Taipei: A conversation between an American man and a desk clerk in a hotel in Taiwan. M: Jīntian wǒmen yào zǒu le. Qīng ni gěi wǒmen suàn zhàng. We’re leaving today. Please figure up our bill for us. F: Hǎo. Nǐde fángjiān shi duōshao hào? All right. What number is your room? M: 214 hào. No. 214. F: Hǎo. Wǒ kànkan. En, nǐmen shi shàngge Xīngqīèr láide, dào jīntian yígòng zhù le wǔ tiān. Fine. I’ll take a look. Mm, you came last Tuesday; up until today you(’ve) stayed five days in all. F: Nímen shi bu shi shíèrdiǎn zhōng yǐqián líkai? Ān wǒmende guījū guòle shíèrdiǎn zhōng fángqián yào duō suàn yìtiān. Are you leaving before 12 o’clock? According to our regulations after 12 o'clock I'll have to charge one more day to your bill. M: Wǒmende fēijī shi liǎngdiǎn zhōng. Xiànzài wǒmen yào chūqu mǎi yìdiǎn dōngxi. Nǐ kéyi tì wǒmen zhǎo yíge dìfang fàng xíngli ma? Our plane is at 2 o'clock. Right now we want to go out to buy some things. Can you find a place for us to put our luggage? M: Wǒ yīdiǎn zhōng yǐqián yídìng lái qǔ. I’ll definitely come pick it up before 1 o'clock. F: Méi wèntí. Nǐ jiù fàngzài zhèli ba. No problem. Just put it here. M: Xièxie ni. Xièxie ni. Thank you. Thank you.