Module 9:
Introduction Welcome to the Foreign Service Institute - Standard Chinese: A Modular Approach Life in China Module page. Module 9 of the course does not have an accompanying workbook, as it was never developed. Here you will find the reference lists for the individual units along with the Chinese translations. I did not transcribe the reference lists in Pinyin, though this is very easy to do if you wish. Apologies for any inaccuracies in the transcriptions. Module 9 should be fairly easy to do if you've finished Module 8. Some of the content is quite outdated but the vocabulary is quite helpful. There is a very little bit of overlap with the Personal Welfare and Marriage, Birth and Death Optional Modules, so that you can find the helpful explanatory notes for some of the vocabulary. I (Eric Streit) added a vocabulary section which contains all the words included in the frames.
Unit 1
Vocabulary nǐmen 你们 you fēngshèng 丰盛 rich dìqū 地区 area also yǒu Have jiēdào 街道 street jiēdàobàn 街道办 Street Office bànshì 办事 work bànshìchù 办事处 office ba Bar yǒu Have Leave wǒmen 我们 us jiā Family bùyuǎn 不远 not far nǐmen 你们 you jiēdào 街道 street jiēdàobàn 街道办 Street Office bànshì 办事 work bànshìchù 办事处 office de of fùzé 负责 Responsible fùzérén 负责人 principal zérén 责人 responsible person shì Yes shuí Who shì Yes liú Liu kāi open lán orchid dàjiā 大家 Everyone jiào Call she liúdàjiě 刘大姐 Miss Liu dàjiě 大姐 big sister měigè 每个 each jiēdào 街道 street jiēdàobàn 街道办 Street Office bànshì 办事 work bànshìchù 办事处 office dōu All lǐngdǎo 领导 lead jǐgè 几个 several fúwù 服务 Serve fúwùzhàn 服务站 Service station ma do you shì Yes de of chúle 除了 Apart from xǔduō 许多 many pǔtōng 普通 usually de of fúwù 服务 Serve fúwùzhàn 服务站 Service station yǐwài 以外 apart from wǒmen 我们 us háiyǒu 还有 and also yígè 一个 One jīxiè 机械 mechanical xǐyī 洗衣 laundry zhàn stand jīxiè 机械 mechanical xǐyī 洗衣 laundry zhàn stand bāngzhù 帮助 help jūmín 居民 resident xǐyī 洗衣 laundry xǐyīfú 洗衣服 do the laundry yīfú 衣服 clothing shìbúshì 是不是 is not it búshì 不是 no chúle 除了 Apart from bāngzhù 帮助 help jūmín 居民 resident yǐwài 以外 apart from tāmen 它们 they hái return chángcháng 常常 Frequent bāngzhù 帮助 help bùduì 部队 force wash bèizi 被子 Quilt jiēdào 街道 street jiēdàobàn 街道办 Street Office bànshì 办事 work bànshìchù 办事处 office and guójiā 国家 nation shēngchǎn 生产 Production jìhuà 计划 plan méiyǒu 没有 No yǒuguān 有关 related guānxì 关系 relation ba Bar you shuōdéduì 说得对 Yes kěshì 可是 But fúwù 服务 Serve fúwùzhàn 服务站 Service station kěyǐ 可以 Can yǐwéi 以为 Think qúnzhòng 群众 the masses zhòngshēng 众生 sentient beings shēnghuó 生活 Life fúwù 服务 Serve qúnzhòng 群众 the masses hěn very huānyíng 欢迎 welcome jūmín 居民 resident jūmínwěi 居民委 residents committee mínwěi 民委 Ethnic Affairs Commission wěiyuán 委员 committee wěiyuánhuì 委员会 committee shìbúshì 是不是 is not it búshì 不是 no jīcéng 基层 grassroots de of zhèngfǔ 政府 government jīguān 机关 organ Do not jiēdào 街道 street jiēdàobàn 街道办 Street Office bànshì 办事 work bànshìchù 办事处 office cái talent shì Yes jīcéng 基层 grassroots de of zhèngfǔ 政府 government jīguān 机关 organ jūmín 居民 resident jūmínwěi 居民委 residents committee mínwěi 民委 Ethnic Affairs Commission wěiyuán 委员 committee wěiyuánhuì 委员会 committee shòu by jiēdào 街道 street jiēdàobàn 街道办 Street Office bànshì 办事 work bànshìchù 办事处 office de of lǐngdǎo 领导 lead jiātíng 家庭 family jiātíngfùnǚ 家庭妇女 housewife fùnǚ 妇女 women cānjiā 参加 Participation zhèngzhì 政治 politics zhèngzhìxué 政治学 politics zhìxué 治学 study xuéxí 学习 study also shì Yes jūmín 居民 resident jūmínwěi 居民委 residents committee mínwěi 民委 Ethnic Affairs Commission wěiyuán 委员 committee wěiyuánhuì 委员会 committee fùzé 负责 Responsible ma do you shì Yes de of jūmín 居民 resident jūmínwěi 居民委 residents committee mínwěi 民委 Ethnic Affairs Commission wěiyuán 委员 committee wěiyuánhuì 委员会 committee zǔzhī 组织 organize jiātíng 家庭 family jiātíngfùnǚ 家庭妇女 housewife fùnǚ 妇女 women cānjiā 参加 Participation xuéxí 学习 study jùshuō 据说 it is said jiēdào 街道 street and xuéxiào 学校 School also yǒuguān 有关 related guānxì 关系 relation yǒu Have wǒmen 我们 us chángcháng 常常 Frequent cānjiā 参加 Participation xuéxiào 学校 School de of huódòng 活动 Activity you rúguǒ 如果 if xiǎng think tuìxiū 退休 retire yīnggāi 应该 should zěnme 怎么 how zěnmebàn 怎么办 How to do yīnggāi 应该 should and gōngzuò 工作 Work dānwèi 单位 unit tányītán 谈一谈 talk about zhèxiē 这些 These shìqíng 事情 matter dōu All shì Yes gōngzuò 工作 Work dānwèi 单位 unit guǎn Tube jùshuō 据说 it is said rénmen 人们 people zài exist shénme 什么 what bànshì 办事 work bànshìchù 办事处 office lǐngtuì 领退 withdraw tuìxiū 退休 retire tuìxiūjīn 退休金 pension duì right yào want zài exist jiēdào 街道 street jiēdàobàn 街道办 Street Office bànshì 办事 work bànshìchù 办事处 office lǐngtuì 领退 withdraw tuìxiū 退休 retire tuìxiūjīn 退休金 pension míngtiān 明天 tomorrow you yǒu Have shénme 什么 what shìér 事儿 thing ma do you míngtiān 明天 tomorrow shì Yes bāyuè 八月 August yīhào 一号 number one wǒmen 我们 us yào want go wèiwèn 慰问 condolences jūnshǔ 军属 military lièshǔ 烈属 martyr you jiēdào 接到 received tōngzhī 通知 Notice méiyǒu 没有 No shìbúshì 是不是 is not it búshì 不是 no zuìjìn 最近 Recently xuéxiào 学校 School yào want kāi open jiāzhǎng 家长 parents jiāzhǎnghuì 家长会 parent meeting shì Yes a what hǎoxiàng 好像 like xiàngshì 像是 like xiàgèxīngqī 下个星期 next week xīngqī 星期 Week xīngqīyī 星期一 Monday yīxià 一下 a bit xiàwǔ 下午 afternoon wǔdiǎn 五点 five o'clock
Frames 1 nǐ men fēng shèng dì qū yě yǒu jiē dào bàn shì chù ba . 你们丰盛地区也有街道办事处吧。 Your Fengsheng area has a street office too, doesn’t it? yǒu , lí wǒ men jiā bù yuǎn 。 有,离我们家不远。 Yes, it’s not far from our home. 2 nǐ men jiē dào bàn shì chù de fù zé rén shì shuí ? 你们街道办事处的负责人是谁? Who’s the person in charge of your street office? shì liú kāi lán 。 dà jiā jiào tā liú dà jiě 。 是刘开兰。大家叫她刘大姐。 Liu Kailan. Everyone calls her older sister Liu. 3 měi gè jiē dào bàn shì chù dōu lǐng dǎo jǐ gè fú wù zhàn ma ? 每个街道办事处都领导几个服务站吗? Does every street office manage several street units? shì de 。 chú le xǔ duō pǔ tōng de fú wù zhàn yǐ wài , wǒ men hái yǒu yí gè jī xiè xǐ yī zhàn 。 是的。除了许多普通的服务站以外,我们还有一个机械洗衣站。 Yes. In addition to many ordinary service units, we also have an automated laundry. 4 jī xiè xǐ yī zhàn bāng zhù jū mín xǐ yī fú , shì bú shì ? 机械洗衣站帮助居民洗衣服,是不是? Automated laundries help the residents in washing clothes don’t they? chú le bāng zhù jū mín yǐ wài , tā men hái cháng cháng bāng zhù bù duì xǐ bèi zi 。 除了帮助居民以外,它们还常常帮助部队洗被子。 In addition to aiding the residents, they also often wash quilts for the troops. 5 jiē dào bàn shì chù hé guó jiā shēng chǎn jì huà méi yǒu guān xì ba ? 街道办事处和国家生产计划没有关系吧? There’s no connection between street service units and the national production plan is there? nǐ shuō dé duì , kě shì fú wù zhàn kě yǐ wèi qún zhòng shēng huó fú wù , qún zhòng hěn huān yíng 。 你说得对,可是服务站可以为群众生活服务,群众很欢迎。 No, but the street service units serve the masses in their daily lives, so the masses welcome them. 6 jū mín wěi yuán huì shì bú shì jī céng de zhèng fǔ jī guān ? 居民委员会是不是基层的政府机关? Are the neighbourhood committees grassroots organisations working for the government? bù , jiē dào bàn shì chù cái shì jī céng de zhèng fǔ jī guān 。 jū mín wěi yuán huì shòu jiē dào bàn shì chù de lǐng dǎo 。 不,街道办事处才是基层的政府机关。居民委员会受街道办事处的领导。 No, it’s the street offices that are the grassroots organisation of the government. The neighbourhood committees are under the management of the street offices. 7 jiā tíng fù nǚ cān jiā zhèng zhì xué xí yě shì jū mín wěi yuán huì fù zé ma ? 家庭妇女参加政治学习也是居民委员会负责吗? Are the neighbourhood committees also in charge of the participation of housewives in political study? shì de 。 jū mín wěi yuán huì zǔ zhī jiā tíng fù nǚ cān jiā xué xí 。 是的。居民委员会组织家庭妇女参加学习。 Yes, neighbourhood committees organise housewives to participate in study. 8 jù shuō jiē dào hé xué xiào yě yǒu guān xì 。 据说街道和学校也有关系。 I understand that street offices are also connected with the schools. yǒu , wǒ men cháng cháng cān jiā xué xiào de huó dòng 。 有,我们常常参加学校的活动。 Yes, we often take part in school activities. 9 nǐ rú guǒ xiǎng tuì xiū yīng gāi zěn me bàn ? 你如果想退休应该怎么办? What should you do if you want to retire?. yīng gāi hé gōng zuò dān wèi tán yī tán 。 zhè xiē shì qíng dōu shì gōng zuò dān wèi guǎn 。 应该和工作单位谈一谈。这些事情都是工作单位管。 You should talk with your work unit. These things are all taken care of by your work unit. 10 jù shuō rén men zài shén me bàn shì chù lǐng tuì xiū jīn 。 据说人们在什么办事处领退休金。 I understand that people collect their pensions of some kind of office. duì , yào zài jiē dào bàn shì chù lǐng tuì xiū jīn 。 对,要在街道办事处领退休金。 That’s right; you have to collect it at the street office. 11 míng tiān nǐ yǒu shén me shì ér ma ? 明天你有什么事儿吗? Do you have something to do tomorrow? míng tiān shì bā yuè yī hào 。 wǒ men yào qù wèi wèn jūn shǔ liè shǔ 。 明天是八月一号。我们要去慰问军属烈属。 Tomorrow is August 1st, we’re going to go visit and cheer up military dependants and families members of revolutionary martyrs. 12 nǐ jiē dào tōng zhī méi yǒu ? shì bú shì zuì jìn xué xiào yào kāi jiā zhǎng huì ? 你接到通知没有?是不是最近学校要开家长会? Did you receive notification? Doesn’t the school want to have a parents meeting soon? shì a , hǎo xiàng shì xià gè xīng qī yī xià wǔ wǔ diǎn 。 是啊,好像是下个星期一下午五点。 Yes, it seems to me that it’s next Monday at 5 in the afternoon.
