Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Tā shi èrhào láide, sìhào zǒude. 他/她是二号来的,四号走的。 He/she came on the second, left on the fourth. Cue Tā zhùle liǎngtiān. 他/她住了两天。 He/she stayed two days. 2. Tā shi yǐjiǔqīyīnián láide, yījiǔqīsìnián zǒude. 他/她是一九七一年来的,一九七四年走的。 He/she came in 1971, left in 1974. Cue Tā zhùle sānnián. 他/她住了三年。 He/she stayed three years. 3. Tā shi sānyüè láide, wǔyüè zǒude. 他/她是三月来的,五月走的。 He/she came in April , left in May. Cue Tā zhùle liǎngge yüè. 他/她住了两个月。 He/she stayed two months. 4. Tā shi xīngqīèr láide, xīngqīliù zǒude. 他/她是星期二来的,星期六走的。 He/she came on Tuesday , left on Saturday. Cue Tā zhùle sìtiān. 他/她住了四天。 He/she stayed four days. 5. Tā shi jiǔhào láide, shíyīhào zǒude. 他/她是九号来的,十一号走的。 He/she came on the nineth, left on the eleventh. Cue Tā zhùle liǎngtiān. 他/她住了两天。 He/she stayed two days. 6. Tā shi zuótiān láide, jīntiān zǒude. 他/她是昨天来的,今天走的。 He/she came yesterday , left today. Cue Tā zhùle yìtiān. 他/她住了一天。 He/she stayed one day. 7. Tā shi shànge yüè sānshiyíhào láide, zhèige yüè wǔhào zǒude. 他/她是上个月三十一号来的, 这个月五号走的。 He/she came the 31st last month, left on the 5th this month. Cue Tā zhùle wǔtiān. 他/她住了五天。 He/she stayed five days.