Standard Chinese, A Modular Approach, Society Module Unit 5, Tape 1. On this tape, you'll learn some words and phrases used in talking about the position of a family in society. Listen to the first exchange. What has your income been like the past couple of years? 这两年,你们的收入怎么样? The past couple of years, agricultural production conditions have been pretty good, and income is alright too. 这两年,农业生产情况不错,收入也还好. Repeat income earnings. 收入,收入. Repeat, what has your income been like the past couple of years? 这两年,你们的收入怎么样? 这两年,你们的收入怎么样? Repeat agriculture. 农业,农业. Repeat production. 生产,生产. Repeat, agricultural production conditions have been pretty good, and income is alright too. 这两年,农业生产情况不错,收入也还好. 这两年,农业生产情况不错,收入也还好. Listen to the question, what has your income been like the past couple of years, and answer it yourself. Say, the past couple of years, agricultural production conditions have been pretty good, and income is alright too. 这两年,你们的收入怎么样? 这两年,农业生产情况不错,收入也还好. Now listen to the next exchange. I didn't understand the way he said it, did you understand it? 他的说法,我没听懂,你听明白了吗? No, I didn't understand either, moreover this topic is too hard. 没有,我也没听明白,而且这个题目也太难了. Repeat, way of saying a thing or explanation opinion. 说法,说法. Repeat to understand. 明白,明白. Repeat to listen and understand. 听明白,听明白. Repeat, I didn't understand the way he said it, did you understand it? 他的说法,我没听懂,你听明白了吗? 他的说法,我没听懂,你听明白了吗? Repeat, topic, subject. 题目,题目. Repeat, no, I didn't understand either, moreover this topic is too hard. 没有,我也没听明白,而且这个题目也太难了. 没有,我也没听明白,而且这个题目也太难了. Now listen to the sentence, I didn't understand the way he said it, did you understand it? Answer, No, I didn't understand it either, moreover this topic is too hard. 他的说法,我没听懂,你听明白了吗? 没有,我也没听明白,而且这个题目也太难了。 Now listen to the next exchange. Whether you study romanization or not, you'll always have to study Chinese characters. 学评音也好,不学评音也好,中国字总得学。 Yes, this is the only way Chinese culture can continue to be preserved. 是,这样中国文化才能保持下去。 Repeat, spelling romanization,评音,评音。 Repeat, whether you study or not,学也好,不学也好,学也好,不学也好。 Repeat, whether you study romanization or not, you'll always have to study Chinese characters. 学评音也好,不学评音也好,中国字总得学。 学评音也好,不学评音也好,中国字总得学。 Now repeat, to keep to preserve. 保持,保持。 Repeat, to continue to preserve. 保持下去,保持下去。 Repeat, yes, this is the only way Chinese culture can continue to be preserved. 是,这样中国文化才能保持下去。 是,这样中国文化才能保持下去。 Now listen to the sentence, whether you study romanization or not, you'll always have to study Chinese characters, and reply, Yes, this is the only way Chinese culture can continue to be preserved. 学评音也好,不学评音也好,中国字总得学。 是,这样中国文化才能保持下去。 Now here's a review of the vocabulary from the first part of the reference list. Test yourself, income earnings,收入, agriculture,农业, production,生产。 Wave saying something, explanation opinion,说法, to understand,明白。 To listen and understand,听明白。 Topic subject,题目, romanization spelling,拼音。 Whether you study or not,学也好,不学也好。 To keep to preserve,保持。 To continue to preserve,保持下去。 Here's the next exchange from the reference list. Listen, if a family has more manpower, then it follows that life will be a little better. 