Module 1: OrientationThe Orientation Module and associated resource modules provide the linguistic tools needed
to begin the study of Chinese. The materials also introduce the teaching procedures used in
this course. The Orientation Module is not a typical course module in several respects. First, it does
not have a situational topic of its own, but rather leads into the situational topic of the
following module—Biographic Information. Second, it teaches only a little Chinese grammar
and vocabulary. Third, two of the associated resource modules (Pronunciation and
Romanization, Numbers) are not optional; together with the Orientation Module, they are
prerequisite to the rest of the course.ObjectivesUpon successful completion of this module and the two associated resource modules, the
student should:Distinguish the sounds and tones of Chinese well enough to he able to
write the Hànyǔ
Pīnyīn romanization for a syllable after hearing the
syllable.Be able to pronounce any combination of sounds found in the words of the
Target Lists when given a romanized syllable to read. (Although the entire
sound system of Chinese is introduced in the module, the student is
responsible for producing only sounds used in the Target Sentences for ORN.
Producing the remaining sounds is included in the Objectives for Biographic
Information,) Know the names and locations of five cities and five provinces of China
well enough to point out their locations on a map, and pronounce the names
well enough to be understood by a Chinese. Comprehend the numbers 1 through 99 well enough to write them down when
dictated, and be able to say them in Chinese when given English
equivalents.Understand the Chinese system of using personal names, including the use
of titles equivalent to “Mr.,” "Mrs.,” “Miss,” and “Comrade.”Be able to ask and understand questions about where someone is from.
Be able to ask and understand questions about where someone is.Be able to give the English equivalents for all the Chinese expressions in
the Target Lists.Be able to say all the Chinese expressions in the Target Lists when cued
with English equivalents.Be able to take part in short Chinese conversations, based on the Target
Lists, about how he is, who he is, and where he is from.Tapes for ORN and associated resource modulesOrientation
(ORN)Unit 11 C-11 P-11&2 D-1Unit 22 C-12 P-1Unit 33 C-13 P-13 D-13 C-23 P-2Unit 44 C-1 4 P-14 D-1 4 C-24 P-2Pronunciation and
(P&R)P&R 1P&R 2P&R 3P&R 4P&R 5P&R 6NumbersNUM 1NUM 2NUM 3NUM 4Classroom Expressions
(CE)CE 1Unit 1 Target List1.A:Nǐ shi
shéi?你是谁?Who are you?B:Wǒ shi Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I am Wáng
Dànián (Daniel King).A:Wǒ shi Hú
Měilíng.我是胡美玲。I am Hú
Měilíng.2.A:Nǐ xìng
shénme?你姓什么?What is your surname?B:Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng (King).A:Wǒ xìng
Hú.我姓胡。My surname is Hú.3.A:Tā shi
shéi?他/她是谁?Who is he/she?B:Tā shi Mǎ
Mínglǐ.他是马明理。He is Mǎ
Mínglǐ.A:Tā shi Mǎ
xiānsheng.他是马先生。He is Mr. Mǎ.B:Tā shi Mǎ
tàitai.她是马太太。She is Mrs. Mǎ.A:Tā shi Mǎ
xiǎojiě?她是马小姐。She is Miss Mǎ.B:Tā shi Mǎ
tóngzhì他/她是马同志。He/she is Comrade Mǎ.4.A:Wáng xiānsheng, tā shi
shéi?王先生,他是谁?Mr. Wáng,
who is he?B:Tā shi Mǎ Mínglǐ
xiānsheng.他是马明理先 生。He is Mr. Mǎ
Mínglǐ.5.A:Xiānsheng, tā shi
shéi?先生,她是谁?Sir, who is she?B:Tā shi Mǎ Mínglǐ
tàitai.她是马明理太太。She is Mrs. Mǎ
Mínglǐ.6.A:Tóngzhì, tā shi
shéi?同志,她是谁?Comrade, who is she?B:Tā shi Fāng Bǎolán
tóngzhì.她是方宝兰同志。She is Comrade Fāng
Bǎolán.Unit 2 Target List1.A:Nǐ shi Wáng Xiānsheng
ma?你是王先生吗?Are you Mr. Wáng?B:Wǒ shi Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I am Wáng
Dànián.A:Wǒ bú shi Wáng
Xiānsheng.我不是王先生。I'm not Mr. Wáng.2.A:Nǐ xìng Wáng
ma?你姓王吗?Is your surname Wáng?B:Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng.A:Wǒ bú xìng
Wáng.我不姓王。My surname isn't Wáng.3.A:Nín
guìxìng?您贵姓?Your surname? (POLITE)B:Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng.4.A:Nǐ jiào
shénme?你叫什么?What is your given name?B:Wǒ jiào
Dànián.我叫大年。My given name is Dànián (Daniel).5.A:Nǐ hăo
a?你好啊?How are you?B:Wǒ hăo. Nǐ
ne?我好。你呢?I'm fine. And you?A:Hăo.
Xièxie.好。谢谢。 Fine, thanks.6.míngzi名字given nameUnit 3 Target List1.A:Nǐ shi Měiguo rén
ma?你是美国人吗?Are you an American?B:Shì.是。Yes (I am).B:Bú
shì.不是。No (I’m not).2.A:Nǐ shi Zhōngguo rén ma?
你是中国人吗?Are you Chinese?B:Shì, wǒ shi Zhōngguo
rén.是,我是中国人。Yes, I’m Chinese.B:Bú shì, wǒ bú shi Zhōngguo
rén.不是,我不是中国人。No, I’m not Chinese.3.A:Nǐ shi neǐguó
rén?你是哪国人?What is your nationality?B:Wǒ shi Měiguo
rén.我是美国人。I’m an American.B:Wǒ shi Zhōngguo
rén.我是中国人。I’m Chinese.B:Wǒ shi Yīngguó
rén.我是英国人。I’m English.4.A:Nǐ shi nărde
rén?你是哪儿的人?Where are you from?B:Wǒ shi Jiāzhōu
rén.我是加州人。I’m a Californian.B:Wǒ shi Shànghǎi
rén.我是上海人。I’m from Shanghai.5:Déguó德国Germany6:Èguó
(Făguó)法国France8:Rìběn日本JapanUnit 4 Target List1.A:Āndésēn xiānsheng, nǐ shì
nărde rén?安德森先生,你是哪儿的人?Where are you from, Mr. Anderson?B:Wǒ shì Dézhōu
rén.我是德州人。I’m from Texas.A:Āndésēn fūren
ne?安德森夫人呢?And Mrs. Anderson?B:Tā yě shì Dézhōu
rén.她也是德州人。She is from Texas too.2:A:Tā shì Yīngguo rén
ma?他是英国人吗?Is he English?B:Bú shì, tā bú shì Yīngguo
rén.不是,他不是英国人。No, he is not English.A:Tā àiren
ne?他爱人呢?And his wife?B:Tā yě bú shì Yīngguo
rén.她也不是英国人。She isn’t English either.3.A:Qǐngwèn, nǐ lăojiā zài
nǎr?请问,你老家在哪儿?May I ask, where is your family from?B:Wǒ lăojiā zài
Shāndōng.我老家在山东。My family is from Shāndōng.4.A:Qīngdăo zài zhèr
ma?青岛在这儿吗?Is Qīngdăo
here? (pointing to a map)B:Qīngdăo bú zài nàr, zài
isn’t there; it’s here. (pointing to a map)5.A:Nǐ àiren xiànzài zài
nǎr?你爱人现在在哪儿?Where is your spouse now?B:Tā xiànzài zài
Jiānádà.他/她现在在见那大。He/she is in Canada now.On a Běijīng
streetAnagoria, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia
CommonsUnit 1IntroductionTopics Covered in this UnitQuestions and answers about full names and surnames.Titles and terms of address (“Mr.,” “Mrs.,” etc.).Prerequisites to the Unit(Be sure to complete these before starting the unit.)Background NotesP&R 1 (Tape 1 of the resource module on Pronunciation and
Romanization), the tones.P&R 2 (Tape 2 of the resource module on Pronunciation and
Romanization), the tones.Materials You Will NeedThe C-1 and P-1 tapes, the Reference List and Reference
Notes.The drill tape (1D-1)About the C-1 and P-1 TapesThe C-1 and P-1 tapes are your introduction to the Chinese words and
structures presented in each unit. The tapes give you explanations and practice
on the new material. By the time you have worked through these two tapes, you
will be competent in understanding and producing the expressions introduced in
the unit. With the C-1 tape, you learn to understand the new words and structures. The
material is presented in short conversational exchanges, first with English
translations and later with pauses which allow you to translate. Try to give a
complete English translation for each Chinese expression. Your goal when using
the C-1 tape is to learn the meanings of all the words and structures as they
are used in the sentences.With the P-1 tape, you learn to put together these sentences. You learn to
pronounce each new word and use each new structure. When the recorded
instructions direct you to pronounce a word or say a sentence, do so out loud.
It is important for you to hear yourself speaking Chinese, so that you will know
whether you are pronouncing the words correctly. Making the effort to say the
expression is a big part of learning it. It is one thing to think about how a
sentence should be put together or how it should sound. It is another thing to
put it together that way or make it sound that way. Your goal when using the P-1
tape is to produce the Target List expressions in Chinese when given English
equivalents. At the end of each P-1 tape is a review of the Target List which
you can go over until you have mastered the expressions.At times, you may feel that the material on a tape is being presented too
fast. You may find that there is not enough time allowed for working out the
meaning of a sentence or saying a sentence the way you want to. When this
happens, stop the tape. If you want to, rewind; Use the control buttons on your
machine to make the tape manageable for you most and to get the most out of
it.About the Reference List and the Reference NotesThe Reference List and the Reference Notes are designed to be used before,
during, or directly after work with the C-1 and P-1 tapes.The Reference List is a summary of the C-1 and P-1 tapes. It contains all
sentences which introduce new material, shoving you both the Chinese sentences
written in romanization and their English equivalents. You will find that the
list is printed so that either the Chinese or the English can be covered to
allow you to test yourself on comprehension, production, or romanization of the
sentences.The Reference Notes give you information about grammar, pronunciation, and
cultural usage. Some of these explanations duplicate what you hear on the C-1
and P-1 tapes. Other explanations contain new information. You may use the Reference List and Reference Notes in various ways. For
example, you may follow the Reference Notes as you listen to a tape, glancing at
an exchange or stopping to read a comment whenever you want to. Or you may look
through the Reference Notes before listening to a tape, and then use the
Reference List while you listen, to help you keep track of where you are.
Whichever way you decide to use these parts of a unit, remember that they are
reference materials. Don’t rely on the translations and romanizations as
subtitles for the C-1 tape or as cue cards for the P-1 tape, for this would rob
you of your chance to develop listening and responding skills.About the DrillsThe drills help you develop fluency, ease of response, and confidence. You can
go through the drills on your own, with the drill tapes, and the teacher may
take you through them in class as well. Allow more than half an hour for a half-hour drill tape, since you will
usually need to go over all or parts of the tape more than once to get full
benefit from it. The drills include many personal names, providing you with valuable
pronunciation practice. However, if you find the names more than you can handle
the first time through the tape, replace them with the pronoun tā whenever possible. Similar
substitutions are often possible with place names. Some of the drills involve sentences which you may find too long to understand
or produce on your first try, and you will need to rewind for another try.