Unit 2
Vocabulary you tīng listen bàndǎo 半导 semiconductor bàndǎotǐ 半导体 semiconductor dǎotǐ 导体 conductor shōuyīn 收音 radio shōuyīnjī 收音机 radio inside yòu again zài exist jiǎngdào 讲到 Speaking of àiguó 爱国 patriotic àiguówèishēng 爱国卫生 patriotic hygiene wèishēng 卫生 health yùndòng 运动 sports le span duì right cháng often gǎo engage wèishēng 卫生 health shēngjiù 生就 born jiùshì 就是 that is hǎo it is good shì Yes yīnggāi 应该 should duō many xuānchuán 宣传 publicity zhèngfǔ 政府 government shìbúshì 是不是 is not it búshì 不是 no hàozhào 号召 call zhàorén 召人 call people rénmín 人民 people xiāomiè 消灭 wipe out cāngyíng 苍蝇 fly wénzi 蚊子 Mosquito and lǎoshǔ 老鼠 mouse duì right zhè This shì Yes àiguó 爱国 patriotic àiguówèishēng 爱国卫生 patriotic hygiene wèishēng 卫生 health yùndòng 运动 sports de of zhòngyào 重要 important fāngmiàn 方面 aspect jiěfàng 解放 liberation jiěfàngqián 解放前 Before liberation dào arrive zhōngguó 中国 China láikàn 来看 come to see kànkàn 看看 have a look dàochù 到处 everywhere dōu All hěnzāng 很脏 very dirty dànshì 但是 but xiànzài 现在 Now bùyī 不一 different yīyàng 一样 Same le span bùshǎo 不少 quite a few dìfāng 地方 place dōu All hěn very gānjìng 干净 clean zhè This jiùshì 就是 that is zhèngfǔ 政府 government and rénmín 人民 people Big gǎo engage wèishēng 卫生 health de of chéngjì 成绩 score a what you Bundle That bāo Bag yào medicine cáng Tibetan zài exist nǎér 哪儿 where le span I zěnme 怎么 how zhǎo Find búdào 不到 less than you jìnwū 进屋 enter the house go kànkàn 看看 have a look , , , dàgài 大概 perhaps jiù At once zài exist zhuōzi 桌子 table shàng superior zài exist diǎnzháo 点着 lit xīn new wénzi 蚊子 Mosquito yào medicine yǐqián 以前 before yīnggāi 应该 should xiān First zuò Do shénme 什么 what yīnggāi 应该 should xiān First Bundle chuānghù 窗户 window and mén Door dōu All guānshàng 关上 close you měitiān 每天 every day zǎochén 早晨 morning dōu All huódòng 活动 Activity yīhuì 一会 a while yīhuìer 一会儿 a while huìer 会儿 a while ma do you duìle 对了 correct zǎochén 早晨 morning kōngqì 空气 Air xīnxiān 新鲜 Fresh zài exist yángtái 阳台 balcony táishàng 台上 on stage zhàn stand yīhuì 一会 a while yīhuìer 一会儿 a while huìer 会儿 a while duì right shēntǐ 身体 Body hěn very yǒu Have hǎochù 好处 benefit jīntiān 今天 today nǐmen 你们 you jiēdào 街道 street yòu again gǎo engage dàsǎochú 大扫除 clean up sǎochú 扫除 remove chúle 除了 Apart from shì Yes a what wǒmen 我们 us jiēdào 街道 street jūmín 居民 resident gǎnxiǎnggǎngàn 敢想敢干 dare to think gǎngàn 敢干 dare yídìng 一定 must dìngyào 定要 must Bundle wǒmen 我们 us zhèér 这儿 here gǎo engage de of xiàng picture xiānjìn 先进 advanced jiēdào 街道 street yīyàng 一样 Same gānjìng 干净 clean jīntiān 今天 today jīntiānshàngwǔ 今天上午 This morning tiānshàng 天上 heaven shàngwǔ 上午 morning běijīng 北京 Beijing běijīngjiētóu 北京街头 Beijing street jiētóu 街头 street hǎoduō 好多 many dìfāng 地方 place yǒurén 有人 someone yòng use guǎngbō 广播 broadcast tong2 tong2 tong2 jiǎnghuà 讲话 speech tāmen 他们 them zài exist zuò Do shénme 什么 what tāmen 他们 them zài exist xuānchuán 宣传 publicity jiāotōng 交通 transportation jiāotōngguīzé 交通规则 traffic rules guīzé 规则 rule zài exist gǎo engage wèishēng 卫生 health de of shíhòu 时候 when rúguǒ 如果 if qúnzhòng 群众 the masses yǒu Have yígè 一个 One hǎobàn 好办 easy to handle bànfǎ 办法 Method néng can bùnéng 不能 cannot and leather wèi bit huìtán 会谈 talks tányītán 谈一谈 talk about dāngrán 当然 certainly kěyǐ 可以 Can qúnzhòng 群众 the masses bùjǐn 不仅 not only cānjiā 参加 Participation jiēdào 街道 street suǒyǒu 所有 all de of huódòng 活动 Activity érqiě 而且 and jīngcháng 经常 often bāngzhù 帮助 help wǒmen 我们 us xiǎng think bànfǎ 办法 Method zuòhǎo 做好 do well gèxiàng 各项 various gōngzuò 工作 Work niánjì 年纪 age jìdà 纪大 Ji Da de of rén people shǐyòng 使用 use zhèzhǒng 这种 this yào medicine yǒuméiyǒu 有没有 Do you have méiyǒu 没有 No yǒuguān 有关 related guānxì 关系 relation méiyǒu 没有 No yǒuguān 有关 related guānxì 关系 relation qǐng Please kàn Look shuōmíng 说明 illustrate shuōmíngshū 说明书 manual you juéde 觉得 feel zhè This zhōng bell xūn smoke wénzi 蚊子 Mosquito de of bànfǎ 办法 Method zěnme 怎么 how zěnmeyàng 怎么样 How about it zhè This zhōng bell bànfǎ 办法 Method hěn very hǎo it is good dàjiā 大家 Everyone tǒngyī 统一 Unite tǒngyīxíngdòng 统一行动 unified action yīxíng 一行 one line xíngdòng 行动 action chéngjì 成绩 score zhǔn allow bùcuò 不错 good
Frames 1 nǐ tīng , bàn dǎo tǐ shōu yīn jī lǐ yòu zài jiǎng dào ài guó wèi shēng yùn dòng le 。 你听,半导体收音机里又在讲到爱国卫生运动了。 Listen, they’re talking about the patriotic clean-up campaign on the transistor radio. duì , cháng gǎo wèi shēng jiù shì hǎo , shì yīng gāi duō xuān chuán 。 对, 常搞卫生就是好,是应该多 宣传。 Yes, it’s good to have clean-ups often. This should be widely publicised. 2 zhèng fǔ shì bú shì hào zhào rén mín xiāo miè cāng yíng , wén zi hé lǎo shǔ ? 政府是不是号召人民 消灭苍蝇,蚊子和老鼠? Does the government call on the people to exterminate flies, mosquitoes and rats? duì , zhè shì ài guó wèi shēng yùn dòng de zhòng yào fāng miàn 。 对,这是爱国卫生运动的重要方面。 Yes, this is one of the important aspects of the patriotic clean-up campaign. 3 jiě fàng qián , dào zhōng guó lái kàn kàn , dào chù dōu hěn zāng 。 解放前,到中国来看看,到处都很脏。 Before liberation, if you came to china to visit, you would’ve seen that every place was dirty. dàn shì xiàn zài bù yí yàng le , bù shǎo dì fāng dōu hěn gān jìng 。 但是现在不一样了,不少地方都很干净。 But now it’s not the same. Quite a few places are clean. 这就是政府和人民 大搞卫生的成绩啊 Zhè jiùshì zhèngfǔ hé rénmín dà gǎo wèishēng de chéngjī a This is the achievement of the government and the people in doing a large-scale clean-up 4 nǐ bǎ nà bāo yào cáng zài nǎ ér le ? wǒ zěn me zhǎo bú dào ? 你把那包药藏在哪儿了?我怎么找不到? Where did you hide that packet of insecticide? How come I can’t find it? nǐ jìn wū qù kàn kàn , dà gài jiù zài zhuō zi shàng 。 你进屋去看看,大概就在桌子上。 Go into the room and look, it’s probably right on the table. 5 zài diǎn zháo xīn wén zi yào yǐ qián yīng gāi xiān zuò shén me ? 在点着新蚊子药以前应该先做什么? What shall we do before lighting the mosquito insecticide? yīng gāi xiān bǎ chuāng hù hé mén dōu guān shàng 。 应该先把窗户和门都关上。 You should close up all the windows and doors. 6 nǐ měi tiān zǎo chén dōu huó dòng yī huì er ma ? 你每天早晨都活动一会儿吗? Do you get some exercise every morning? duì le , zǎo chén kōng qì xīn xiān , zài yáng tái shàng zhàn yī huì er , duì shēn tǐ hěn yǒu hǎo chù 。 对了,早晨空气新鲜,在阳台上站一会儿,对身体很有好处。 Yes, in the morning when the air is fresh, it’s good for the health to stand on the balcony for a while. 7 jīn tiān nǐ men jiē dào yòu gǎo dà sǎo chú le 。 今天你们街道又搞大扫除了。 Is your street committee area doing a full scale clean-up again today? shì a , wǒ men jiē dào jū mín gǎn xiǎng gǎn gàn , yí dìng yào bǎ wǒ men zhè ér gǎo de xiàng xiān jìn jiē dào yī yàng gān jìng 。 是啊,我们街道居民敢想敢干,一定要把我们这儿搞的像先进街道一样干净。 Yes, the residents of our street committee area dare to think and dare to do, theyre determined to make our area as clean as an advanced street committee area. 8 jīn tiān shàng wǔ běi jīng jiē tóu hǎo duō dì fāng yǒu rén yòng guǎng bō tong2 jiǎng huà 。 tā men zài zuò shén me ? 今天上午北京街头好多地方有人用广播tong2讲话。他们在做什么? This morning, there people in many places on the streets of Peking speaking through megaphones. What were they doing? tā men zài xuān chuán jiāo tōng guī zé 。 他们在宣传交通规则。 They were publicising traffic rules. 9 zài gǎo wèi shēng de shí hòu , rú guǒ qún zhòng yǒu yí gè hǎo bàn fǎ , néng bù néng hé gé wèi huì tán yī tán ? 在搞卫生的时候,如果群众有一个好办法,能不能和革位会谈一谈? When doing the clean-up, if the masses have a good way of doing something, can they talk about it with the revolutionary street committee? dāng rán kě yǐ 。 qún zhòng bù jǐn cān jiā jiē dào suǒ yǒu de huó dòng , ér qiě jīng cháng bāng zhù wǒ men xiǎng bàn fǎ zuò hǎo gè xiàng gōng zuò 。 当然可以。群众不仅参加街道所有的活动,而且经常 帮助我们想办法做好各项工作。 Of course they can, the masses not only take part in all activities, but moreover, the often help us think of ways to take care of various jobs. 10 nián jì dà de rén shǐ yòng zhè zhǒng yào yǒu méi yǒu guān xì ? 年纪大的人使用这种药有没有关系? Does it matter if this medicine is used by older people? méi yǒu guān xì , qǐng kàn shuō míng shū 。 没有关系,请看说明书。 No  it doesn’t matter, take a look at the instructions. 11 nǐ jué de zhè zhōng xūn wén zi de bàn fǎ zěn me yàng ? 你觉得这钟熏蚊子的办法怎么样? What do you think of this method of fumigating mosquitoes? zhè zhōng bàn fǎ hěn hǎo 。 dà jiā tǒng yī xíng dòng chéng jì zhǔn bù cuò 。 这钟办法很好。大家统一行动成绩准不错。 It’s a good method, When everyone acts in unison the results are certain to be good.
