Taipei: Mr. White, an American, is talking to a Chinese friend. M: Wǒ yǒu yíjiàn zhòngyàode shì yào wàng Měiguo dǎ yìfēng diànbào. Dào náli qù dǎ? I have something important, I want to send by telegram to America. Where do I go to send it? F: Dào Diànxìnjú qù dǎ. You go to the Telegraph Office to send it. M: Zài náli? Where is it? F: Zài Buóài Lù. Gēn Táiběi Yōuzhèngjú zài yìqǐ. It's on Buóài Lù. Together with the Taipei Post Office. M: Hǎo. Xièxie ni. Wǒ xiànzài jiù qù dǎ. Okay. Thank you. I'll go right now to send it. (Now he speaks to the clerk at the Telegraph Office.) M: Qǐngwèn, wǒ yào wàng Měiguo dǎ yìfēng Yīngwénde diànbào zěnme dǎ? May I ask, I want to send an English telegram to the U.S. How do I send it? F: Nǐ bǎ dìzhī gēn yào shuōde dōu xiě zài zhèzhāng zhǐshang. Write the address and what you want to say on this paper. M: Yíge zì duōshao qián? How much is it per word? F: Yíge zì Táibì èrshíèrkuài wǔmáo qián. Zuìshǎo èrshige zì. One word is 22.50 Taibi. The minimum is twenty words. M: Hǎo. Okay. (He writes down what he wants to say and hands it to the clerk.) M: Yígòng èrshiyíge zì. Altogether it's twenty-one words. F: Yígōng èrbǎisìshiqīkuài wǔnáo qián. Altogether it's 247.5O M: Hǎo. Fine.