Often, particularly the first time through a tape, you will find the pauses too
short, and you will need to stop the tape to give yourself more time. The
performance you should aim for with these tapes, however, is full comprehension
and full, fluent, and accurate production while the tape rolls. The five basic types of drills are described below.Substitution Drills: The teacher
(T) gives a pattern sentence which the student (S) repeats. Then the
teacher gives a word or phrase (a cue) which the student substitutes
appropriately in the original sentence. The teacher follows
immediately with a new cue.Here is an English example of a substitution
drill:T: Are you an American?S: Are you an American?T: (cue) EnglishS: Are you English?T: (cue) French S: Are you French?Transformation Drills: On the
basis of a model provided at the beginning of the drill, the student
makes a certain change in each sentence the teacher says.Here is an English example of a transformation drill, in
which the student is changing affirmative sentences into
negative ones:T: I’m going to the bank. S: I’m not going to the bank. T: I’m going to the store. S: I’m not going to the store.Response Drills: On the basis of a model given at the beginning of
the drill, the student responds to questions or remarks by the
teacher as cued by the teacher.Here is an English example of a response drill:T: What is his name? (cue) Harris S: His name is Harris.T: What is her name? (cue) Noss S: Her name is Noss.Expansion Drills: The student adds something to a pattern sentence
as cued by the teacher.Here is an English example of an expansion drill:T: He isn’t Chinese, (cue) Japanese.S: He isn’t Chinese. He’s Japanese. T: She isn’t German. (cue) French.S: She isn’t German. She’s French. Combination Drills: On the basis of a model given at the beginning
of the drill, the student combines two phrases or sentences given by
the teacher into a single utterance.Here is an English example of a combination drill:T: I am reading a book. John gave me the book. S: I am reading a book which John gave me. T: Mary bought a picture. I like the picture. S: Mary bought a picture which I like.ReferencesReference list1.A:Nǐ shi
shéi?你是谁?Who are you?B:Wǒ shi Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I’m Wáng
Dànián.2.A:Nǐ shi
shéi?你是谁?Who are you?B:Wǒ shi Hú
I’m Hú
Měilíng.3.A:Tā shi
shéi?他是谁?Who is he?B:Tā shi Mǎ
Mínglǐ他是马明理。He is Mǎ
Mínglǐ.4.A:Tā shi Mǎ
Mínglǐ.他是马明理。He is Mǎ
Mínglǐ.B:Tā shi Hú
Měilíng.她是胡美玲。She is Hú
Měilíng.5.A:Nǐ xìng
shénme?你姓什么?What is your surname?B:Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng.6.A:Tā xìng
shénme?他姓什么?What is his surname?B:Tā xìng
Mǎ.他姓马。His surname is Mǎ.7.A:Tā shi
shéi?他是谁?Who is he?B:Tā shi Mǎ
xiānsheng.他是马先生。He is Mr. Mǎ .8.A:Tā shi
shéi?他是谁?Who is he?B:Tā shi Mǎ Mínglǐ
xiānsheng.他是马明理先生。He is Mr. Mǎ
Mínglǐ.9.A:Wáng xiānsheng, tā
shi shéi?王先生,他是谁?Mr. Wáng, who is he?B:Tā shi Mǎ Mínglǐ
xiānsheng.他是马明理先生。He is Mr. Mǎ
Mínglǐ.10.A:Xiānsheng, tā shi
shéi?先生,他是谁?Sir, who is he?B:Tā shi Mǎ
xiānsheng他是马先生。He is Mr. Mǎ.11.A:Xiānsheng, tā shi
shéi?先生,她是谁?Sir, who is she?B:Tā shi Mǎ
tàitai.她是马太太。She is Mrs. Mǎ.12.A:Wáng xiānsheng, tā
shi shéi?王先生,她是谁?Mr. Wáng, who is she?B:Tā shi Mǎ Mínglǐ
tàitai.她是马明理太太。She is Mrs. Mǎ
Mínglǐ.13.A:Wáng xiānsheng, tā
shi shéi?王先生,她是谁?Mr. Wáng, who is she?B:Tā shi Mǎ
xiǎojiě.她是马小姐。She is Miss Mǎ.14.A:Tā shi
shéi?他是谁?Who is he?B:Tā shi Mǎ Mínglǐ
tóngzhì.他是马明理同志。He is Comrade Mǎ
Mínglǐ.15.A:Tóngzhì, tā shi
shéi?同志,她是谁?Comrade, who is she?B:Tā shi Fāng
Bǎolán.她是方宝兰。She is Fāng
Bǎolán.16.A:Tóngzhì, tā shi
shéi?同志,她是谁?Comrade, who is she?B:Tā shi Fāng Bǎolán
tóngzhì.她是方宝兰同志。She is Comrade Fāng
Bǎolán.Vocabularynǐ你 you shéi谁 who shénme什么 what shì是 to be tā他,她,它 he, she, it tàitai太太 Mrs.; wife, married woman, lady tóngzhì同志 comrade wǒ我 I xiānsheng先生 Mr., sir, husband, teacher xiǎojiě
(xiǎojie)小姐 Miss, lady, daughter (polite) xìng姓 to be surnamed Reference NotesNotes on № 1-41.A:Nǐ shi
shéi?你是谁?Who are you?B:Wǒ shi Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I’m Wáng
Dànián.2.A:Nǐ shi
shéi?你是谁?Who are you?B:Wǒ shi Hú
I’m Hú
Měilíng.3.A:Tā shi
shéi?他是谁?Who is he?B:Tā shi Mǎ
Mínglǐ他是马明理。He is Mǎ
Mínglǐ.The verb shì
means “to be” in the sense of “to be someone or something,” as in “I am
Daniel King.” It expresses identity. (In Unit 4 you will learn a verb which
means “to be” in another sense, “to be somewhere,” as in “I am in
Běijīng.” That
verb expresses location.) The verb shì is in the Neutral
tone (with no accent mark) except when emphasized. Unlike verbs in European languages, Chinese verbs do not distinguish
first, second, and third persons. A single form serves for all three
Dànián.I am Wáng
Měilíng.You are Hú
Mínglǐ.He is Mǎ
Mínglǐ.他是⻢明理Later you will find that Chinese verbs do not distinguish singular and
plural, either, and that they do not distinguish past, present, and future
as such. You need to learn only one form for each verb. The pronoun tā
is equivalent to both “he” and “she.” (and it), but the writing is
different: he ↠ 他 , she ↠
她 , it ↠
它.The question Nǐ shi
shéi? is actually too direct for most situations,
although it is all right from teacher to student or from student to student.
(A more polite question is introduced in Unit 2.) Unlike English, Chinese uses the same word order in questions as in
statements.Tāshishéi?Who is he?他是谁?TāshiMǎ
Mínglǐ?He is Mǎ
Mínglǐ.他是⻢明理When you answer a question containing a question word like shéi. “who,” simply replace
the question word with the information it asks for.Notes on № 5-65.A:Nǐ xìng
shénme?你姓什么?What is your surname?B:Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng.6.A:Tā xìng
shénme?他姓什么?What is his surname?B:Tā xìng
Mǎ.他姓马。His surname is Mǎ.Xìng is a verb,
“to be surnamed.” It is in the same position in the sentence as
shì, “to
Dànián.WǒxìngWáng.我性王Iam surnamedWáng.Notice that the question word shénme. “What,” takes the same position as the question
word shéi
“who.”Nǐshishéi?你是谁?Youarewho?Nǐxìngshénme?你性什么?Youare surnamedwhat?Shénme is the
official spelling. However, the word is pronounced as if it were spelled
shémma, or
even shéma (often
with a single rise in pitch extending over both syllables.) Before another
word which begins with a consonant sound, it is usually pronounced as if it
were spelled shém.
Notes on № 7-87.A:Tā shi
shéi?他是谁?Who is he?B:Tā shi Mǎ
xiānsheng.他是马先生。He is Mr. Mǎ .8.A:Tā shi
shéi?他是谁?Who is he?B:Tā shi Mǎ
Mínglǐ xiānsheng.他是马明理先生。He is Mr. Mǎ
Mínglǐ.After the verb shì you may have the full name alone, the surname plus
title, or the full name plus title.TāshiMǎMínglǐ他是马明理TāshiMǎxiānsheng.他是马先生。TāshiMǎMínglǐxiānsheng.他是马明理先生。Xiānsheng,
literally “first-born,” has more of a connotation of respectfulness than
“Mr.” Xiānsheng is
usually applied only to people other than oneself. Do not use the title
xiānsheng (or
any other respectful title, such as Jiàoshòu, “Professor” when
giving your own name. If you want to say “I am Mr. Jones,” you may say
Wǒ xìng
Jones.When a name and title name are said together, logically enough it is the
name which gets the heavy stress: WÁNG xiānsheng, You will often hear the title
pronounced with no full tones: WÁNG Xiansheng.Notes on № 9-129.A:Wáng xiānsheng,
tā shi shéi?王先生,他是谁?Mr. Wáng, who is he?B:Tā shi Mǎ
Mínglǐ xiānsheng.他是马明理先生。He is Mr. Mǎ
Mínglǐ.10.A:Xiānsheng, tā
shi shéi?先生,他是谁?Sir, who is he?B:Tā shi Mǎ
xiānsheng他是马先生。He is Mr. Mǎ.11.A:Xiānsheng, tā
shi shéi?先生,她是谁?Sir, who is she?B:Tā shi Mǎ
tàitai.她是马太太。She is Mrs. Mǎ.12.A:Wáng xiānsheng,
tā shi shéi?王先生,她是谁?Mr. Wáng, who is she?B:Tā shi Mǎ
Mínglǐ tàitai.她是马明理太太。She is Mrs. Mǎ
Mínglǐ.When you address someone directly, use either the name plus the title or
the title alone. Xiānsheng must be translated as “Sir” when it is used
alone, since “Mr.” would not capture its respectful tone. (Tàitai, however, is less
respectful when used alone. You should address Mrs. Mǎ as Mǎ tàitai..)Notes on № 13-1613.A:Wáng xiānsheng,
tā shi shéi?王先生,她是谁?Mr. Wáng, who is she?B:Tā shi Mǎ
xiǎojiě.她是马小姐。She is Miss Mǎ.14.A:Tā shi
shéi?他是谁?Who is he?B:Tā shi Mǎ
Mínglǐ tóngzhì.他是马明理同志。He is Comrade Mǎ Mínglǐ.15.A:Tóngzhì, tā shi
shéi?同志,她是谁?Comrade, who is she?B:Tā shi Fāng
Bǎolán.她是方宝兰。She is Fāng
Bǎolán.16.A:Tóngzhì, tā shi
shéi?同志,她是谁?Comrade, who is she?B:Tā shi Fāng
Bǎolán tóngzhì.她是方宝兰同志。She is Comrade Fāng Bǎolán.See the Background Notes on Chinese Personal Names and Titles for
“Comrade,” and the use of maiden names.DrillsSubstitution drill.Give affirmative response to all questions.1.Mǎ Mínglǐ马明理Mǎ MínglǐTā shi Mǎ
Mínglǐ.他是马明理。He is Mǎ
MěilíngTā shi Hú
Měilíng.她是胡美玲。She is Hú
DàniánTā shi Wáng
Dànián.他是王大年。He is Wáng
Dànián.4.Lǐ Shìmín李世民Lǐ ShìmínTā shi Lǐ
Shìmín.他是李世民。He is Lǐ
LìróngTā shi Liú
Lìróng.她是刘丽容。She is Liú
BǎolánTā shi Zhāng
Bǎolán.她是张宝兰。She is Zhāng
Bǎolán.Response DrillWhen the cue is given by a male speaker, male students should respond. When
the cue is given by a female speaker, female students should respond.1.Nǐ shi
are you?CueWáng
DàniánWǒ shi Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I am Wáng
Dànián.2.Nǐ shi
are you?CueHú
MěilíngWǒ shi Hú
Měilíng.我是胡美玲。I am Hú
Měilíng.3.Nǐ shi
are you? CueLiú
ShìmínWǒ shi Liú
Shìmín.我是李世民。I am Liú
Shìmín.4.Nǐ shi
are you? CueChén
HuìránWǒ shi Chén
Huìrán.我是陈蕙然。I am Chén
Huìrán.5.Nǐ shi
are you? CueHuáng
DéxiánWǒ shi Huáng
Déxián.我是黄德贤。I am Huáng
Déxián.6.Nǐ shi
are you? CueZhào
WǎnrúWǒ shi Zhào
Wǎnrú.我是赵婉如。I am Zhào
Wǎnrú.7.Nǐ shi
are you? CueJiǎng
BǐngyíngWǒ shi Jiǎng
Bǐngyíng.我是蒋冰莹。I am Jiǎng
Bǐngyíng.8.Nǐ shi
are you? CueGāo
YǒngpíngWǒ shi Gāo
Yǒngpíng.我是高永平。I am Gāo
Yǒngpíng.Response drill.Answer according to the cues.1.Nǐ shi
are you?CueWáng
DàniánWǒ shi Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I am Wáng
Dànián.2.Nǐ shi
are you?CueHú
MěilíngWǒ shi Hú
Měilíng.我是胡美玲。I am Hú
Měilíng.3.Nǐ shi
are you? CueLiú
ShìmínWǒ shi Liú
Shìmín.我是李世民。I am Liú
Shìmín.4.Nǐ shi
are you? CueChén
HuìránWǒ shi Chén
Huìrán.我是陈蕙然。I am Chén
Huìrán.5.Nǐ shi
are you? CueHuáng
DéxiánWǒ shi Huáng
Déxián.我是黄德贤。I am Huáng
Déxián.6.Nǐ shi
are you? CueZhào
WǎnrúWǒ shi Zhào
Wǎnrú.我是赵婉如。I am Zhào
Wǎnrú.7.Nǐ shi
are you? CueJiǎng
BǐngyíngWǒ shi Jiǎng
Bǐngyíng.我是蒋冰莹。I am Jiǎng
Bǐngyíng.8.Nǐ shi
are you? CueGāo
YǒngpíngWǒ shi Gāo
Yǒngpíng.我是高永平。I am Gāo
Yǒngpíng.Unit 2IntroductionTopics covered in this unitQuestions and answers about given names.Yes/no questions.Negative statement.Greetings.Prerequisites to the UnitP&R 3 and P&R 4 (Tapes 3 and 4 of the resource module on
Pronunciation and Romanization).Materials You Will NeedThe C-1 and P-1 tapes, the Reference List and Reference
Notes.The 2D-1 tape.ReferencesReference list1.A:Tā shi Wáng tàitai
ma?她是王太太吗?Is she Mrs. Wáng?B:Tā shi Wáng
tàitai.她是王太太。she is Mrs. Wáng.2.A:Nǐ shi Wáng
xiānsheng ma?你是王先生吗?Are you Mr. Wáng?B:Wǒ shi Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I’m Wáng
Dànián.3.A:Nǐ shi Mǎ xiānsheng
ma?你是马先生吗?Are you Mr. Mǎ.B:Wǒ shi Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I’m Wáng
Dànián.4.A:Nǐ shi Mǎ xiānsheng
ma?你是马先生吗?are you Mr. Mǎ?B:Wǒ bú shi Mǎ
xiānsheng.我不是马先生。I’m not Mr. Mǎ.5.A:Wǒ shi Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I am Wáng
Dànián.B:Wǒ bú shi Wáng
Dànián.我不是王大年。I am not Wáng
Dànián.6.A:Nǐ xìng Fāng
ma?你姓方吗?Is your surname Fāng?B:Wǒ bú xìng
Fāng我不姓方。My surname isn’t Fāng.7.A:Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng.B:Wǒ bú xìng
Wáng.我不姓王。My surname isn’t Wáng.8.A:Nǐ xìng Mǎ
ma?你姓马吗?Is your surname Mǎ?B:Bù xìng Mǎ. Xìng
Wáng.不姓马。(我)姓王。My surname isn’t Mǎ. My surname is Wáng.9.A:Nín
guìxing?您贵姓?Your surname? (polite)B:Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng.10.A:Nǐ jiào
shénme?你叫什么?What is your given name?B:Wǒ jiào
Dànián.我叫大年。My given name is Dànián.11.A:Nǐ hǎo
a?你好啊?How are you?B:Wǒ
hǎo.我好I’m fine.12.A:Nǐ hǎo
a?你好啊?How are you?B:Wǒ hǎo. Nǐ
ne?我好,你呢?I’m fine. And you?A:Hǎo,
xièxie.好,谢谢。Fine, thanks.Vocabularya啊 question marker bù/bú 不 not bú
shi 不是 not to be guìxìng贵姓 honorable name hǎo好 to be fine, to be well, OK, good jiào叫 to be called, named ma吗 question marker at the end of the sentence míngzi名字 given name, full name ne呢 question marker xièxie谢谢 thank you Reference NotesNotes on № 1-31.A:Tā shi Wáng
tàitai ma?她是王太太吗?Is she Mrs. Wáng?B:Tā shi Wáng
tàitai.她是王太太。she is Mrs. Wáng.2.A:Nǐ shi Wáng
xiānsheng ma?你是王先生吗?Are you Mr. Wáng?B:Wǒ shi Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I’m Wáng
Dànián.3.A:Nǐ shi Mǎ
xiānsheng ma?你是马先生吗?Are you Mr. Mǎ.B:Wǒ shi Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I’m Wáng
Dànián.The marker ma
may be added to any statement to turn it into a question which may be
answered “yes” or “no,”The reply to a yes/no question is commonly a complete affirmative or
negative statement, although, as you will see later, the statement may be
stripped down considerably.Notes on № 4-54.A:Nǐ shi Mǎ
xiānsheng ma?你是马先生吗?are you Mr. Mǎ?B:Wǒ bú shi Mǎ
xiānsheng.我不是马先生。I’m not Mr. Mǎ.5.A:Wǒ shi Wáng
Dànián.我是王大年。I am Wáng
Dànián.B:Wǒ bú shi Wáng
Dànián.我不是王大年。I am not Wáng
Dànián.The negative of the verb shì, “to be,” is bú shi, “not to be.” The
equivalent of “not” is the syllable bù. The tone for the syllable
bù depends on
the tone of the following syllable. When followed by a syllable with a High,
Rising, or Low tone, a Falling tone is used (bù). When followed by a
syllable with a Falling or Neutral tone, a Rising tone is used
(bú).Examplesbù fēi不飞 (not to fly) bù féi不肥 (not to be
fat)bù fěi不诽 (not to
slander)bú fèi不费 (not to
waste)Almost all of the first few verbs you learn happen to be in the Falling
tone, and so take bú. But remember that bù is the basic form. That is
the form the syllable takes when it stands alone as a short “no”
when it is discussed, as in “bù means ‘not’.”Notice that even though shì, “to be,” is usually pronounced in the Neutral tone
in the phrase bú
shi , the original Falling tone of shì still causes
bù to “be
pronounced with a Rising tone: bú.WǒshiWáng
xiānsheng.Notes on № 6-86.A:Nǐ xìng Fāng
ma?你姓方吗?Is your surname Fāng?B:Wǒ bú xìng
Fāng我不姓方。My surname isn’t Fāng.7.A:Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng.B:Wǒ bú xìng
Wáng.我不姓王。My surname isn’t Wáng.8.A:Nǐ xìng Mǎ
ma?你姓马吗?Is your surname Mǎ?B:Bù xìng Mǎ.
