1. Aiyōu, zāogāo, women chuàng_.-chē le. Ah, oh no, we’ve had a collision. 2. Nǐ shòushāng le méiyou? Are you injured? 3. Chūle chēhuò le, women děi zhǎo iǐngchá lai chǔlǐ. After a car accident, we should find the police to come and take care of it. 4. Women xiān kànkan chēzi ba, chuàngde lìhai bu lìhai. Let’s look at the cars first, and see if they’re hit badly. 5. Ou, ahěmén chuànahuài le. Oh, the oar door is damaged. 6. Bǎoxiǎngàng w®* le, ohetpu yě biě le. The bumper is bent and the hood is dented. 7. Nide chēzi bǎoxiǎnle meiyou! Is your oar insured! 8. Oiū shi ylhòu, chē méiyou dònaauo ba! After the accident, the 'oar didn't move, did it! 9. tfo qu Gǒngǎnjù dS yige diànhuà qtng tǎmen pài wàishi jingchà lai ytqt ahull. I'm going to call the Bureau of Public Safety and ask them to send the Foreign Affairs Police to come and handle this together with us.