Unit 3
Vocabulary zhè This bàntiān 半天 long time I dàgē 大哥 big brother dào arrive nǎér 哪儿 where go le span ? ? ? he zhèngzài 正在 is yángtái 阳台 balcony táishàng 台上 on stage shàngchéng 上乘 Superior chéngliáng 乘凉 enjoy the shade ne Woolen cloth huáshèng 华盛 Huasheng huáshèngdùn 华盛顿 Washington de of diànshì 电视 television diànshìjié 电视节 TV Festival diànshìjiémù 电视节目 TV show jiémù 节目 programme zěnme 怎么 how zěnmeyàng 怎么样 How about it bǐjiào 比较 Compare bǐjiàofēngfù 比较丰富 relatively rich fēngfù 丰富 Rich tīngshuō 听说 It is said that lǎowáng 老王 Lao Wang xǐhuān 喜欢 like qín piano chess shū Book huà painting shìbúshì 是不是 is not it búshì 不是 no shì Yes a what he de of shūfǎ 书法 calligraphy hěn very hǎo it is good hái return zhǎnlǎn 展览 exhibition guò Pass ne Woolen cloth zhègè 这个 this jiàrì 假日 holiday you zhǔnbèi 准备 Prepare go nǎér 哪儿 where I xiǎngdào 想到 think gōngshè 公社 commune diànyǐng 电影 Movie yǐngér 影儿 Shadow duì team go kànkàn 看看 have a look tīngshuō 听说 It is said that tāmen 他们 them de of gōngzuò 工作 Work gǎo engage have to xiāngdāng 相当 quite dānghǎo 当好 be good nín you nǚér 女儿 daughter de of yīnyuè 音乐 music yīnyuèkè 音乐课 music class chéngjì 成绩 score hěn very hǎo it is good a what she de of chéngjì 成绩 score shì Yes bùcuò 不错 good kěshì 可是 But she gēnběn 根本 fundamental bùxiǎng 不想 In no mood yánjiū 研究 Research yīnyuè 音乐 music zhēnshì 真是 really méibàn 没办 no way bànfǎ 办法 Method nǐmen 你们 you gōngjiān 工间 workshop xiūxī 休息 rest de of shíhòu 时候 when dàjiā 大家 Everyone zuò Do shénme 什么 what zuò do de of gōngjiān 工间 workshop gōngjiāncāo 工间操 Workplace duànliàn 锻炼 exercise duànliàn 锻炼 exercise duànliànshēntǐ 锻炼身体 Exercise shēntǐ 身体 Body jīntiān 今天 today zhōngwǔ 中午 noon yǒuxiàn 有线 wired yǒuxiànguǎngbō 有线广播 cable broadcasting guǎngbō 广播 broadcast guǎngbōzhàn 广播站 radio station guǎngbō 广播 broadcast de of nèiróng 内容 content duōbùduō 多不多 too much bùduō 不多 not much bùshǎo 不少 quite a few tāmen 他们 them niàn read le span hǎojǐ 好几 several hǎojǐfèn 好几份 several copies jǐfèn 几份 several copies fènér 份儿 share bàozhǐ 报纸 newspaper měitiān 每天 every day zǎochén 早晨 morning you dōu All chūqù 出去 go out pǎobù 跑步 Run ma do you duìle 对了 correct chūqù 出去 go out pǎobù 跑步 Run beat tàijí 太极 Tai Chi tàijíquán 太极拳 Tai Chi you àirén 爱人 spouse also shì Yes gǎo engage tǐyù 体育 physical education de of ma do you shì Yes de of he de of tǐcāo 体操 Gymnastics shízài 实在 really bùcuò 不错 good she chúle 除了 Apart from cānjiā 参加 Participation jiāyǎn 加演 encore yǎnchū 演出 show yǎnchūduì 演出队 performance team de of huódòng 活动 Activity yǐwài 以外 apart from yèyú 业余 amateur yèyúshíjiān 业余时间 spare time shíjiān 时间 time hái return zuò do shénme 什么 what she xǐhuān 喜欢 like tǐyù 体育 physical education huódòng 活动 Activity yóuqí 尤其 especially shì Yes ài Love beat yǔmáo 羽毛 feather yǔmáoqiú 羽毛球 badminton qiúér 球儿 ball I xiǎng think cānjiā 参加 Participation shūfǎ 书法 calligraphy yánjiū 研究 Research yánjiūhuì 研究会 Research xíngbùxíng 行不行 Ok bùxíng 不行 no zhèxiē 这些 These yánjiū 研究 Research yánjiūhuì 研究会 Research shì Yes rénmín 人民 people wénhuà 文化 culture huàshēng 化生 metaplasia shēnghuó 生活 Life de of yībù 一部 one yībùfèn 一部分 part bùfèn 部分 part dōu All shì Yes zìyuàn 自愿 Volunteer cānjiā 参加 Participation de of
Frames 1 zhè bàn tiān wǒ dà gē dào nǎ ér qù le ? 这半天我大哥到哪儿去了? Where has older brother been all this time? tā zhèng zài yáng tái shàng chéng liáng ne 。 他正在阳台上乘凉呢。 He’s cooling off on the balcony. 2 huá shèng dùn de diàn shì jié mù zěn me yàng ? 华盛顿的电视节目怎么样? What are Washington television programs like? bǐ jiào fēng fù 。 比较丰富。 There’s quite a variety. 3 tīng shuō lǎo wáng xǐ huān qín , qí , shū , huà , shì bú shì ? 听说老王喜欢琴,棋,书,画,是不是? I hear that Lao Wang likes music, chess, calligraphy and painting, doesn’t he? shì a , tā de shū fǎ hěn hǎo , hái zhǎn lǎn guò ne 。 是啊,他的书法很好,还展览过呢。 Yes, his calligraphy is very good, he’s even exhibited. 4 zhè gè jià rì nǐ zhǔn bèi qù nǎ ér ? 这个假日你准备去哪儿? Where are you planning to go for this holiday? wǒ xiǎng dào gōng shè diàn yǐng ér duì qù kàn kàn 。 我想到公社电影儿队去看看。 I’m thinking of going to the commune’s movie team to take a look. Tīng shuō tāmen de gōngzuò gǎo dé xiāngdāng hǎo 听说他们的工作搞得相当好 I’ve heard that their work is quite good 5 nín nǚ ér de yīn yuè kè chéng jì hěn hǎo a 。 您女儿的音乐课成绩很好啊。 Your daughter’s music class grades are really good. tā de chéng jì shì bù cuò , kě shì tā gēn běn bù xiǎng yán jiū yīn yuè , zhēn shì méi bàn fǎ 。 她的成绩是不错,可是她根本不想研究音乐,真是没办法。 Her grades are pretty good, but she just doesn’t want to study music, there’s just nothing I can do about it. 6 nǐ men gōng jiān xiū xī de shí hòu , dà jiā zuò shén me ? 你们工间休息的时候,大家做什么? What do you all do when you take your break at work? zuò de gōng jiān cāo duàn liàn duàn liàn shēn tǐ 。 作的工间操锻炼锻炼身体。 We do some break-time calisthenics to get in shape. 7 jīn tiān zhōng wǔ yǒu xiàn guǎng bō zhàn guǎng bō de nèi róng duō bù duō 。 今天中午有线广播站广播的内容多不多。 Did the local broadcasting network broadcast a lot of material today at noon? bù shǎo , tā men niàn le hǎo jǐ fèn ér bào zhǐ 。 不少,他们念了好几份儿报纸。 Yes, the read a whole lot of newspapers. 8 měi tiān zǎo chén nǐ dōu chū qù pǎo bù ma ? 每天早晨你都出去跑步吗? Do you go out to run every morning? duì le , chū qù pǎo bù dǎ tài jí quán 。 对了,出去跑步打太极拳。 Yes, I go out to run and to do Tai-Qi. Huílái de shíhòu, shùnbiàn dào cài shìchǎng mǎi cài 回来的时候,顺便到菜市场买菜 And on the way back, I stop at the market to buy groceries 9 nǐ ài rén yě shì gǎo tǐ yù de ma ? 你爱人也是搞体育的吗? Does your spouse do sports too? shì de , tā de tǐ cāo shí zài bù cuò 。 是的,他的体操实在不错。 Yes, he’s really pretty good at calisthenics. 10 tā chú le cān jiā yǎn chū duì de huó dòng yǐ wài , yè yú shí jiān hái zuò shén me ? 她除了参加演出队的活动以外,业余时间还作什么? What does she do in her time after work, in addition to taking part in the activities of the performing arts group? tā xǐ huān tǐ yù huó dòng , yóu qí shì ài dǎ yǔ máo qiú ér 。 她喜欢体育活动,尤其是爱打羽毛球儿。 She likes sports activities. She especially loves to play badminton. 11 wǒ xiǎng cān jiā shū fǎ yán jiū huì , xíng bù xíng ? 我想参加书法研究会,行不行? I’d like to take part in a calligraphy study group, would that be alright? zhè xiē yán jiū huì shì rén mín wén huà shēng huó de yī bù fèn , dōu shì zì yuàn cān jiā de 。 这些研究会是人民文化生活的一部分,都是自愿参加的。 These study groups are one part of the cultural life of the people, they are all voluntary. Zhèxiē yánjiū huì shì rénmín wénhuà shēnghuó de yībùfèn, dōu shì zìyuàn cānjiā de 这些研究会是人民文化生活的一部分,都是自愿参加的 This weekend I can go with you.