Xìng Wáng.不姓马。(我)姓王。My surname isn’t Mǎ. My
surname is Wáng.It is quite common in Chinese—much commoner than in English—to omit the
subject of a sentence when it is clear from the context.Notes on № 99.A:Nín
guìxing?您贵姓?Your surname? (polite)B:Wǒ xìng
Wáng.我姓王。My surname is Wáng.Nín is the
polite equivalent of nǐ, “you.” Guìxìng is a
polite noun, “surname.” Guì means “honorable.” Xìng which you have learned
as the verb “to be surnamed” is in this case a noun, “surname.” Literally, Nín
guìxìng? is “Your surname?” The implied question is
understood, and the “sentence” consists of the subject alone.Notes on № 1010.A:Nǐ jiào
shénme?你叫什么?What is your given name?B:Wǒ jiào
Dànián.我叫大年。My given name is Dànián.Jiào is a verb
meaning “to be called.” In a discussion of personal names, we can say that
it means “to be given-named.”Notes on № 1111.A:Nǐ hǎo
a?你好啊?How are you?B:Wǒ
hǎo.我好I’m fine.Notice that the Low tones of wǒ and nǐ change to Rising tones before the Low tone of
Ní hǎo a? Wó
hǎo. Hǎo is a verb:
“to be good” “to be well” “to be fine.” Since it functions like the verb “to
be” plus an adjective in English, we will call it an adjectival verb.Wǒhǎo.我好。Iam fineNǐhǎoa?你好阿?Youare fine?Notes on № 1212.A:Nǐ hǎo
a?你好啊?How are you?B:Wǒ hǎo. Nǐ
ne?我好,你呢?I’m fine. And you?A:Hǎo,
xièxie.好,谢谢。Fine, thanks.The marker ne
makes a question out of the single work nǐ, “you”: “And you?” or “How
about you?”Xiè is the verb
“to thank.” “I thank you” would be Wǒ xièxie ni. Xièxie is often repeated: Xièxie, xièxie. Notes on № 13One way to ask what someone’s given name is: Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi?
你叫什么名字?DrillsTransformations drill
Create a question from the statement1Tā shi Wáng
xiānsheng.他是王先生。He is
Mr. Wáng.Tā shi Wáng
xiānsheng ma?他是王先生吗?Is he Mr. Wáng?2.Tā shi Hú
tàitai.她是胡太太。She is
Mrs. Hú.Tā shi Hú tàitai
ma?她是胡太太吗?Is she Mrs. Hú?3.Tā shi Liú
tóngzhì.他是刘同志。He is
Comrade Liú.Tā shi Liú tóngzhì
ma?他是刘同志吗?Is he Comrade Liú?4.Tā shi Zhāng
xiǎojiě.她是张小姐。She is
Miss Zhāng.Tā shi Zhāng
xiǎojiě ma?她是张小姐吗?Is she Miss Zhāng?5.Tā Shi Mǎ
xiānsheng.他是马先生。He is
Mr. Mǎ.Tā Shi Mǎ xiānsheng
ma?他是马先生吗?Is he Mr. Mǎ?6.Tā shi Fāng
xiǎojiě.她是方小姐。She is
Miss Fāng.Tā shi Fāng xiǎojiě
ma?他是方小姐吗?Is she Miss Fāng?7.Tā shi Lín
tóngzhì.他是林同志。He is
Comrade Lín.Tā shi Lín tóngzhì
ma?他是林同志吗?Is he Comrade Lín?
Response drill
Give a positive answer to the question.1.Tā shi Wáng xiānsheng
ma?他是王先生吗?Is he
Mr. Wáng?Shì. Tā shi Wáng
xiānsheng.是。他是王先生。Yes. He is Mr. Wáng.2.Tā shi Zhào tàitai
ma?她是赵太太吗?Is she
Mrs. Zhào?Shì. Tā shi Zhào
tàitai.是。她是赵太太。Yes. She is Mrs. Zhào.3.Tā shi Chén tóngzhì
ma?她是陈同志吗?Is she
comrade Chén?Shì. Ta shi Chén
tóngzhì.是。她是陈同志。Yes. She is Comrade Chén.4.Tā shi Liú xiǎojiě
ma?她是刘小姐吗?Is she
Miss Liú?Shì. Tā shi Liú
xiǎojiě.是。她是刘小姐。Yes. She is Miss Liú.5.Tā shi Sòng xiānsheng
ma?他是宋先生吗?Is he
Mr. Sòng?Shì. Tā shi Sòng
xiānsheng.是。他是宋先生。Yes. He is Mr. Sòng.6.Tā shi Sūn tàitai
ma?她是孙太太吗?Is she
Mrs. Sūn?Shì. Tā shi Sūn
tàitai.是。她是孙太太。Yes. She is Mrs. Sūn.7.Tā shi Zhāng xiānsheng
ma?他是张先生吗?Is he
Mr. Zhāng?Shì. Tā shi Zhāng
xiānsheng.是。他是张先生。Yes. He is Mr. Zhāng.
Response drill
All of your answers will be negative. Give the correct name according to
the cue.1.Tā shi Wáng xiānsheng
ma?他是王先生吗?Is he
Mr. Wáng?CueLiú刘LiúBú shi. Tā shi Liú
xiānsheng.不是。他是刘先生。No. He is Mr. Liú.2.Tā shi Gāo xiǎojiě
ma?她是高小姐吗?Is she
Miss Gāo?CueZhào赵ZhàoBú shi. Tā shi Zhào
xiǎojiě.不是。她是赵小姐No. She is Miss Zhào.3.Tā shi Huáng tóngzhì
ma?她是黄同志吗?Is she
Comrade Huáng?CueWáng王WángBú shi. Tā shi Wáng
tóngzhì.不是。她是王同志。No. She is Comrade Wáng.4.Tā shi Yáng tàitai
ma?她是杨太太吗?Is she
Mrs. Yáng?CueJiǎng蒋JiǎngBú shi. Tā shi
Jiǎng tàitai.不是。她是蒋太太。No. She is Mrs. Jiǎng.5.Tā shi Mǎ xiānsheng
ma?他是马先生吗?Is he
Mr. Mǎ?CueMáo毛MáoBú shi. Tā shi Máo
xiānsheng.不是。他是毛先生。No. He is Mr. Máo.6.Tā shi Zhōu xiǎojiě ma?
她是周小姐吗?Is she
Miss Zhōu?CueZhào赵ZhàoBú shi.Tā shi Zhào
xiǎojiě.不是。她是赵小姐。No. She is Miss Zhào.7.Tā shi Jiāng xiānsheng
ma?他是江先生吗?Is he
Mr. Jiāng?CueJiǎng蒋JiǎngBú shi. Tā shi
Jiǎng xiānsheng.不是。他是蒋先生。No. He is Mr. Jiǎng.
Transformation drill
This drill is a combination of the two previous drills. Give an
affirmative or a negative answer according to the cue.1.Tā shi Liú tàitai
ma?她是刘太太吗?Is she
Mrs. Liú?CueLiú刘LiúShì. Tā shi Liú
tàitai.是。她是刘太太。 Yes. She is Mrs. Liú.2.Tā shi Liú tàitai
ma?她是刘太太吗?Is she
Mrs. Liú?CueHuáng黄HuángBú shi. Tā shi
Huáng tàitai.不是。她是黄太太。No. She is Mrs. Huáng.3.Tā shi Wáng xiānsheng
ma?他是王先生吗?Is he
Mr. Wáng?CueWáng王WángShì. Tā shi Wáng
xiānsheng.是。他是王先生。Yes He is Mr. Wáng.4.Tā shi Gāo tàitai
ma?她是高太太吗?Is she
Mrs. Gāo?CueZhào赵ZhàoBú shi. Tā shi Zhào
不是。她是赵太太。No. She is Mrs. Zhào.5.Tā shi Táng xiǎojiě
ma?她是唐小姐吗?Is she
Miss Táng?CueTáng唐TángShì. Tā shi Táng
xiǎojiě.是。她是唐小姐。Yes. She is Miss Táng.6.Tā shi Huáng xiānsheng
ma?她是黄先生吗?Is he
Mr. Huáng?CueWáng王WángBú shi. Tā shi Wáng
xiānsheng.不是。他不是王先生。No. He is Mr. Wáng.7.Tā shi Zhāng tàitai
ma?她是张太太吗?Is she
Mrs. Zhāng?CueJiāng江JiāngBú shì. Tā shi
Jiāng tàitai.不是。她是江太太。No. She is Mrs. Jiāng.
Transformation drill
Transform the sentence according to the model.1.Nǐ shi Zhāng xiānsheng
you Mr. Zhāng?Nǐ xìng Zhāng
ma?你姓张吗?Is your surname Zhāng?2.Nǐ shi Zhào tàitai
you Mrs. Zhào?Nǐ xìng Zhào
ma?你姓赵吗?Is your surname Zhào?3.Nǐ shi Jiǎng xiǎojiě
you Miss Jiǎng?Nǐ xìng Jiǎng
ma?你姓蒋吗?Is your surname Jiǎng?4.Nǐ shi Liú tóngzhì
you Comrade Liú?Nǐ xìng Liú
ma?你姓刘吗?Is your surname Liú?5.Nǐ shi Sòng tàitai
you Mrs. Sòng?Nǐ xìng Sòng
ma?你姓宋吗?Is your surname Sòng?6.Nǐ shi Lǐ xiānsheng
you Mr. Lǐ?Nǐ xìng Lǐ
ma?你姓李吗?Is your surname Lǐ?7.Nǐ shi Sūn tóngzhì
you Comrade Sūn?Nǐ xìng Sūn
ma?你姓孙吗?Is your surname Sūn?
