{"text": "Standard Chinese, a modular approach.Society module units 5 through 8, review tape 1.This tape reviews the reference list sentences in units 5 through 8.First, review your understanding of the meaning of these sentences.Each sentence is said in Chinese. You put it into English.Number 1,\u4f60\u8aaa\u6211\u8a72\u4e0d\u8a72\u53bb?Do you think I should go?\u4f60\u770b\u8457\u8fa6\u5427,\u807d\u8aaa\u90a3\u500b\u5730\u65b9\u5feb\u6253\u4ed7\u4e86\u3002You do as you see fit, but I hear that there's about to be a war there.Number 2,\u4f60\u8981\u662f\u60f3\u807d\u6545\u4e8b\u7684\u8a71,\u6211\u7d66\u4f60\u8b1b\u4e00\u500b\u5440\u3002If you want to listen to a story, I'll tell you one.\u7b97\u4e86,\u6211\u5011\u4e0b\u68cb\u5427\u3002Forget it, let's play chess.Number 3,\u9019\u5169\u5e74,\u4f60\u5011\u7684\u6536\u5165\u600e\u9ebc\u6a23?What has your income been like the last couple of years?\u9019\u5169\u5e74,\u8fb2\u696d\u751f\u7522\u60c5\u6cc1\u4e0d\u932f,\u6536\u5165\u4e5f\u9084\u597d\u3002Agricultural production conditions have been pretty good, and income is all right too.Number 4,\u4ed6\u53c8\u53bb\u627e\u5c0f\u862d\u5e79\u4ec0\u9ebc?\u4eba\u5bb6\u53c8\u4e0d\u559c\u6b61\u4ed6?What is he going to see Xiao Lan again for? After all, she doesn't like him.\u4f60\u5225\u63d0,\u6211\u4f86\u6b20\u4e00\u6b20\u4ed6\u3002What is he going to see Xiao Lan again for? After all, she doesn't like him.\u4f60\u5225\u63d0,\u6211\u4f86\u6b20\u4e00\u6b20\u4ed6\u3002Don't get upset, I'll try to persuade him.Number 5,\u4ed6\u7684\u8aaa\u6cd5,\u6211\u6c92\u807d\u61c2,\u4f60\u807d\u660e\u767d\u4e86\u55ce?I didn't understand his way of saying it, did you understand it?\u6c92\u6709,\u6211\u4e5f\u6c92\u807d\u660e\u767d,\u800c\u4e14\u9019\u500b\u984c\u76ee\u4e5f\u592a\u96e3\u4e86\u3002No, I didn't understand it either. Moreover, this topic is too hard.Number 6,\u4ed6\u70ba\u4ec0\u9ebc\u65e9\u5a5a?Why did she get married early?\u53bb\u5e74,\u4ed6\u7236\u89aa\u6b7b\u4e86,\u6c92\u4eba\u7167\u9867\u4ed6,\u53ea\u597d\u7d50\u5a5a\u4e86\u3002Last year, her father died, and there was no one to take care of him.All she could do was get married.Number 7,\u807d\u8aaa\u5f9e\u524d,\u4f60\u5011\u9019\u88e1\u6709\u5f88\u591a\u6709\u610f\u601d\u7684\u98a8\u4fd7\u3002I've heard that in the past, you have a lot of interesting customs here.\u662f\u554a,\u5f8c\u4f86\u5de5\u5546\u696d\u767c\u9054\u4e86,\u98a8\u4fd7\u4e5f\u6539\u8b8a\u4e86\u3002Yes, later when industry and commerce develop, customs change too.Number 8,\u70ba\u4e86\u80fd\u4e92\u76f8\u7167\u9867,\u4ed6\u5011\u4e00\u5bb6\u4e09\u4ee3\u4f4f\u5728\u4e00\u8d77\u3002All three generations live together so that they can take care of each other.Number 9,\u525b\u624d\u6211\u53bb\u7d66\u738b\u5927\u592b\u9001\u884c,\u4ed6\u8aaa\u4ed6\u9858\u610f\u7d66\u60a8\u770b\u770b\u3002Just now, when I went to see Dr. Wang off, he said he would be willing to see you.\u9019\u4e00\u4e0b\u5b50\u597d\u4e86,\u7b49\u4ed6\u56de\u4f86\u6211\u53bb\u770b\u4ed6\u3002Now that's better, I'll go see him when he gets back.Number 10,What is this short story about?\u5beb\u7684\u662f\u4e00\u500b\u8fb2\u6751\u5e79\u90e8\u7684\u6545\u4e8b\u3002It's the story of a cadre in a rural area.Number 11,\u660e\u5929\u90fd\u6709\u8ab0\u8003\u8a66?Who's taking the test tomorrow?\u7b49\u4e00\u4e0b,\u6211\u7d66\u4f60\u5beb\u4e00\u500b\u55ae\u5b50\u3002I'll write you a list in a minute.Number 12,What a stupid kid.Why didn't you tell me about this before, since it's such an important thing?I did tell you, but you've forgotten.Number 13,That looks like Xiaoli who just passed by the door.\u4f60\u597d\u597d\u7684\u5728\u9019\u5ff5\u66f8\u5427,\u5225\u60f3\u52d5\u8a73\u7d30\u7684\u3002You just tend to your studies, don't be thinking of this and that.Number 14,These are mother taking a nap?\u5c0f\u8072\u9ede,\u5225\u628a\u5979\u5435\u9192\u4e86\u3002Keep it down, don't wake her up.Number 15,\u5728\u5171\u7522\u9ee8\u9818\u5c0e\u4e0b,\u4e2d\u570b\u5728\u4e16\u754c\u4e0a\u7684\u5730\u4f4d\u6709\u4e86\u5f88\u5927\u7684\u6539\u8b8a\u3002Under the leadership of the Communist Party,China's position in the world has changed greatly.Number 16,What benefit is there in having a flourishing industry in commerce?It's so dirty everywhere.\u9019\u4e00\u9ede\u6211\u4e0d\u540c\u610f,\u5de5\u5546\u696d\u767c\u9054\u6709\u4e0d\u5c11\u597d\u8655\u3002I don't agree with that.There are a lot of benefits to having a flourishing industry in commerce.Number 17,\u807d\u8aaa\u5225\u653e\u4ee5\u5f8c,\u5171\u7522\u9ee8\u505a\u4e86\u4e9b\u597d\u4e8b\u3002I've heard that the Communist Party did some good things after liberation.\u6709\u4e9b\u653f\u7b56\u662f\u4e0d\u932f,\u6709\u4e9b\u4e5f\u4e0d\u592a\u597d\u3002Yes, some policies were all right,but some weren't too good.Number 18,\u5b78\u8a55\u97f3\u4e5f\u597d,\u4e0d\u5b78\u8a55\u97f3\u4e5f\u597d,\u4e2d\u570b\u81ea\u7e3d\u5f97\u5b78\u3002Whether you study romanization or not,you'll always have to study Chinese characters.\u662f\u554a,\u9019\u6a23\u4e2d\u570b\u6587\u5316\u624d\u80fd\u4fdd\u6301\u4e0b\u53bb\u3002Yes, this is the only way Chinese culture can continue to be preserved.Nineteen,\u5341\u5e74\u4f86,\u9019\u5169\u500b\u57ce\u5e02\u8d8a\u4f86\u8d8a\u6f02\u4eae\u4e86\u3002In the past ten years,these two cities have become more and more beautiful.