   Qìshuǐ yòu méiyou le. 汽水又沒有了。 We are out of soda again.   Tā zuótiān méi shàng kè. Jīntiān yòu méi shàng kè. 他昨天沒上課。今天又沒上課。 Yesterday he didn’t attend class. Today, again, he didn’t attend class. Notes on №22. B: Nín wèishénme gāng huílai, yòu qù le ne?  您爲什麽剛回來,又去了呢?  Why did you go again when you had just come back from there? A: Wǒ zhèicì dào Guǎngzhōu qù shi yīnwei wǒ yǒu yige hěn hǎode péngyou cóng Xiānggǎng lái.  我這次到廣州去是因爲我有一個很好的朋友從香港來。  This time I went to Guǎngzhōu because I had a very good friend coming there from Hong Kong.Wèishénme, “why,” follows the subject in the first sentence of exchange 2. This question word usually occurs in that position. (In English, “why” always precedes the subject.) Nǐ wèishénme yòu qù le ne? 你 爲什麽 又去了嗎? (Why did you go again?) Sometimes wèishénme precedes the subject of a sentence: Wèishénme tā méi qù? “Why didn’t he go?” 爲什麽 他 沒去?   Tā wèishénme méi qù? 他 爲什麽 沒去? Gāng, “only a short while ago,” “just”: The first sentence in the exchange could also be translated as “Why, having just come back from there, did you go again?”The adverb gāng is used in sentences describing something that has just been done, in other words, completed action. But notice that the marker le for completion is not used here. The marker le is added when the focus is on whether or not the action has been performed, not on when or how it was performed. Gāng is often used in sentences emphasizing the recentness of an action, not the fact that it was done; therefore le is not used. Nǐ shi shénme shíhou láide? 你是什麽時候來的? When did you come here?   Gāng lái. 剛來, I Just got here.   Nǐ mèimei zài bu zài? 你妹妹在不在? Is your little sister here?   Tā gāng zǒu. 她剛走。 She just left. Huí, “to return,” “to go back”: Like chū, “to go out,” and jìn, “to enter,” huí must be followed by either a place word or a directional ending. huí Běijīng 回北京 to return to Běijīng   huíguó 回國 to return to one’s native country  huíjiā回家 to return home  huílai回來 to come back  huíqu回去 to go back The meaning of huílai is not as broad as that of the English translation “to come back,” which has two meanings: 1) to come from someplace else to the original place (“He leaves for work at eight and doesn’t come back till six.”) and 2) to come another time (“Mr. Wang isn’t in today; come back tomorrow.”) Huílai means “to return to a particular place.” To say “to come another time” in Chinese, you would use an adverb meaning “again” and the verb lái. For example: Wáng Xiānsheng jīntiān bú zài, qǐng ni míngtiān zài lái. 王先生今天不在,請你明天來。 Mr. Wang isn’t in today; please come back tomorrow.   Nèige rén zuótiān yòu lái zhǎo ni, nǐ bú zài. 那個人昨天又來找你,你不在。 That guy came back looking for you yesterday, but you were out. Ne: Because of the question word wèishénme, “why,” the first sentence in exchange 2 is clearly a question. The marker ne is not needed to indicate a question, but does give an added ring of inquisitiveness to the sentence. Questions ending in ne often seem to be asking for definite answers.Yīnwei, “because”: Here are some simpler sentences containing yīnwei: Nǐ wèishénme méi lái? 你爲什麽沒來? Why didn’t you come?   Yīnwei wǒ hěn máng. 因爲我很忙。 