Transformation drill
Transform the sentence using bú
xìng.1.Wǒ xìng
surname is Zhāng.Wǒ bú xìng
我不姓张。 My surname is not Zhāng.2.Wǒ xìng
surname is Chén.Wǒ bú xìng
我不姓陈。 My surname is not Chén.3.Wǒ xìng
surname is Huáng.Wǒ bú xìng
我不姓黄。My surname is not Huáng.4.Wǒ xìng
surname is Gāo.Wǒ bú xìng
我不姓高。 My surname is not Gāo.5.Wǒ xìng
surname is Sūn.Wǒ bú xìng
我不姓孙。 My surname is not Sūn.6.Wǒ xìng
surname is Zhāng.Wǒ bú xìng
我不姓张。 My surname is not Zhāng.7.Wǒ xìng
surname is Zhōu.Wǒ bú xìng
我不姓周。 My surname is not Zhōu.
Expansion drill
Transform the sentence according to the model.1.Wǒ bú shi Lǐ
not Mr. Lǐ.Wǒ bú xìng
我不姓李。 My surname is not Lǐ.2.Wǒ bú shi Wáng
not Mrs. Wáng.Wǒ bú xìng
我不姓王。 My surname is not Wáng.3.Wǒ bǔ shi Chén
not Mr. Chén.Wǒ bú xìng
我不姓陈。 My surname is not Chén.4.Wǒ bú shi Lín
not Comrade Lín.Wǒ bú xìng
我不姓林。 My surname is not Lín.5.Wǒ bú shi Zhōu
not Miss Zhōu.Wǒ bú xìng
我不姓周。 My surname is not Zhōu.6.Wǒ bú shi Jiǎng
not Mr. Jiǎng.Wǒ bú xìng
我不姓蒋。 My surname is not Jiǎng.7.Wǒ bú shi Sòng
not Mrs. Sòng.Wǒ bú xìng
我不姓宋。 My surname is not Sòng.
Expansion drill
Expand the sentence using the model.1.Tā bú shi Wáng
xiānsheng.他不是王先生。He is
not Mr. Wáng.CueHuáng黄HuángTā bú shi Wáng
xiānsheng, tā xìng Huáng.他不是王先生,他姓黄。He is not Mr. Wáng, his surname is Huáng.2.Tā bú shi Jiǎng
tàitai.她不是蒋太太。She is
not Mrs. Jiǎng.CueJiāng江JiāngTā bú shi Jiǎng
tàitai, tā xìng Jiāng.她不是蒋太太,她姓江。She is not Mrs. Jiǎng, her surname is Jiāng.3.Tā bú shi Liú
tóngzhì.他不是刘同志。He is
not comrade Liú.CueLín林LínTā bú shi Liú
tóngzhì, tā xìng Lín.他不是刘同志,他姓林。He is not Comrade Liú, his surname is Lín.4.Tā bú shi Sòng
xiǎojiě.她不是宋小姐。She is
not Miss Sòng.CueSūn孙SūnTā bú shi Sòng
xiǎojiě, tā xìng Sūn.她不是宋小姐,她姓孙。She is not Miss Sòng, her surname is Sūn.5.Tā bú shi Zhào
xiānsheng.他不是赵先生。He is
not Mr. Zhào.CueZhōu周ZhōuTā bú shi Zhào
xiānsheng, tā xìng Zhōu.他不是赵先生,他姓周。He is not Mr. Zhào, his surname is Zhōu.6.Tā bú shi Jiāng
tóngzhì.他不是江同志。He is
not Comrade Jiāng.CueZhāng张ZhāngTā bú shi Jiāng
tóngzhì, tā xìng Zhāng.他不是江同志,他姓张。He is not Comrade Jiāng, his surname is Zhāng.7.Tā bú shi Sūn
tàitai.她不是孙太太。She is
not Mrs. Sūn.CueSòng宋SòngTā bú shi Sūn
tàitai, tā xìng Sòng.她不是孙太太,她姓宋。She is not Mrs. Sūn, her surname is Sòng.
Expansion drill
Expand the sentence using the model.1.Wǒ bú xìng
surname is not Fāng.CueHú胡HúWǒ bú xìng Fāng,
xìng Hú.
我不姓方。姓胡。My surname is not Fāng, it’s Hú.2.Wǒ bú xìng
surname is not SūnCueSóng宋SóngWǒ bú xìng Sūn,
xìng Sòng.我不姓孙,姓宋。My surname is not Sūn, it’s Sòng.3.Wǒ bú xìng
surname is not Yáng.CueTáng唐TángWǒ bú xìng Yáng,
xìng Táng.我不姓杨,姓唐。My surname is not Yáng, it’s Táng.4.Wǒ bú xìng
surname is not Jiǎng.CueZhāng张ZhāngWǒ bú xìng Jiǎng,
xìng Zhāng.我不姓蒋,姓张。My surname is not Jiǎng, it’s Zhāng.5.Wǒ bú xìng
surname is not Zhōu.CueZhào赵ZhàoWǒ bú xìng Zhōu,
xìng Zhào.我不姓周,姓赵。My surname is not Zhōu, it’s Zhào.6.Wǒ bú xìng
surname is not Wáng.CueHuáng黄HuángWǒ bú xìng Wáng,
xìng Huáng.我不姓王,姓黄。My surname is not Wáng, it’s Huáng.7.Wǒ bú xìng
surname is not Jiāng.CueJiǎng蒋JiǎngWǒ bú xìng Jiāng,
xìng Jiǎng.我不姓江,姓蒋。My surname is not Jiāng, it’s Jiǎng.
Response drill
Respond according to the cue and the model.1.Tā shi Wáng xiānsheng
ma?他是王先生吗?Is he
Mr. Wáng?CueWáng王WángShì. Tā shi Wáng
xiānsheng.是。他是王先生。Yes. He is Mr. Wáng.2.Tā shi Wáng xiānsheng
ma?他是王先生吗?Is he
Mr. Wáng?CueHuáng黄HuángTā bú shi Wáng
xiānsheng, tā xìng Huáng.他不是王先生,
他姓黄。He is not Mr. Wáng. His surname is Huáng.3.Tā shi Liú tàitai.
ma?她是刘太太吗?Is she
Mrs. Liú?CueLín林LínTā bú shi Liú
tàitai. Tā xìng Lín.她不是刘太太。她姓林。He is not Mr. Wáng. His surname is Huáng.4.Tā shi Chén xiǎojiě
ma?她是陈小姐吗?Is she
Miss Chén?CueChén陈ChénShì. Tā shi Chén
xiǎojiě.是。她是陈小姐。Yes. She is Miss Chén.5.Tā shi Máo xiānsheng
ma?他是毛先生吗?Is he
Mr. Máo?CueMáo毛MáoShì. Tā shi Máo
xiānsheng.是。他是毛先生。Yes. He is Mr. Máo.6.Tā shi Jiāng tóngzhì
He/she Comrade Jiāng?CueZhāng张ZhāngTā bú shi Jiāng
tóngzhì. Tā xìng Zhāng.他不是江同志。
他姓张。He/she isn’t Comrade Jiāng. His/her
surname is Zhāng.7.Tā shi Sòng tàitai.
ma?她是宋太太吗?Is she
Mrs. Sòng?CueSòng宋SòngShì. Tā shi Sòng
tàitai.是。她是宋太太。Yes. She is Mrs. Sòng.8.Tā shi Lǐ xiānsheng
ma?他是李先生吗?Is he
Mr. Lǐ?CueWáng王WángTā bú shi Lǐ
xiānsheng. Tā xìng Wáng.他不是李先生。他姓王。He isn’t Mr. Lǐ. His surname is Wáng.
Transformation drill
Respond according to the model.1Wǒ xìng Wáng.
surname is Wáng.Student 1Tā
xìng shénme?他姓什么?What is his surname?Student 2Tā xìng
Wáng.他姓王。His surname is Wáng.2Wǒ xìng Chén.
surname is Chén.Student 1Tā
xìng shénme?他姓什么?What is his surname?Student 2Tā xìng
Chén.他姓陈。His surname is Chén.3Wǒ xìng Liú.
surname is Liú.Student 1Tā
xìng shénme?他姓什么?What is his surname?Student 2Tā xìng
Liú.他姓刘。His surname is Liú.4Wǒ xìng Huáng.
surname is Huáng.Student 1Tā
xìng shénme?他姓什么?What is his surname?Student 2Tā xìng
Huáng.他姓黄。His surname is Huáng.5Wǒ xìng Sòng.
surname is Sòng.Student 1Tā
xìng shénme?他姓什么?What is his surname?Student 2Tā xìng
Sòng.他姓宋。His surname is Sòng.6Wǒ xing Lǐ.
surname is Lǐ.Student 1Tā
xìng shénme?他姓什么?What is his surname?Student 2Tā xìng
Lǐ.他姓李。His surname is Lǐ.7Wǒ xìng Wáng.
surname is Wáng.Student 1Tā
xìng shénme?他姓什么?What is his surname?Student 2Tā xìng
Wáng.他姓王。His surname is Wáng.
Transformation drill
Transform the statement according to the model.1.Wǒ xìng Wáng jiào
surname is Wáng, and my given name is Dànián.CueNǐ xìng Wáng jiào
shénme?Dànián.大年。Dànián.你姓王叫什么?Your surname is Wáng, and what is your given name?2.Wǒ xìng Hú jiào
surname is Hú, and my given name is Měilíng.CueNǐ xìng Hú jiào
shénme?Měilíng.美玲。Měilíng.你姓胡叫什么?Your surname is Hú, and what is your given name?3.Wǒ xìng Lǐ jiào
surname is Lǐ, and my given name is Shìyīng.CueNǐ xìng Lǐ jiào
shénme?Shìyīng.世英。Shìyīng.你姓李叫什么?Your surname is Lǐ, and what is your given name?4.Wǒ xìng Fāng jiào
surname is Fāng, and my given name is Bǎolán.CueNǐ xìng Fāng jiào
shénme?Bǎolán.宝兰。Bǎolán.你姓方叫什么?Your surname is Fāng, and what is your given name?5.Wǒ xìng Sūn jiào
surname is Sūn, and my given name is Déxián.CueNǐ xìng Sūn jiào
shénme?Déxián.德贤。Déxián.你姓孙叫什么?Your surname is Sūn, and what is your given name?6.Wǒ xìng Chén jiào
surname is Chén, and my given name is Huìrán.CueNǐ xìng Chén jiào
shénme?Huìrán.蕙然。Huìrán.你姓陈叫什么?Your surname is Chén, and what is your given name?7.Wǒ xìng Zhāng jiào
surname is Zhāng, and my given name is Zhènhàn.CueNǐ xìng Zhāng jiào
shénme?Zhènhàn.振汉。Zhènhàn.你姓张叫什么?Your surname is Zhāng, and what is your given name?
Combination drill
Transform the sentence according to the model.1Tā xìng Chén. Tā jiào
surname is Chén. Her given name is Bǎolán.Tā xìng Chén, jiào
Bǎolán.她姓陈,叫宝兰。Her surname is Chén, given name Bǎolán.2Tā xìng Lǐ. Tā jiào
surname is Lǐ. His given name is Mínglǐ.Tā xìng Lǐ, jiào
Mínglǐ.他姓李,叫明理。His surname is Lǐ, given name Mínglǐ.3Tā xìng Hú. Tā jiào
surname is Hú. Her given name is Bǎolán.Tā xìng Hú, jiào
Bǎolán.她姓胡,叫宝兰。Her surname is Hú, given name Bǎolán.4Tā xìng Jiāng. Tā jiào
surname is Jiāng. His given name is Déxián.Tā xìng Jiāng, jiào
Déxián.他姓江,叫德贤。His surname is Jiāng, given name Déxián.5Tā xìng Zhōu. Tā jiào
surname is Zhōu. Her given name is Zǐyàn.Tā xìng Zhōu, jiào
Zǐyàn.她姓周,叫紫燕。Her surname is Zhōu, given name Zǐyàn.6Tā xìng Zhāng. Tā jiào
surname Zhāng. His given name is Tíngfēng.Tā xìng Zhāng, jiào
Tíngfēng.他姓张,叫廷峰。His surname is Zhāng, given name Tíngfēng.7Tā xìng Chén. Tā jiào
surname is Chén. Her given name is Huìrán.Tā xìng Chén, jiào
Huìrán.她姓陈,叫蕙然。Her surname is Zhāng, given name Huìrán.
