WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:07.800 Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach, Meeting Module, Unit 2, Production Tape 2. 00:08.700 --> 00:12.800 Before starting exercise 1, read the instructions in your workbook. 00:13.300 --> 00:16.100 Exercise 1, 1. 00:17.700 --> 00:19.500 Anyone can read a newspaper. 00:24.600 --> 00:26.300 誰都能砍爆。 00:26.300 --> 00:30.500 2.He likes to read anything. 00:34.300 --> 00:35.800 他什麼都喜歡看。 00:37.100 --> 00:39.700 3.I want to see every place. 00:44.300 --> 00:46.200 我什麼地方都要看。 00:48.000 --> 00:50.400 4.Anywhere will do. 00:50.400 --> 00:52.400 5.Anything will do. 00:56.600 --> 00:57.600 什麼都可以。 00:59.600 --> 01:01.600 6.Anyone can go. 01:05.600 --> 01:06.600 誰都能去。 01:08.600 --> 01:11.600 7.Today no one can come. 01:11.600 --> 01:18.600 誰都能去。7.Today no one can come. 01:23.600 --> 01:26.600 今天誰也不能來。 01:28.600 --> 01:33.600 8.In Taiwan not all of the students study English. 01:33.600 --> 01:36.600 9.Some of the students study Japanese. 01:40.600 --> 01:43.600 10.He doesn't go anyplace. 01:44.600 --> 01:49.600 11.Some students study Japanese. 01:50.600 --> 01:53.600 12.Some students study Japanese. 01:54.600 --> 01:57.600 13.Some students study Japanese. 01:58.600 --> 02:00.600 14.Some students study Japanese. 02:00.600 --> 02:02.600 15.He doesn't go anyplace. 02:06.600 --> 02:07.600 他哪也不去。 02:09.600 --> 02:13.600 11.You can buy a newspaper anywhere in Hong Kong. 02:20.600 --> 02:23.600 在香港,哪兒都可以買報。 02:23.600 --> 02:28.600 12.He wants to visit everywhere. 02:34.600 --> 02:36.600 他什麼地方都要去看看。 02:39.600 --> 02:42.600 13.I haven't been to all those places. 02:42.600 --> 02:47.600 14.He likes to see any movie. 02:48.600 --> 02:51.600 15.I won't give him anything. 02:53.600 --> 02:56.600 14.He likes to see any movie. 03:02.600 --> 03:04.600 他什麼電影都喜歡看。 03:04.600 --> 03:09.600 15.I won't give him anything. 03:15.600 --> 03:17.600 我什麼也不給他。 03:20.600 --> 03:23.600 16.He wants to buy anything. 03:28.600 --> 03:29.600 他什麼都要買。 03:29.600 --> 03:35.600 17.You can come to our house any day. 03:43.600 --> 03:46.600 你哪天都可以來我們家。 03:48.600 --> 03:51.600 18.None of the days will do. 03:55.600 --> 03:56.600 哪天也不行。 03:56.600 --> 03:57.600 哪天也不行。 03:59.600 --> 04:02.600 19.He comes every day. 04:06.600 --> 04:08.600 他每天都來。 04:10.600 --> 04:14.600 20.Mr. Lee says any way you do it is fine. 04:20.600 --> 04:22.600 李先生說你怎麼做都好。 04:22.600 --> 04:27.600 21.Xiaoma won't talk with anyone. 04:33.600 --> 04:35.600 Xiaoma跟誰也不說話。 04:38.600 --> 04:42.600 22.However I do this thing, I can't do it right. 04:42.600 --> 04:47.600 23.He doesn't like any of the vases. 04:53.600 --> 04:56.600 他哪個花瓶都不喜歡。 04:59.600 --> 05:01.600 24.That's all. 05:03.600 --> 05:05.600 他哪個花瓶都不喜歡。 05:05.600 --> 05:10.600 他哪個花瓶都不喜歡。 05:10.600 --> 05:13.600 24.That store sells everything. 05:17.600 --> 05:20.600 哪個商店什麼都賣。 05:23.600 --> 05:25.600 Before starting exercise 2, 05:25.600 --> 05:28.600 read the instructions in your workbook. 