\u9019\u548c\u653f\u5e9c\u7684\u9818\u5c0e\u662f\u5206\u4e0d\u958b\u7684\u3002This can't be separated from the government's leadership.Number 20,\u6211\u60f3\u53bb\u8cb7\u4e9b\u5de5\u85dd\u54c1\u5e36\u56de\u7f8e\u570b\u3002I want to buy some handicrafts to bring back to America.\u6211\u9019\u6b63\u597d\u6709\u5e7e\u4ef6,\u4f60\u90fd\u6234\u4e0a\u5427\u3002I'll just happen to have some here. Take them with you.Number 21,\u4f60\u807d\u8aaa\u4e86\u55ce?\u8001\u5f35\u7684\u5973\u5152\u611b\u4e0a\u5c0f\u738b\u4e86\u3002Have you heard?\u8001\u5f35's daughter has fallen in love with Xiao Wang.\u9019\u771f\u662f\u9ebb\u7169\u4e8b,\u8001\u5f35\u6700\u6068\u738b\u5bb6\u7684\u4eba\u3002Number 22,\u53bb\u5e74,\u5979\u7684\u82f1\u6587\u9084\u8aaa\u5f97\u90a3\u9ebc\u96e3\u807d\u3002\u53bb\u5e74\u597d\u50cf\u597d\u591a\u4e86,\u662f\u600e\u9ebc\u56de\u4e8b\u5152?Last year's English still sounded so awful,but this year seems a lot better. What happened?\u662f\u600e\u9ebc\u56de\u4e8b\u5152?I don't know.I don't know.I don't know.I don't know.I don't know.I don't know.It seems a lot better. What happened?\u662f\u600e\u9ebc\u56de\u4e8b\u5152?\u5979\u6bcd\u89aa\u75bc\u5979,\u9001\u5979\u53bb\u82f1\u570b\u5ff5\u4e86\u4e00\u5e74\u66f8\u3002It's this way,his mother doped on himand sent him to school in England for a year.23,\u653f\u5e9c\u662f\u4e0d\u662f\u4fdd\u8b77\u4eba\u5011\u7684\u8ca1\u7522?Does the government protect people's property?\u653f\u5e9c\u5be6\u884c\u4fdd\u8b77\u4eba\u5011\u8ca1\u7522\u7684\u653f\u7b56\u3002Yes, the government is carrying out a policy of protecting people's property.24,\u5bb6\u88e1\u52de\u52d5\u529b\u591a,\u751f\u6d3b\u4e5f\u5c31\u6703\u597d\u4e00\u9ede\u3002If a family has more manpower,then it follows that life will be a little better.\u53ef\u662f\u73fe\u5728\u4eba\u53e3\u591a,\u4e0d\u4e00\u5b9a\u6709\u4ec0\u9ebc\u597d\u8655\u3002But now it's not necessarily an advantage to have a lot of people.25,\u8001\u738b\u7684\u5152\u5b50\u5165\u904e\u5718\u55ce?Has Lao Wang's son joined the Communist Youth League?\u6c92\u6709,\u807d\u8aaa\u53c3\u52a0\u904e\u7d05\u885b\u5175\u3002No, but I've heard that he was in the Red Guard.26,\u4f60\u8aaa\u5b97\u6559\u7684\u8cac\u4efb\u662f\u4ec0\u9ebc?What do you think the responsibility of religion is?\u9019\u4e0d\u662f\u4e00\u500b\u7c21\u55ae\u7684\u554f\u984c,\u6211\u5011\u5f97\u5f9e\u6b77\u53f2\u8ac7\u8d77\u3002That's not a simple question.We have to begin by talking about history.27,\u4f60\u770b,\u9019\u6b21\u7684\u751f\u610f\u600e\u9ebc\u6a23?How do you think business will be this time?\u4e0d\u77e5\u9053,\u8981\u770b\u904b\u6c23\u4e86\u3002I don't know, it depends on luck.28,\u4f60\u770b,\u9019\u7bc7\u6587\u7ae0\u88e1,\u4e0d\u662f\u5438\u6bd2,\u5c31\u662f\u6bba\u4eba\u3002Look, there's nothing in this article but taking drugs and killing.\u770b\u9019\u7a2e\u65b0\u805e,\u53ea\u80fd\u4f7f\u4eba\u96e3\u53d7,\u7b97\u4e86,\u4e0d\u8981\u770b\u4e86\u3002Reading this kind of news will only make you feel bad.Forget it, don't read it.29,\u6700\u8fd1\u5e7e\u5e74,\u6559\u80b2\u5de5\u4f5c\u6709\u5f88\u5927\u7684\u9032\u6b65\u3002There's been a lot of progress in work and education these past few years.\u662f\u554a,\u6301\u6821\u88e1\u518d\u4e5f\u6c92\u6709\u4ec0\u9ebc\u4e82\u4e03\u516b\u7cdf\u7684\u60c5\u6cc1\u4e86\u3002Yes, the schools aren't so messed up anymore.30,\u5982\u679c\u4f60\u4e0d\u4ecb\u610f\u7684\u8a71,\u6211\u60f3\u548c\u4f60\u7684\u79d8\u66f8\u8ac7\u5e7e\u5206\u9418\u3002If you don't mind,I'd like to talk with your secretary for a few minutes.\u4ed6\u5728\u6253\u5b57,\u99ac\u4e0a\u5c31\u4f86\u3002He's typing, he'll be in in a moment.31,\u672c\u4f86\u4ed6\u7684\u4e2d\u6587\u4e0d\u932f,\u96e2\u958b\u4e2d\u570b\u4e45\u4e86,\u5fd8\u4e86\u5f88\u591a\u3002Originally his Chinese was pretty good,but he's been away from China for a long time and has forgotten a lot.32,\u53ea\u8981\u4f60\u4f86\u5e6b\u5fd9,\u6211\u5011\u5c31\u6709\u8fa6\u6cd5\u3002As long as you help out, we'll be able to do it.\u9019\u6709\u4ec0\u9ebc?\u61c9\u8a72\u7684\u55ce?This is nothing, it's only right.33,\u4f60\u89ba\u5f97\u6700\u8fd1\u793e\u6703\u4e0a\u5b89\u5b9a\u4e00\u9ede\u55ce?Do you think society has been a little calmer lately?\u7576\u7136,\u6709\u4e86\u5fc3\u6cd5\u529b,\u72af\u7f6a\u7684\u4eba\u5c11\u591a\u4e86\u3002Of course, since there have been new laws,there are far fewer people committing crimes.34,\u591a\u6578\u4eba\u90fd\u559c\u6b61\u81ea\u7531\u3002Most people like freedom.\u53ef\u662f\u4e0d\u662f\u5f88\u591a\u4eba\u80fd\u5920\u5f97\u5230\u81ea\u7531\u3002But not many people can obtain freedom.There are a lot of people who like freedom.35,\u660e\u5831\u4e0d\u932f,\u4e16\u754c\u6027\u7684\u65b0\u805e\u5b83\u90fd\u6709\u3002The\u660e\u5831 is not bad, it has all the world news.\u5c0d\u4e86,\u660e\u5831\u4e0d\u932f,\u4e0d\u80fd\u4e0d\u770b\u3002Yes, the\u660e\u5831 is quite good, you have to read it.36,\u5728\u90a3\u5152\u5beb\u5b57\u7684\u90a3\u500b\u4eba,\u662f\u4e0d\u662f\u4ed6\u4e08\u592b?Is that person writing over there her husband?