Unit 3IntroductionTopics covered in this unitNationality.Home state, province, and city.Prerequisites to the unitP&R 5 and P&R 6 (Tapes 5 and 8 of the resource module on
Pronunciation and Romanization.)NUM 1 and NUM 2 (Tapes 1 and 3 of the resource module on Numbers), the
numbers from 1 to 10. Material you will needThe C-1 and P-1 tapes, the Reference List and Reference
Notes.The C-2 and P-2 tapes, the workbook.The 3D-1 tape.ReferencesReference List1.A:Nǐ shi Měiguo rén
ma?你是美国人吗?Are you American?B:Wǒ shi Měiguo
rén.我是美国人。I’m American.2.A:Nǐ shi Zhōngguo rén
ma?你是中国人吗?Are you Chinese?B:Wǒ shi Zhōngguo
rén.我是中国人。I’m Chinese.3.A:Wáng xiānsheng, nǐ
shi Yīngguo rén ma?王先生,你是英国人吗?Mr. Wáng, are you English?B:Wǒ bú shi Yīngguo
rén.我不是英国人。I’m not English.4.A:Nǐ shi Zhōngguo rén
ma?你是中国人吗?Are you Chinese?B:Bú
shì.不是。No.A:Nǐ shi Měiguo rén
ma?你是美国人吗?Are you American?B:Shì.是。Yes, I’m.5.A:Mǎ xiǎojiě shi
Měiguo rén ma?马小姐是美国人吗?Is Miss Mǎ an American?B:Bú shì, tā bú shi
Měiguo rén.不是,他不是美国人。No, she is not an American.A:Tā shi Zhōngguo rén
ma?她是中国人吗?Is she Chinese?B:Shì, tā shi
Zhōngguo rén.是,她是中国人。Yes, she is Chinese.6.A:Nǐ shi něiguo
rén?你是哪国人?What is your nationality?B:Wǒ shi Měiguo
rén.我是美国人。I’m American.7.A:Tā shi něiguo
rén?他是哪国人?What is his nationality?B:Tā shi Yīngguo
rén.他是英国人。He is English.8.A:Nǐ shi nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where are you from?B:Wǒ shi Shànghǎi
rén.我是上海人。I’m from Shànghǎi.9.A:Tā shi Fāng Bǎolán
de xiānsheng.他是方宝兰的先生?He is Fāng
Bǎolán’s husband.10.A:Tā shi nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where is he from?B:Tā shi Shāndōng
rén.他是山东人。He’s from Shāndōng.11.A:Nǐ shi nǎrde
rén?你是哪儿的人?Where are you from?B:Wǒ shi Jiāzhōu
rén.我是加州人。I’m Californian.12.A:Nǐ shǐ Měiguo rén
ma?你是美国人吗?Are you an American?B:Nǐ shi něiguo
rén?你是哪国人?What’s your nationality?A:Nǐ shi nǎrde
rén?你是哪儿的人?Where are you from?Vocabulary-de—的 possessive Marker Déguo德国 Germany Èguo
Éguo俄国 Russia Fàguó
Fǎguo法国 France Jiāzhōu加州 California Měiguo美国 America, United States nǎr哪儿 where? něi-哪— which? něiguo哪国 which country? rén人 person Rìběn日本 Japan Shāndōng山东 a province name Shànghǎi上海 a city name Yīngguo英国 England Zhōngguo中国 China 0021-FSI-StandardChinese-Module01ORN-StudentText-7.pngReference NotesNotes on № 1-31.A:Nǐ shi Měiguo
rén ma?你是美国人吗?Are you American?B:Wǒ shi Měiguo
rén.我是美国人。I’m American.2.A:Nǐ shi Zhōngguo
rén ma?你是中国人吗?Are you Chinese?B:Wǒ shi Zhōngguo
rén.我是中国人。I’m Chinese.3.A:Wáng xiānsheng,
nǐ shi Yīngguo rén ma?王先生,你是英国人吗?Mr. Wáng, are you English?B:Wǒ bú shi
Yīngguo rén.我不是英国人。I’m not English.Rén is a noun,
“person” or “persons”; so Měiguó
rén is a noun phrase, literally “American person.”
Sometimes, however, it is preferable or necessary to translate expressions
of this sort as adjectives or prepositional phrases.Tā shi Meǐguó rén
.他是美国人。He is an American (noun phrase)Tā shi Zhōngguó
rén.他是中国人。He is Chinese (adjective)Tā shi Shāndōng
rén.他是山东人。Hi is from Shāndōng. (prepositional
phrase)Although Měiguó
rén is translated here as “an American,” in other
contexts it may be translated as “the American,” “American,” or “the
Americans.” Later you will learn the various ways to indicate in Chinese
whether a noun is definite or indefinite, singular or plural.The syllable -guó usually loses its tone in expressions like
Měiguó rén.
(some speakers drop the tone when the word stands alone: Měiguo.)Notes on № 4-5 4.A:Nǐ shi Zhōngguo
rén ma?你是中国人吗?Are you Chinese?B:Bú
shì.不是。No.A:Nǐ shi Měiguo
rén ma?你是美国人吗?Are you American?B:Shì.是。Yes, I’m.5.A:Mǎ xiǎojiě shi
Měiguo rén ma?马小姐是美国人吗?Is Miss Mǎ an American?B:Bú shì, tā bú
shi Měiguo rén.不是,他不是美国人。No, she is not an American.A:Tā shi Zhōngguo
rén ma?她是中国人吗?Is she Chinese?B:Shì, tā shi
Zhōngguo rén.是,她是中国人。Yes, she is Chinese.The short “yes” answer shì is really the verb “am” of the longer, more
complete answer. The short “no” answer bú shi is really the “am not”
of the longer answer. It is possible to reduce a “no” answer to bù (note the Falling tone),
but polite usage requires that you follow it up with a more complete answer.
Both the short answers shì and bú
shi are commonly followed by complete answers.Notes on № 6-76.A:Nǐ shi něiguo
rén?你是哪国人?What is your nationality?B:Wǒ shi Měiguo
rén.我是美国人。I’m American.7.A:Tā shi něiguo
rén?他是哪国人?What is his nationality?B:Tā shi Yīngguo
rén.他是英国人。He is English.Něi- is the
question word “which.” It is a bound word—a word which cannot stand
alone—not a free word.něi-guo
rén哪国人whichcountrypersonNotice that the syllable -guó, “country,” in the phrase něiguó rén may lose its
rising tone.Notes on № 8-118.A:Nǐ shi nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where are you from?B:Wǒ shi Shànghǎi
rén.我是上海人。I’m from Shànghǎi.9.A:Tā shi Fāng
Bǎolán de xiānsheng.他是方宝兰的先生?He is Fāng
Bǎolán’s husband.10.A:Tā shi nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where is he from?B:Tā shi Shāndōng
rén.他是山东人。He’s from Shāndōng.11.A:Nǐ shi nǎrde
rén?你是哪儿的人?Where are you from?B:Wǒ shi Jiāzhōu
rén.我是加州人。I’m Californian.nǎr is the
question word “where.” The syllable de is the possessive marker;
it functions like the English possessive ending -’s.nǎr-de
rén哪儿的人where ’spersonBy reversing the word order, a slightly more idiomatic translation is
possible: “a person of where.” The closest English equivalent is “a person
from where.” To clarify the role of -de in this expression, the
tape gives the following example of -de functioning like the
English possessive ending -’s:Fāng
Bǎolán’shusbandNotes on № 1212.A:Nǐ shǐ Měiguo
rén ma?你是美国人吗?Are you an American?B:Nǐ shi něiguo
rén?你是哪国人?What’s your nationality?A:Nǐ shi nǎrde
rén?你是哪儿的人?Where are you from?DrillsResponse Drill
All responses will be affirmative.1.Tā shi Zhōngguo rén
ma?他是中国人吗?Is he
Chinese?Tā shi Zhōngguo
rén.他是中国人。He is Chinese.2.Tā shi Rìběn rén
ma?他是日本人吗?Is he
Japanese?Tā shi Rìběn
rén.他是日本人。He is Japanese.3.Tā shi Zhōngguo rén
ma?他是中国人吗?Is he
Chinese?Tā shi Zhōngguo
rén.他是中国人。He is Chinese.4.Tā shi Měiguo rén
ma?他是美国人吗?Is he
American?Tā shi Měiguo
rén.他是美国人。He is American.5.Tā shi Déguo rén
ma?他是德国人吗?Is he
German.Tā shi Déguo
rén.他是德国人。He is German.6.Tā shi Jiānádà rén
ma?他是加拿大人吗?Is he
Canadian?Tā shi Jiānádà
rén.他是加拿大人。He is Canadian.7.Tā shi Fàguo rén
ma?他是法国人吗?Is he
French.Tā shi Fàguo
rén.他是法国人。He is French.
Response Drill
Answer according to the model.1.Tā shi Jiānádà rén
ma?他是加拿大人吗?Is he
Canadian?CueYīngguo英国EnglandTā bú shi Jiānádà
rén. Shì Yīngguo rén.他不是加拿大人。是英国人。He’s not Canadian. (He) is English.2.Tā shi Rìběn rén
ma?他是日本人吗?Is he
Japanese?CueZhōngguo中国ChinaTā bú shi Rìběn
rén. Shì Zhōngguo rén.他不是日本人。是中国人。He’s not Japanese. (He) is Chinese.3.Tā shi Yīngguo rén
ma?他是英国人吗?Is he
English?CueMěiguo美国AmericaTā bú shi Yīngguo
rén. Shì Měiguo ren.他不是英国人。是美国人。He’s not English. (He) is American.4.Tā shi Měiguo rén
ma?他是美国人吗?Is he
American?CueJiānádà加拿大CanadaTā bú shi Měiguo
rén, Shì Jiānádà rén.他不是美国人。是加拿大人。He’s not American. (He) is Canadian.5.Tā shi Èguo rén
ma?他是俄国人吗?Is he
Russian?CueDéguo德国GermanyTā bú shi Èguó rén.
Shì Déguo rén.他不是俄国人。是德国人。He’s not Russian. (He) is German.6.Tā shi Yuènán rén
ma?他是越南人吗?Is he
Vietnamese?CueZhōngguo中国ChinaTā bú shi Yuènán
rén. Shì Zhōngguo rén.他不是越南人。是中国人。He’s not Vietnamese. (He) is Chinese.7.Tā shi Fàguo rén
ma?他是法国人吗?Is he
French?CueYīngguo英国EnglandTā bú shi Fàguo
rén. Shì Yīngguo rén.他不是法国人。是英国人。He’s not French. (He) is English.
Response Drill
Answer according to the cue.1.Tā shi něiguo
is his nationality?CueFàguo法国FranceTā shi Fàguo
rén.他是法国人。He is French.2.Tā shi něiguo
is his nationality?CueZhōngguo中国ChinaTā shi Zhōngguo
rén.他是中国人。He is Chinese.3.Tā shi něiguo
is his nationality?CueMěiguo美国AmericaTā shi Měiguo
rén.他是美国人。He is American.4.Tā shi něiguo
is his nationality?CueJiānádà加拿大CanadaTā shi Jiānádà
rén.他是加拿大人。He is Canadian.5.Tā shi něiguo
is his nationality?CueRìběn日本JapanTā shi Rìběn
rén.他是日本人。He is Japanese.6.Tā shi něiguo
is his nationality?CueÈguo俄国RussiaTā shi Èguo
rén.他是俄国人。He is Russian.7.Tā shi něiguo
is his nationality?CueDéguo德国GermanyTā shi Déguo
rén.他是德国人。He is German.
Response Drill
Respond according to the cue.1.Tā shi nǎrde
is he from?CueBěijīng北京BěijīngTā shi Běijīng
rén.他是北京人。He is from Běijīng.2.Tā shi nǎrde
is he from?CueShànghǎi上海ShànghǎiTā shi Shànghǎi
rén.他是上海人。He is from Shànghǎi.3.Tā shi nǎrde
is he from?CueChángshā长沙ChángshāTā shi Chángshā
rén.他是长沙人。He is from Chángshā.4.Tā shi nǎrde
is he from?CueTáizhōng台中TáizhōngTā shi Táizhōng
rén.他是台中人。He is from Táizhōng.5.Tā shi nǎrde
is he from?CueTáiběi台北TáiběiTā shi Táiběi
rén.他是台北人。He is from Táiběi.6.Tā shi nǎrde
is he from?CueTiānjīn天津TiānjīnTā shi Tiānjīn
rén.他是天津人。He is from Tiānjīn.7.Tā shi nǎrde
is he from?CueBěijīng北京BěijīngTā shi Běijīng
rén.他是北京人。He is from Běijīng.
Transformation Drill
Transform the sentence according to the model.1.Tā shi Běijīng
rén.他是北京人。He is
from Běijīng.Tā shi nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where is he from?2.Tā shi Zhōngguo
rén.他是中国人。He is
from China.Tā shi něiguó
rén?他是哪国人?Where is he from?3.Tā shi Jiānádà
rén.他是加拿大人。He is
from Canada.Tā shi něiguo
rén?他是哪国人?Where is he from?4.Tā shi Táiběi
rén.他是台北人。He is
from Táiběi.Tā shi nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where is he from?5.Tā shi Shànghǎi
rén.他是上海人。He is
from Shànghǎi.Tā shi nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where is he from?6.Tā shi Yīngguo
rén.他是英国人。He is
from England.Tā shi něiguo
rén?他是哪国人?Where is he from?7.Tā shi Měiguo
rén.他是美国人。He is
from America.Tā shi něiguo
rén?他是哪国人?Where is he from?8.Tā shi Táizhōng
rén.他是台中人。He is
from Táizhōng.Tā shi nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where is he from?
