M: Shǐmǐsī Nǚshì, xiànzài yǐjing qīdiǎn zhōng le. Nín è le ba. Wǒmen zhèr yǒu canting. Miss Smith, it’s already seven o’clock. I expect that you’re hungry. We have a dining room in this hotel. F: Cāntīng zài jǐlóu? What floor is the dining room on? M: Zài yīlóu. Yǒu Zhōngcān, yǒu Xīcān. On the first floor. It has Chinese food and Western food. F: Wǎnfàn shi cóng jǐdiǎn dào jǐdiǎn? What time is dinner? (Dinner is from what time to what time?) M: Wǎnfàn shi cóng xiàwu liùdiǎn dào bādiǎn bàn. Zǎodiǎn shi cóng qīdiǎn dào bādiǎn bàn. Zhōngfàn shi cóng shíèrdiǎn dào xiàwu liǎngdiǎn. Dinner is from six in the afternoon to eight-thirty. Breakfast is from seven to eight-thirty. Lunch is from twelve to two in the afternoon. F: Hǎo. Wǒ zhīdao le. Xièxie ni. Fine. Now I see. Thank you. M: Diànlíng zài zhèr. Yàoshi nín yǒu shi kéyi àn diànlíng jiào wǒ. Wǒ jiù zài lóucéng fúwùtǎi. The buzzer is here. If you have something to ask me about you can push the buzzer to call me. I’m right at the service desk for the floor. F: Hǎo. Xièxie ni. Fine. Thank you.