Because I was very busy.   Nǐ wèishénme láiwǎn le? 你爲什麽來晚了? Why did you come late?   Yīnwei wǒ zǒucuò le. 因爲我走錯了。 Because I made a wrong turn.   Nǐ wèishénme yòu qù le? 你爲什麽又去了? Why did you go again?   Yīnwei wǒde péngyou cóng Xiānggǎng lái. 因爲我的朋友從香港來。 Because my friend was coming from Hong Kong. The word order in the second sentence of exchange 2 may be described in terms of a pattern:SENTENCE shi yīnwei SENTENCE 因爲  Wǒ zhèicì dào Guǎngzhōu qù   wǒ yǒu yige hěn hǎode péngyou cóng Xiānggǎng lái. 我這次到廣州去  我有一個很好的朋友從香港來。 The phrase hěn hǎode péngyou contains the marker of modification -de. The modifying phrase ADVERB + ADJECTIVAL VERB (e.g., zuì xiǎo, tài gāo) is followed by -de. Therefore hǎo péngyou does not need -de, but hen hǎode péngyou does.The verb yǒu is translated in the past tense in the second sentence of this exchange: “I HAD a . . . friend coming.” Notice that there is no completed-action marker in the sentence. Yǒu cannot be used with a completed-action marker because it is a STATE verb, not an action verb. (See notes on Nos. 7-8 in BIO, Unit 8, and on № 4 in this unit.)Notes on №33. A: Wǒmen yǒu yìnián méi jiàn le.  我們有一年沒見了。  We had not seen each other for a year. A: Tā qǐng wo péi ta yìqǐ qù lǚxíng.  她請我陪她一起去旅行。  She asked me to accompany her (in her) travels.Yǒu yìnián méi: To state the period of time within which something has not happened, place the amount of time in front of the negative and the verb. The verb yǒu may be placed in front of the amount of time. Wǒmen (yǒu) sānnián méi jiàn le. 我們 有 三年 沒見了。 (as for us there have been 3 years haven’t met) “We haven’t seen each other for three years.” In this example, new-situation le might be translated as “as of now.”When you are talking about a period of time within which something will not happen, the same pattern is used, but yǒu may NOT be added: Wǒ liǎngtiān bù chīfan. 我 兩天 不吃飯。 “I’m not going to eat for two days.” The verb qǐng, which you have already learned as “please,” means “to request [that a person do something]” or “to invite.” Normally, when you qǐng someone to take a trip or to go out, you are saying that you will pay all expenses.Notes on №44. A: Sānge yuè yǐqián wǒ zài Guǎngzhōu, nèige shíhou tā hái bù zhīdào néng bu néng lái.  三個月以前我在廣州,那個時候她還不知道能不能來。  Three months ago, when I was in Guǎngzhōu, she didn’t know yet whether she would be able to come or not.Yǐqián, “ago”: You have already seen yǐqián used after a phrase to mean “before.” Wǒ shàng bān yǐqián, wo mǎi diǎnr chīde. 我上班以前,我買點兒吃的。 Before I start work, I will buy something to eat. In № 4, yǐqián is used after an amount of time to mean “ago.” Liǎngnián yǐqián, wǒ méiyou qìchē. 兩年以前,我沒有汽車。 Two years ago, I didn’t have a car. Néng, “can,” “to be able to,” “to be capable of”: The most general word in Chinese for “to be able to” is néng. The meanings of néng and kéyi “to be permitted by someone” or “permissible according to some rules or conventions,” overlap.Nèige shíhou tā hái bù zhīdào: The negative is , even though the sentence refers to the past. The negative méi cannot be used here because it is the negative of completed action. The verb zhīdao, like the verb you and adjectival verbs such