\u6b63\u662f\u4ed6\u3002That's him alright.37,\u6211\u60f3\u770b\u770b\u4eca\u5929\u6709\u4ec0\u9ebc\u5ee3\u544a\u3002I'd like to see what ads there are today.\u6709\u4e00\u4efd\u83ef\u76db\u9813\u90f5\u5831,\u4f60\u62ff\u53bb\u627e\u770b\u770b\u5427\u3002Here's a copy of the Washington Post.Take it and try to find some.38,\u9019\u500b\u5b69\u5b50\u4e0d\u50cf\u8a71,\u4e0d\u7ba1\u600e\u9ebc\u8aaa\u90fd\u4e0d\u807d\u3002This child is too much.No matter what you say, he just doesn't listen.\u5c0d\u561b,\u9019\u54ea\u50cf\u65b0\u4e2d\u570b\u7684\u5152\u7ae5?Yes, he's certainly no child of New China.39,\u4f60\u6025\u6025\u5fd9\u5fd9\u7684\u505a\u4ec0\u9ebc\u53bb\u554a?What are you in such a hurry to go do?\u5411\u5b78\u53bb\u554a\u3002I'm going to school.Number 40,\u5728\u5927\u9678\u7684\u5341\u5104\u4eba\u53e3\u4e2d,\u6709\u591a\u5c11\u662f\u53d7\u904e\u6559\u80b2\u7684?\u6709\u591a\u5c11\u662f\u53d7\u904e\u6559\u80b2\u7684?How many of the one billion people on the mainland have received an education?\u6211\u60f3\u73fe\u5728\u9023\u96e2\u57ce\u5e02\u5f88\u9060\u7684\u8fb2\u6751\u90fd\u6709\u5b78\u6821\u4e86\u3002\u53d7\u904e\u6559\u80b2\u7684\u4eba\u5927\u6982\u4e0d\u5c11\u3002I think that now even villages far from the city have schools.So there are probably a lot of people who are educated.This is the end of the tape.end of society module units 5 through 8 review tape 1.", "segments": [{"id": 0, "seek": 0, "start": 0.0, "end": 3.7, "text": "Standard Chinese, a modular approach.", "tokens": [4520, 474, 515, 4649, 11, 257, 31111, 3109, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.33969796564161164, "compression_ratio": 1.409282700421941, "no_speech_prob": 0.25187233090400696}, {"id": 1, "seek": 0, "start": 3.7, "end": 7.7, "text": "Society module units 5 through 8, review tape 1.", "tokens": [6455, 537, 2210, 10088, 6815, 1025, 807, 1649, 11, 3131, 7314, 502, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.33969796564161164, "compression_ratio": 1.409282700421941, "no_speech_prob": 0.25187233090400696}, {"id": 2, "seek": 0, "start": 7.7, "end": 11.5, "text": "This tape reviews the reference list sentences in units 5 through 8.", "tokens": [5723, 7314, 10229, 264, 6408, 1329, 16579, 294, 6815, 1025, 807, 1649, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.33969796564161164, "compression_ratio": 1.409282700421941, "no_speech_prob": 0.25187233090400696}, {"id": 3, "seek": 0, "start": 11.5, "end": 14.700000000000001, "text": "First, review your understanding of the meaning of these sentences.", "tokens": [27454, 11, 3131, 428, 3701, 295, 264, 3620, 295, 613, 16579, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.33969796564161164, "compression_ratio": 1.409282700421941, "no_speech_prob": 0.25187233090400696}, {"id": 4, "seek": 0, "start": 14.700000000000001, "end": 18.7, "text": "Each sentence is said in Chinese. You put it into English.", "tokens": [36, 608, 8174, 307, 848, 294, 4649, 13, 509, 829, 309, 666, 3669, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.33969796564161164, "compression_ratio": 1.409282700421941, "no_speech_prob": 0.25187233090400696}, {"id": 5, "seek": 0, "start": 18.7, "end": 20.5, "text": "Number 1,", "tokens": [45, 4182, 502, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.33969796564161164, "compression_ratio": 1.409282700421941, "no_speech_prob": 0.25187233090400696}, {"id": 6, "seek": 0, "start": 20.5, "end": 23.5, "text": "\u4f60\u8aaa\u6211\u8a72\u4e0d\u8a72\u53bb?", "tokens": [42920, 1654, 22033, 1960, 22033, 6734, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.33969796564161164, "compression_ratio": 1.409282700421941, "no_speech_prob": 0.25187233090400696}, {"id": 7, "seek": 0, "start": 26.5, "end": 28.5, "text": "Do you think I should go?", "tokens": [7653, 291, 519, 286, 820, 352, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.33969796564161164, "compression_ratio": 1.409282700421941, "no_speech_prob": 0.25187233090400696}, {"id": 8, "seek": 2850, "start": 28.5, "end": 32.5, "text": "\u4f60\u770b\u8457\u8fa6\u5427,\u807d\u8aaa\u90a3\u500b\u5730\u65b9\u5feb\u6253\u4ed7\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [16529, 19382, 23626, 6062, 11, 21524, 4622, 20754, 30146, 10251, 12467, 1550, 245, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14392948150634766, "compression_ratio": 1.0932203389830508, "no_speech_prob": 7.957240450195968e-05}, {"id": 9, "seek": 2850, "start": 36.5, "end": 40.5, "text": "You do as you see fit, but I hear that there's about to be a war there.", "tokens": [3223, 360, 382, 291, 536, 3318, 11, 457, 286, 1568, 300, 456, 311, 466, 281, 312, 257, 1516, 456, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14392948150634766, "compression_ratio": 1.0932203389830508, "no_speech_prob": 7.957240450195968e-05}, {"id": 10, "seek": 2850, "start": 40.5, "end": 42.5, "text": "Number 2,", "tokens": [45, 4182, 568, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14392948150634766, "compression_ratio": 1.0932203389830508, "no_speech_prob": 7.957240450195968e-05}, {"id": 11, "seek": 2850, "start": 42.5, "end": 