Unit 4
Vocabulary yígè 一个 One gāozhōng 高中 high school gāozhōngxuéshēng 高中学生 High school student zhōngxué 中学 middle school zhōngxuéshēng 中学生 Middle school students xuéshēng 学生 student kàn Look běijīng 北京 Beijing de of diànshì 电视 television diànshìjiàoxué 电视教学 TV teaching jiàoxué 教学 teaching jiémù 节目 programme néng can bùnéng 不能 cannot néngkàndǒng 能看懂 Can understand dàduō 大多 most dàduōshù 大多数 most duōshù 多数 most gāozhōng 高中 high school gāozhōngxuéshēng 高中学生 High school student zhōngxué 中学 middle school zhōngxuéshēng 中学生 Middle school students xuéshēng 学生 student dōu All néngkàndǒng 能看懂 Can understand she chànggē 唱歌 Sing gēér 歌儿 song zhēnhǎo 真好 very nice hǎotīng 好听 nice you zǒngshì 总是 always gǎocuò 搞错 mistake That búshì 不是 no gēér 歌儿 song That shì Yes dìfāng 地方 place dìfāngxì 地方戏 local drama jīntiān 今天 today jīntiānxiàwǔ 今天下午 this afternoon tiānxià 天下 world xiàwǔ 下午 afternoon wǒmen 我们 us de of jiàoxué 教学 teaching tǎolùn 讨论 discuss tǎolùnhuì 讨论会 discussion bùkāi 不开 not open le span hǎojíle 好极了 great jíle 极了 Extremely I nénggòu 能够 were able go cānjiā 参加 Participation jiāpái 加排 add row páiqiú 排球 volleyball páiqiúbǐsài 排球比赛 volleyball game bǐsài 比赛 Contest le span he zuìjìn 最近 Recently de of zuòpǐn 作品 work shēnshòu 深受 deeply guǎngdà 广大 vast guǎngdàqúnzhòng 广大群众 the masses dàqún 大群 large group qúnzhòng 群众 the masses huānyíng 欢迎 welcome zuìjìn 最近 Recently jìnliǎngnián 近两年 last two years liǎngnián 两年 two years he tígāo 提高 improve de of hěnkuài 很快 soon zhēnwèi 真为 really he gāoxìng 高兴 Happy chúle 除了 Apart from gōngzuò 工作 Work yǐwài 以外 apart from nǐmen 你们 you hái return jīngcháng 经常 often chángyǒu 常有 often xuéxí 学习 study ma do you guǎngdà 广大 vast guǎngdàgànbù 广大干部 the majority of cadres dàgàn 大干 big dry gànbù 干部 cadre juéde 觉得 feel yào want tígāo 提高 improve zìjǐ 自己 Own de of sīxiǎng 思想 Thought shuǐpíng 水平 Level jiù At once bìxū 必须 must píngcháng 平常 usually xuéxí 学习 study you míngtiān 明天 tomorrow wǎnshàng 晚上 night shǎngqù 上去 go up dǎqiú 打球 play ball qiúér 球儿 ball ma do you Do not I yào want péi accompany I shīfù 师傅 master go kàn Look bālěi 芭蕾 ballet bālěiwǔ 芭蕾舞 ballet wèile 为了 for mǎnzú 满足 Satisfy niánqīng 年轻 young niánqīngrén 年轻人 young people rénwén 人文 Humanities wénhuà 文化 culture huàshēng 化生 metaplasia shēnghuó 生活 Life de of xūyào 需要 need zhègè 这个 this zhōumò 周末 weekend wǒmen 我们 us yào want kāi open indivual yīnyuè 音乐 music yīnyuèhuì 音乐会 concert zhēnbù 真不 really not bùhuài 不坏 not bad I also cānjiā 参加 Participation you chúle 除了 Apart from ài Love beat pīngpāng 乒乓 ping pong qiú beg ér Son yǐwài 以外 apart from hái return xǐhuān 喜欢 like shénme 什么 what xǐhuān 喜欢 like lánqiú 篮球 basketball I hái return cānjiā 参加 Participation le span xuéxiào 学校 School de of lánqiú 篮球 basketball lánqiúduì 篮球队 basketball team qiúduì 球队 team yípó 姨婆 Aunt jīntiān 今天 today yǒu Have shénme 什么 what xīnwén 新闻 news tīngshuō 听说 It is said that yígè 一个 One yǒumíng 有名 Famous de of yuèduì 乐队 band yàodào 要到 arriving wǒmen 我们 us zhèér 这儿 here lái Come yǎnchū 演出 show le span nǐlǎo 你老 you old shì Yes dúshū 读书 read kuàilái 快来 come soon xiūxī 休息 rest yīhuì 一会 a while yīhuìer 一会儿 a while huìer 会儿 a while kànkàn 看看 have a look kàndiànshì 看电视 watch TV diànshì 电视 television ba Bar hǎo it is good I láikàn 来看 come to see yīhuì 一会 a while yīhuìer 一会儿 a while huìer 会儿 a while guójì 国际 internationality xīnwén 新闻 news xīnwénjiémù 新闻节目 news program jiémù 节目 programme zhègè 这个 this xīngqī 星期 Week de of měigè 每个 each wǎnshàng 晚上 night yòu again páidé 排得 lined up mǎnmǎn 满满 full ér Son de of le span you yào want dúshū 读书 read yòu again yào want kànxì 看戏 go to the theatre hái return xiǎng think cānjiā 参加 Participation tuántǐ 团体 group de of huódòng 活动 Activity shì Yes tài too máng busy le span zhègè 这个 this jīngxì 京戏 Peking opera zhíde 值得 worth kàn Look jīntiān 今天 today you xiǎng think bùxiǎng 不想 In no mood xiǎngqù 想去 want to go ? ? ? jīntiān 今天 today wǎnshàng 晚上 night diànshì 电视 television diànshìjié 电视节 TV Festival diànshìjiémù 电视节目 TV show jiémù 节目 programme zhuǎnbō 转播 broadcast diànyǐng 电影 Movie yǐngér 影儿 Shadow zánmen 咱们 we míngtiān 明天 tomorrow kàn Look jīngxì 京戏 Peking opera ba Bar
Frames 1 yí gè gāo zhōng xué shēng kàn běi jīng de diàn shì jiào xué jié mù , néng bù néng kàn dǒng ? 一个高中学生看北京的电视教学节目,能不能看懂? Will a senior high-school student be able to understand if he watches educational television in Peking? dà duō shù gāo zhōng xué shēng dōu néng kàn dǒng 。 大多数高中学生都能看懂。 The great majority of senior high-school students would be able to understand it. 2 tā chàng gē ér zhēn hǎo tīng 。 她唱歌儿真好听。 She sings songs really beautifully. nǐ zǒng shì gǎo cuò 。 nà bú shì gē ér , nà shì dì fāng xì 你总是搞错。那不是歌儿,那是地方戏 You always mistake them! That’s not a song, that’s opera. 3 jīn tiān xià wǔ wǒ men de jiào xué tǎo lùn huì bù kāi le 。 今天下午我们的教学讨论会不开了。 Our teaching discussion session isn’t meeting this afternoon. hǎo jí le , wǒ néng gòu qù cān jiā pái qiú bǐ sài le 。 好极了,我能够去参加排球比赛了。 Great, now I can go take part in the volleyball match. 4 tā zuì jìn de zuò pǐn shēn shòu guǎng dà qún zhòng huān yíng 。 他最近的作品深受广大群众欢迎。 His recent works have received a hearty welcome of the broad masses. zuì jìn liǎng nián , tā tí gāo de hěn kuài 。 最近两年,他提高的很快。 Yes, in the last 2 years his work has improved rapidly. Zhēn wèi tā gāoxìng 真为他高兴 I’m really happy for him 5 chú le gōng zuò yǐ wài , nǐ men hái jīng cháng yǒu xué xí ma ? 除了工作以外,你们还经常有学习吗? Do you often study in addition to your work? guǎng dà gàn bù jué de yào tí gāo zì jǐ de sī xiǎng shuǐ píng jiù bì xū píng cháng xué xí 。 广大干部觉得要提高自己的思想水平就必须平常学习。 A great number of cadre numbers feel that to raise the level of their own thought, they must study often. 6 nǐ míng tiān wǎn shǎng qù dǎ qiú ér ma ? 你明天晚上去打球儿吗? Are you going to play ball tomorrow evening? bù , wǒ yào péi wǒ shī fù qù kàn bā lěi wǔ 。 不,我要陪我师傅去看芭蕾舞。 No, I’m going to go with my teacher to see a ballet. 7 wèi le mǎn zú nián qīng rén wén huà shēng huó de xū yào , zhè gè zhōu mò wǒ men yào kāi gè yīn yuè huì 。 为了满足年轻人文化生活的需要,这个周末我们要开个音乐会。 In order to satisfy the cultural needs of the younger people, we’re going to have a concert this weekend. zhēn bù huài , wǒ yě cān jiā 。 真不坏,我也参加。 Great, I’ll go too 8 nǐ chú le ài dǎ pīng pāng qiú ér yǐ wài , hái xǐ huān shén me ? 你除了爱打乒乓求儿以外,还喜欢什么? What else do you like besides ping pong? xǐ huān lán qiú 。 wǒ hái cān jiā le xué xiào de lán qiú duì 。 喜欢篮球。我还参加了学校的篮球队。 I like basketball. I even play with the school basketball team. 9 yí pó , jīn tiān yǒu shén me xīn wén ? 姨婆,今天有什么新闻? Auntie, what news is there today? tīng shuō , yí gè yǒu míng de yuè duì yào dào wǒ men zhè ér lái yǎn chū le 听说,一个有名的乐队要到我们这儿来演出了 I’ve heard that a famous music group is coming here to perform. 10 nǐ lǎo shì dú shū 。 kuài lái xiū xī yī huì er , kàn kàn diàn shì ba 。 你老是读书。 快来休息一会儿,看看电视吧。 You’re always studying! Come on and rest a bit, watch some television. hǎo , wǒ lái kàn yī huì er guó jì xīn wén jié mù 。 好,我来看一会儿国际新闻节目。 Ok, I’ll come and watch the international news program for a while. 11 zhè gè xīng qī de měi gè wǎn shàng yòu pái dé mǎn mǎn ér de le 。 这个星期的每个晚上又排得满满儿的了。 Your schedule is filled up again every night this week. nǐ yào dú shū , yòu yào kàn xì , hái xiǎng cān jiā tuán tǐ de huó dòng , shì tài máng le 。 你要读书,又要看戏,还想参加团体的活动, 是太忙了。 You want to study and see opera, and also take part in the group’s activities; you’re just too busy. 12 zhè gè jīng xì zhí de kàn , jīn tiān nǐ xiǎng bù xiǎng qù ? 这个京戏值得看,今天你想不想去? This Peking opera is worth seeing. Do you want to go today? jīn tiān wǎn shàng diàn shì jié mù zhuǎn bō diàn yǐng ér , zán men míng tiān kàn jīng xì ba 。 今天晚上电视节目转播电影儿,咱们明天看京戏吧。 As for the television programming tonight, they’re relaying a movie. Let’s go see Peking opera tomorrow night.