as hǎo, is a state verb and cannot be thought of as completed.Since the negative of a state verb is the same in the present and past tenses, the intended time must be discovered from the context. One reason for using nèige shíhou in № 4 is to make the time reference very clear.STATE VERBS include all adjectival verbs, auxiliary verbs, and a few other verbs. Here are some examples: Adjectival Verbs AuxiliariesOthershuìshìxiǎokéyi可以zàiguìnéngyǒupiányi便宜děixìngkuài bú bì 不必jiàomànyàozhīdao知道duōxiǎngxǐhuan喜歡shǎo    gāoxìng高興     Yījiǔsānyīnián dōngxi dōu bú guì. 一九三一年東西都不貴。 In 1931, everything was inexpensive.   Wǒ zài Déguode shíhou bú huì shuō Déguo huà. 我在德國時候不會説德 When I was in Germany, I couldn’t speak German.   Wǒ yǐqián bù xǐhuan niàn shū. 我以前不喜歡念書。 Before, I didn’t like to study. Bù zhīdào néng bu néng lái, “didn’t know if she would be able to come”: The object of the verb zhīdao is a choice-type question, néng bu néng lái. Here are more examples of this usage: Wǒ bù zhīdào hái yǒu méiyou. 我不知道還有沒有。 I don’t know if there are any left.   Nǐ wènwen tā mǎile méiyou. 你問問他買了沒有。 Ask him if he bought it.   Wǒ xiǎng zhīdao tāmen lái bu lái. 我想知道他們來不來。 I would like to know if they are coming or not. English-speaking students of Chinese are often tempted to translate “if” as rúguǒ or yàoshi; to do so, however, is wrong. The following rule may help you remember to use a choice-type question: Whenever the “if” in an English sentence means “whether,” use a choice-type question in Chinese. For example, “I would like to know if they are coming” means “I would like to know whether they are coming”; therefore, in Chinese, you would use a choice-type question as the object of the verb zhīdao.Notes on №55. B: Nǐmen dōu qùguo shénme dìfang?  你們都去過什麽地方?  What places did you go to? A: Nánjīng, Shànghǎi, Hángzhōu, Sūzhōu, dōu qù le. Hángzhōu zhēn shi piàoliang.  南京,上海,杭州,蘇州,都去了。杭州真是漂亮。  We went to Nánjīng, Shànghǎi, Hángzhōu, and Sūzhōu. Hángzhōu is really beautiful.Nǐmen dōu qùguo shénme dìfang? is ambiguous. It could mean either “What places did all of you go to?” or “What are all the places that you went to?”You already know that dōu may refer to an object when that object precedes the verb, in topic position. (See the second sentence in exchange 5.)In this first sentence of the exchange, dōu is referring to an object which occurs after the verb. When an object includes a question word, it is not placed before dōu in the sentence. Tā dōu qùguo shénme dìfang? 他都去過什麽地方? What are all the places that he went to?   Tā dōu niànguo shénme shū? 他都念過什麽書? What are all the books that she has read?   Tā dōu mǎiguo shénme dōngxi? 他都買過什麽東西? What are all the things that he bought ? The shi in Hángzhōu zhēn shi piàoliang has been added for emphasis. Shi is not required before adjectival verbs.Notes on №66. A: Yǒu jīhui wǒ yào zài qù yícì.  有機會我要再去幾次。  If I have the chance, I would like to go again.The adverb zài means “again” in talking about actions that have not been completed. (This adverb was translated previously in your text as “then” in commands.) Míngtiān zài lái ba! 明天再來吧! Come again tomorrow.   Qǐng ni zài shuō yícì. 請你再説一次。 