Transformation Drill
Transform the sentence according to the model.1.Tā shi Lǐ
tàitai.她是李太太。She is
Mrs. Lǐ.Tā bú shi Lǐ
tàitai.她不是太太。She is not Mrs. Lǐ.2.Tā xìng
surname is Gāo.Tā bú xìng
Gāo.他不姓高。Her surname is not Gāo.3.Tā shi Táiběi
rén.她是台北人。He is
from Táiběi.Tā bú shi Táiběi
rén.她不是台北人。Hi is not from Táiběi.4.Tā xìng
surname is Liú.Tā bú xìng
Liú.他不姓刘。Her surname is not Liú.5.Tā shi Měiguo
rén.她是美国人。She is
American.Tā bú shi Měiguo
rén.她不是美国人。She is not American.6.Tā shi Jiānádà
rén.她是加拿大人。She is
Canadian.Tā bú shi Jiānádà
rén.她不是加拿大人。She is not Canadian.
Transformation Drill
Transform the sentence according to the model.1.Tā xìng
surname is Hú.Tā xìng Hú
ma?他姓胡吗?Is his surname Hú?2.Tā shi Běijīng
rén.他是北京人。He is
from Běijīng.Tā shi Běijīng rén
ma?他是北京人吗?Is he from Běijīng?3.Tā shi Wáng
Dànián.他是王大年。He is
Dànián.Tā shi Wáng Dànián
ma?他是王大年吗?Is he Wáng
Dànián?4.Tā xìng
surname is Lín.Tā xìng Lín
ma?她姓林吗?Is her surname Lín?5.Tā shi Zhōngguo
rén.她是中国人。She is
Chinese.Tā shi Zhōngguo rén
ma?她是中国人吗? Is she Chinese?
Transformation Drill
Ask the question corresponding to the statement.1.Tā xìng
surname is Zhāng.Tā xìng
shénme?他姓什么? What’s his surname?2.Tā shi Běijīng
rén.他是北京人。He is
from Běijīng.Tā shi nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where is he from?3.Tā shi Wáng
Dànián.他是王大年。He is
Dànián.Tā shi
shéi?他是谁?Who is he?4.Tā shi Rìběn
rén.他是日本人。He is
Japanese.Tā shi něiguo
rén?他是哪国人?What is his nationality?5.Tā shi Shāndōng
rén.他是山东人。He is
from Shāndōng.Tā shi nǎrde
rén?他是哪儿的人?Where is he from?6.Tā shi Chén
tōngzhì.他是陈同志。Hi is
Comrade Chén.Tā shi
shéi?他是谁?Who is he?
Unit 4IntroductionTopics covered in this unitLocation of people and places.Where people’s families are from.Prerequisites to the unitNUM 3 and NUM 4 (Tapes 3 and 4 of the resource module on
Numbers.)CE 1, on Classroom Expressions.Material you will needThe C-1 and P-1 tapes, the Reference List and Reference
Notes.The C-2 and P-2 tapes , the workbook.The 4D-1 tape.ReferencesReference List1.A:Qǐngwèn, nǐ shi
nǎrde rén?请问,你是哪儿的人?May I ask, where are you from?B:Wǒ shi Dézhōu
rén.我是德州人。I’m from Texas.2.A:Qǐngwèn, Āndésen
fūren shi nǎrde rén?请请问,安德森夫人是哪儿的人?May I ask, where is Mrs. Andersen from?B:Tā yě shi Dézhōu
rén.她也是德州人。She is from Texas too.3.A:Tā shi Yīngguó rén
ma?他是英国人吗?Is she English?B:Bú shì, tā bú shi
Yīngguó rén.不是,他不是英国人。No, he is not English.A:Tā àiren
ne?他爱人呢?And his wife?B:Tā yě bú shi
Yīngguó rén.她也不是英国人。She isn’t English either.4.A:Qǐngwèn, Qīngdǎo
zài nǎr?请问,青岛在哪儿?May I ask, where is Qīngdǎo?B:Qīngdǎo zài
Shāndōng.青岛在山东。Qīngdǎo is in Shāndōng.5.A:Qǐngwèn, nǐ lǎojiā
zài nǎr?请问,你老家在哪儿?May I ask, where is your family from?B:Wǒ lǎojiā zài
Āndàlüè.我老家在安大略。My family is from Ontario.B:Wǒ lǎojiā zài
Shāndōng.我老家在山东。My family is from Shāndōng.6.A:Chén Shìmín tóngzhì
zài nǎr?陈世民同志在哪儿?Where is Comrade Shìmín?B:Tā zài
nàr.他在那儿。He’s there.7.A:Qīngdǎo zài
nǎr?青岛在哪儿?Where is Qīngdǎo?B:Zài
zhèr.在这儿。It’s here.8.A:Nǐ àiren xiànzài
zài nǎr?你爱人现在在哪儿?Where is your wife now?B:Wǒ àiren xiànzài
zài Jiānádà.我爱人现在在加拿大。My wife is in Canada now.Vocabularyàiren爱人 spouse Āndàlüè安大略 Ontario Dézhōu德州 Texas fūren夫人 Lady, Madame, Mrs., wife (of a high ranking person) Jiānádà加拿大 Canada lǎojiā老家 “original home” nàr
(nèr)那儿 there Qīngdǎo青岛 a city name Qǐngwèn请问 May I ask? xiànzài现在 now yě也 also, too, either zài在 to be in/at/one zhèr这儿 here Additional required vocabulary not presented on C-1 and P-1 tapes.Learn the pronunciation and location of any five cities and five provinces of
China on the maps on page 80-81.0021-FSI-StandardChinese-Module01ORN-StudentText-8.pngReference NotesNotes on № 11.A:Qǐngwèn, nǐ shi
nǎrde rén?请问,你是哪儿的人?May I ask, where are you from?B:Wǒ shi Dézhōu
rén.我是德州人。I’m from Texas.Qǐngwèn:
Literally, qǐng
means “request,” and wèn means “ask (for information).” Qǐngwèn is used as English
speakers use “excuse me,” to get someone’s attention in order to ask him a question.Qǐngwèn
is NOT the word used for saying “excuse me” when you step on
someone’s foot. For that, you say duìbuqǐ .Notes on № 22.A:Qǐngwèn,
Āndésen fūren shi nǎrde rén?请请问,安德森夫人是哪儿的人?May I ask, where is Mrs. Andersen from?B:Tā yě shi
Dézhōu rén.她也是德州人。She is from Texas too.Names: In the People’s Republic, a
foreigner is known by the standard phonetic equivalent of his full name. His
given name is followed by his surname, which is followed by the appropriate
title, Mr. David Anderson will be called Dàiwéi Āndésèn xiānsheng . In
Taiwan, there is no set way of giving names to foreigners. Sometimes, as in
the PRC, a phonetic equivalent of the full name is used (though there are no
standard versions). Sometimes, the equivalent is based entirely on the
surname. Mr. Anderson, for instance, might be Ān Désēn xiānsheng. The
surname may also be translated, as when “King” is translated into
Wáng. It is
also common to base the Chinese surname on the first syllable of the
original surname, and the Chinese given name on something else (often the
original given name). In Taiwan, Dàwèi is a common phonetic equivalent for “David.” “Mr.
David Anderson,” therefore, might be Ān Dàwèi xiānsheng . Here is a chart of some of the Chinese names that might be given to Mr.
David Anderson.
Titles: In the PRC, a foreign man is
addressed as xiānsheng, and a married woman as either fūren or taìtai, depending on her
status. The term fūren is an especially respectful term used to address
the wife of a high-ranking official or businessman. Fūren is also used this way
on Taiwan. An unmarried foreign woman in the PRC may be addressed as xiǎojiě “Miss.” Married or
unmarried women may be addressed as Nǚshì. or “Ma’am.”
Nǚshì will be
introduced in BIO, Unit 1. The term tóngzhì, “Comrade,” was originally used only by members of
the Communist Party to address other members. It is now the general term of
address used by all Chinese adults in the PRC. It should be remembered,
though, that tóngzhì does carry a distinct political implication.
Visitors in the People’s Republic, who are not citizens and who do not take
part in efforts to realize Communist ideals, will not be addressed as
tóngzhì and
should not feel obliged to address anyone else as such.Yě is an adverb
meaning “also,” or “too.” It always comes before the verb.Notes on № 33.A:Tā shi Yīngguó
rén ma?他是英国人吗?Is she English?B:Bú shì, tā bú
shi Yīngguó rén.不是,他不是英国人。No, he is not English.A:Tā àiren
ne?他爱人呢?And his wife?B:Tā yě bú shi
Yīngguó rén.她也不是英国人。She isn’t English either.Àiren, which
originally meant “loved one,” “sweetheart” or “lover,” is used in the PRC
for either “husband” or “wife,” i.e., for “spouse.” The possessive phrase Tā
Àiren, “his wife” (or, “her husband”), is formed by
putting the words for “he” (or “she”) and “spouse” together. The marker -de
(which you have seen in nǎrde
rén) is not needed when the possessive relationship is
felt to be very close. (See also the notes on No. 5.)Yě in a negative
sentence is usually translated as “either.” In this case, bù comes between
yě and the
verb. Possible English translations for yě, in both affirmative and
negative sentences, are:Tā yě shi Yǐngguo
rén.她也是英国人。She is English too.She is also English.Tā yě bú shi Yīnggguo
rén. 她也不是英国人。She is not English either.She is also not English.Notes on № 44.A:Qǐngwèn,
Qīngdǎo zài nǎr?请问,青岛在哪儿?May I ask, where is Qīngdǎo?B:Qīngdǎo zài
Shāndōng.青岛在山东。Qīngdǎo is in Shāndōng.Zài is the verb
“to be in/at/on,” that is, “to be somewhere.” Zài involves location, while
shì involves
identity, “to be someone/something.”Notes on № 55.A:Qǐngwèn, nǐ
lǎojiā zài nǎr?请问,你老家在哪儿?May I ask, where is your family from?B:Wǒ lǎojiā zài
Āndàlüè.我老家在安大略。My family is from Ontario.B:Wǒ lǎojiā zài
Shāndōng.我老家在山东。My family is from Shāndōng.Literally, lǎojiā is “old home” (“original home,” “ancestral
home,” “native place”), that is, the place you and your family are from.
When a Chinese asks you about your lǎojiā, he probably wants to know about your hometown,
the place where you grew up. When you ask a Chinese about his lǎojiā however, he will tell you where his family came
from originally. A Chinese whose grandparents came from the province of
Guǎngdōng will
give that as his lǎojiā, even if he and his parents have spent all of
their lives in Sìchuān.Nǐ lǎojiā zài
nǎr? (literally “Where is your original home?”) asks for
the LOCATION of the town you come from.The question is answered with zài plus the name of the province (or state) that the
town is located in: Wǒ lǎojiā zài
Dèzhōu (Āndàlüè, Shāndōng). Nǐ lǎojiā shi nǎr?
(translated into English as “What is your original home?” asks about the
IDENTITY of the town you come from. That question is answered with
shi plus the
name of the town (or city): Wǒ
lǎojiā shi Jiùjīnshān (Qǐngdǎo, Shànghǎi).Compare: Wó lǎojiā zài
Guǎngdōng.我老家在广东。My original home is in Guǎngdōng.Wǒ lǎojiā shi
Guǎngzhōu.我老家是广州。My original home is Guǎngzhōu.The possessive nǐ
lǎojiā, like tā àiren, does not require a possessive marker.
However, if more than one word must be used to indicate the possessor,
-de is often
inserted after the last word: nǐ
àirende lǎojiā, “your spouse’s original home” or “where
your spouse’s family comes from.”Notes on № 6-86.A:Chén Shìmín
tóngzhì zài nǎr?陈世民同志在哪儿?Where is Comrade Shìmín?B:Tā zài
nàr.他在那儿。He’s there.7.A:Qīngdǎo zài
nǎr?青岛在哪儿?Where is Qīngdǎo?B:Zài
zhèr.在这儿。It’s here.8.A:Nǐ àiren
xiànzài zài nǎr?你爱人现在在哪儿?Where is your wife now?B:Wǒ àiren
xiànzài zài Jiānádà.我爱人现在在加拿大。My wife is in Canada now.You have learned three words for asking and telling about
(nèr)那儿therezhèr这儿hereNotice that the question word nǎr is in the Low tone, while the answer words
nàr and
zhèr are both
in the Falling tone. Also notice that the vowel sound in zhèr is different from that
in nǎr and
nàr. (Some
speakers prefer nèr to nàr.) When you are talking about movable things and
people that you presume are not nearby (“nearby,” being approximately within
pointing range), you usually ask where they are NOW. The “present time” word
may be omitted if the time has been established earlier in the conversation. Nǐ àiren
xiànzài zài nǎr?你爱人现在在哪儿?Where is your wife now?Tā zài
Běijīng.她在北京。She’s in Běijīng (now).If you ask about someone or something you presume to be
nearby (a pair of scissors in a drawer, for instance, or a person in a group
across the room), you do not use xiànzài.In English, the words “here” and “there” are used to refer to locations of
any size. In Chinese, however, zhèr and nàr are usually not used for cities, provinces, and
countries (with the exception that you may use zhèr to refer to the city you
are in). Instead, you repeat the name of the place. Compare these two exchanges in Beìjǐng: Country:Mǎdīng
xiānsheng xiànzài zài Zhōngguó
ma?Tā xiànzài
zài Zhōngguó.Is Mr. Martin in China?He is here
xiānsheng xiànzài zài Shànghǎi
ma?Tā bú
zài Shànghǎi; tā zài zhèr.Is Mr. Martin in Shànghǎi
?He is not there;
he is here.马丁先生现在在上海马?他不在上海;他在这儿。Jiānádà
“Canada”: Although the middle syllable of this word is marked with the
Rising tone, at a normal rate of speech you will probably hear
Jiānādà.DrillsResponse Drill
Respond to the question “Where is He/she from?” according to the
cue.1.Tā shi nǎrde
is he/she from?CueHúnán湖南HúnánTā shi Húnán
rén.他/她是湖南人。He/She is from Húnán.2.Tā shi nǎrde
is he/she from?CueShāndōng山东ShāndōngTā shi Shāndōng
rén.他/她是山东人。He/She is from Shāndōng.3.Tā shi nǎrde
is he/she from?CueHéběi河北HéběiTā shi Héběi
rén.他/她是河北人。He/She is from Héběi.4.Tā shi nǎrde
is he/she from?CueJiāngsū江苏JiāngsūTā shi Jiāngsū
rén.他/她是江苏人。He/She is from Jiāngsū.5.Tā shi nǎrde
is he/she from?CueGuǎngdōng广东GuǎngdōngTā shi Guǎngdōng
rén.他/她是广东人。He/She is from Guǎngdōng.6.Tā shi nǎrde
is he/she from?CueHúběi湖北HúběiTā shi Húběi
rén.他/她是湖北人。He/She is from Húběi.7.Tā shi nǎrde
is he/she from?CueSìchuān四川SìchuānTā shi Sìchuān
rén.他/她是四川人。He/She is from Sìchuān.
