Near the Guǎngzhōu Export Commodities Trade Fair, Miss Sarah Pearson (A) an AmAri can lawyer, spots Chen Guóqiáng (B), of the China Travel Service. Chen is carrying a shopping bag. - A: Éi, Xiǎo Chen, mǎi dōngxi qu la? - B: Shi a, lái Guangzhou, bù néng kongshōu huíqu, wō gěi wō àiren mǎile yíjiàn chènshān. - A: He! Hǎo gāojíde chènshān! Jià qian yě bú cud. Dāi huǐr wō yě qù mǎi liǎngjiàn. Zhèizhōng chènshān shi Guǎngzhōu shēngchǎnde ma? - B: Bú shi, shi Sǔzhǒu shēngchǎnde. - A: Wǒmen zài Sūzhōude shihou méi Jiànguo! Kànqilai Zhǒngguóde hǎo dōngxi dǒu Jízhǒng dào Guǎngzhōu lai le! - B: Guǎngjiāohuìshangde Jīqi ya, xiāofèipīn la, dōu shi cóng quán-guó yùnláide, zhǎnlǎn yíhòu Jiù zài Guǎngzhōu mài, suóyi zhèr shāngdiànli màide dōngxi you duō you hǎo. - A: Xiǎo Chen, wō xiāng gēn ni dǎ- ting yíxiàr ne, Guǎngzhōu fǔjìnde Jiāgōng gōngyè xiànzài fāzhānde zěnmeyàng le? - B: Jin nián lái, fāzhānde bú màn. Zhǔyào shi zhèixiē gōngchǎng yōu wàiguó gongsI cānjiā, suóyi tamende shēngchǎn hěn yōu tèdiǎn. - A: Wō Jíntiǎn zài bàozhíshang kàn dao yíge xiāoxi, shuō zài Jīge dìfang chénglìle ’’jīngji tèqǔ.’’ - B: Shi. Zài Guǎngdōng, Fújiàn, Shànghǎi, dōu yijìng yōu zhèiyang-de tèqū. Yīhòu dàgài hái huì gèng duō. Hey, Xiǎo Chén, have you been out shopping? Yes. When one comes to Guǎngzhōu, one can’t go back empty-handed. I bought a shirt for my wife. Well! What a classy shirt! The price is also pretty good. Later, I’ll go buy a couple, too. Is this kind of shirt produced in Guǎngzhōu? No, it’s produced in Sǔzhǒu. We didn’t see any when we were in Sǔzhǒu! Apparently, all of China’s good things come together in Guǎngzhōu! The machines and consumer items at the Guǎngzhōu Trade Fair are shipped here from all over the country, and after being exhibited, are sold right here in Guǎngzhōu, so the stores here sell a lot of different items, and of good quality. Xiǎo Chén, I wanted to find out from you how the processing industry in the vicinity of Guǎngzhōu is developing? In recent years, it has been developing rather quickly. The main thing is that there are some foreign companies participating in these factories , so their production is very distinctive. I saw a story in the paper today that said that ’’special economic zones” have been established in several places. Yes. There are already special zones like this in Guǎngdōng, Fújiàn, and Shànghǎi. In the future, there will probably be even more of them. - A: Yōu méiyou tèbiéde f&lù guān zhèixiē dìqūde JīngJi qíngkuàng? - B: Yōu. Wōmen yōu Zhōngwénde, yě yōu Yīngvénde, nī xūyào ma? - A: Xūyào aJ - B: 0, duì le, nī shi lùshī a! Dāngrán xūyào le. Wō m&shàng Jiù qù zhāo. Nī yào Zhōngwénde háishi Yīngvénde? - A: Wō dōu yào. - B: H&o, Luxíngshè, fàndiànli dōu yōu, deng yíxiàr huíqu vō gěi ni ná. Ò! Duì le, kěnéng Jiāoyìhuì-li ye yōu, vō qù gei ni vènven. - A: Hāo ba! Wōmen yìqī qù, yìbiān zōu yìbiān liáoliao. - B: H&o!...NĪ dàgài tīngshuǒ le, xiànzài Jìnchúkōude xiànzhi bī-JiSo shāo le, vōmen yōu he xúduō guōjiá dingle màoyi tiáoyuē, kāi-shī g&o JīngJi hézuò. Suóyi zuì-Jìn zhèixiē niánde Jiāoyìhuì tèbié rènao. - A: Zhèi yidiǎn vō ye zhùyidào le, xiànzài yì zōujìn Jiāoyìhuì dà-tīng, yānjing Jiu bú gōu yōng le, zhēn shi yuè bàn yuè hāo le, vō hái tīngshuǒ xiànzài biéde dìfang ye yōu xilo guīmǒde Jiāoyìhuì le, hěn duo vàiguo dàibiāotuán qù cānjiā, shì ma? - B: Shì. Tèbié shi yōule ZhōngMei hāiyùn tiáoyuē yīhòu, Jīge dà hāi-gāng gèng fánróng