46.5, "text": "\u4f60\u8981\u662f\u60f3\u807d\u6545\u4e8b\u7684\u8a71,\u6211\u7d66\u4f60\u8b1b\u4e00\u500b\u5440\u3002", "tokens": [32085, 1541, 7093, 21524, 43045, 6973, 21358, 11, 1654, 17798, 2166, 11932, 8990, 15348, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14392948150634766, "compression_ratio": 1.0932203389830508, "no_speech_prob": 7.957240450195968e-05}, {"id": 12, "seek": 2850, "start": 49.5, "end": 52.5, "text": "If you want to listen to a story, I'll tell you one.", "tokens": [8031, 291, 528, 281, 2140, 281, 257, 1657, 11, 286, 603, 980, 291, 472, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14392948150634766, "compression_ratio": 1.0932203389830508, "no_speech_prob": 7.957240450195968e-05}, {"id": 13, "seek": 2850, "start": 52.5, "end": 55.5, "text": "\u7b97\u4e86,\u6211\u5011\u4e0b\u68cb\u5427\u3002", "tokens": [19497, 2289, 11, 5884, 4438, 16407, 233, 6062, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14392948150634766, "compression_ratio": 1.0932203389830508, "no_speech_prob": 7.957240450195968e-05}, {"id": 14, "seek": 5550, "start": 55.5, "end": 59.5, "text": "Forget it, let's play chess.", "tokens": [12587, 847, 309, 11, 718, 311, 862, 24122, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14565975482647237, "compression_ratio": 1.0, "no_speech_prob": 1.0207947525486816e-05}, {"id": 15, "seek": 5550, "start": 59.5, "end": 62.5, "text": "Number 3,", "tokens": [45, 4182, 805, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14565975482647237, "compression_ratio": 1.0, "no_speech_prob": 1.0207947525486816e-05}, {"id": 16, "seek": 5550, "start": 62.5, "end": 65.5, "text": "\u9019\u5169\u5e74,\u4f60\u5011\u7684\u6536\u5165\u600e\u9ebc\u6a23?", "tokens": [2664, 16313, 5157, 11, 19891, 1546, 18681, 14028, 34253, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14565975482647237, "compression_ratio": 1.0, "no_speech_prob": 1.0207947525486816e-05}, {"id": 17, "seek": 5550, "start": 68.5, "end": 71.5, "text": "What has your income been like the last couple of years?", "tokens": [3748, 575, 428, 5742, 668, 411, 264, 1036, 1916, 295, 924, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14565975482647237, "compression_ratio": 1.0, "no_speech_prob": 1.0207947525486816e-05}, {"id": 18, "seek": 5550, "start": 71.5, "end": 77.5, "text": "\u9019\u5169\u5e74,\u8fb2\u696d\u751f\u7522\u60c5\u6cc1\u4e0d\u932f,\u6536\u5165\u4e5f\u9084\u597d\u3002", "tokens": [2664, 16313, 5157, 11, 9830, 110, 27119, 8244, 33299, 39391, 30967, 11, 18681, 14028, 6404, 7824, 2131, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14565975482647237, "compression_ratio": 1.0, "no_speech_prob": 1.0207947525486816e-05}, {"id": 19, "seek": 7750, "start": 77.5, "end": 81.5, "text": "Agricultural production conditions have been pretty good, and income is all right too.", "tokens": [32, 861, 299, 11056, 4265, 4487, 362, 668, 1238, 665, 11, 293, 5742, 307, 439, 558, 886, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.2453408990024535, "compression_ratio": 1.521186440677966, "no_speech_prob": 7.238252692332026e-06}, {"id": 20, "seek": 7750, "start": 81.5, "end": 83.5, "text": "Number 4,", "tokens": [45, 4182, 1017, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.2453408990024535, "compression_ratio": 1.521186440677966, "no_speech_prob": 7.238252692332026e-06}, {"id": 21, "seek": 7750, "start": 83.5, "end": 88.5, "text": "\u4ed6\u53c8\u53bb\u627e\u5c0f\u862d\u5e79\u4ec0\u9ebc?\u4eba\u5bb6\u53c8\u4e0d\u559c\u6b61\u4ed6?", "tokens": [5000, 17047, 6734, 25085, 7322, 31882, 255, 29932, 7598, 30, 4035, 5155, 17047, 1960, 21385, 5000, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.2453408990024535, "compression_ratio": 1.521186440677966, "no_speech_prob": 7.238252692332026e-06}, {"id": 22, "seek": 7750, "start": 88.5, "end": 93.5, "text": "What is he going to see Xiao Lan again for? After all, she doesn't like him.", "tokens": [3748, 307, 415, 516, 281, 536, 13134, 17482, 797, 337, 30, 2381, 439, 11, 750, 1177, 380, 411, 796, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.2453408990024535, "compression_ratio": 1.521186440677966, "no_speech_prob": 7.238252692332026e-06}, {"id": 23, "seek": 7750, "start": 93.5, "end": 96.5, "text": "\u4f60\u5225\u63d0,\u6211\u4f86\u6b20\u4e00\u6b20\u4ed6\u3002", "tokens": [2166, 16158, 20949, 11, 1654, 3763, 5988, 254, 2257, 5988, 254, 5000, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.2453408990024535, "compression_ratio": 1.521186440677966, "no_speech_prob": 7.238252692332026e-06}, {"id": 24, "seek": 7750, "start": 96.5, "end": 101.5, "text": "What is he going to see Xiao Lan again for? After all, she doesn't like him.", "tokens": [3748, 307, 415, 516, 281, 536, 13134, 17482, 797, 337, 30, 2381, 439, 11, 750, 1177, 380, 411, 796, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.2453408990024535, "compression_ratio": 1.521186440677966, "no_speech_prob": 7.238252692332026e-06}, {"id": 25, "seek": 7750, "start": 101.5, "end": 104.5, "text": "\u4f60\u5225\u63d0,\u6211\u4f86\u6b20\u4e00\u6b20\u4ed6\u3002", "tokens": [2166, 16158, 20949, 11, 1654, 3763, 5988, 254, 2257, 5988, 254, 