05:28.600 --> 05:29.600 Exercise 2. 05:30.600 --> 05:34.600 In this first conversation, take the part of George Duffy 05:34.600 --> 05:37.600 who is assigned to the Canadian Embassy in Peking. 05:38.600 --> 05:40.600 He is talking with a Chinese staff member. 05:41.600 --> 05:46.600 小指達菲,我知道你們好久沒去看電影了。 05:46.600 --> 05:49.600 現在有一個電影,很好。 05:49.600 --> 05:52.600 你要不要我給你們買電影票? 05:53.600 --> 05:54.600 好。 05:55.600 --> 05:58.600 你愛人和孩子也去嗎? 05:58.600 --> 06:03.600 是,我們都去。 06:05.600 --> 06:07.600 你們要哪天去? 06:07.600 --> 06:09.600 星期二還是星期三? 06:13.600 --> 06:15.600 哪天都可以。 06:20.600 --> 06:23.600 你們喜歡坐在前頭還是坐在後頭? 06:23.600 --> 06:24.600 坐在後頭。 06:28.600 --> 06:29.600 哪兒都可以。 06:31.600 --> 06:34.600 In the second conversation, take the part of Ma Mingli 06:34.600 --> 06:38.600 who is talking with his co-worker, Fang Balan. 06:41.600 --> 06:44.600 馬明里,王課長這個星期要開會。 06:46.600 --> 06:47.600 好。 06:47.600 --> 06:52.600 你想你們這兒的幾位同志都能來嗎? 06:55.600 --> 06:56.600 不都能來。 06:59.600 --> 07:02.600 王課長大概下個星期還要開會。 07:03.600 --> 07:05.600 哪天對你們合適? 07:09.600 --> 07:10.600 哪天都可以。 07:10.600 --> 07:15.600 十點還是十一點好? 07:19.600 --> 07:21.600 幾點都好。 07:23.600 --> 07:27.600 The third conversation takes place between the members of a family. 07:29.600 --> 07:35.600 明天十星期天,咱們出去玩玩,到公園去走走。 07:36.600 --> 07:37.600 好啊。 07:37.600 --> 07:38.600 孩子也都去吧? 07:42.600 --> 07:43.600 孩子也都去。 07:47.600 --> 07:49.600 你說到哪個公園去? 07:54.600 --> 07:55.600 哪個都可以。 07:58.600 --> 08:00.600 咱們幾點鐘出門? 08:00.600 --> 08:01.600 幾點都可以。 08:03.600 --> 08:06.600 The fourth conversation takes place between two friends. 08:09.600 --> 08:11.600 你要買的東西,你都買了嗎? 08:15.600 --> 08:16.600 沒都買。 08:18.600 --> 08:20.600 明天,我想到王府警署, 08:21.600 --> 08:23.600 咱們幾點鐘出門? 08:26.600 --> 08:27.600 幾點都可以。 08:27.600 --> 08:31.600 明天,我想到王府警大街去走走。 08:32.600 --> 08:34.600 那些商店,你都去看過了嗎? 08:39.600 --> 08:40.600 沒都去看過。 08:43.600 --> 08:45.600 你要不要和我一起去? 08:48.600 --> 08:49.600 好啊。 08:49.600 --> 08:56.600 什麼時候對你方便? 08:59.600 --> 09:00.600 什麼時候都方便? 09:03.600 --> 09:05.600 從咱們這兒到王府警, 09:06.600 --> 09:08.600 坐一路車還是坐十路車? 09:08.600 --> 09:17.600 坐一路,十路都可以。 09:19.600 --> 09:20.600 In the fifth conversation, 09:21.600 --> 09:23.600 two friends are arranging a get together tonight. 09:24.600 --> 09:25.600 Take the place of one of the friends. 09:27.600 --> 09:30.600 小王,老李,他們都來吧? 09:30.600 --> 09:35.600 他們都來。 09:38.600 --> 09:41.600 咱們準備點心和啤酒就夠了吧? 09:48.600 --> 09:50.600 他們不都喜歡啤酒。 09:52.600 --> 09:55.600 那麼,也準備一點氣水。 09:55.600 --> 10:00.600 你告訴他們什麼時候來? 10:07.600 --> 10:10.600 我告訴他們什麼時候來都可以。 10:13.600 --> 10:15.600 Before beginning exercise three, 10:16.600 --> 10:17.600 read the instructions in your workbook. 10:18.600 --> 10:19.600 Exercise three. 10:19.600 --> 10:24.600 Repeat the word for leave, vacation. 10:25.600 --> 10:26.600 度假。 10:27.600 --> 10:28.600 度假。 10:30.600 --> 10:31.600 Now the conversation. 10:33.600 --> 10:35.600 外,沒大師。 10:36.600 --> 10:39.600 我是加拿大大使館的凱蘭馬丁。 