le. Zài zhèixiē h&ig&ng, hái yōu Běijīng, xiànzài dōu yōu xi&o guīmǒde Jiāoyìhuì, yōu xuduō vàiguo shāngren zài nar zuò mXimai. - A: Duì, duì, duì. Wo tīngshuǒ le. Suoyi vō xiāng yīhòu yánh&i yídài huì yōu hěn dàde fāzhǎn. Are there special lavs governing the situations in these special economic zones? Yes. We have the Chinese and the English (versions). Do you need it? Yes! Oh, right: you’re a lavyer! Of course you need it. I’ll go get it right avay. Do you vant the Chinese or the English? Both. Okay. The Travel Service and the hotel both have it. Later, vhen ve go back, I’ll get it for you. Oh, right—maybe they also have it at the trade fair. I’ll go ask them for you. All right! Let’s go together, and chat on the vay. Okay!...You’ve probably heard that nov there are fever restrictions on imports and exports, and ve have also concluded trade treaties vith many countries, and are starting to engage in economic cooperation. So the trade fair has been particularly lively the past fev years. I’ve noticed that myself. Nov, as soon as you valk into the hall of the trade fair, your eyes can’t take everything in. It’s really getting better and better. And I hear that nov there are small-scale trade fairs in other places, vhich a lot of foreign delegations attend. Is that so? Yes. Especially since the Sino-American sea transportation treaty, the larger ports have become even more prosperous. In these ports and in Běijīng, there are nov small-scale trade fairs vhere many foreign merchants do business. Oh, yes. I’ve heard that. So I think the coastal region vill develop greatly in the future. - B: Wō ye zènme xiǎng. - A: Wō hái yōu yíge wèntí, zài jīngji tèqūli gōngzuòde gōngren, gōng-zī shi bu shi gāo yidiānr ne? - B: Wō xiǎng gāo yidiānr. - A: Nà bú shi hui chūxiàn yíge xǐnde JiēJi ma? - B: Mei nàme yánzhòng! - A: Wèishenme? - B: Yìbānde lái shuō, yōu wàiguo gōngsī cānjiāde gōngchāng, suīrán gōngzī gāo yidiSnr, kěshi gōngzuò xiàolū yě bījiāo gāo a. "Duō láo duō de" shi shèhuizhūyìde jíngji zhèngcè ma! - A: "Duō láo duō de"! Zhèige zhèng cè bú cuò. - B: Ò, duì le, nī bie wàngle, Jīn-tiān wānshang wōmen zài fàndiànli yōu yíge wānhuì. - A: Wānhuì? Duìbuqī, wō bú Jìde le. - B: Zuótiān gěi nl sòngqude qīng- tiě. Nī wàng le? - A: Ò, duì le, shi huānsònghuì! - B: Shi, shi Zhōngguō Luxíngshe bànde. Shi huǎnsòng, yě shi huān-yíng. - A: Huānyíng? - B: Huānyíng nīmen zài lái ya! - A: Dāngrán, wōmen yídìng hui zài lái. - B: Nī qiānwàn bié wàngle. Wānshang qīdiān ban! A: Hāo, wō yídìng lái! I think so, too. I have another question: Do the. workers in special economic zones have higher wages? I believe so. Then might not a new class arise? It's not that serious! Why? Generally speaking, in factories that have the participation of foreign companies, although the wages are higher, the efficiency is also higher. "More pay for more work" is the economic policy of socialism, you see! "More pay for more work"!’ That’s a good policy. Oh, right—don't forget that we have a party in the restaurant tonight. Party? Excuse me, but I don't remember. The invitation was sent over to you yesterday. Have you forgotten? Oh, yes: it's a farewell party! Yes. It's being given by the China Travel Service. It's to send you off, but also to welcome you. Welcome? To welcome you to come again! Of course. We'll be sure to come again. You mustn't forget. Seven-thirty in the evening! ^(r)kay, I’ll be sure to come!