Unit 5
Vocabulary tīngshuō 听说 It is said that you yàodào 要到 arriving biānjiāng 边疆 frontier chūchāi 出差 On business trip go le span duìle 对了 correct wèile 为了 for zhècì 这次 this time chūyáng 出洋 go abroad ménér 门儿 door zhè This liǎngtiān 两天 two days máng busy have to bùdé 不得 must not bùdéle 不得了 incredible zhècì 这次 this time you chūmén 出门 go out chūménér 出门儿 go out ménér 门儿 door bàngōng 办公 office gōngshì 公事 business , , , zhǔnbèi 准备 Prepare zěnme 怎么 how zǒu Walk a what zuòfēijī 坐飞机 By plane fēijī 飞机 airplane xiàwǔ 下午 afternoon dào arrive zhōngguó 中国 China zhōngguómínháng 中国民航 Civil Aviation of China guómín 国民 national mínháng 民航 civil aviation mǎi purchase jīpiào 机票 Air tickets lǚxíng 旅行 trip le span èrshí 二十 twenty èrshíduō 二十多 more than twenty èrshíduōtiān 二十多天 more than twenty days shíduō 十多 more than ten shíduōtiān 十多天 more than ten days duōtiān 多天 Days you juéde 觉得 feel zěnme 怎么 how zěnmeyàng 怎么样 How about it zhècì 这次 this time chūmén 出门 go out chūménér 出门儿 go out ménér 门儿 door yòu again guòcháng 过长 too long chángjiāng 长江 Yangtze yòu again guò Pass huánghé 黄河 Yellow River yǒuyì 有意 intentionally yǒuyìsī 有意思 interesting yìsī 意思 mean jíle 极了 Extremely cóng from běijīng 北京 Beijing běijīngfàndiàn 北京饭店 Beijing Hotel fàndiàn 饭店 restaurant dào arrive dào arrive dòngwù 动物 animal dòngwùyuán 动物园 zoo ér Son yào want búyào 不要 don't want zuò sit chángtú 长途 long haul chángtúqìchē 长途汽车 coach qìchē 汽车 car bùyòng 不用 Need not zuò sit wúguǐ 无轨 trackless wúguǐdiànchē 无轨电车 trolleybus diànchē 电车 tram jiùxíngle 就行了 just fine zhōuzǒnglǐ 周总理 Premier Zhou zǒnglǐ 总理 Prime Minister shífēn 十分 very guānhuái 关怀 care wǒmen 我们 us dàxué 大学 the University de of jiàoxué 教学 teaching xuégōng 学工 Scholar gōngzuò 工作 Work you xǐhuān 喜欢 like ride zìxíng 自行 on their own zìxíngchē 自行车 bike xíngchē 行车 driving chēér 车儿 car ma do you xǐhuān 喜欢 like yìbān 一般 generally yìbānláishuō 一般来说 Generally speaking láishuō 来说 for rúguǒ 如果 if and zuò sit gōnggòng 公共 public gōnggòngqìchē 公共汽车 bus qìchē 汽车 car Compare I háishì 还是 still ài Love qíchē 骑车 ride a bike guòxiē 过些 over guòxiērìzi 过些日子 some days rìzi 日子 day I nǚér 女儿 daughter jiùyào 就要 about to yàodào 要到 arriving lúnchuán 轮船 ship chuánshàng 船上 on board shǎngqù 上去 go up gōngzuò 工作 Work le span I yǒudiǎn 有点 a bit yǒudiǎnér 有点儿 kind of diǎnér 点儿 a little bùfàng 不放 don't let go fàngxīn 放心 rest assured she shì Yes indivual yǒuzhì 有志 Aspiring yǒuzhìqì 有志气 Ambitious zhìqì 志气 ambition de of háizi 孩子 child you jiù At once fàngxīn 放心 rest assured ba Bar zhègè 这个 this yuè moon you zěnme 怎么 how mǎi purchase yuèpiào 月票 monthly pass le span qíchē 骑车 ride a bike búshì 不是 no hǎo it is good ma do you měitiān 每天 every day tiānshàng 天上 heaven shàngbān 上班 work have to guò Pass liǎnggè 两个 two qiáo bridge zhēnlèi 真累 so tired hóngdēng 红灯 red light yīliàng 一亮 a bright háiyào 还要 also děng Wait bàntiān 半天 long time háishì 还是 still zuò sit gōnggòng 公共 public gōnggòngqìchē 公共汽车 bus qìchē 汽车 car fāngbiàn 方便 convenient you tīngshuō 听说 It is said that le span ma do you wèile 为了 for jiéshěng 节省 save jiéshěngnéngyuán 节省能源 save energy néngyuán 能源 energy zhètiáo 这条 this lùshàng 路上 on the road de of gōnggòng 公共 public gōnggòngqìchē 公共汽车 bus qìchē 汽车 car jiǎnshǎo 减少 reduce le span zhètiáo 这条 this lùshàng 路上 on the road rén people bùduō 不多 not much jiéshěng 节省 save jǐliàng 几辆 several jǐliàngchē 几辆车 several cars liàngchē 辆车 car also méiyǒu 没有 No shénme 什么 what guānxì 关系 relation zhōngguó 中国 China xiànzài 现在 Now yǒu Have yuǎnyáng 远洋 ocean yuǎnyánglún 远洋轮 ocean liner yuǎnyánglúnchuán 远洋轮船 ocean-going ship lúnchuán 轮船 ship ma do you yǒu Have zǎojiù 早就 early yǒu Have le span yuǎnyáng 远洋 ocean yuǎnyánghuòlún 远洋货轮 ocean freighter yánghuò 洋货 foreign goods huòlún 货轮 freighter and yuǎnyáng 远洋 ocean kèlún 客轮 passenger ship I xīwàng 希望 hope wǒmen 我们 us de of jiāotōng 交通 transportation tōngshì 通事 General shìyè 事业 cause yèdà 业大 Industry University dàfā 大发 Daihatsu fāzhǎn 发展 develop biānjiāng 边疆 frontier zǎo morning yìdiǎn 一点 a little yìdiǎnér 一点儿 a little diǎnér 点儿 a little tōngguò 通过 pass chē car kěbù 可不 may not kěbúshì 可不是 not búshì 不是 no ma do you dào arrive nàgè 那个 that shíhòu 时候 when ér Son dàjiā 大家 Everyone kàn Look qīn Dear Can jiù At once fāngbiàn 方便 convenient duō many le span zuótiān 昨天 yesterday she and shuí Who dào arrive yíhé 颐和 Yihe yíhéyuán 颐和园 Summer Palace go le span That shì Yes he sīrén 私人 private de of shìér 事儿 thing wǒmen 我们 us zuìhǎo 最好 most Do not dǎtīng 打听 inquire about you zhème 这么 so ài Love yùndòng 运动 sports měitiān 每天 every day duànliàn 锻炼 exercise sānsì 三四 three four sānsìgè 三四个 three or four sìgè 四个 four xiǎoshí 小时 Hour yǒu Have shénme 什么 what yuányīn 原因 reason ma do you \xa0     I yào want cānjiā 参加 Participation míngnián 明年 next year chūntiān 春天 spring tiānyùn 天运 luck yùndòng 运动 sports yùndònghuì 运动会 Games
Frames 1 tīng shuō nǐ yào dào biān jiāng chū chāi qù le 。 听说你要到边疆出差去了。 I’ve heard that you’re going off on business to the border region. duì le 。 wèi le zhè cì chū yáng mén ér , zhè liǎng tiān máng dé bù dé le 。 对了。 为了这次出洋门儿 ,这两天忙得不得了。 Yes, the past couple of days have been awfully busy because of this long distance trip. 2 zhè cì nǐ chū mén ér bàn gōng shì , zhǔn bèi zěn me zǒu a ? 这次你出门儿办公事, 准备怎么走啊? How are you planning to travel when you go of on official business this time? zuò fēi jī 。 xià wǔ dào zhōng guó mín háng mǎi jī piào 。 坐飞机。下午到中国民航买机票。 By plane. This afternoon, I’m going to the CAAC to buy a ticket. 3 lǚ xíng le èr shí duō tiān , nǐ jué de zěn me yàng ? 旅行了二十多天, 你觉得怎么样? You were traveling for over 20 days, how did you like it? zhè cì chū mén ér , yòu guò cháng jiāng yòu guò huáng hé , yǒu yì sī jí le 。 这次出门儿,又过长江又过黄河,有意思极了。 This time when I went away, I crossed over the Yangtze River and the yellow river, it was extremely interesting. 4 cóng běi jīng fàn diàn dào dào dòng wù yuán ér , yào bù yào zuò cháng tú qì chē ? 从北京饭店到到动物园儿,要不要坐长途汽车? Do I need to take a long-distance bus from the Peking hotel to the zoo? bù yòng 。 zuò wú guǐ diàn chē jiù xíng le 。 不用。坐无轨电车就行了。 No, you can go by trolley bus. 5 zhōu zǒng lǐ shí fēn guān huái wǒ men dà xué de jiào xué gōng zuò 。 周总理十分关怀我们大学的教学工作。 Premier Zhou was extremely concerned with the work of teaching in our university. 6 nǐ xǐ huān qí zì xíng chē ér ma ? 你喜欢骑自行车儿吗? Do you like to ride a bicycle? xǐ huān 。 yì bān lái shuō , rú guǒ hé zuò gōng gòng qì chē bǐ , wǒ hái shì ài qí chē 。 喜欢。 一般来说,如果和坐公共汽车比,我还是爱骑车。 Yes. Generally speaking, if you compare it to riding the bus, I prefer to ride my bicycle. 7 guò xiē rì zi , wǒ nǚ ér jiù yào dào lún chuán shǎng qù gōng zuò le 。 wǒ yǒu diǎn ér bù fàng xīn 。 过些日子,我女儿就要到轮船上去工作了。我有点儿不放心。 In a few days, my daughter is going to go work on a steam ship. I’m a little bit worried. tā shì gè yǒu zhì qì de hái zi 。 nǐ jiù fàng xīn ba 。 她是个有志气的孩子。你就放心吧。 She’s a girl with determination, don’t worry. 8 zhè gè yuè nǐ zěn me mǎi yuè piào le ? qí chē bú shì hǎo ma ? 这个月你怎么买月票了?骑车不是好吗? How come you bought a ticket this month? Isn’t riding a bicycle good? měi tiān shàng bān dé guò liǎng gè qiáo , zhēn lèi 。 每天上班得过两个桥,真累。 Every day on my way to work, I have to cross over two bridges. It’s really tiring. Hóng dēng yī liàng, hái yào děng bàntiān, háishì zuò gōnggòng qìchē fāngbiàn 红灯一亮,还要等半天,还是坐公共汽车方便 And when the light turns red, I have to wait forever, so it’s still more convenient to take a public bus 9 nǐ tīng shuō le ma ? wèi le jié shěng néng yuán , zhè tiáo lù shàng de gōng gòng qì chē jiǎn shǎo le 。 你听说了吗?为了节省能源,这条路上的公共汽车减少了。 Have you heard? In order to save energy, the number of public buses on the street have been reduced. zhè tiáo lù shàng rén bù duō 。 jié shěng jǐ liàng chē yě méi yǒu shén me guān xì 。 这条路上人不多。节省几辆车也没有什么关系。 There aren’t too many people on this street. It doesn’t matter if the number of public buses is reduced by a few. 10 zhōng guó xiàn zài yǒu yuǎn yáng lún chuán ma ? 中国现在有远洋轮船吗? Does china have ocean-going steamships now? yǒu , zǎo jiù yǒu le yuǎn yáng huò lún hé yuǎn yáng kè lún 。 有,早就 有了远洋货轮和远洋客轮。 Yes, china has had ocean going freighter and ocean going steam ships for a long time. 11 wǒ xī wàng wǒ men de jiāo tōng shì yè dà fā zhǎn , biān jiāng zǎo yì diǎn ér tōng guò chē 。 我希望我们的交通事业大发展,边疆早一点儿通过车。 I hope our transportation operations will develop greatly, and that the frontier regions will soon be open to trains. kě bú shì ma ! dào nà gè shí hòu ér dà jiā kàn qīn kě jiù fāng biàn duō le 。 可不是吗!到那个时候儿大家看亲可就方便多了。 Yes indeed, when that time comes it will be so much more convenient for everyone to visit their families. 12 zuó tiān tā hé shuí dào yí hé yuán qù le ? 昨天她和谁到颐和园去了? Who did she go with to the summer palace yesterday? nà shì tā sī rén de shì ér , wǒ men zuì hǎo bù dǎ tīng 。 那是他私人的事儿,我们最好不打听。 That’s her private business, it would be best if we didn’t inquire. 13 nǐ zhè me ài yùn dòng , měi tiān duàn liàn sān sì gè xiǎo shí , yǒu shén me yuán yīn ma ? 你这么爱运动,每天锻炼三四个小时,有什么原因吗? Is there some reason why you’re so fond of exercising and why you’re working out three or four hours a day? \xa0 wǒ yào cān jiā míng nián chūn tiān yùn dòng huì 。  我要参加明年春天运动会。 I want to enter the sports meet next spring.
