1. Tā yǒu jǐge nánháizi, jǐge nǚháizi? 他/她有幾個男孩子,幾個女孩子? How many sons and how many daughters does he/she have? 2, 3 Tā yǒu liǎngge nánháizi, sānge nǚháizi. 他/她有兩個男孩子, 三個女孩子。 He/she has 2 sons and 3 daughters. 2 3 FSI-Chinese 2. Zhōu tóngzhì yǒu jǐge gēge, jǐge dìdi? 周同志有幾個哥哥,幾個弟弟? How many older brothers and how many younger brothers does Comrade Zhōu have ? 1, 2 Zhōu tóngzhì yǒu yíge gēge, liǎngge dìdi. 周同志有一個哥哥,兩個弟弟。 Comrade Zhōu has one older brother and two younger brothers. 2 3 FSI-Chinese 3. Zhāng tóngzhì yǒu jǐge jiějie, jǐge mèimei? 張同志有幾個姐姐,幾個妹妹? How many older sisters and how many younger sisters does Comrade Zhāng have. 3, 1 Zhāng tóngzhì yǒu sānge jiějie, yíge mèimei. 張同志有三個姐姐,一個妹妹。 Comrade Zhāng has 3 older sisters and one younger sister. 2 3 FSI-Chinese 4. Tāmen yǒu jǐge Zhōngguó péngyou, jǐge Rìběn péngyou? 他們有幾個中國朋友,幾個日本朋友? How many Chinese friends and how many Japanese friends do they have? 5, 1 Tāmen yǒu wǔge Zhōngguo péngyou, yíge Rìběn péngyou. 他們有五個中國朋友,一個日本朋友。 They have 5 Chinese friends and one Japanese friend. 2 3 FSI-Chinese 5. Chén tóngzhì yǒu jǐge Yīngguo péngyou, jǐge Déguo péngyou? 陳同志有幾個英國朋友,幾個德國朋友? How many English friends and how many German friends does Comrade Chén have? 3, 2 Chén tóngzhì yǒu sānge Yīngguo péngyou, liǎngge Déguo péngyou. 陳同志有三個英國朋友,兩個德國朋友。 Comrade Chén has 3 English friends and 3 German friends. 2 3 FSI-Chinese 6. Liú tóngzhì yǒu jǐge nánháizi, jǐge nǚháizi? 劉同志有幾個男孩子,幾個女孩子? How many sons and how many daughters does comrade Liú have? 2, 2 Liú tóngzhì yǒu liǎngge nánháizi, liǎngge nǚháizi. 劉同志有兩個男孩子,兩個女孩子。 Comrade Liú has 2 sons and 2 daughters. 2 3 FSI-Chinese 7. Tā yǒu jǐge jiějie, jǐge gēge? 他/她有幾個姐姐,幾個哥哥? How many older sisters and how many older brothers does he/she have? 1, 3 Tā yǒu yíge jiějie, sānge gēge. 他/她有一個姐姐, 三個哥哥。 He/she has one older sister and 3 older brothers. 2 3 FSI-Chinese