Peking: An American staying at the Peking Hotel asks the service attendant on her F1oor for some information. F: Wǒ xiǎng dǎ yìfēng diànbào. Zài fàndiànli kéyi bu keyi dǎ? Hàishi wǒ děi dào Diànbào Dàlóu qù dǎ? I’d like to send a telegram. Can I send it in the hotel? Or do I have to go to the Telegraph Building to send it? M: Búbì dào Diànbào dàlóu qù dǎ. Nǐ kéyi dào fàndiànlǐde yóujú qù dà. You don’t have to go to the Telegraph Building to send it. You can go to the post office in the hotel to send it. F: Hǎo. Xièxie ni. Nǐ zhīdao duōshao qián yíge zì ma? Good. Thank you. Do you know how much it is a word? M: Wǒ yě bù zhīdaò. Nǐ wèn tāmen ba. I don’t know. You ask them.