5000, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.2453408990024535, "compression_ratio": 1.521186440677966, "no_speech_prob": 7.238252692332026e-06}, {"id": 26, "seek": 10450, "start": 104.5, "end": 107.5, "text": "Don't get upset, I'll try to persuade him.", "tokens": [7450, 380, 483, 8340, 11, 286, 603, 853, 281, 31781, 796, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15354005710498705, "compression_ratio": 1.0788177339901477, "no_speech_prob": 3.750299947569147e-05}, {"id": 27, "seek": 10450, "start": 107.5, "end": 110.5, "text": "Number 5,", "tokens": [45, 4182, 1025, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15354005710498705, "compression_ratio": 1.0788177339901477, "no_speech_prob": 3.750299947569147e-05}, {"id": 28, "seek": 10450, "start": 110.5, "end": 114.5, "text": "\u4ed6\u7684\u8aaa\u6cd5,\u6211\u6c92\u807d\u61c2,\u4f60\u807d\u660e\u767d\u4e86\u55ce?", "tokens": [31309, 4622, 11148, 11, 1654, 4913, 21524, 29624, 11, 2166, 21524, 28430, 2289, 7434, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15354005710498705, "compression_ratio": 1.0788177339901477, "no_speech_prob": 3.750299947569147e-05}, {"id": 29, "seek": 10450, "start": 120.5, "end": 124.5, "text": "I didn't understand his way of saying it, did you understand it?", "tokens": [40, 994, 380, 1223, 702, 636, 295, 1566, 309, 11, 630, 291, 1223, 309, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15354005710498705, "compression_ratio": 1.0788177339901477, "no_speech_prob": 3.750299947569147e-05}, {"id": 30, "seek": 10450, "start": 124.5, "end": 129.5, "text": "\u6c92\u6709,\u6211\u4e5f\u6c92\u807d\u660e\u767d,\u800c\u4e14\u9019\u500b\u984c\u76ee\u4e5f\u592a\u96e3\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [6963, 11, 27761, 4913, 21524, 28430, 11, 22942, 6287, 14475, 11386, 6404, 9455, 21192, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15354005710498705, "compression_ratio": 1.0788177339901477, "no_speech_prob": 3.750299947569147e-05}, {"id": 31, "seek": 12950, "start": 129.5, "end": 134.5, "text": "No, I didn't understand it either. Moreover, this topic is too hard.", "tokens": [4540, 11, 286, 994, 380, 1223, 309, 2139, 13, 19838, 11, 341, 4829, 307, 886, 1152, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15197959642731743, "compression_ratio": 1.1101321585903083, "no_speech_prob": 9.538761332805734e-06}, {"id": 32, "seek": 12950, "start": 134.5, "end": 137.5, "text": "Number 6,", "tokens": [45, 4182, 1386, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15197959642731743, "compression_ratio": 1.1101321585903083, "no_speech_prob": 9.538761332805734e-06}, {"id": 33, "seek": 12950, "start": 137.5, "end": 141.5, "text": "\u4ed6\u70ba\u4ec0\u9ebc\u65e9\u5a5a?", "tokens": [5000, 18987, 21176, 26112, 248, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15197959642731743, "compression_ratio": 1.1101321585903083, "no_speech_prob": 9.538761332805734e-06}, {"id": 34, "seek": 12950, "start": 141.5, "end": 144.5, "text": "Why did she get married early?", "tokens": [8429, 630, 750, 483, 5259, 2440, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15197959642731743, "compression_ratio": 1.1101321585903083, "no_speech_prob": 9.538761332805734e-06}, {"id": 35, "seek": 12950, "start": 144.5, "end": 149.5, "text": "\u53bb\u5e74,\u4ed6\u7236\u89aa\u6b7b\u4e86,\u6c92\u4eba\u7167\u9867\u4ed6,\u53ea\u597d\u7d50\u5a5a\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [6734, 5157, 11, 5000, 34131, 42117, 16989, 2289, 11, 4913, 4035, 32150, 10178, 100, 5000, 11, 14003, 2131, 17144, 26112, 248, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15197959642731743, "compression_ratio": 1.1101321585903083, "no_speech_prob": 9.538761332805734e-06}, {"id": 36, "seek": 12950, "start": 153.5, "end": 158.5, "text": "Last year, her father died, and there was no one to take care of him.", "tokens": [42385, 1064, 11, 720, 3086, 4539, 11, 293, 456, 390, 572, 472, 281, 747, 1127, 295, 796, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15197959642731743, "compression_ratio": 1.1101321585903083, "no_speech_prob": 9.538761332805734e-06}, {"id": 37, "seek": 15850, "start": 158.5, "end": 161.5, "text": "All she could do was get married.", "tokens": [7868, 750, 727, 360, 390, 483, 5259, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1493515391926189, "compression_ratio": 1.099236641221374, "no_speech_prob": 1.1089376130257733e-05}, {"id": 38, "seek": 15850, "start": 161.5, "end": 164.5, "text": "Number 7,", "tokens": [45, 4182, 1614, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1493515391926189, "compression_ratio": 1.099236641221374, "no_speech_prob": 1.1089376130257733e-05}, {"id": 39, "seek": 15850, "start": 164.5, "end": 169.5, "text": "\u807d\u8aaa\u5f9e\u524d,\u4f60\u5011\u9019\u88e1\u6709\u5f88\u591a\u6709\u610f\u601d\u7684\u98a8\u4fd7\u3002", "tokens": [21524, 4622, 21068, 8945, 11, 19891, 18771, 2412, 20778, 2412, 16697, 1546, 22713, 7792, 245, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1493515391926189, "compression_ratio": 1.099236641221374, "no_speech_prob": 1.1089376130257733e-05}, {"id": 40, "seek": 15850, "start": 172.5, "end": 176.5, "text": "I've 