1.	你們這裏可以換美金嗎?	Nǐmen zhèli kéyi huàn Měijīn ma?	Can U.S. currency be changed here?	3	6	FSI-Chinese
	對不起,不可以。您得在臺灣銀行換。	Duìbuqǐ, bù kéyi. Nín děi zài Táiwān Yínháng huàn.	I'm sorry, that's not possible. You must change it at the Bank od Taiwan.	3	6	FSI-Chinese
2.	銀行幾點中開門,幾點中關嗎?	Yínháng jǐdiǎn zhōng kāi mén, jǐdiǎn zhōng guān mén?	What time does the bank open, and what time does it close?	3	6	FSI-Chinese
	九點中開門,三點半關門。	Jiǔdiǎn zhōng kāi mén, sāndiǎn bàn guān mén.	It opens at nine o'clock and close at three-thirty.	3	6	FSI-Chinese
3.	我要換一點臺幣。	Wǒ yào huàn yìdiǎn Táibì.	I want to change some money into Taiwan currency.	3	6	FSI-Chinese
	好。一塊美金換三十八塊臺幣。	Hǎo. Yíkuài Měijīn huàn sānshibākuài Táibì.	Certainly. One U.S. dollar is thrity-eight dollars in Taiwan currency.	3	6	FSI-Chinese
4.	請你等一等。我就來。	Qǐng nǐ děngyiděng. Wǒ jiù lái.	Pease wait a moment. I'll be right back.	3	6	FSI-Chinese
5.	請給我點小票子,行不行?	Qǐng gěi wǒ diǎn xiǎo piàzi, xíng bu xíng?	Please give me some small bills. Would that be all right?	3	6	FSI-Chinese
6.	沒什麼。	Méi shenme.	It's nothing.	3	6	FSI-Chinese
7.	早晨	zǎochen (zǎochén)	early morning	3	6	FSI-Chinese
8.	早上	zǎoshang (zǎoshàng)	morning	3	6	FSI-Chinese
9.	上午	shàngwǔ (shàngwu)	forenoon, morning	3	6	FSI-Chinese
10.	中午	zhōngwǔ (zhōngwu)	noon	3	6	FSI-Chinese
11.	下午	xiàwǔ (xiàwu)	afternoon	3	6	FSI-Chinese
12.	晚上	wǎnshang (wǎnshàng)	evening	3	6	FSI-Chinese
13.	夜裏	yèli	night	3	6	FSI-Chinese
14.	半夜	bànyè	midnight	3	6	FSI-Chinese
15.	見	jiàn	to meet	3	6	FSI-Chinese
16.	馬馬虎虎	mámahūhū	so-so, fair	3	6	FSI-Chinese