Transformation Drill
Ask the appropriate “where” question, as in the example.1.Zhāng tóngzhì fūren shi Běijīng
Zhāng’s wife is from Běijīng.Qǐngwèn, Zhāng
fūren shi nǎrde rén?请问张夫人是哪儿的人?May I ask, where is Mrs. Zhāng
from?2.Huáng tóngzhì fūren shi Shànghǎi
Huáng’s wife is from Shànghǎi.Qǐngwèn, Huáng
fūren shi nǎrde rén?请问黄夫人是哪儿的人?May I ask, where is Mrs. Huáng
from?3.Wáng tóngzhì fūren shi Nánjīng
Wáng’s wife is from Nánjīng.Qǐngwèn, Wáng fūren
shi nǎrde rén?请问王夫人是哪儿的人?May I ask, where is Mrs. Wáng
from?4.Lǐ tóngzhì fūren shi Guǎngzhōu
Lǐ’s wife is from Guǎngzhōu.Qǐngwèn, Lǐ fūren
shi nǎrde rén?请问李夫人是哪儿的人?May I ask, where is Mrs. Lǐ from?5.Zhào tóngzhì fūren shi Xiānggǎng
Zhào’s wife is from Hong Kong.Qǐngwèn, Zhào fūren
shi nǎrde rén?请问赵夫人是哪儿的人?May I ask, where is Mrs. Zhào
from?6.Máo tóngzhì fūren shi Qīngdǎo
Máo’s wife is from Qīngdǎo.Qǐngwèn, Máo fūren
shi nǎrde rén?请问毛夫人是哪儿的人?May I ask, where is Mrs. Máo from?7.Chén tóngzhì fūren shi Běijīng
Chén’s wife is from Běijīng.Qǐngwèn, Chén fūren
shi nǎrde rén?请问陈夫人是哪儿的人?May I ask, where is Mrs. Chén
Transformation Drill
Change affirmative statements to negative statements. 1.Tā shi Héběi
is from Héběi.Tā bú shi Héběi
rén.他/她不是河北人。He/She is not from Héběi.2.Tā shi Shāndōng
is from Shāndōng.Tā bú shi Shāndōng
rén.他/她不是山东人。He/She is not from Shāndōng.3.Tā shi Jiāngsū
is from Jiāngsū.Tā bú shi Jiāngsū
rén.他/她不是江苏人。He/She is not from Jiāngsū.4.Tā shi Fújiàn
is from Fújiàn.Tā bú shi Fújiàn
rén.他/她不是福建人。He/She is not from Fújiàn.5.Tā shi Zhèjiāng
is from Zhèjiāng.Tā bú shi Zhèjiāng
rén.他/她不是浙江人。He/She is not from Zhèjiāng.6.Tā shi Húnán
is from Húnán.Tā bú shi Húnán
rén.他/她不是湖南人。He/She is not from Húnán.7.Tā shi Sìchuān
is from Sìchuān.Tā bú shi Sìchuān
rén.他/她不是四川人。He/She is not from Sìchuān.
Transformation Drill
Add yě to the
statement.1.Tā shi Héběi
is from Héběi.Tā yě shi Héběi
rén.他/她也是河北人。He/She is from Héběi too.2.Tā shi Zhèjiāng
is from Zhèjiāng.Tā yě shi Zhèjiāng
rén.他/她也是浙江人。He/She is from Zhèjiāng too.3.Tā shi Fújiàn
is from Fújiàn.Tā yě shi Fújiàn
rén.他/她也是福建人。He/She is from Fújiàn too.4.Tā shi Húnán
is from Húnán.Tā yě shi Húnán
rén.他/她也是湖南人。He/She is from Húnán too.5.Tā shi Jiāngsū
is from Jiāngsū.Tā yě shi Jiāngsū
rén.他他/她也是江苏人。He/She is from Jiāngsū too.6.Tā shi Shāndōng
is from Shāndōng.Tā yě shi Shāndōng
rén.他/她也是山东人。He/She is from Shāndōng too.7.Tā shi Hénán
is from Hénán.Tā yě shi Hénán
rén.他/她也是河南人。He/She is from Hénán too.
Transformation Drill
Add yě to the
statement.1.Zhào xiānsheng bú shi Táiwān
Zhào isn’t from Táiwān.Zhào xiānsheng yě
bú shi Táiwān rén.赵先生也不是台湾人。Mr. Zhào isn’t from Táiwān
either.2.Lǐ xiānsheng bú shi Táiběi
isn’t from Táiběi.Lǐ xiānsheng yě bú
shi Táiběi ren.李先生也不是台北人。Mr. Lǐ isn’t from Táiběi
either.3.Wáng xiānsheng bú shi Táizhōng
Wáng isn’t from Táizhōng.Wáng xiānsheng yě
bú shi Táizhōng ren.王先生也不是台中人。Mr. Wáng isn’t from Táizhōng
either.4.Huáng xiānsheng bú shi Táinán
Huáng isn’t from Táinán.Huáng xiānsheng yě
bú shi Táinán rén.黄先生也不是台南人。Mr. Huáng isn’t from Táinán
either.5.Liú xiānsheng bú shi Táidōng
Liú isn’t from Táidōng.Liú xiānsheng yě bú
shi Táidōng rén.刘先生也不是台东人。Mr. Liú isn’t from Táidōng
either.6.Hú xiānsheng bú shi Jīlóng
isn’t from Jīlóng.Hú xiānsheng yě bú
shi Jīlóng rén.胡先生也不是基隆人。Mr. Hú isn’t from Jīlóng
either.7.Chén xiānsheng bú shi Gāoxióng
Chén isn’t from Gāoxióng.Chén xiānsheng yě
bú shi Gāoxióng rén.陈先生也不是高雄人。Mr. Chén isn’t from Gāoxióng
Response drill
Give a negative answer to the questions..1.Mǎ tóngzhì shì Běijīng rén
Comrade Mǎ from Běijīng?Tā bú shì Běijīng
rén.他/她不是北京人。He/She isn’t from Běijīng.2.Tā àiren
his/her spouse?Tā àiren yě bú shì
Běijīng rén.他/她爱人也不是北京人。He/She isn’t from Běijīng either.3.Zhāng tóngzhì shì Shànghǎi rén
Comrade Zhāng from Shànghǎi?Tā bú shì Shànghǎi
rén.他/她不是上海人。He/She isn’t from Shànghǎi.4.Tā àiren
his/her spouse?Tā yě bú shì
Shànghǎi rén.他/她也不是上海人。He/She isn’t from Shànghǎi either.5.Jiāng tóngzhì shì Nánjīng rén
Comrade Jiāng from Nánjīng?Tā bú shì Nánjīng
rén.他/她不是南京.He/She isn’t from Nánjīng.6.Tā àiren
his/her spouse?Tā yě bú shì
Nánjīng rén.他/她也不是南京人。He/She isn’t from Nánjīng either.7.Chén tóngzhì shì Guǎngzhōu rén
Comrade Chén from Guǎngzhōu?Tā bú shì Guǎngzhōu
rén.他/她不是广州人。He/She isn’t from Guǎngzhōu.8.Tā àiren
his/her spouse?Tā yě bú shì
Guǎngzhōu rén.他/她也不是广州人。He/She isn’t from Guǎngzhōu either.9.Sūn tóngzhì shì Chéngdū rén
Comrade Sūn from Chéngdū?Tā bū shì Chéngdū
rén.他/她不是成都人。He/She isn’t from Chéngdū.10.Tā àiren
his/her spouse?Tā yě bú shì
Chéngdū rén.他/她也不是成都人。He/She isn’t from Chéngdū either.11.Máo tóngzhì shì Qīngdǎo rén
Comrade Máo from Qīngdǎo?Tā bú shì Qīngdǎo
rén.他/她不是青岛人。He/She isn’t from Qīngdǎo.12.Tā àiren
his/her spouse?Tā yě bú shì
Qīngdǎo rén.他/她也不是青岛人。He/She isn’t from Qīngdǎo either.13.Yáng tóngzhì shì Běijīng rén
Comrade Yáng from Běijīng?Tā bú shì Běijīng
rén.他/她不是北京人。He/She isn’t from Běijīng.14.Tā àiren
his/her spouse?Tā yě bú shì
Běijīng rén.他/她也不是北京人。He/She isn’t from Běijīng either.
Response Drill
Respond according to the cue.1.Qǐngwèn, Qīngdǎo zài
nǎr?请问青岛在哪儿?May I
ask, where is Qīngdǎo?CueShāndōng山东ShāndōngQīngdǎo zài
Shāndōng.青岛在山东。Qīngdǎo is in Shāndōng.2.Qǐngwèn, Nánjīng zài
nǎr?请问南京在哪儿?May I
ask, where is Nánjīng?CueJiāngsū江苏JiāngsūNánjīng zài
Jiāngsū.南京在江苏。Nánjīng is in Jiāngsū.3.Qǐngwèn, Guǎngzhōu zài
nǎr?请问广州在哪儿?May I
ask, where is Guǎngzhōu?CueGuǎngdōng广东GuǎngdōngGuǎngzhōu zài
Guǎngdōng.广州在广东。Guǎngzhōu is in Guǎngdōng.4.Qǐngwèn, Shànghǎi zài
nǎr?请问上海在哪儿?May I
ask, where is Shànghǎi?CueJiāngsū江苏JiāngsūShànghǎi zài
Jiāngsū.上海在江苏。Shànghǎi is in Jiāngsū.5.Qǐngwèn, Běijīng zài
nǎr?请问北京在哪儿?May I
ask, where is Běijīng?CueHéběi河北HéběiBěijīng zài
Héběi.北京在河北。Běijīng is in Héběi.6.Qǐngwèn, Qīngdǎo zài
nǎr?请问青岛在哪儿?May I
ask, where is Qīngdǎo?CueShāndōng山东ShāndōngQīngdǎo zài
Shāndōng.青岛在山东。Qīngdǎo is in Shāndōng.7.Qǐngwèn, Shànghǎi zài
nǎr?请问上海在哪儿?May I
ask, where is Shànghǎi.CueJiāngsū江苏JiāngsūShànghǎi zài
Jiāngsū.上海在江苏。Shànghǎi is in Jiāngsū.
Transformation Drill
Transform the statement according to the model.1.Lín tóngzhì shi Húběi
Lín is from Húběi.Lín tóngzhì de
lǎojiā zài Húběi.林同志的老家在河北。Comrade Lín’s family is from Húběi.2.Wáng tóngzhì shi Shānxī
Wáng is from Shānxī.Wáng tóngzhì de
lǎojiā zài Shānxī.王同志的老家在山西。Comrade Wáng’s family is from Shānxī.3.Huáng tóngzhì shi Shǎnxī
Huáng is from Shǎnxī.Huáng tóngzhì de
lǎojiā zài Shǎnxī.黄同志的老家在陕西。Comrade Huáng’s family is from Shǎnxī.4.Gāo tóngzhì shi Fújiàn
Gāo is from Fújiàn.Gāo tóngzhì de
lǎojiā zài Fújiàn.高同志的老家在福建。Comrade Gāo’s family is from Fújiàn.5.Lǐ tóngzhǐ shi Sìchuān
is from Sìchuān.Lǐ tóngzhì de
lǎojiā zài Sìchuān.李同志的老家在四川。Comrade Lǐ’s family is from Sìchuān.6.Zhōu tóngzhì shi Zhèjiāng
Zhōu is from Zhèjiāng.Zhōu tóngzhìde
lǎojiā zài Zhèjiāng.周同志的老家在浙江。Comrade Zhōu’s family is from Zhèjiāng.7.Máo tóngzhì shi Húnán
Máo is from Húnán.Máo tóngzhì de
lǎojiā zài Húnán.毛同志的老家在湖南。Comrade Máo’s family is from Húnán.
