chūkǒu 出口 to export 8 8 FSI Chinese chūxiàn 出现 to appear 8 8 FSI Chinese dàibiǎotuán 代表团 delegation, mission 8 8 FSI Chinese dāi huǐr 待会儿 in a while, later 8 8 FSI Chinese dàtīng 大厅 (large) hall 8 8 FSI Chinese dìng 定 to draw up (a plan); to agree on; to conclude (a treaty) 8 8 FSI Chinese duō láo duō dé 多劳多得 more pay for more work 8 8 FSI Chinese fánróng 繁荣 to be flourishing, to be prosperous , to be booming 8 8 FSI Chinese Fújiàn 福建 a province in south China 8 8 FSI Chinese gōngzī 工资 wages 8 8 FSI Chinese Guǎngjiāohuì 广交会 Guàngzhōu (Canton) Trade Fair 8 8 FSI Chinese guīmó 规模 scale, scope, dimensions 8 8 FSI Chinese hǎigǎng 海港 harbor, seaport 8 8 FSI Chinese hézuò 合作 to cooperate; cooperation 8 8 FSI Chinese huānsòng 欢送 to see off, to send off 8 8 FSI Chinese huānsònghuì 欢送会 farewell/sendoff meeting or party 8 8 FSI Chinese -jí -级 level, rank, grade, stage, degree 8 8 FSI Chinese jiāgōng 加工 to process, to finish (a product) 8 8 FSI Chinese jiāoyìhuì 交易会 trade fair 8 8 FSI Chinese jiàqian 价钱 price 8 8 FSI Chinese jiēji 阶级 (social) class 8 8 FSI Chinese jìnchūkǒu 进出口 import-export 8 8 FSI Chinese jīngji tèqū 经济特区 special economic zone (SEZ) 8 8 FSI Chinese jìnkǒu 进口 to import 8 8 FSI Chinese jízhōng 集中 to concentrate, to centralize 8 8 FSI Chinese kōngshǒu 空手 empty handed 8 8 FSI Chinese lǜshī 律师 lawyer, attorney 8 8 FSI Chinese màoyi 贸易 trade 8 8 FSI Chinese qiānwàn 千万 without fail, be sure to 8 8 FSI Chinese shāngren 商人 businessman/businesswoman; merchant 8 8 FSI Chinese shèbèi 设备 equipment,.facilities, installation 8 8 FSI Chinese tiáoyuē 条约 treaty 8 8 FSI Chinese wǎnhuì 晚会 evening party; evening of entertainment 8 8 FSI Chinese xiānzhi 限制 to restrict, to limit; restriction, limitation 8 8 FSI Chinese xiāofèipǐn 消费品 consumer goods 8 8 FSI Chinese xiàolǜ 效率 efficiency 8 8 FSI Chinese xiāoxi 消息 news 8 8 FSI Chinese yánzhòng 严重 to be serious, to be grave 8 8 FSI Chinese yī...jiù... 一。。。就。。。 as soon as 8 8 FSI Chinese yùn 运 to transport, to ship 8 8 FSI Chinese