Unit 6
Vocabulary jīntiān 今天 today tiāndōu 天都 Tento shíyī 十一 eleven shíyīyuè 十一月 November yíyuè 一月 January sānhào 三号 number three le span zánmen 咱们 we jiā Family hái return méi No chǔcún 储存 store dōngcài 冬菜 winter vegetables ne Woolen cloth you fàngxīn 放心 rest assured ba Bar , , , dānwù 耽误 hold up bùliǎo 不了 no you yòu again go nàgè 那个 that càishì 菜市 food market càishìchǎng 菜市场 vegetable market shìchǎng 市场 market mǎi purchase dōngxī 东西 thing le span I xǐhuān 喜欢 like nàgè 那个 that càishì 菜市 food market càishìchǎng 菜市场 vegetable market shìchǎng 市场 market tāmen 他们 them de of fúwù 服务 Serve fúwùyuán 服务员 waiter tàidù 态度 manner hǎo it is good Can and gas le span zhègè 这个 this háizi 孩子 child shì Yes chéngshì 城市 City chéngshìhùkǒu 城市户口 Urban Hukou hùkǒu 户口 account ma do you shì Yes zhè This shì Yes she de of chángqī 长期 long hùkǒu 户口 account zhèér 这儿 here de of fùshí 副食 non-staple food fùshípǐn 副食品 non-staple food shípǐn 食品 food zěnme 怎么 how mài Sell bùshǎo 不少 quite a few dōngxī 东西 thing háishì 还是 still gēnjù 根据 according to hùkǒu 户口 account kǒugòng 口供 oral confession gōngyìng 供应 supply zhègè 这个 this yuè moon you érzi 儿子 son guòshēngrì 过生日 birthday shēngrì 生日 Birthday he yòu again gāi Should zēngjiā 增加 Increase jiādìng 加定 Addition dìngliàng 定量 Quantitative le span duìle 对了 correct I yīnggāi 应该 should dào arrive liángdiàn 粮店 grain store gěi Give he gǎidìng 改定 modification dìngliàng 定量 Quantitative go gěi Give háizi 孩子 child zēngjiā 增加 Increase jiādìng 加定 Addition dìngliàng 定量 Quantitative de of shǒushù 手术 Operation zěnme 怎么 how zěnmebàn 怎么办 How to do dào arrive liángdiàn 粮店 grain store go fúwù 服务 Serve fúwùyuán 服务员 waiter kàn Look le span hùkǒu 户口 account kǒushàng 口上 speech háizi 孩子 child de of niánlíng 年龄 age and shēngrì 生日 Birthday jiù At once huì meeting zài exist liáng grain běnér 本儿 Ben shàng superior xiě Write shàng superior xīn new de of dìngliàng 定量 Quantitative tīngshuō 听说 It is said that liángdiàn 粮店 grain store dōu All shì Yes gēnjù 根据 according to liáng grain běnér 本儿 Ben send liángpiào 粮票 food stamps ér Son de of you yǒuméiyǒu 有没有 Do you have méiyǒu 没有 No Bundle zhèjiàn 这件 this shìér 事儿 thing gěi Give I jiǎng speak one jiǎng speak gōngrén 工人 Worker de of liáng grain yóu Oil dìngliàng 定量 Quantitative shìbúshì 是不是 is not it búshì 不是 no Compare gànbù 干部 cadre de of dìngliàng 定量 Quantitative gāo high duì right gànbù 干部 cadre de of liángshí 粮食 food dìngliàng 定量 Quantitative Compare gōngrén 工人 Worker de of Low yóu Oil de of dìngliàng 定量 Quantitative shì Yes yīyàng 一样 Same de of shànggè 上个 Previous shànggèxīngqī 上个星期 last week xīngqī 星期 Week wǒmen 我们 us fùshí 副食 non-staple food fùshídiàn 副食店 non-staple food shop gōngyìng 供应 supply de of fish tèbié 特别 special xīnxiān 新鲜 Fresh jiājiā 家家 every family jiāér 家儿 home dōu All yuànyì 愿意 willing mǎi purchase I xiǎng think shàngjiē 上街 take to the street go mǎidiǎn 买点 buy some mǎidiǎnér 买点儿 buy some diǎnér 点儿 a little dōngxī 东西 thing qíshí 其实 actually nín you zhème 这么 so dànián 大年 big year niánjì 年纪 age búyào 不要 don't want shàngjiē 上街 take to the street le span fùshí 副食 non-staple food fùshídiàn 副食店 non-staple food shop huì meeting Bundle huòwù 货物 goods sònglái 送来 send de of yímā 姨妈 aunt fùshí 副食 non-staple food fùshídiàn 副食店 non-staple food shop fúwù 服务 Serve fúwùyuán 服务员 waiter sònghuò 送货 deliver goods sònghuòlái 送货来 delivery le span you xiānqù 先去 go first páiduì 排队 queue I take le span fùshí 副食 non-staple food běnér 本儿 Ben jiù At once lái Come zhègè 这个 this gōngsī 公司 company de of chǎnpǐn 产品 product pǐnxiāng 品相 Condition xiāngdāng 相当 quite piányí 便宜 Cheap jiānglái 将来 future shēngchǎn 生产 Production gǎo engage de of gènghǎo 更好 better jiàqián 价钱 Price huì meeting gèngbiàn 更便 more convenient piányí 便宜 Cheap fēijī 飞机 airplane fēijīchǎng 飞机场 AIRPORT jīchǎng 机场 Airport tōngzhī 通知 Notice wǒmen 我们 us yīnwèi 因为 because tiānqì 天气 weather bùhǎo 不好 not good jīntiān 今天 today tiānmíng 天明 Tianming míngtiān 明天 tomorrow wǒmen 我们 us zǒu Walk bùliǎo 不了 no liǎoliǎo 了了 gone
Frames 1 jīn tiān dōu shí yī yuè sān hào le , zán men jiā hái méi chǔ cún dōng cài ne 。 今天都十一月三号了,咱们家还没储存冬菜呢。 It’s November 3rd already, and our family still hasn’t stored away our winter vegetables. nǐ fàng xīn ba , dān wù bù liǎo 。 你放心吧,耽误 不了。 Don’t worry; we’ll make it in time. 2 nǐ yòu qù nà gè cài shì chǎng mǎi dōng xī le ? 你又去那个菜市场买东西了? Did you go to that market again to buy things? wǒ xǐ huān nà gè cài shì chǎng 。 tā men de fú wù yuán tài dù hǎo , kě hé qì le 。 我喜欢那个菜市场。他们的服务员态度好,可和气了。 I like that market. The attitude of the service attendants there is good, they’re really friendly. 3 zhè gè hái zi shì chéng shì hù kǒu ma ? 这个孩子是城市户口吗? Is this child a registered resident of the city? shì , zhè shì tā de cháng qī hù kǒu 。 是,这是她的长期户口。 Yes, this is her long-term resident registration. 4 zhè ér de fù shí pǐn zěn me mài ? 这儿的副食品怎么卖? How are non-staple food items sold here? bù shǎo dōng xī hái shì gēn jù hù kǒu gòng yīng 。 不少东西还是根据户口供应。 Many things are still supplied according to resident registration. 5 zhè gè yuè nǐ ér zi guò shēng rì , tā yòu gāi zēng jiā dìng liàng le 。 这个月你儿子过生日,他又该增加定量了。 You son will have a birthday this month, you should increase his ration quota again. duì le , wǒ yīng gāi dào liáng diàn gěi tā gǎi dìng liàng qù 。 对了, 我应该到粮店给他改定量去。 That’s right; I should go to the grain and dry beans shop and change his ration quota for him. 6 gěi hái zi zēng jiā dìng liàng de shǒu shù zěn me bàn ? 给孩子增加定量的手术怎么办? What are the procedures for increasing the ration quota for children? dào liáng diàn qù 。 fú wù yuán kàn le hù kǒu shàng , hái zi de nián líng hé shēng rì , jiù huì zài liáng běn ér shàng xiě shàng xīn de dìng liàng 。 到粮店去。服务员看了户口上,孩子的年龄和生日,就会在粮本儿上写上新的定量。 You go to the grains and dry beans store. After the attendant looks at the child’s age and his birth date on his resident registration, he writes the new quota in the grains and dry beans ration booklet. 7 tīng shuō liáng diàn dōu shì gēn jù liáng běn ér fā liáng piào ér de 。 听说粮店都是根据粮本儿发粮票儿的。 I’ve hear that shops for grains and dry beans issue ration tickets according to the ration booklet. nǐ yǒu méi yǒu bǎ zhè jiàn shì ér gěi wǒ jiǎng yī jiǎng ? 你有没有把这件事儿给我讲一讲? Is there some way you could explain this to me? 8 gōng rén de liáng , yóu , dìng liàng shì bú shì bǐ gān bù de dìng liàng gāo ? 工人的粮,油,定量是不是比干部的定量高? Is the grain and oil quota for workers, higher than for cadres? duì , gàn bù de liáng shí dìng liàng bǐ gōng rén de dī , yóu de dìng liàng shì yī yàng de 。 对,干部的粮食定量比工人的低,油的定量是一样的。 The grain ration quota for cadres is lower than for workers, the oil ration quota is the same. 9 shàng gè xīng qī , wǒ men fù shí diàn gōng yìng de yú tè bié xīn xiān , jiā jiā ér dōu yuàn yì mǎi 。 上个星期,我们副食店供应的鱼特别新鲜,家家儿都愿意买。 Last week the fish supply by our non-staple food shop was especially fresh, every family wanted to buy some. 10 wǒ xiǎng shàng jiē qù mǎi diǎn ér dōng xī 。 我想上街去买点儿东西。 I want to go to the shopping area to buy a few things. qí shí , nín zhè me dà nián jì bú yào shàng jiē le , fù shí diàn huì bǎ huò wù sòng lái de 。 其实,您这么大年纪不要上街了,副食店会把货物送来的。 Actually, someone your age shouldn’t have to go shopping, the non-staple food store will send goods over here. 11 yí mā , fù shí diàn fú wù yuán sòng huò lái le 。 姨妈,副食店服务员送货来了。 Auntie, the attendant from the non-staple food store has brought his goods by. nǐ xiān qù pái duì , wǒ ná le fù shí běn ér jiù lái 。 你先去排队,我拿了副食本儿就来。 You go over and stand in line first, and I’ll come as soon as I get the ration booklet for non-staple food items. 12 zhè gè gōng sī de chǎn pǐn xiāng dāng pián yí 。 这个公司的产品相当便宜。 This company’s products are quite inexpensive. jiāng lái , shēng chǎn gǎo de gèng hǎo , jià qián huì gèng pián yí 。 将来,生产搞的更好,价钱会更便宜。 In the future, when production is even better, the prices will be even lower. 13 fēi jī chǎng tōng zhī wǒ men yīn wèi tiān qì bù hǎo , jīn tiān míng tiān wǒ men zǒu bù le le 。 飞机场通知我们因为天气不好,今天明天我们走不了了。 The airport has notified us that we won’t be able to leave today or tomorrow because of bad weather.