Please say it again. Yícì means “one occurrence of going,” or “one trip,” in this sentence. (The English translation does not include an equivalent of yícì.)Notes on №77. A: Zhèixiě dìfang nǐ dōu qùguo le ba?  這些地方你都去過了吧。  You have gone to all those places, I suppose? B: Méi dōu qùguo. Wǒ hái méi qùguo Sūzhōu.  沒都去過。我還沒去過蘇州。  I haven’t been to all of them. I still haven’t been to Sūzhōu.Méi dōu, “not all”: In the second sentence of exchange 7, the negative méi precedes the adverb dōu. Placing a negative before dōu instead of after it changes the meaning of the phrase. Compare the sentences below: Tāmen dōu bù lai. 他們都不來。 They are all not coming. (All of them are not coming.)   Tāmen bù dōu lai. 他們不都來。 Not all of them are coming.   Wǒ dōu méi qùguo. 我都沒去過。 I haven’t been to any of them.   Wǒ méi dōu qùguo. 我沒都去過。 I haven’t been to all of them. Notes on Additional Vocabulary8.  huí guó  回國  to return to one’s native country9.  huí jiā  回家  to come/go home10.  huíqu  回去  to go back11.    rènao  熱鬧12.  yǒu yìsi  有意思  to be interesting13.  méi(yǒu) yìsi  沒(有)意思  to be uninteresting14.  suǒyǐ (suóyi)  所以  therefore, soSuǒyī (also pronounced suóyi) is the word “therefore,” “so.” Wǒ hěn máng, suóyi méi qù. 我很忙,所以沒去。 I was very busy, so I didn’t go. In Chinese sentences expressing cause and result, the pattern yīnwei... suóyi... is preferred. English speakers often find difficulty in using this pattern because it sounds unnatural in English to say “Because I was very busy, so I didn’t go.” In English, either “because” or “so” would be omitted; but, in Chinese, both yīnwei and suóyi are often retained. Yīnwei wǒ hěn máng, suóyi méi qù. 因爲我很忙,所以沒去。 I was very busy, so I didn’t go. (OR “Because I was very busy, I didn’t go.”)   Yīnwei tā shi hǎo xuésheng, suóyi lǎoshī dōu xǐhuan ta. 因爲他是好學生,所以老師都喜歡他。 Because he is a good student, all the teachers like him.   Yīnwei wǒ méiyou hùzhào, suóyi xiànzài wǒ hái bù néng líkāi. 因爲我沒有護照,所以現在我還不能離開。 I don’t have a passport, so I can’t leave yet. (OR “Because I don’t have a passport, I can’t leave yet.”)   Yīnwei wǒ yào dào Zhōngguo qù, suóyi wǒ yào xué Zhōngwén. 因爲我要到中國去,所以我要學中文。 I have to learn Chinese because I’m going to go to China.   Yīnwei wǒ méiyou chē, suóyi wǒ bù néng zhùde lí xuéxiào tài yuǎn. 因爲我沒有車,所以我不能住的離學校太遠。 I don’t have a car, so I can’t live too far away from school. (OR “Because I don’t have a car, I can’t live too far away from school.”) Notice that suóyi always precedes the subject of the sentence.Suóyi may also mean “that’s why...”: “That’s why you came here by plane.” Suóyi ni shi zuò fēijī láide. When used this way, the word suóyi is stressed.DrillsDrillsTransformation drillTransform according to the cue and the model.1. Tā chū mén le. 他出门了。 He has gone out.   Tā yòu chū mén le ma? 他又出门了吗。 Has he gone out again?  2. Tā dào Zhōngguo qù le. 他到中国去了。 He went to China.   Tā yòu dào Zhōngguo qù le ma? 他又到中国去了吗。 He went to China again?  3. Tā niàn shū le. 他念书了。 He/she read the book.   Tā yòu niàn shū le ma? 他又念书了吗。 He/she read the book again?  4. Tā shàngqu le. 他上去了。 He/she went up.   Tā yòu shàngqu le ma? 他又上去了吗。 He/she went up again?  5. Tā dào péngyou jiā qù le. 他到朋友家去了。 He/she went to his/her friend.   