1. A: Nǐ shi zài nǎr shēngde? 你是在哪儿生的? Where were you born? 2 5 [sound:] FSI-Chinese B: Wǒ shi zài Dézhōu shēngde. 我是在得州生的。 I was born in Texas. 2 5 [sound:] FSI-Chinese 2. A: Nǐmen xīngqījǐ zǒu? 你们星期几走? What day of the week are you leaving? 2 5 [sound:] FSI-Chinese B: Wǒmen Xīngqītiān zǒu. 我们星期天走。 We are leaving on Sunday. 2 5 [sound:] FSI-Chinese 3. A: Nǐ shi něinián shēngde? 你是哪年生的? What year were you born? 2 5 [sound:] FSI-Chinese B: Wǒ shi yī jiǔ sān jiǔ nián shēngde. 我是一九三九年生的。 I was born in 1939. 2 5 [sound:] FSI-Chinese 4. A: Nǐ shi jǐyüè jǐhào shēngde? 你是几月几号生的? What is your month and day of birth? 2 5 [sound:] FSI-Chinese B: Wó shi Qíyüe sìhào shēngde. 我是七月四号生的。 I was born on July 4. 2 5 [sound:] FSI-Chinese 5. A: Nǐ duō dà le? 你多大了? How old are you? 2 5 [sound:] FSI-Chinese B: Wǒ sān shi wǔ le. 我三十五了。 I’m 35. 2 5 [sound:] FSI-Chinese 6. A: Nǐmen nánháizi dōu jǐsuì le? 你们男孩子都几岁了? How old are your boys? 2 5 [sound:] FSI-Chinese B: Yíge jiǔsuì le, yíge liùsuì le. 一个九岁了,一个六岁了。 One is nine and one is six. 2 5 [sound:] FSI-Chinese