10:40.600 --> 10:43.600 我有一件事,希望跟李司長講一講。 10:44.600 --> 10:46.600 哦,他現在不在。 10:46.600 --> 10:48.600 他出去開會去了。 10:49.600 --> 10:53.600 他回來的時候,請您告訴他給我回電話,好不好? 10:54.600 --> 10:55.600 好。 10:56.600 --> 10:57.600 謝謝您。 10:58.600 --> 10:59.600 不謝。 11:00.600 --> 11:01.600 In the afternoon, 11:02.600 --> 11:04.600 department chief Li returns Mrs. Martin's call. 11:06.600 --> 11:08.600 外,馬丁女士嗎? 11:09.600 --> 11:11.600 是啊,您是李司長吧? 11:12.600 --> 11:13.600 是。 11:13.600 --> 11:16.600 李,上午您打電話來的時候,我不在。 11:17.600 --> 11:19.600 沒關係,我知道您很忙。 11:21.600 --> 11:25.600 我給您打電話的目的,是我們的大使,要回國度假。 11:26.600 --> 11:29.600 他走以前,想來跟您當面談談。 11:30.600 --> 11:31.600 好。 11:32.600 --> 11:34.600 後天上午,對您合適嗎? 11:35.600 --> 11:37.600 後天上午,什麼時候都可以。 11:39.600 --> 11:41.600 那我們就定好,九點鐘來。 11:41.600 --> 11:43.600 好,後天見。 11:44.600 --> 11:45.600 後天見。 11:46.600 --> 11:48.600 Now you do the interpreting. 11:49.600 --> 11:51.600 外,梅大師? 11:55.600 --> 11:58.600 Department of American and Ocean Affairs. 12:00.600 --> 12:02.600 I'm Catherine Martin of the Canadian Embassy. 12:02.600 --> 12:14.600 I have something I wish to discuss with department chief Li. 12:15.600 --> 12:18.600 我是加拿大大使館的凱蘭馬丁。 12:19.600 --> 12:22.600 我有一件事,希望跟李司長講一講。 12:22.600 --> 12:32.600 哦,他現在不在,他出去開會去了。 12:33.600 --> 12:35.600 Oh, he's not here now. He went out to a meeting. 12:37.600 --> 12:40.600 When he comes back, please tell him to call me back, ok? 12:40.600 --> 12:44.600 OK。 12:48.600 --> 12:52.600 他回來的時候,請告訴他給我回電話,好不好? 12:53.600 --> 12:54.600 好。 12:56.600 --> 12:57.600 OK。 12:58.600 --> 12:59.600 Thank you. 13:00.600 --> 13:01.600 謝謝你。 13:02.600 --> 13:03.600 無謝。 13:04.600 --> 13:05.600 You're welcome. 13:05.600 --> 13:08.600 Later that day. 13:10.600 --> 13:13.600 外,馬丁女士嗎? 13:15.600 --> 13:17.600 Hello, Miss Martin? 13:18.600 --> 13:20.600 Yes, is it section chief Li? 13:25.600 --> 13:27.600 是啊,您是李司長吧? 13:27.600 --> 13:34.600 是啊,對不起,上午你打電話來的時候,我不在。 13:39.600 --> 13:42.600 I'm sorry this morning when you called, I wasn't there. 13:44.600 --> 13:46.600 That doesn't matter, I know you're busy. 13:51.600 --> 13:54.600 沒關係,我知道您很忙。 13:54.600 --> 13:59.600 The reason I called is our ambassador is going home on leave. 14:06.600 --> 14:11.600 我給您打電話的目的,是我們的大使要回國度假。 14:13.600 --> 14:17.600 Before he leaves, he would like to come talk with you in person. 14:17.600 --> 14:18.600 好。 14:20.600 --> 14:21.600 Good. 14:22.600 --> 14:25.600 Is the day after tomorrow in the morning suitable for you? 14:30.600 --> 14:32.600 後天上午對您合適嗎? 14:34.600 --> 14:38.600 後天上午什麼時候都要跟您談話? 14:38.600 --> 14:44.600 後天上午對您合適嗎? 14:45.600 --> 14:48.600 後天上午什麼時候都可以。 14:53.600 --> 14:57.600 Anytime the day after tomorrow in the morning is possible. 14:57.600 --> 15:07.600 In that case, we'll settle on coming at nine o'clock. 15:08.600 --> 15:10.600 那我們就定好九點鐘來。 15:12.600 --> 15:13.600 好,後天見。 15:17.600 --> 15:19.600 Good, see you the day after tomorrow. 15:20.600 --> 15:22.600 See you the day after tomorrow. 15:22.600 --> 15:25.600 後天見。