1. Tāmen háizi dōu zài zhèli ma? 他们孩子都在这里吗? Are all of their children here? Měiguo 美国 America Bù, yíge zhèli, yíge hái zài Měiguo. 不,一个在这里,一个还在美国。 No, one is here, and one is still in America. 2 3 FSI-Chinese 2. Tā gēge, jiějie dōu zài zhèli ma? 他/她哥哥,姐姐都在这里吗? Are his/her older brother and older sister both here? Jiāzhōu 加州 California Bù, yíge zài zhèli, yíge hái zài Jiāzhōu. 不,一个在这里,一个还在加州。 No, one is here, and one is still in California. 2 3 FSI-Chinese 3. Tā měiguó péngyou dōu zài zhèli ma? 他/她美国朋友都在这里吗? Are his/her American friends all here? Táizhōng 台中 T‘ai-chung Bù, yíge zài zhèli, yíge hái zài Táizhōng. 不,一个在这里 ,一个还在台中。 No, one is here, and one is still in T‘ai-chung. 2 3 FSI-Chinese 4. Tā dìdi , mèimei dōu zài Zhōngguo ma? 他/她弟弟,妹妹都在中国吗? Are his/her younger brother and younger sister both here? Dézhōu 德州 Texas Bù, yíge zài Zhōngguo, yíge hái zài Dézhōu. 不,一个在中国,一个还在德州。 No, one is is in China, one is still in Texas. 2 3 FSI-Chinese 5. Wáng xiānsheng de háizi dōu zài Dézhōu ma? 王先生的孩子都在德州吗? Are Mr. Wáng’s children all here? Jiāzhōu 加州 California Bù, yíge zài Dézhōu, yíge hái zài Jiāzhōu. 不,一个在德州,一个还在加州。 No, one is in Texas, and one is still in California. 2 3 FSI-Chinese 6. Nèi liǎngwèi xiānsheng dōu zài Shànghǎi ma? 那两位先生都在上海吗? Are both those gentlemen in Shànghǎi? Qīngdǎo 青岛 Qīngdǎo Bù, yíge zài Shànghǎi, yíge hái zài Qīngdǎo. 不,一个在上海,一个还在青岛。 No, one is in Shànghǎi, one is in Qīngdǎo. 2 3 FSI-Chinese 7. Tāmen háizi dōu zài Xiānggǎng ma? 他们孩子都在香港吗? Are their children all in Hong Kong? Měiguó 美国 America Bù, yíge zài Xiāngǎng, yíge hái zài Měiguo. 不,一个在香港,一个还在美国。 No, one is in Hong Kong, one is still in America. 2 3 FSI-Chinese