1. 	Tāmen yǒu Zhōngcān háishi Xīcān?	他们有中餐还是西餐?	Do they have Chinese food or Western food?	yě	也	also	Tāmen yǒu Zhōngcǎn, yě you Xīcān.	他们有中餐也有西餐	They have Chinese food and they also have Western food.	5	6	FSI-Chinese
2. 	Tāmen yào zhèige háishi nèige?	他们要这个还是那个?	Do they want this or that?	dōu	都		Zhèige, nèige, tāmen dōu yào.	这个,那个,他们都要。	They want both this and that.	5	6	FSI-Chinese
3. 	Nǐmen mǎi zhuōzi háishi yǐzi?	你们买桌子还是椅子?	Do buy a table or a chair?	yě	也	also	Wǒmen mǎi zhuōzi, yě mǎi yǐzi.	你们买桌子也买椅子	We buy a table and a chair.	5	6	FSI-Chinese
4. 	Nǐmen mǎi pánzi háishi wǎn?	你们买盘子还是碗?	Do you buy plates or bowls?	dōu	都	all	Pánzi, wǎn, wǒmen dōu mǎi.	盘子,碗,我们都买。	Plates, bowls, we buy both.	5	6	FSI-Chinese
5. 	Tāmen mài zhèige hóngde háishi nèige lánde?	他们卖这个红的还是那个蓝的?	Do they sell this red one or that blue one?	dōu	都	all	Hóngde, lánde, tāmen dōu mài.	红的,蓝的,他们都卖。	The red one, the blue one, they sell both.	5	6	FSI-Chinese
6. 	Tāmen kàn zhèixiē zázhì háishi nèixiē bào?	他们看这些杂志还是那些报?	Do they read these magazines or those newspapers?	yě	也	also	Tāmen kàn zhèixiē zázhì, yě kàn nèixiē bào.	他们看这些杂志,也看那些报	They read these magazines, they read those newspapers too.	5	6	FSI-Chinese
7. 	Nǐ niàn jīngjixué háishi zhèngzhixué?	你念经济学还是政治学。	Do you study economics or political science.	yě	也	also	Wǒ niàn jīngjixué, yě niàn zhèngzhixué.	我念经济学,也念政治学。	I study economics and I studied political science.	5	6	FSI-Chinese