家里劳动力多,生活也就会好一点。 But now it's not necessarily an advantage to have a lot of people. 可是现在人口多,不一定有什么好处。 Repeat labor force, manpower,劳动力。 Repeat accordingly,也就。 Repeat, if a family has more manpower, then it follows that life will be a little better. 家里劳动力多,生活也就会好一点。 家里劳动力多,生活也就会好一点。 Repeat, benefit, advantage。 好处,好处。 Repeat, but now it's not necessarily an advantage to have a lot of people. 可是现在人口多,不一定有什么好处。 可是现在人口多,不一定有什么好处。 Now listen to the sentence, if a family has more manpower, then it follows that life will be a little better. And answer it yourself, say, but now it's not necessarily an advantage to have a lot of people. 家里劳动力多,生活也就会好一点。 可是现在人口多,不一定有什么好处。 Now listen to the next exchange. Is that person writing over there her husband? 在那写字的那个人,是不是她丈夫? That's him alright,正是她。 Repeat husband,丈夫,丈夫。 Repeat, is that person writing over there her husband? 在那写字的那个人,是不是她丈夫? 在那写字的那个人,是不是她丈夫? Repeat, just precisely right,正是。 Repeat, that's him alright,正是她。 Listen to the question, is that person writing over there her husband? And answer it yourself, say, that's him alright. 在那写字的那个人,是不是她丈夫? 正是她。 Now listen to the next exchange. What benefit is there in having a flourishing industry in commerce? It's so dirty everywhere. 工商业发达有什么好处? 哪里都那么脏? I don't agree with that. There are a lot of benefits to having a flourishing industry in commerce. 这一点我不同意。 工商业发达有不少好处。 Repeat industry in commerce. 工商业,工商业。 Repeat to be flourishing. 发达,发达。 Repeat to be dirty. 脏,脏。 Repeat, what benefit is there in having a flourishing industry in commerce? It's so dirty everywhere. 工商业发达有什么好处? 哪里都那么脏? 工商业发达有什么好处? 哪里都那么脏? Repeat to agree. 同意。 同意。 Repeat, I don't agree with that. There are a lot of benefits to having a flourishing industry in commerce. 这一点我不同意。 工商业发达有不少好处。 这一点我不同意。 工商业发达有不少好处。 Now listen to the question. What benefit is there in having a flourishing industry in commerce? It's so dirty everywhere. Answer. I don't agree with that. There are a lot of benefits to having a flourishing industry in commerce. 工商业发达有什么好处? 哪里都那么脏? 这一点我不同意。 工商业发达有不少好处。 Now here's a review of the vocabulary from this part of the reference list. Test yourself. Labor force, manpower. 劳动力。 Accordingly. 也就。 Benefit advantage. 好处。 Husband. 丈夫. Just precisely. 正式. Industry in commerce. 工商业. To agree. 同意. To be dirty. 脏. Why did she get married early? 她为什么早婚呢? Last year her father died and there was no one to take care of her. All she could do was get married. 去年她父亲死了。 没人照顾她,只好结婚了。 Pete early married to marry at an early age. 早婚. 早婚. Repeat. Why did she get married early? 她为什么早婚? 她为什么早婚? Repeat to die. 死. Repeat to take care of. 照顾. Repeat had to, could only. 只好. 只好. Repeat. Last year her father died and there was no one to take care of her. All she could do was get married. 去年她父亲死了。 没人照顾她,只好结婚了。 去年她父亲死了,没人照顾她,只好结婚了。 Now answer the question. Why did she get married early yourself? Answer. Last year her father died and there was no one to take care of her. All she could do was get married. 她为什么早婚呢? 去年她父亲死了,没人照顾她,只好结婚了。 Now listen to the next exchange. Most people like freedom. 