Tā yòu dào péngyou jiā qù le ma? 他又到朋友家去了吗。 He/she went to his/her friend again?  6. Tā lái le. 他来了。 He/she came.   Tā yòu lái le ma? 他又来了吗。 He/she came again?  7. Tā huíqu le. 他回去了。 He /she returned.   Tā yòu huíqu le ma? 他又回去了吗。 He /she returned again?  Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Wǒ yào kàn yíge péngyou. 我要看一个朋友。 I want to see a friend.   Wǒ zhèicì qù shi yào kàn yíge péngyou. 我这次去是要看一个朋友。 The reason I'm going this time is [that] I want to see a friend.  2. Wǒ yào mǎi yiběn Zhōngguo zìdiǎn. 我要买一本中国字典。 I want to buy a Chinese dictionary.   Wo zhèicì qù shi yào mǎi yìběn Zhōngguo zìdiān. 我这次去是要买一本中国字典。 The reason he/she came this time is [that] he/she wants to buy a Chinese dictionary.  3. Tā xiǎng mǎi yige huāpíng. 他/他想买一个花瓶。 He/she would like to buy a vase.   Tā zhèicì qù shi xiǎng mǎi yige huāpíng. 他/他这次去是想买一个花瓶。 The reason he/she came this time is [that] he/she would like to buy a vase.  4. Tā yào kànkan mǔqin. 他/他要看看母亲。 He/she wants to see his/her mother.   Tā zhèicì qù shi yào kànkan mǔqin. 他/他这次去是要看看母亲。 The reason he/she came this time is [that] he/she wants to see his/her mother.  5. Tā dǎsuan qù huàn yìdiǎn qián. 他/他打算去换一点钱。 He/she intends to change some money.   Tā zhèicì qù shi dǎsuan qù huàn yìdiǎn qián. 他/他这次去是打算去换一点钱。 The reason he/she came this time is [that] he/she intends to change some money.  6. Tā xiǎng xué Zhōngwén. 他/他想学中文。 He/she would like to study Chinese.   Tā zhèicì qù shi xiǎng xué Zhōngwén. 他/他这次去是想学中文。 The reason he/she came this time is [that] he/she would like to study Chinese.  7. Tā dǎsuan mǎi yìdiān dōngxi. 他/他打算买一点东西。 He/she intends to buy some things.   Tā zhèicì qù shi dǎsuan mǎi yìdiān dōngxi. 他/他这次去是打算买一点东西。 The reason he/she came this time is [that] he/she intends to buy some things.  Substitution drillSubstitute according to the cue and the model.1. Wǒ yǒu yìnián méi qù le. 我有一年没去了。 I haven't gone for a year.  Cuekànjian ta 看见他/她    Wǒ yǒu yìnián méi kànjian ta le. 我有一年没看见他/她了。 I haven't seen him for a year.  2. Wǒ yǒu yìnián méi kànjian ta le. 我有一年没看见他/她了。 I haven't seen him for a year.  Cuedào Shànghǎi qù 到上海去 to Shànghǎi   Wǒ yǒu yìnián méi dào Shànghǎi qù le. 我有一年没没到上海去了。 I haven't gone for a year to Shànghǎi.  3. Wǒ yǒu yìnián méi dào Shànghǎi qù le. 我有一年没到上海去了。 I haven't gone for a year to Shànghǎi.  Cuekàn Zhongwén bào 看中文报 read a Chinese newspaper   Wǒ yǒu yìnián méi kàn Zhongwén bào le. 我有一年没没看中文报了。 I haven't read a Chinese newspaper for a year.  4. Wǒ yǒu yìnián méi kàn Zhongwén bào le. 我有一年没看中文报了。 I haven't read a Chinese newspaper for a year.  Cueqù kàn ta 去看他/她 see him/her   Wǒ yǒu yìnián méi qù kàn ta le. 我有一年没没去看他/她了。 I haven't visited him/her for a year.  5. Wǒ yǒu yìnián méi qù kàn ta le. 我有一年没去看他/她了。 I haven't visited him/her for a year.  Cuezuò fēijī 坐飞机 take a plane   Wǒ yǒu yìnián méi zuò fēijī le. 我有一年没坐飞机了。 I haven't taken a plane for a year.  6. Wǒ yǒu yìnián méi zuò fēijī le. 我有一年没坐飞机了。 I haven't taken a plane for a year.  Cuedào zhèr lái 到这儿来 Come here   Wǒ yǒu yìnián méi dào zhèr lái le. 我有一年没没到这儿来了。 I haven't come here for a year.  Transformation drillTransform according to the cue and the model.1. Wǒ gēge qǐng wo péi ta qù lǚxíng. 