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-0.1493515391926189, "compression_ratio": 1.099236641221374, "no_speech_prob": 1.1089376130257733e-05}, {"id": 43, "seek": 18750, "start": 187.5, "end": 190.5, "text": "Number 8,", "tokens": [45, 4182, 1649, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07426092722644545, "compression_ratio": 1.0343137254901962, "no_speech_prob": 1.8610211554914713e-05}, {"id": 44, "seek": 18750, "start": 190.5, "end": 195.5, "text": "\u70ba\u4e86\u80fd\u4e92\u76f8\u7167\u9867,\u4ed6\u5011\u4e00\u5bb6\u4e09\u4ee3\u4f4f\u5728\u4e00\u8d77\u3002", "tokens": [6344, 2289, 8225, 1369, 240, 15106, 32150, 10178, 100, 11, 20486, 2257, 5155, 10960, 19105, 21632, 3581, 29567, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07426092722644545, "compression_ratio": 1.0343137254901962, "no_speech_prob": 1.8610211554914713e-05}, {"id": 45, "seek": 18750, "start": 199.5, "end": 203.5, "text": "All three generations live together so that they can take care of each other.", "tokens": [7868, 1045, 10593, 1621, 1214, 370, 300, 436, 393, 747, 1127, 295, 1184, 661, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07426092722644545, "compression_ratio": 1.0343137254901962, "no_speech_prob": 1.8610211554914713e-05}, {"id": 46, "seek": 18750, "start": 203.5, "end": 206.5, "text": "Number 9,", "tokens": [45, 4182, 1722, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07426092722644545, "compression_ratio": 1.0343137254901962, "no_speech_prob": 1.8610211554914713e-05}, {"id": 47, "seek": 18750, "start": 206.5, "end": 212.5, "text": "\u525b\u624d\u6211\u53bb\u7d66\u738b\u5927\u592b\u9001\u884c,\u4ed6\u8aaa\u4ed6\u9858\u610f\u7d66\u60a8\u770b\u770b\u3002", "tokens": [16940, 18888, 1654, 6734, 17798, 19940, 3582, 26364, 29309, 8082, 11, 31592, 5000, 20692, 9042, 17798, 23414, 22884, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.07426092722644545, "compression_ratio": 1.0343137254901962, "no_speech_prob": 1.8610211554914713e-05}, {"id": 48, "seek": 21250, "start": 212.5, "end": 218.5, "text": "Just now, when I went to see Dr. Wang off, he said he would be willing to see you.", "tokens": [12794, 586, 11, 562, 286, 1437, 281, 536, 2491, 13, 14499, 766, 11, 415, 848, 415, 576, 312, 4950, 281, 536, 291, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.19443694965259448, "compression_ratio": 1.0829268292682928, "no_speech_prob": 1.3134371329215355e-05}, {"id": 49, "seek": 21250, "start": 218.5, "end": 222.5, "text": "\u9019\u4e00\u4e0b\u5b50\u597d\u4e86,\u7b49\u4ed6\u56de\u4f86\u6211\u53bb\u770b\u4ed6\u3002", "tokens": [2664, 8861, 7626, 12621, 11, 10187, 5000, 46556, 1654, 6734, 4200, 5000, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.19443694965259448, "compression_ratio": 1.0829268292682928, "no_speech_prob": 1.3134371329215355e-05}, {"id": 50, "seek": 21250, "start": 225.5, "end": 229.5, "text": "Now that's better, I'll go see him when he gets back.", "tokens": [13267, 300, 311, 1101, 11, 286, 603, 352, 536, 796, 562, 415, 2170, 646, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.19443694965259448, "compression_ratio": 1.0829268292682928, "no_speech_prob": 1.3134371329215355e-05}, {"id": 51, "seek": 21250, "start": 229.5, "end": 232.5, "text": "Number 10,", "tokens": [45, 4182, 1266, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.19443694965259448, "compression_ratio": 1.0829268292682928, "no_speech_prob": 1.3134371329215355e-05}, {"id": 52, "seek": 21250, "start": 237.5, "end": 240.5, "text": "What is this short story about?", "tokens": [3748, 307, 341, 2099, 1657, 466, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.19443694965259448, "compression_ratio": 1.0829268292682928, "no_speech_prob": 1.3134371329215355e-05}, {"id": 53, "seek": 24050, "start": 240.5, "end": 244.5, "text": "\u5beb\u7684\u662f\u4e00\u500b\u8fb2\u6751\u5e79\u90e8\u7684\u6545\u4e8b\u3002", "tokens": [4510, 104, 24620, 8990, 9830, 110, 39553, 29932, 13470, 1546, 43045, 6973, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15785762071609497, "compression_ratio": 1.0238095238095237, "no_speech_prob": 2.014398341998458e-05}, {"id": 54, "seek": 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1.0333333333333334, "no_speech_prob": 3.18064667226281e-05}, {"id": 67, "seek": 29150, "start": 310.5, "end": 314.5, "text": "You just tend to your studies, don't be thinking of this and that.", "tokens": [3223, 445, 3928, 281, 428, 5313, 11, 500, 380, 312, 1953, 295, 341, 293, 300, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.23039939999580383, "compression_ratio": 1.0333333333333334, "no_speech_prob": 3.18064667226281e-05}, {"id": 68, "seek": 29150, "start": 314.5, "end": 318.5, "text": "Number 14,", "tokens": [45, 4182, 3499, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.23039939999580383, "compression_ratio": 1.0333333333333334, "no_speech_prob": 3.18064667226281e-05}, {"id": 69, "seek": 31850, "start": 318.5, "end": 322.5, "text": "These are mother taking a nap?", "tokens": [28858, 366, 2895, 1940, 257, 9296, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.20836786680583713, "compression_ratio": 0.990990990990991, "no_speech_prob": 