Taipei: A: Wǒde qiche yǐjíng kāile sānqiān gōngli le; děi bǎoyǎng le. My car has already been driven 3000 miles, I have to have a maintenance check up. B: You méiyou shénme wèntí? Are there any problems? A: Shāchē you diǎn bu tài ling. The brakes aren’t too good. B: Hái you biéde wèntí ma? Are there other problems? A: You sfcíhou hái huì xǐhuo, yòubian hòumiande dēng yě bu liàng le. Sometimes it stalls, the right rear light doesn't light anymore either. B: Hǎo. Women xiān gěi ni jiǎnchá, Rúguo you máobing, gěi ni xiūli. Rúguo méiyou máobing, women gěi ni bǎoyǎng, bǎoyǎng. Okay, first we'll check it for you. If there's something ; wrong, we'll fix it for you. If nothing is wrong, we'll tune it up for you. A: Língjiàn, nímen you méiyou? Do you have spare pares? B: Jiǎndānde língjiàn women you. Ruguo women méiyou, kéyi ding. Simple, spare part s we have .If we don't have them, we can order them. A: Hǎo. Jiù qǐng nǐmen Jiǎnchá ba. Good. Then I'll ask you to check it. B: Women zhèlide jìshù gōngren hěn hǎo. Women yào tǎmen hǎohǎode gěi ni Jiǎnchá, bǎoyǎng. Our mechanics here are very good. We'll have them give you a good check-up and tune-up.