我哥哥请我陪他/他去旅行。 My older brother asked me to accompany him [in his] travels.   Wǒ děi péi wo gēge qù lǚxíng. 我得陪我哥哥去旅行。 I must accompany my older brother [in his] travels.  2. Wǒ jiějie qǐng wo péi ta qù mǎi dōngxi. 我姐姐请我陪他/他去买东西。 My older sister asked me to accompany her go shopping.   Wǒ děi péi wǒ jiějie qù mǎi dongxi. 我得陪我姐姐去买东西。 I must accompany my older sister to go shopping.  3.Wǒ àiren qǐng wo péi ta qù kàn péngyou. 我爱人请我陪他/他去看朋友。 My spouse asked me to accompany her to see friends.   Wǒ děi péi wǒ àiren qù kàn péngyou. 我得陪我爱人去看朋友。 I must accompany her to see friends.  4. Zhāng Tóngzhì qǐng wo péi ta dào Běijīng qù. 张同志请我陪他/他到北京去。 Comrade Zhāng asked me to accompany him/her to Běijīng.   Wǒ děi péi Zhāng Tóngzhì dào Běijīng qù. 我得陪张同志到北京去。 I must accompany him/her to Běijīng.  5. Lǐ Tóngzhì qǐng wo péi ta dào bówùguǎn qù. 李同志请我陪他/他到博物馆去。 Comrade asked me to accompany him/her to the museum.   Wǒ děi péi Lǐ Tóngzhì dào bówùguǎn qù. 我得陪李同志到博物馆去。 I must accompany him/her to the museum.  6. Tā qǐng wo péi ta qù mǎi shū. 他/他请我陪他/他去买书。 He/she asked me to accompany him/her to buy books.   Wǒ děi péi ta qù mǎi shū. 我得陪他/他去买书。 I must accompany him/her to buy books.  7. Tā qǐng wo péi ta qù huàn qiǎn. 他/他请我陪他/他去换钱。 He/she asked me to accompany him/her to change money.   Wǒ děi péi ta qù huàn qiǎn. 我得陪他/他去换钱。 I must accompany him/her to change money.  Substitution drillSubstitute according to the cue and the model.1. Tā nèige shíhou hái bù zhīdào néng bu néng lái. 他/他那个时候还不知道能不能来。 At that time he/she did not yet know whether or not he/she would be able to come.  Cueshénme shíhou 什么时候 when   Tā nèige shíhou hái bù zhīdào shénme shíhou lái. 他/他那个时候还不知道什么时候来。 At that time he/she did not yet know what time to come.  2. Tā nèige shíhou hái bù zhīdào shénme shíhou lái. 他/他那个时候还不知道什么时候来。 At that time he/she did not yet know when to come.   Cuexīngqījǐ 星期几 what day of the/she week   Tā nèige shíhou hái bù zhīdào xīngqījǐ lái. 他/他那个时候还不知道星期几来。 At that time he/she did not yet know what day of the/she week to come.  3. Tā nèige shíhou hái bù zhīdào xīngqījǐ lái. 他/他那个时候还不知道星期几来。 At that time he/she did not yet know what day of the week to come.  Cuekéyi bu keyi 可以不可以 can?   Tā nèige shíhou hái bù zhīdào kéyi bu keyi lái. 他/他那个时候还不知道可以不可以来。 At that time he/she did not yet know whether or not he/she could come.  4. Tā nèige shíhou hái bù zhīdào kéyi bu keyi lái. 他/他那个时候还不知道可以不可以来。 At that time he/she did not yet know whether or not he/she could come.  Cuejǐyuè 几月 which month   Tā nèige shíhou hái bù zhīdào jǐyuè lái. 他/他那个时候还不知道几月来。 At that time he/she did not yet know which month to come.  5. Tā nèige shíhou hái bù zhīdào jǐyuè lái. 他/他那个时候还不知道几月来。 At that time he/she did not yet know which month to come.  Cuenéng bu néng 能不能 can?   Tā nèige shíhou hái bù zhīdào néng bu néng lái. 他/他那个时候还不知道能不能来。 At that time he/she did not yet know whether or not he/she would be able to come.  6. Tā nèige shíhou hái bù zhīdào néng bu néng lái. 他/他那个时候还不知道能不能来。 At that time he/she did not yet know whether or not he/she would be able to come.  Cuejǐhào 几号 which date   Tā nèige shíhou hái bù zhīdào jǐhào lái. 他/他那个时候还不知道几号来。 