Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach, Car Module Unit 1. On this tape, you'll learn some questions and phrases that apply to the operation and maintenance of a car. Part 1 begins at the service station. Oil, Gasoline, Fuel. 油. There's not enough gas. Please add some. 油不夠了,請你加點油. Liter. 工商. Add 50 liters. 加50工商吧. Gasoline. 汽油. Ticket or Coupon. 票. Here are three 20 liter gasoline coupons. 這是三張二十工商的汽油票. Tire. 輪胎. Air. 氣. To be enough. To be sufficient. 足. The verb to hit. Used here to mean add some air. 打. The air in the tires isn't enough. Please put some air in, alright? 輪胎的氣不足了,請你打一下氣. 好不好? Glass. 玻璃. To be dirty. 髒. To wipe. 擦. The glass on the car is a little dirty. 汽車的玻璃有點髒. I think I'll wipe it a bit. Do you have some water? 我想擦一擦,你們有水嗎? There are some words and phrases you need to learn to understand. Air pump. 打氣桶. The air pump is there. 打氣桶在那邊. You drive your car over and I'll give you some air. 你把車開過去,我來給你打. High grade. 高級. Regular. 普通. What kind of gas do you want to add? High grade gas or regular? 你要加什麼油?高級汽油還是普通汽油? To be full. 滿. No need to fill it up. 40 liters will be enough. 不必加滿,40公升就夠了. Oil. 汽油. Do you want me to see if there's enough oil? 要不要看看,汽油夠不夠? Here's a review of the vocabulary you've learned to produce so far. Oil, gasoline, fuel. 油. Liter. 工商. Gasoline. 汽油. Ticket, coupon. 票. Tire. 輪胎. Air. 氣. To be enough, to be sufficient. 不. The verb to hit used here to mean add air. 打. glass. 玻璃. To be dirty. 脏. To wipe. 擦. Now here's a review of the sentences you've learned. It's not enough gas, please add some. 油不夠了,請你加點油. Add 50 liters. 加50公升吧. 50-20 liter gasoline, coupon. 這是三張20公升的汽油票. The air and the tires isn't enough. Please put some air in, alright? 輪胎的氣不足了,請你打一下氣,好不好? The glass on the car is a little dirty. 汽車的玻璃有點髒. I think I'll wipe it a bit. Do you have some water? 我想擦一擦,你們有水嗎? Here's a conversation reviewing what you just learned. It takes place at a gasoline stand in Peking. 油不夠了,請你加點油. 你要加多少? 加50公升吧. 好. 這是三張20公升的汽油票. 我給你寫下來了,60公升的油票,用了50公升,還有10公升. 輪胎的氣不足了,請你打一下氣,好不好? 好,打氣桶在那邊,你把車開過去,我來給你打. 謝謝你,汽車的玻璃有點髒,我想擦一擦,你們有水嗎? 那兒有水,請你自己來吧. Now here's another conversation reviewing what you've just learned. It takes place in Taipei. 請你給我加點油. 你要加什麼油?高級汽油還是普通汽油? 普通的,不必加滿,40公升就夠了. 要不要看看機油夠不夠? 對,機油也不夠了,請你加點吧. 機油加好了. 哦,車子的玻璃太髒了,請你幫我擦一擦,好不好? 好,我來給你擦. 謝謝你,多少錢? 汽油500塊錢,機油90塊,一共590塊錢. 這是600塊錢,不用找了. 多謝,多謝,再見. Part two talks about having a car repaired. Trouble, flaw, defect. 毛病. There's something wrong with my car. 我的車有點毛病了. Often. 常常. To stall. 熄火. It often stalls, truly troublesome. 常常熄火,真麻煩. The brakes. 煞車. To be sharp, to be keen. 靈. The brakes are not too good. 煞車不太靈. Light, lamp. 燈. To light up. 亮. In front, one of the lights doesn't light up anymore. 圓頭,有一個燈不亮了. To have a maintenance checkup. 保養. My car has already been driven 3000 miles. I have to have a maintenance checkup. 煞車已經開了3000公里了. 得保養啊. Now here are some words and phrases you need to learn to understand. Mechanic. 