Unit 7
Vocabulary I mǎi purchase jǐkuài 几块 a few pieces chóuduàn 绸缎 satin zuò Do yīliào 衣料 clothing hǎobùhǎo 好不好 OK bùhǎo 不好 not good zuò Do yīliào 衣料 clothing bùhǎo 不好 not good bùrú 不如 better zuò Do bèi quilt miànzi 面子 face xiǎo Small wáng king xiàgèxīngqī 下个星期 next week xīngqī 星期 Week bànxǐshì 办喜事 do a wedding xǐshì 喜事 happy event shìér 事儿 thing wǒmen 我们 us shíjǐ 十几 dozen shíjǐgè 十几个 more than ten jǐgè 几个 several gèrén 个人 personal gěi Give she mǎi purchase indivual féngrèn 缝纫 sewing féngrènjī 缝纫机 sewing machine ba Bar she cónglái 从来 never cóngláiméi 从来没 never méiyòng 没用 useless méiyòngguò 没用过 Not used féngrèn 缝纫 sewing féngrènjī 缝纫机 sewing machine háishì 还是 still gěi Give she mǎidiǎn 买点 buy some mǎidiǎnér 买点儿 buy some diǎnér 点儿 a little biéde 别的 other dōngxī 东西 thing ba Bar nín you nǚér 女儿 daughter gànshénme 干什么 what to do shénme 什么 what go le span bǎihuò 百货 department store bǎihuòdàlóu 百货大楼 department store dàlóu 大楼 building màiguó 卖国 traitorous guóchǎn 国产 domestic hēibái 黑白 black and white hēibáidiànshì 黑白电视 Black and white TV diànshì 电视 television diànshìjī 电视机 TV set she páiduì 排队 queue go le span gāngcái 刚才 Just now I jīngguò 经过 go through jiājù 家具 furniture jiājùdiàn 家具店 furniture store kànjiàn 看见 see zhèjiàn 这件 this jiājù 家具 furniture bùcuò 不错 good jiù At once gěi Give nín you mǎi purchase le span \xa0     zhēnshì 真是 really de of yòu again ràng Let you huāqián 花钱 spend money you mǎi purchase máoxiàn 毛线 yarn go le span shì Yes a what guò Pass yuándàn 元旦 New Year le span gěi Give I nǚér 女儿 daughter mǎidiǎn 买点 buy some mǎidiǎnér 买点儿 buy some diǎnér 点儿 a little xiǎolǐ 小礼 small gift lǐwù 礼物 Gift nín you nǚér 女儿 daughter dàxué 大学 the University dàxuébìyè 大学毕业 University graduate bìyè 毕业 graduate le span wǒmen 我们 us yīngdāng 应当 should qìnghè 庆贺 celebrate qìnghè 庆贺 celebrate shì Yes a what he Can zhēn real zhǎngchéng 长成 grow into chéngdà 成大 Chengda dàrén 大人 adult le span xiànzài 现在 Now zhèngfǔ 政府 government duì right hǎiwài 海外 overseas hǎiwàiguānxì 海外关系 overseas relations wàiguān 外关 foreign customs guānxì 关系 relation yòu again yǒu Have xīn new de of zhèngcè 政策 policy le span I also tīngshuō 听说 It is said that le span xiànzài 现在 Now duì right qiáojuàn 侨眷 overseas Chinese tǐng quite zhàogù 照顾 take care of de of nín you zhèkuài 这块 this piece zhōngguó 中国 China duànzi 缎子 satin zhēn real piàoliàng 漂亮 pretty zài exist nǎér 哪儿 where mǎi purchase de of zài exist huáqiáo 华侨 overseas Chinese qiáoshāng 侨商 overseas Chinese shāngdiàn 商店 shop tiāo pick de of I yào want gěi Give háizi 孩子 child mǎidiǎn 买点 buy some mǎidiǎnér 买点儿 buy some diǎnér 点儿 a little chuángshàng 床上 bed chuángshàngyòngpǐn 床上用品 bed linings yòngpǐn 用品 Supplies méiyǒu 没有 No bùpiào 布票 cloth ticket ér Son le span nín you biéjí 别急 don't worry I zhèér 这儿 here háiyǒu 还有 and also bùshǎo 不少 quite a few bùpiào 布票 cloth ticket ér Son méiyǒu 没有 No yǒuyòng 有用 it works diao diao Lose nín you take go ba Bar yífū 姨夫 uncle I jiějiě 姐姐 elder sister xiàgèyuè 下个月 next month jiù At once gāi Should zhuǎnyè 转业 change jobs le span shìbúshì 是不是 is not it búshì 不是 no zhè This búshì 不是 no shénme 什么 what liǎobùqǐ 了不起 amazing de of shì case búyào 不要 don't want dàngzuò 当做 as xīnwén 新闻 news go jiǎng speak gěi Give tóngxué 同学 classmate tóngxuémen 同学们 classmates tīng listen I xiǎngqǐ 想起 Remember qǐlái 起来 stand up le span I That zhāng open shēngbìng 生病 Get ill zhù live yīyuàn 医院 Hospital de of zhèngmíng 证明 prove kěyǐ 可以 Can yònglái 用来 used to mǎi purchase jīdàn 鸡蛋 egg yǐjīng 已经 already mǎi purchase le span you fàngxīn 放心 rest assured ba Bar nín you kàn Look zhèxiē 这些 These huāér 花儿 flower kěhǎo 可好 nice zhòng Heavy le span cái talent liǎnggè 两个 two yuè moon de of gōngfū 功夫 effort duōshù 多数 most dōu All kāihuā 开花 flowering huāér 花儿 flower le span
Frames 1 wǒ mǎi jǐ kuài chóu duàn zuò yī liào hǎo bù hǎo ? 我买几块绸缎做衣料好不好? Shall I buy a few pieces of silk to use as clothing material? zuò yī liào bù hǎo , bù rú zuò bèi miàn zi 。 做衣料不好,不如做被面子。 It wouldn’t be good for clothing, that’s not as good as using it to make a quilt cover. 2 xiǎo wáng xià gè xīng qī bàn xǐ shì ér 。 wǒ men shí jǐ gè rén gěi tā mǎi gè féng rèn jī ba 。 小王下个星期办喜事儿。 我们十几个人给她买个缝纫机吧。 Xiao Wang’s wedding is next week. Let’s all 10 or so of us buy her a new sewing machine. tā cóng lái méi yòng guò féng rèn jī 。 hái shì gěi tā mǎi diǎn ér bié de dōng xī ba 。 她从来没用过缝纫机。还是给她买点儿别的东西吧。 But she’s never used a sewing machine. We’d better buy her something else. 3 nín nǚ ér gàn shén me qù le ? 您女儿干什么去了? What did your daughter go off to do? bǎi huò dà lóu mài guó chǎn hēi bái diàn shì jī , tā pái duì qù le 百货大楼卖国产黑白电视机,她排队去了 The Bai Huo Da Lou is selling domestically produced black and white television sets, she went to stand in line. 4 gāng cái wǒ jīng guò jiā jù diàn , kàn jiàn zhè jiàn jiā jù bù cuò , jiù gěi nín mǎi le 。 刚才我经过家具店,看见这件家具不错,就给您买了。 Just now as I was passing the furniture store, I saw that this piece of furniture was pretty good so I bought it for you. \xa0 zhēn shì de , yòu ràng nǐ huā qián 。  真是的,又让你花钱。 Oh no, I’ve caused you to spend money again. 5 nǐ mǎi máo xiàn qù le ? 你买毛线去了? Did you go to buy wool yarn? shì a , guò yuán dàn le , gěi wǒ nǚ ér mǎi diǎn ér xiǎo lǐ wù 。 是啊,过元旦了,给我女儿买点儿小礼物。 Yes, New Year’s is almost here, I’m buying a little present for my daughter. 6 nín nǚ ér dà xué bì yè le , wǒ men yīng dāng qìng hè qìng hè 。 您女儿大学毕业了,我们应当庆贺庆贺。 Your daughter is graduating from college, we should celebrate. shì a , tā kě zhēn zhǎng chéng dà rén le 。 是啊,他可真长成大人了。 Yes, she’s really grown into an adult. 7 xiàn zài , zhèng fǔ duì hǎi wài guān xì yòu yǒu xīn de zhèng cè le 现在,政府对海外关系又有新的政策了 The government again has a new policy towards relations overseas now. wǒ yě tīng shuō le 。 xiàn zài duì qiáo juàn tǐng zhào gù de 。 我也听说了。现在对侨眷挺照顾的。 Yes, so I’ve heard. Now they’re taking better care of family members of overseas Chinese. 8 nín zhè kuài zhōng guó duàn zi zhēn piào liàng , zài nǎ ér mǎi de ? 您这块中国缎子真漂亮,在哪儿买的? This piece of Chinese satin of yours is really pretty, where did you buy it? zài huá qiáo shāng diàn tiāo de 。 在华侨商店挑的。 I picked it out at the overseas Chinese store. 9 wǒ yào gěi hái zi mǎi diǎn ér chuáng shàng yòng pǐn , méi yǒu bù piào ér le 。 我要给孩子买点儿床上用品,没有布票儿了。 I want to buy some bedding for the children but I’m out of cotton ration coupon. nín bié jí , wǒ zhè ér hái yǒu bù shǎo bù piào ér méi yǒu yòng diao。 nín ná qù ba 。 您别急,我这儿还有不少布票儿没有用diao。您拿去吧。 Don’t worry; I have plenty of cotton ration tickets which I haven’t used up. You take them. 10 yí fū , wǒ jiě jiě xià gè yuè jiù gāi zhuǎn yè le , shì bú shì 。 姨夫,我姐姐下个月就该转业了,是不是。 Uncle, older sister is leaving the military next month, isn’t she? zhè bú shì shén me liǎo bù qǐ de shì 。 bú yào dàng zuò xīn wén qù jiǎng gěi tóng xué men tīng 。 这不是什么了不起的事。不要当做新闻去讲给同学们听。 This isn’t some big thing. You don’t have to treat it as news and tell all your classmates. 11 wǒ xiǎng qǐ lái le , wǒ nà zhāng shēng bìng zhù yī yuàn de zhèng míng kě yǐ yòng lái mǎi jī dàn 。 我想起来了,我那张生病住医院的证明可以用来买鸡蛋。 It just occurred to me that my certificate which shows I was sick and staying in the hospital can be used to buy eggs. yǐ jīng mǎi le , nǐ fàng xīn ba 。 已经买了,你放心吧。 They’re already bought, don’t you worry. 12 nín kàn , zhè xiē huā ér kě hǎo zhòng le 。 cái liǎng gè yuè de gōng fū , duō shù dōu kāi huā ér le 。 您看,这些花儿可好重了。才两个月的功夫,多数都开花儿了。 Look, my flowers are so easy to grow, it’s been only two months and most of them have bloomed.