At that time he/she did not yet know which date to come.  Response drillRespond according to the cue and the model.1. Nǐmen dōu qùguo shénme dìfang? 你们都去过什么地方? What places did you go to?  CueShànghǎi, Nánjīng 上海,南京 Shànghǎi, Nánjīng   Shànghǎi, Nánjīng wǒmen dōu qù le. 上海,南京我们都去过。 We went to both Shànghǎi and Nánjīng.  2. Nǐmen dōu qùguo shénme dìfang? 你们都去过什么地方? What places did you go to?  Cuenǐ shuōde 你说的 What you said   Nǐ shuōde nàixiē dìfang wǒmen dōu qù le. 你说的那些地方都去了。 We've been to all those places you mentioned.  3. Nǐmen dōu niànguo shénme? 你们都念过什么? What did you all study?  Cuezhèngzhixué, jīngjixué 政治学,经济学 political science, economics   Zhèngzhixué, jīngjixué wǒmen dōu niàn le. 政治学,经济学我们都念了。 Political science, economics, we studied them both.  4. Nǐmen dōu mǎi shénme le? 你们都买什么了? What did you buy?  Cuezhuōzi, pánziwǎn 桌子,盘子碗 table, dishes   Zhuōzi, pánziwǎn wǒmen dōu mǎi le. 桌子,盘子碗你们都买了。 Table, dishes, we bought both of them.  5. Nǐmen zuótiān dōu mǎi shénme le? 你们昨天都买什么了? What did you buy Yesterday?  Cueshū, zázhì 书,杂志 book, magazine   Shū, zázhì wǒmen dōu mǎi le. 书,杂志我们都买了。 Book, magazine, we bought both of them.  6. Nǐmen dōu yào shénme yánsède? 你们都要什么颜色的? What colour do you want?  Cuelánde, hóngde 蓝的,红的 blue, red   Lánde, hóngde wǒmen dōu yào. 蓝的,红的我们都要。 The blue ones, the red ones, we both want them.  7. Nǐmen jīntiān dōu qùguo shénme dìfang? 你们今天都去过什么地方? At what place did you go today?  Cuebówùguǎn, zhǎnlǎnguǎn 博物馆,展览馆 museum, exhibition Gallery   Bówùguǎn, zhǎnlǎnguǎn wǒmen dōu qù le. 博物馆,展览馆我们都去了。 Museum, exhibition Gallery, we went to both.  Transformation drillTransform according to the cue and the model.1. Tāmen dōu lái le ma? 他/他们都来了吗? Did they all come?  Cueměi dōu 美都 not all   Tāmen měi dōu lái. 他/他们没都来。 Not all of them came.  2. Tāmen dōu qù le ma? 他/他们都去了吗? Did they all go?  Cuedōu méi 都没 none   Tāmen dōu méi qù. 他/他们都没去。 None of them did go.  3. Tāmen dōu zǒu le ma? 他/他们都走了吗? Did they all walk?  Cueméi dōu 美都 not all   Tāmen méi dōu zōu. 他/他们没都走。 Not all of them walked.  4. Tāmen dōu mǎi le ma? 他/他们都买了吗? Did they all buy?  Cuedōu méi 都没 none   Tāmen dōu méi mǎi. 他/他们都没买。 None of them bought.  5. Tāmen dōu mài Zhōngguo shū ma? 他/他们都卖中国书吗? Did they all buy Chinese books?  Cuebù dōu 不都 not all   Tāmen bù dōu mài Zhōngguo shū. 他/他们不都卖中国书。 Not all of them bought Chinese books.  6. Shànghǎi, Běijīng, Nánjīng tāmen dōu qùguo le ma? 上海,北京,南京他/他们都去过了吗? Shànghǎi, Běijīng, Nánjīng, did they ever go there?  Cueméi dōu  美都 not all   Tāmen méi dōu qùguo. 他/他们没都去过。 Not all of them ever went.  7. Tāmen dōu láiguo ma? 他/他们都来过吗? Did they all ever go?  Cuedōu méi 都没 none   Tāmen dōu méi láiguo. 他/他们都没来过。 None of them ever went.  Transformation drillTransform according to the cue and the model.1. Wǒ míngtiān yào zài qù yícì. 我明天要再去一次。 Tomorrow I want to go again.   Wǒ zuótiān yòu qùle yícì. 我昨天又去了一次。 Yesterday I went again.  2. Tā hòutiān yào zài lái yícì. 他/他后天要再来一次。 He/she wants to come again the day after tomorrow.   Tā qiántiān yòu láile yícì. 他/他前天又来了一次。 He/he came again the day before yesterday.  3. Tā míngnián yào zài niàn yícì. 他/他明年要再念一次。 He/she is going to study again next year.   Tā qùnián yòu niànle yícì. 他/他去年又念了一次。 