技術工人. To inspect, to examine, to check. 檢查. I'll ask our comrade mechanic to check it well for you. 我請我們技術工人同志好好地給你檢查. To fix, to repair. 修理. If there's something wrong with your car, we'll fix it for you. 如果你的車有毛病,我們給你修理. To be simple. 簡單. Parts. 零件. To order. 定. Simple parts we have. If we don't have them, we can order them. 簡單的零件,我們有. 如果我們沒有,可以定. Here's a review of the vocabulary you've learned to say so far. Trouble, flaw, defect. 毛病. Often. 常常. To stall. 熄火. Drakes. 煞車. To be sharp. To be keen. 零. Light or lamp. 燈. To light up. 亮. To have a maintenance checkup. 保養. Here's a review of the sentences you've learned. There's something wrong with my car. 我的車有點毛病了. It often stalls, truly troublesome. 常常熄火,真麻煩. The brakes are not too good. 煞車不太靈. And one of the lights doesn't light up anymore. 前頭有一個燈不亮了. My car has already been driven 3000 miles. I have to have a maintenance checkup. 我的汽車已經開了3000公里了. 得保養了. Now here's a conversation reviewing what you've just learned. It takes place at a service garage in Peking. 我的車有點毛病了. 請你們檢查檢查. 有什麼毛病? 常常熄火,真麻煩. 常常熄火? 還有煞車不太靈. 前頭有一個燈不亮了. 你的車開了多少公里了? 我看看. 已經開了25100多公里了. 好,我請我們技術工人同志好好地給你檢查. 有毛病的地方,給你修好. 如果需要換零件,你們有吧? 看是什麼零件,有的我們有,有的可以想辦法. 檢查了以後再說吧. 我的車什麼時候可以修好? 如果沒有大毛病,大概兩天就修好了. Now here's another conversation. It takes place in Taipei. 我的汽車已經開了3000公里了. 得保養了. 有沒有什麼問題? 煞車有點不太靈. 還有別的問題嗎? 有時候還會熄火. 右邊後面的燈也不亮了. 好,我們先給你檢查. 如果有毛病,給你修理. 如果沒有毛病,我們給你保養保養. 零件你們有沒有? 簡單的零件,我們有. 如果我們沒有,可以定. 好,就請你們檢查吧. 我們這裡的技術工人很好. 我們要他們好好地給你檢查保養. In part three, a flat tire must be fixed to explode. 爆. A tire is blown out. 有一個輪胎爆了. Spare tire. 背胎. Tools. 工具. There's both a spare tire and tools. 背胎,工具,都有. Too bad, oh no, what a mess. 糟糕. Engine. 引進. Want start up. 發動不起來. Oh no, the engine won't start. 糟糕,引進發動不起來了. To push. We'll have to push it over to the side of the road. 我們得把車推到路邊上去. Now here are some words and phrases you need to learn to understand. Tow truck. 拖車. 拖. Garage. 修理行. Have a tow truck come and tow it to the garage. 叫一輛拖車來,把車子拖到修理行去. Now here's a review of the vocabulary you've learned to say so far. To explode. 爆. Spare tire. 背胎. Tools. 工具. Too bad. Oh no, what a mess. 糟糕. Engine. 引進. Want start up. 發動不起來. To push. 推. Now here's a review of the sentences you've learned so far. Spare tire is blown out. 有一個輪胎爆了. There's both a spare tire and tools. 背胎,工具都有. Oh no, the engine won't start up. 引進發動不起來了. We'll have to push it over to the side of the road. 我們得把車推到路邊上去. Now here's a conversation reviewing what you've just learned. It takes place in Peking. 怎麼了?汽車不走了? 有一個輪胎爆了. 輪胎爆了. 車上有沒有背胎跟工具? 背胎,工具都有. 那好,你把車開到路邊去. 我們來換輪胎. 糟糕,引進發動不起來了. 引進也有問題了. 車停在大陸上不行. 我們得把車推到路邊上去. 推到路邊以後, 我們去找找這附近有沒有電話, 打電話到辦公室去, 要他們開車來把我們的車拖回去. 好,就這麼辦. 我們先來推車吧. Now here's another conversation reviewing what you've just learned. It takes place in Taipei. 不好了,有一個輪胎爆了. 輪胎爆了,那怎麼辦? 叫一輛拖車來,把車子拖到修理行去. 不必,我們車上有工具,也有背胎. 你自己會換嗎? 我自己可以換. 你還是先看看,引進能不能發動. 看,引進發動起來了,沒問題. 那好,你把車子開到路邊上去,換車胎. 好,我來慢慢的把車開到路邊上去. 停在這裡行了,我們下去換車胎吧.