多数人都喜欢自由,but not many people can obtain freedom. 可是不是很多人能得到自由。 Repeat the majority of most. 多数,多数. Repeat most people like freedom. 多数人都喜欢自由,多数人都喜欢自由. Repeat to get obtained. 得到,得到. Repeat,but not many people can obtain freedom. 可是不是很多人能得到自由。 可是不是很多人能得到自由。 Listen to the statement. Most people like freedom and answer it yourself. Say,but not many people can obtain freedom. 多数人都喜欢自由。 可是不是很多人能得到自由。 Listen to the next sentence. All three generations of their family live together so that they can take care of each other. 为了能互相照顾,他们一家三代住在一起。 Repeat in order to. 为了,为了。 Repeat the counter for generations of a family. 待,待。 Repeat three generations of the family. 一家三代,一家三代。 Repeat all three generations of their family live together so that they can take care of each other. 为了能互相照顾,他们一家三代住在一起。 为了能互相照顾,他们一家三代住在一起。 Now listen to the last exchange. I've heard that in the past you had a lot of interesting customs here. 听说啊,从前。 你们这里有很多有意思的风俗。 Yes, later when industry and commerce developed, customs changed too. 是啊,后来工商业发达了,风俗也改变了。 Repeat custom. 风俗,风俗。 Repeat, I've heard that in the past you had a lot of interesting customs here. 听说从前,你们这里有很多有意思的风俗。 听说从前,你们这里有很多有意思的风俗。 Repeat afterwards,后来,后来。 Repeat to change. 改变。 改变。 Repeat, yes, later when industry and commerce developed, customs changed too. 是啊,后来工商业发达了,风俗也改变了。 是啊,后来工商业发达了,风俗也改变了。 Now listen to the sentence. I've heard that in the past you had a lot of interesting customs here. Answer it yourself. Say yes, later when industry and commerce developed, customs changed too. 听说从前,你们这里有很多有意思的风俗。 是啊,后来工商业发达了,风俗也改变了。 Now here's a review of the vocabulary from the last part of the tape. Test yourself. Early marriage to marry early. 打婚. Had to, could only. 只好. To die. To take care of. 照顾. The majority of most. 多数. To get, obtain. 得到. In order to. 为了. Generations. 待. Three generations of family. 一家三代. Custom. 风俗. Afterwards. 后来. To change. 改变. Now here's a dialogue reviewing the material on this tape. Tom and Li Ping are visiting in Hong Kong. Li Ping, Tom, and Li Ping's classmate from Taiwan, Wang Cheng, have just gone to the movie The Dream of the Red Chamber. On their way home, they chat. Tom,你怎么不说话?对不起,看这个电影实在让人不舒服,特别是看到那个地方, 哪个地方?就是待遇死的时候. 对了,待遇死的时候正是保育结婚的时候,看到这里真是让人很不舒服. 你们有没有注意到很多女的看到这个地方都哭了? 我看到了,有的时候我真的不明白, 为什么很多书里还是说中国传统的大家庭有不少好处? 好处在哪里?为了保持大家庭的传统,让年轻的一代或者几代吃那么多苦。 这就是大家庭的好处吗? 大家庭的好处现在不多了,你们知道中国的大家庭跟历史有关系, 中国过去是农业社会,生产都要靠人力,谁家的劳力多,谁家的生活就会好一点。 李平,你想是不是这样呢?是,是这样的,那么现在情情不同了,现在工商业发达了, 为什么还有人说大家庭好呢? 大家庭的观念已经有几千年的历史了, 要改变它需要比较长的时间,大陆的情形我不清楚, 台湾的情形是大家庭越来越少了, 虽然中国人喜欢大家庭,觉得大家住在一起不相有照顾, 但是工商也发达了,工作的机会多了,小家庭也就越来越多了。 现在大家庭越来越少,早婚的风俗也就没有了。 早婚和大家庭有什么关系吗? 有关系,这主要是劳力的问题。 你想早婚早有孩子,家里劳动力多,老人也就可以早一点得到照顾。 可是在工商业社会里,多数老人都有收入, 现在台湾已经是工商业社会,这样的问题也就没有了。 但是你别忘了,大陆还是农业社会, 照顾老人的问题还是大问题,早婚的风俗也还是有。 你大概弄错了吧,大陆的政府怎么会同意人们早婚呢? 我说的是农村,什么早婚啊,中南亲女啊, 这种事总是和经济不发达有关系的。 我是在不喜欢早婚,我想多数早婚的人后来的生活都有点问题。 特别是妇女。 对了,我听说过这样一种说法,中国妇女没有结婚以前要听父母的, 结了婚得听丈夫的,丈夫死了得听儿子的。 请问,中国妇女什么时候才能有他们自己的想法,什么时候才能有一点自由呢? 哦,现在没有人讲这些了。 虽然没有人讲,可是这种传统思想还是有啊。 你说的也有道理,还是那句话,几千年的老观念不是很快可以改变的。 嗯,不过我想大陆也好,台湾也好,几十年来都有了很大的改变, 妇女的地位也都有了提高,传统的观念也在变。 嗯,这一点我同意。 好,我们到家了,王城进去坐坐吧。 好,进去一下。