He/he read it again last year.  4. Wǒ xiàge yuè yào zài kàn yícì. 我下个月要再看一次。 I'm going to watch it again next month.   Wǒ shàngge yuè yòu kànle yícì. 我上个月又看了一次。 I watched it again last month.  5. Tā xiàge xīngqī yào zài zuò yícì. 他/他下个星期要再做一次。 He/he is going to do it again next week.   Tā shàngge xīngqī yòu zuòle yícì. 他/他上个星期又做了一次。 He/he did it again last week.  6. Wǒ xiàwǔ yào zài xué yícì. 我下午要再学一次。 I'm going to learn it again this afternoon.   Wǒ shàngwǔ yòu xuéle yícì. 我上午又学了一次。 I learned it again in the morning.  7. Tā xiàge Xīngqīyī yào zài kāi yícì. 他/他下个星期一要再开一次。 He/he is going to drive again next Monday.   Tā shàngge Xīngqīyī yòu kāile yícì. 他/他上个星期一又开了一次。 He/he drove again last Monday.  Transformation drillTransform according to the cue and the model.1. Nǐmen dōu qùguo shénme dìfang? 你们都去过什么地方? What places did you go to?  Cuezhèige dìfang 这个地方 this place   Nǐmen dōu qùguo zhèige dìfang ma? 你们都去过这个地方吗? Did all of you ever go to this place?  2. Nǐmen dōu mǎi shénme le? 你们都买什么了? What did you buy?  Cueshū  book   Nǐmen dōu mǎi shū le ma? 你们都买书了吗? Did you all buy books?  3. Nǐmen dōu yào shénme? 你们都要什么? What do you want?  Cuemǎi lánde 买蓝的 buy blue one   Nǐmen dōu yào mǎi lánde ma? 你们都要买懒得吗? Do you all want to buy blue one?  4. Nǐmen dōu zhùguo shénme fàndiàn? 你们都住过什么饭店? What hotels have you stayed in?  Cuenèige fàndiàn 那个饭店 that store   Nǐmen dōu zhùguo nèige fàndiàn ma? 你们都住过那个饭店吗? Did you all ever stay at that hotel?  5. Nǐmen dōu niànguo shénme? 你们都年过什么? What have you all been doing?  Cuezhèngzhixué 政治学 political Science   Nǐmen dōu niànguo zhèngzhixué ma? 你们念过政治学吗? Did you all study political science?  6. Nǐmen dōu kàn shénme diànyǐng le? 你们都看什么电影了? What film did you all watch?  Cuezhèige diànyǐng 这个电影 this movie   Nǐmen dōu kàn zhèige diànyǐng le ma? 你们都看这个电影了吗? Did you all watch that movie?  7. Nǐmen dōu xìng shénme? 你们都姓什么? What is your name?  Cue     Nǐmen dōu xìng Lǐ ma? 你们都姓李吗? Are you all are named ?Expansion drillExpand according to the cue and the model.1. Tā yòu qù le. 他/他又去了。 He’s gone again.  Cuehuílai 回来 come back   Tā wèishénme gāng huílai yòu qù le ne? 他/他为什么刚回来又去了呢? Why did he go again when he had just come back?  2. Tā yòu lái le. 他/他又来了。 Here he/he is again.  Cuehuíqu 回去 go back   Tā wèishénme gāng huíqu yòu lái le ne? 他/他为什么刚回去又来了呢。 Why did he/he just go back and come again.  3. Tā yòu zǒu le. 他/他又走了。 He/she walk again.  Cuehuílai 回来 come back   Tā wèishénme gāng huílai yòu zǒu le ne? 他/他为什么刚回来有走了呢? Why did he/he just come back and leave?  4. Tā yòu huíqu le. 他/他又回去了。 He/he went back again.  Cuelái  come   Tā wèishénme gāng lái yòu huíqu le ne? 他/他为什么刚来又回去了呢? Why did he/he just come and then go back?  5. Tā yòu huílai le. 他/他又回来了。 He/he came back again.  Cue  go   Tā wèishénme gāng qù yòu huílai le ne? 他/他为什么刚去又回来了呢? Why did he/he just go and come back again?  6. Tā yòu huílai le. 他/他又回来了。 He/he is back again.  Cuezǒu  walk   Tā wèishénme gāng zǒu yòu huílai le ne? 他/他为什么刚走又回来了呢? Why did he/he just leave and come back again?  7. Tā yòu qù le. 他/他又去了。 He/he went again.  Cuehuílai 回来 come back   Tā wèishénme gāng huílai yòu qù le ne? 他/他为什么刚回来又去了呢? Why did he/he just come back and go again?