Response Drill
Respond according to the cue.1.Tā àiren zài
is his/her spouse?CueMěiguo美国AmericaTā àiren xiànzài
zài Měiguó.他/她爱人现在在美国。His/Her spouse is in America now.2.Tā àiren zài
is his/her spouse?CueJiānádà加拿大CanadaTā àiren xiànzài
zài Jiānádà.他/她爱人现在在加拿大。His/Her spouse is in Canada now.3.Tā àiren zài
is his/her spouse?CueYīngguo英国EnglandTā àiren xiànzài
zài Yīngguó.他/她爱人现在在英国。His/Her spouse is in England now.4.Tā àiren zài
is his/her spouse?CueDéguo德国GermanyTā àiren xiànzài
zài Déguó.他/她爱人现在在德国。His/Her spouse is in Germany now.5.Tā àiren zài
is his/her spouse?CueMěiguo美国AmericaTā àiren xiànzài
zài Měiguó.他/她爱人现在在美国。His/Her spouse is in America now.6.Tā àiren zài
is his/her spouse?CueFàguo法国FranceTā àiren xiànzài
zài Fàguó.他/她爱人现在在法国。His/Her spouse is in France now.7.Tā àiren zài
is his/her spouse?CueÈguo俄国RussiaTā àiren xiànzài
zài Èguó.他/她爱人现在在俄国。His/Her spouse is in Russia now.
Criterion TestThe purpose of the Criterion Test at the end of each module is to show you not only
how much of the material you have learned, but also what points you need to work on
before beginning to study another module.Since the primary goal of ORN is to introduce the sound system of Standard Chinese,
this test focuses on your ability to discriminate and produce tones, vowels, and
consonants. Additionally, there are sections which test your ability to comprehend and
produce numbers from 1 through 99 and the material in the ORN Target Lists. Your knowledge of personal names and titles and the romanization system is also
tested. Read the Objectives at the beginning of the module for a description of exactly
what the test covers. Note: Although the entire sound system is introduced in the Pronunciation and
Romanization Module, you will be tested here only on those sounds which occur in the
Target Sentences. Other sounds will be included in Criterion Tests for later modules. Following is a sample of the Criterion Test for this module. Each section of the test,
with directions and a sample question, is represented here so that you may know exactly
what is expected of you after studying the ORN Module. Minimum scores are suggested for each section of the test. Achieving these scores
means that you are adequately prepared for the next module. If you fall below the
minimum criterion on any section, you should review relevant study materials. You will use a tape to complete Part I of the test. Part II is written, and you will
complete Part III with your instructor. Part IV of the test (Diagnostics) indicates the
passing score for each section and review materials for each section.Part IThis section tests your ability to distinguish the four tones. In your
test booklet you will see two syllables after each letter. The speaker
will pronounce both syllables, and then say one of them again. You are
to decide which syllable was repeated, and circle the appropriate one to
indicate your choice. The syllables may occur in any of the four tones,
regardless of which tone was used previously in the module. The same
syllable may occur more than once in this section. For example, the speaker might say: fēi … fěi and then repeat
fēifēifěiThis section tests your ability to recognize the four tones in
isolated syllables. The speaker will pronounce a syllable twice; you add
to the written syllable the tone that you hear. Again, the syllables may
occur in any of the four tones, regardless of which tone was used
previously in the module. For example, the speaker might say: fěi...fěifei → fěiThis section tests your ability to recognize the four tones in
two-syllables combinations. The speaker pronounces each two-syllable
item twice and then pauses a moment for you to mark tones on the written
syllables. For the first ten items, one of the two tones is already
marked. For the last ten items, you must fill in both tones. For example: the speaker might say: cháběi...cháběichabei →
cháběiIn this section, you are tested on syllables which differ minimally in
sound. The speaker will pronounce each syllable in an item once; then he
will pronounce one of the syllables again. Decide which of the syllables
was repeated, and indicate your choice by circling that written syllable
in your test booklet. The syllables in this test do not necessarily
correspond in every way to syllables in the Target Lists They may vary
in tone, for example. For example, the speaker might say: fàn...fàng and then
repeat fàng.fànfàngIn this section, you complete the romanization for the syllables that
you hear. As the speaker says a syllable, write the appropriate vowel or
consonant letter(s) in the blank. This tests your ability to recognize
the sounds of a syllable and to use the romanization system correctly.
The speaker will say each syllable twice. For example, the speaker might say: pàng...pàng then you would
write:pàng This section tests your ability to understand the numbers 1 through
99 in Chinese. For each item, the speaker will say a number, and you
write down the numerals for that number.For example, you might hear:
shí-sān13This section tests your ability to understand questions and answers
about where someone is from and where he is now. Listen to a
conversation between Mr. Johnson and Comrade Zhào, who have just met.
You will hear the conversation three times. The third time you hear it,
a pause will follow each line. You may use these pauses to fill in the
boxes in your booklet with appropriate information. (You do not have to
wait for the second repetition of the conversation to fill in the
answers, of course.) For example: [You will hear a conversation similar to conversations
you heard on the C-2 tapes in this module.]Home State or
LocationComrade ZhàoMr. Johnson (Yuēhànsūn)Comrade Zhào’s husbandMrs. JohnsonThis section tests your ability to comprehend Chinese utterances by
asking you for the English equivalents. For each item, the speaker will
say a sentence from the Target List twice. You indicate your
understanding of the sentence by circling the letter of the English
sentence which most closely matches the meaning of the Chinese sentence. For example, you might hear: nǐ shi shéi?...nǐ shi
shéi?Who is she?Who is he?Who are you?Part II This section tests your general understanding of the Chinese system
of personal names and titles. Read the family histories in your test
booklet, and answer the questions. For example,Yáng Tíngfēng
is the Chinese name used lay an American, Timothy Young, now that he is
living in Taipei. His Chinese surname is:YángTíngféngYáng
TíngféngPart IIIThis section tests your ability to pronounce the four tones. Simple
sound combinations have been chosen so that special attention may be
given to tone production. For each item, choose one syllable and read it
aloud. As you do so, put a circle around the one you choose. The
instructor will note the syllable he hears. Be sure to choose a fair
sampling of all four tones, and select them in random order. For example, you might say: mámā má mǎ
mà This section tests your ability to pronounce Chinese sounds from the
Target Lists, as well as your ability to read romanization. For each
item, choose one syllable and read it aloud. As you do so, put a circle
around the one you choose. The instructor will note the syllable he
hears. Be sure to choose syllables from each column as you go through
this section of the test.For example, you might say: nínnín...níngThis section tests your ability to locate and name main cities and
provinces in China. Using the map in your booklet, point out to your
instructor five cities and five provinces and name them. Pronunciation
is of secondary importance here.This section tests your ability to produce sentences in Chinese. Your
instructor will say an English sentence from the Target Lists, and you
translate it into Chinese. Your Chinese sentence must “be correct,” both
in grammar and in content.This section tests your ability to make conversational use of the
material covered in this module. Although limited in scope, this
conversation between you and your instructor represents a situation
which you are likely to encounter in the real world. As in any
conversation, you are free to ask for a repetition or rephrasing of a
sentence, or you may volunteer information on the subject. It is not so
much the correctness of your pronunciation and grammar that is being
tested as it is your ability to communicate effectively. AppendicesAppendix 1: Map of ChinaAppendix 2: Map of TaiwanAppendix 3: Countries and RegionsAppendix 4: American States Alabama 阿拉巴马Ālābāmǎ Alaska 阿拉斯加Ālāsǐjiā Arizona 亚利桑那Yàlìsāngnà Arkansas 阿肯色Ākěnsè,
Akānsàsī California 加州, 加利福尼亚Jiāzhōu,
Jiālìfóníyà Colorado 科罗拉多Kēluólāduō Connecticut 康涅狄格, 康乃狄克Kāngnièdígé,
Kāngnǎidígé Delaware 特拉华Tèlāhuá, Délāwēi
(ěr) Florida 弗罗里达Fóluólǐdá Georgia 乔治亚, 佐治亚Qiáozhìyà,
Zuǒzhìyà Hawaii 夏威夷Xiàwēiyí Idaho 爱达荷Àidáhé Illinois 伊利诺Yīlìnuò
(sī) Indiana 印第安纳Yìndiànnà Iowa 爱奥华Yīāhuá,
Àiāhuá Kansas 堪萨斯Kānsàsī Kentucky 肯塔基Kěntǎjī Louisiana 路易斯安那Lùyìsīānnà Maine 缅因Miǎnyīn Maryland 马里兰Mǎlǐlán Massachusetts 马萨诸塞Mǎsāzhūsài,
Mǎshěng Michigan 密歇根, Mìxīgēn,
Mìzhíān Minnesota 明尼苏达Míngnísūdá Mississippi 密西西比Mìxīxībǐ Missouri 密苏里 Mìsūlǐ Montana 蒙大纳Méngdànà Nebraska 内布拉斯加Nèibùlāsījiā Nevada 内华达Nèihuádá New Hampshire 新罕布什尔Xīn Hānbùshíěr, Xīn
Hǎnbùxià New Jersey 新泽西Xīn
Zéxī New Mexico 新墨西哥Xīn
Mòxīgē New York 纽约 Niǔyuē North Carolina 北卡罗来纳Běi Kǎluóláinà, Běi
Kǎluólínnà North Dakota 北达科他Běi Dákētā, Běi
Dákēdá Ohio 俄亥俄Éhàié Oklahoma 俄克拉荷马Ékèlāhémǎ,
Ākèlāhémǎ Oregon 俄勒冈Élègāng Pennsylvania 宾州, 宾夕法尼亚,
宾西法尼亚Bīnxhōu, Bīnxīfǎníyà,
Bīnxīfánníyà Rhode Island 罗得岛Luódé Dǎo,
Luódéàilán South Carolina 南卡罗来纳Nán Kǎluóláinà, Nán
Kǎluólínnà South Dakota 南达科他Nán
Dákētā Tennessee 田纳西Tiánnàxī Texas 得克萨斯Dézhōu,
Dékèsàsī Utah 犹他Yóutā,
Yōuta Vermont 佛蒙特Wēiméngtè,
Fóméngtè Virginia 维吉尼亚, 弗吉尼亚Wēijíníyà,
Fójíníyà Washington 华盛顿Huáshèngdùn West Virginia 西弗吉尼亚Xī
Fójíníyà Wisconsin 威斯康星Wēisīkāngxīn(g) Wyoming 怀俄明HuáiémíngAppendix 5: Canadian Provinces Alberta 阿尔伯塔, 艾伯塔(Yǎbódá)
Ā'ěrbótǎ, Àibótǎ British Columbia 英属哥伦比亚Yīngshǔ
Gēlúnbǐyà Manitoba 马尼托巴Mànnítuōbā New Brunswick 新不伦瑞克Xīn
Bùlúnzīwéikè Newfoundland 纽芬兰与拉布拉多Niǔfēnlándǎo Northwest Territories 西北领地Xīběilíngdì Nova Scotia 新斯科舍Xīn
Sīkèshè Ontario 安大略省Āndàlüè Prince Eduard Island 爱德华岛Àidéhuádǎo Quebec 魁北克Kuíběkè Saskatchewan 萨克其万, 萨斯喀彻温Sàkèqíwàn,
Sàsīkāchèwēn Yukon 育空YùkōngAppendix 6: Common Chinese NamesWikipedia has a nice page about Chinese names, more complete than this short
list. Take a look here: SurnamesHuáng
唐Sòng宋Wú吴Mǎ马Fāng方Liáng梁Qián钱Zēng曾Hé何Given names
华Guóquán国权Zhènhàn振汉Déxián德贤Given names
巧云Měilì美丽Appendix 7: Chinese ProvincesPinyin
spellingĀnhui安徽AnhweiFújiàn福建 Fukien Gānsù甘肃 Kansu Guǎngdōng广东 Kvangtung Guànzhōu官洲岛 Kvangsi Guǐzhōu贵州 Kveìchou Hébuǐ/Héběi 河北 Hopeh Hēilóngjiāng黑龙江 Heilungkiang
Hénán河南 Honan Húběi湖北 Hupeh Húnán湖南 Hunan Jiāngsū江苏 Kiangsu Jiāngxī江西 Kiangsi Jílín吉林 Kirin Liáoníng辽宁 Liaoning Nèiměnggǔ内蒙古 Inner Mongolia
Níngxià宁夏 Ninghai Qīnghǎi青海 Tsinghai Shāndōng山东 Shantung Shānxī山西 Shansi Shǎnxī陕西 Shensi Sìchuān四川 Szechuan Táiwān台湾 Taiwan Xīnjiāng新疆 Xinjiang Xīzàng西藏 Tibet Yúnnán云南 Yunnan Zhèjiāng浙江 Chekiang Appendix 8: Chinese CitiesPinyin
spellingBěijīng北京 Peking Chángshā长沙 Ch'ang-sha Chéngdū成都 Ch'eng-tu Dàtóng大同 Ta-t'ung Gāoxióng高雄 Kao-hsiung Guǎngzhōu广州 Canton Hángzhōu杭州 Hang-chou Hánkǒu汉口 Han-k'ou Hǎinán海南 Huai-nan Jīlóng基隆 Chi-lung Kāifēng开封 K'ai-feng Nánchāng南昌 Nan-ch'ang Nánjīng南京 Nanking Qīngdǎo青岛 Tsingtao Shànghǎi上海 Shanghai Táiběi台北 Taipei Táidōng台东 T'ai-tung Táinán台南 T'ai-nan Táizhōng台中 T'ai-chung Tiānjīn天津 Tientsin Wúchāng武昌 Wu-ch'ang Wǔhàn武汉 Wu-han Xīān 西安 Sian