Unit 8
Vocabulary táng Don shāndì 山地 mountain dìzhèn 地震 earthquake de of shíhòu 时候 when nǐmen 你们 you jiā Family de of fángzi 房子 house shòudào 受到 received yǐngxiǎng 影响 influences méiyǒu 没有 No wǒmen 我们 us de of fángzi 房子 house bùcuò 不错 good méiyǒu 没有 No shénme 什么 what Big wèntí 问题 question tīngshuō 听说 It is said that tāmen 他们 them lǐng collar liǎojié 了结 settled jiéhūn 结婚 marry jiéhūnzhèng 结婚证 marriage certificate yǐhòu 以后 after děng Wait le span bùzhǎng 不长 not long de of shíjiān 时间 time zhùfáng 住房 housing zhùfángwèntí 住房问题 housing issues wèntí 问题 question jiù At once dédào 得到 get jiějué 解决 solve le span you zhù live de of fángzi 房子 house shì Yes jīguān 机关 organ guǎnlǐ 管理 manage de of háishì 还是 still fángguǎn 房管 Housing management fángguǎnsuǒ 房管所 Housing management office suǒguǎn 所管 In charge guǎnlǐ 管理 manage de of I zhù live de of fángzi 房子 house shì Yes shǔyú 属于 belong wǒmen 我们 us jīguān 机关 organ de of wèile 为了 for quánmiàn 全面 comprehensive quánmiànjiějué 全面解决 Comprehensive solution jiějué 解决 solve chéngshì 城市 City chéngshìjūmín 城市居民 city ​​dweller jūmín 居民 resident de of zhùfáng 住房 housing zhùfángwèntí 住房问题 housing issues wèntí 问题 question bìxū 必须 must xīngjiàn 兴建 build yīxiē 一些 Some gōngyù 公寓 apartment gōngyùlóu 公寓楼 apartment zuìjìn 最近 Recently zhèduàn 这段 this paragraph shíqī 时期 period you de of shēntǐ 身体 Body Can zhēnbù 真不 really not zhēnbùcuò 真不错 really not bad bùcuò 不错 good bùcuòya 不错呀 Not bad shì Yes a what tiáozhěng 调整 Adjustment gōngzuò 工作 Work yǐhòu 以后 after I méiyǒu 没有 No nàme 那么 So lèi tired le span shēntǐ 身体 Body hǎoduō 好多 many le span sìrénbāng 四人帮 Gang of Four héngxíng 横行 rampant de of shíqī 时期 period gōngyè 工业 industry nóngyè 农业 agriculture wénhuà 文化 culture wàijiāo 外交 diplomatic gèfāng 各方 parties fāngmiàn 方面 aspect de of gōngzuò 工作 Work dōu All shòudào 受到 received hěndà 很大 very big dàyǐng 大影 big shadow yǐngxiǎng 影响 influences míngnián 明年 next year I kěnéng 可能 possible néngdào 能到 Able to zhōngguó 中国 China go bùzhī 不知 I don't know zhīdào 知道 Know bànshǒuxù 办手续 Formalities shǒuxù 手续 formalities shìbúshì 是不是 is not it búshì 不是 no have to děng Wait hěn very zhǎng long de of shíjiān 时间 time I tīngshuō 听说 It is said that xiànzài 现在 Now shēnqǐng 申请 Application go zhōngguó 中国 China de of shǒuxù 手续 formalities yǐjīng 已经 already jiǎndān 简单 Simple de of duō many le span you kěyǐ 可以 Can shìshì 试试 try zài exist guǎngdà 广大 vast dàgōng 大工 carpenter gōngrén 工人 Worker gànbù 干部 cadre de of jījí 积极 positive nǔlì 努力 effort xià Down wǒmen 我们 us chǎng factory xiànzài 现在 Now de of kùnnán 困难 difficulty yídìng 一定 must dìngnéng 定能 Certain energy nénggòu 能够 were able jiějué 解决 solve gēnjù 根据 according to guīdìng 规定 Regulation wǒmen 我们 us kěyǐ 可以 Can zài Again gěi Give you fēnpèi 分配 distribute yījiān 一间 one fángzi 房子 house tài too xièxiè 谢谢 thanks le span zhèyàng 这样 so zhèyàngér 这样儿 like this yàngér 样儿 like yǐlái 以来 since I de of kùnnán 困难 difficulty jiù At once shǎo few have to duō many le span chéngshì 城市 City qīngnián 青年 youth jiéhūn 结婚 marry yǐhòu 以后 after rúguǒ 如果 if tāmen 他们 them xiǎngyào 想要 want to yígè 一个 One háizi 孩子 child zěnme 怎么 how zěnmebàn 怎么办 How to do ne Woolen cloth tāmen 他们 them yīnggāi 应该 should yóu Depend on nǚfāng 女方 woman fāngxiàng 方向 direction she de of gōngzuò 工作 Work dānwèi 单位 unit and jiēdào 街道 street jūmín 居民 resident jūmínwěi 居民委 residents committee mínwěi 民委 Ethnic Affairs Commission wěiyuán 委员 committee wěiyuánhuì 委员会 committee tíchū 提出 propose tíchūshēnqǐng 提出申请 submit application shēnqǐng 申请 Application xǔduō 许多 many jūmín 居民 resident dōu All jījí 积极 positive cānjiā 参加 Participation le span wǒmen 我们 us zhègè 这个 this dìqū 地区 area de of jīběn 基本 basic jīběnjiànshè 基本建设 infrastructure jiànshè 建设 construction yīncǐ 因此 therefore wǒmen 我们 us zhèér 这儿 here de of zhùfáng 住房 housing zhùfángwèntí 住房问题 housing issues wèntí 问题 question kěyǐ 可以 Can zǎodiǎn 早点 early zǎodiǎnér 早点儿 earlier diǎnér 点儿 a little jiějué 解决 solve zhèxiē 这些 These dàlóu 大楼 building jīngguò 经过 go through dìzhèn 地震 earthquake yǐhòu 以后 after jīběn 基本 basic jīběnshàng 基本上 basically háishì 还是 still ānquán 安全 Safety de of kěshì 可是 But háiyào 还要 also zài Again jiǎnchá 检查 an examination yīcì 一次 once xíng Row zhègè 这个 this gōngzuò 工作 Work jiù At once jiāogěi 交给 hand over wǒmen 我们 us ba Bar
Frames 1 táng shān dì zhèn de shí hòu , nǐ men jiā de fáng zi shòu dào yǐng xiǎng méi yǒu ? 唐山地震的时候,你们家的房子受到影响没有? During the Tangshan earthquake, was your house affected? wǒ men de fáng zi bù cuò , méi yǒu shén me dà wèn tí 。 我们的房子不错,没有什么大问题。 Our place is pretty good, there weren’t any big problems. 2 tīng shuō tā men lǐng liǎo jié hūn zhèng yǐ hòu , děng le bù zhǎng de shí jiān zhù fáng wèn tí jiù dé dào jiě jué le 。 听说他们领了结婚证以后,等了不长的时间住房问题就得到解决了。 I’ve heard that after they got their marriage certificate, they waited only a short time before their housing problem got solved. 3 nǐ zhù de fáng zi shì jī guān guǎn lǐ de hái shì fáng guǎn suǒ guǎn lǐ de 。 你住的房子是机关管理的还是房管所管理的。 Is the place where you’re living managed by your organisation or by the urban housing authority? wǒ zhù de fáng zi shì shǔ yú wǒ men jī guān de 。 我住的房子是属于我们机关的。 The place I live in is one that belongs to my organisation. 4 wèi le quán miàn jiě jué chéng shì jū mín de zhù fáng wèn tí , bì xū xīng jiàn yī xiē gōng yù lóu 。 为了全面解决城市居民的住房问题,必须兴建一些公寓楼。 In order to solve the problems of city residents in a comprehensive way, it’s necessary to build some apartment buildings. 5 zuì jìn zhè duàn shí qī , nǐ de shēn tǐ kě zhēn bù cuò ya 。 最近这段时期,你的身体可真不错呀。 Your health has been really good during this recent period. shì a , tiáo zhěng gōng zuò yǐ hòu , wǒ méi yǒu nà me lèi le , shēn tǐ hǎo duō le 。 是啊,调整工作以后,我没有那么累了,身体好多了。 Yes, since things got reorganised at work, I haven’t been so tired, and my health has been a lot better. 6 sì rén bāng héng xíng de shí qī , gōng yè , nóng yè , wén huà , wài jiāo , gè fāng miàn de gōng zuò dōu shòu dào hěn dà yǐng xiǎng 。 四人帮横行的时期,工业,农业,文化,外交,各方面的工作都受到很大影响。 During the period when the Gang of Four was causing trouble, work in the areas of industry, agriculture, culture, and foreign relations were all greatly influenced. 7 míng nián , wǒ kě néng dào zhōng guó qù 。 明年,我可能到中国去。 I may be going to China next year. bù zhī dào bàn shǒu xù shì bú shì dé děng hěn zhǎng de shí jiān 。 不知道办手续是不是得等很长的时间。 I wonder if you have to wait a long time when going through the procedures. Wǒ tīng shuō, xiànzài shēnqǐng qù zhōngguó de shǒuxù yǐjīng jiǎndān de duōle. Nǐ kěyǐ shì shì 我听说,现在申请去中国的手续已经简单的多了。你可以试试 I’ve heard that the procedures for applying to go to China have become much simpler now. You can try 8 zài guǎng dà gōng rén , gàn bù de jī jí nǔ lì xià , wǒ men chǎng xiàn zài de kùn nán yí dìng néng gòu jiě jué 。 在广大工人,干部的积极努力下,我们厂现在的困难一定能够解决。 With the vigorous efforts of a vast number of workers and cadre members, the difficulties we now have at our plant can surely be resolved. 9 gēn jù guī dìng , wǒ men kě yǐ zài gěi nǐ fēn pèi yī jiān fáng zi 。 根据规定,我们可以再给你分配一间房子。 According to the rules, we can assign you another room. tài xiè xiè le , zhè yàng ér yǐ lái , wǒ de kùn nán jiù shǎo dé duō le 。 太谢谢了,这样儿以来,我的困难就少得多了。 Thank you so much. With this arrangement, I’ll have a lot fewer difficulties. 10 chéng shì qīng nián jié hūn yǐ hòu , rú guǒ tā men xiǎng yào yí gè hái zi , zěn me bàn ne ? 城市青年结婚以后,如果他们想要一个孩子,怎么办呢? What do young people in the city do after they’re married if they want to have a child? tā men yīng gāi yóu nǚ fāng xiàng tā de gōng zuò dān wèi hé jiē dào jū mín wěi yuán huì tí chū shēn qǐng 。 他们应该由女方向她的工作单位和街道居民委员会提出申请。 They should submit applications by the woman to her place of work, and her residential committee. 11 xǔ duō jū mín dōu jī jí cān jiā le wǒ men zhè gè dì qū de jī běn jiàn shè 。 许多居民都积极参加了我们这个地区的基本建设。 Many residents are enthusiastically taking part in our area’s capital construction. yīn cǐ , wǒ men zhè ér de zhù fáng wèn tí kě yǐ zǎo diǎn ér jiě jué 。 因此,我们这儿的住房问题可以早点儿解决。 Because of this, our housing problem here can be solved sooner. 12 zhè xiē dà lóu jīng guò dì zhèn yǐ hòu , jī běn shàng hái shì ān quán de , kě shì hái yào zài jiǎn chá yī cì 。 这些大楼经过地震以后,基本上还是安全的,可是还要再检查一次。 After the earthquake, these buildings were basically still safe, but they still need to be checked once again. xíng , zhè gè gōng zuò jiù jiāo gěi wǒ men ba 行,这个工作就交给我们吧 Ok, hand this work over to us.