9.596176823833957e-05}, {"id": 70, "seek": 31850, "start": 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37250, "start": 394.5, "end": 398.5, "text": "I've heard that the Communist Party did some good things after liberation.", "tokens": [40, 600, 2198, 300, 264, 23253, 8552, 630, 512, 665, 721, 934, 27736, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14652164165790266, "compression_ratio": 1.0595744680851065, "no_speech_prob": 1.0112745258084033e-05}, {"id": 86, "seek": 37250, "start": 398.5, "end": 401.5, "text": "\u6709\u4e9b\u653f\u7b56\u662f\u4e0d\u932f,", "tokens": [2412, 13824, 18523, 7973, 244, 1541, 30967, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14652164165790266, "compression_ratio": 1.0595744680851065, "no_speech_prob": 1.0112745258084033e-05}, {"id": 87, "seek": 40150, "start": 401.5, "end": 403.5, "text": "\u6709\u4e9b\u4e5f\u4e0d\u592a\u597d\u3002", "tokens": [2412, 13824, 6404, 1960, 9455, 2131, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.18961668618117708, "compression_ratio": 1.1658291457286432, "no_speech_prob": 2.8105961973778903e-05}, {"id": 88, "seek": 40150, 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Take them with you.", "tokens": [40, 603, 445, 1051, 281, 362, 512, 510, 13, 3664, 552, 365, 291, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15794353950314405, "compression_ratio": 1.0365296803652968, "no_speech_prob": 1.3472279533743858e-05}, {"id": 107, "seek": 48450, "start": 491.5, "end": 493.5, "text": "Number 21,", "tokens": [45, 4182, 5080, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15794353950314405, "compression_ratio": 1.0365296803652968, "no_speech_prob": 1.3472279533743858e-05}, {"id": 108, "seek": 48450, "start": 493.5, "end": 497.5, "text": "\u4f60\u807d\u8aaa\u4e86\u55ce?\u8001\u5f35\u7684\u5973\u5152\u611b\u4e0a\u5c0f\u738b\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [2166, 21524, 4622, 2289, 7434, 30, 10439, 18889, 1546, 17015, 35125, 15157, 5708, 7322, 19940, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15794353950314405, "compression_ratio": 1.0365296803652968, "no_speech_prob": 1.3472279533743858e-05}, {"id": 109, "seek": 48450, "start": 501.5, "end": 502.5, "text": "Have you heard?", "tokens": [25659, 291, 2198, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15794353950314405, "compression_ratio": 1.0365296803652968, "no_speech_prob": 1.3472279533743858e-05}, {"id": 110, "seek": 48450, "start": 502.5, "end": 505.5, "text": "\u8001\u5f35's daughter has fallen in love with Xiao Wang.", "tokens": [10439, 18889, 311, 4653, 575, 11547, 294, 959, 365, 13134, 14499, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15794353950314405, "compression_ratio": 1.0365296803652968, "no_speech_prob": 1.3472279533743858e-05}, {"id": 111, "seek": 48450, "start": 505.5, "end": 509.5, "text": "\u9019\u771f\u662f\u9ebb\u7169\u4e8b,\u8001\u5f35\u6700\u6068\u738b\u5bb6\u7684\u4eba\u3002", "tokens": [2664, 6303, 1541, 38999, 17867, 102, 6973, 11, 10439, 18889, 8661, 11845, 101, 19940, 5155, 29979, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.15794353950314405, "compression_ratio": 1.0365296803652968, "no_speech_prob": 1.3472279533743858e-05}, {"id": 112, "seek": 50950, "start": 509.5, "end": 511.5, "text": "Number 22,", "tokens": [45, 4182, 5853, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.3312399535052544, "compression_ratio": 1.3756097560975609, "no_speech_prob": 1.2999505088373553e-05}, {"id": 113, "seek": 50950, "start": 511.5, "end": 514.5, "text": "\u53bb\u5e74,\u5979\u7684\u82f1\u6587\u9084\u8aaa\u5f97\u90a3\u9ebc\u96e3\u807d\u3002", "tokens": [6734, 5157, 11, 15555, 1546, 27869, 17174, 7824, 4622, 5916, 20504, 21192, 21524, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.3312399535052544, "compression_ratio": 1.3756097560975609, "no_speech_prob": 1.2999505088373553e-05}, {"id": 114, "seek": 50950, "start": 514.5, "end": 517.5, "text": "\u53bb\u5e74\u597d\u50cf\u597d\u591a\u4e86,\u662f\u600e\u9ebc\u56de\u4e8b\u5152?", "tokens": [6734, 5157, 33242, 2131, 6392, 2289, 11, 1541, 11614, 8350, 6973, 35125, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.3312399535052544, "compression_ratio": 1.3756097560975609, "no_speech_prob": 1.2999505088373553e-05}, {"id": 115, "seek": 50950, "start": 522.5, "end": 524.5, "text": "Last year's English still sounded so awful,", "tokens": [42385, 1064, 311, 3669, 920, 17714, 370, 11232, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.3312399535052544, "compression_ratio": 1.3756097560975609, "no_speech_prob": 1.2999505088373553e-05}, {"id": 116, "seek": 50950, "start": 524.5, "end": 527.5, "text": "but this year seems a lot better. What happened?", "tokens": [5955, 341, 1064, 2544, 257, 688, 1101, 13, 708, 2011, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.3312399535052544, "compression_ratio": 1.3756097560975609, "no_speech_prob": 1.2999505088373553e-05}, {"id": 117, "seek": 50950, "start": 528.5, "end": 529.5, "text": "\u662f\u600e\u9ebc\u56de\u4e8b\u5152?", "tokens": [1541, 11614, 8350, 6973, 35125, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.3312399535052544, "compression_ratio": 1.3756097560975609, "no_speech_prob": 1.2999505088373553e-05}, {"id": 118, "seek": 50950, "start": 529.5, "end": 530.5, "text": "I don't know.", "tokens": [40, 500, 380, 458, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.3312399535052544, "compression_ratio": 1.3756097560975609, "no_speech_prob": 1.2999505088373553e-05}, {"id": 119, "seek": 50950, "start": 530.5, "end": 531.5, "text": "I don't know.", "tokens": [40, 500, 380, 458, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.3312399535052544, "compression_ratio": 1.3756097560975609, "no_speech_prob": 1.2999505088373553e-05}, {"id": 120, "seek": 50950, "start": 531.5, "end": 532.5, "text": "I don't know.", "tokens": [40, 500, 380, 458, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.3312399535052544, "compression_ratio": 1.3756097560975609, "no_speech_prob": 1.2999505088373553e-05}, {"id": 121, "seek": 50950, "start": 532.5, "end": 533.5, "text": "I don't know.", "tokens": [40, 500, 380, 458, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.3312399535052544, "compression_ratio": 1.3756097560975609, "no_speech_prob": 1.2999505088373553e-05}, {"id": 122, "seek": 50950, "start": 533.5, "end": 534.5, "text": "I don't know.", "tokens": [40, 500, 380, 458, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.3312399535052544, "compression_ratio": 1.3756097560975609, "no_speech_prob": 1.2999505088373553e-05}, {"id": 123, "seek": 50950, "start": 534.5, "end": 535.5, "text": "I don't know.", "tokens": [40, 500, 380, 458, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.3312399535052544, "compression_ratio": 1.3756097560975609, "no_speech_prob": 1.2999505088373553e-05}, {"id": 124, "seek": 53550, "start": 535.5, "end": 539.5, "text": "It seems a lot better. What happened?", "tokens": [3522, 2544, 257, 688, 1101, 13, 708, 2011, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14707425236701965, "compression_ratio": 1.0833333333333333, "no_speech_prob": 1.8224387531518005e-05}, {"id": 125, "seek": 53550, "start": 539.5, "end": 540.5, "text": "\u662f\u600e\u9ebc\u56de\u4e8b\u5152?", "tokens": [1541, 11614, 8350, 6973, 35125, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14707425236701965, "compression_ratio": 1.0833333333333333, "no_speech_prob": 1.8224387531518005e-05}, {"id": 126, "seek": 53550, "start": 540.5, "end": 544.5, "text": "\u5979\u6bcd\u89aa\u75bc\u5979,\u9001\u5979\u53bb\u82f1\u570b\u5ff5\u4e86\u4e00\u5e74\u66f8\u3002", "tokens": [15555, 35744, 42117, 18140, 120, 15555, 11, 29309, 15555, 6734, 27869, 8053, 33679, 2289, 2257, 5157, 29801, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14707425236701965, "compression_ratio": 1.0833333333333333, "no_speech_prob": 1.8224387531518005e-05}, {"id": 127, "seek": 53550, "start": 547.5, "end": 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3.114290302619338e-05}, {"id": 196, "seek": 79850, "start": 805.5, "end": 807.5, "text": "\u591a\u6578\u4eba\u90fd\u559c\u6b61\u81ea\u7531\u3002", "tokens": [6392, 30622, 4035, 7182, 21385, 45233, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.2501120689587715, "compression_ratio": 1.2727272727272727, "no_speech_prob": 3.114290302619338e-05}, {"id": 197, "seek": 79850, "start": 809.5, "end": 811.5, "text": "Most people like freedom.", "tokens": [49101, 561, 411, 5645, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.2501120689587715, "compression_ratio": 1.2727272727272727, "no_speech_prob": 3.114290302619338e-05}, {"id": 198, "seek": 79850, "start": 812.5, "end": 814.5, "text": "\u53ef\u662f\u4e0d\u662f\u5f88\u591a\u4eba\u80fd\u5920\u5f97\u5230\u81ea\u7531\u3002", "tokens": [23359, 7296, 20778, 4035, 8225, 31649, 5916, 4511, 45233, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.2501120689587715, "compression_ratio": 1.2727272727272727, "no_speech_prob": 3.114290302619338e-05}, {"id": 199, 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1.8905380784417503e-05}, {"id": 212, "seek": 85350, "start": 870.5, "end": 872.5, "text": "\u6211\u60f3\u770b\u770b\u4eca\u5929\u6709\u4ec0\u9ebc\u5ee3\u544a\u3002", "tokens": [25246, 22884, 12074, 2412, 7598, 17527, 96, 16846, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14505861046608914, "compression_ratio": 1.049792531120332, "no_speech_prob": 1.8905380784417503e-05}, {"id": 213, "seek": 85350, "start": 875.5, "end": 877.5, "text": "I'd like to see what ads there are today.", "tokens": [40, 1116, 411, 281, 536, 437, 10342, 456, 366, 965, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14505861046608914, "compression_ratio": 1.049792531120332, "no_speech_prob": 1.8905380784417503e-05}, {"id": 214, "seek": 87750, "start": 877.5, "end": 882.5, "text": "\u6709\u4e00\u4efd\u83ef\u76db\u9813\u90f5\u5831,\u4f60\u62ff\u53bb\u627e\u770b\u770b\u5427\u3002", "tokens": [32241, 36266, 30927, 5419, 249, 8313, 241, 11178, 113, 17803, 11, 2166, 24351, 6734, 25085, 22884, 6062, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12292765607737531, "compression_ratio": 1.0381679389312977, "no_speech_prob": 4.42421151092276e-05}, {"id": 215, "seek": 87750, "start": 885.5, "end": 887.5, "text": "Here's a copy of the Washington Post.", "tokens": [17685, 311, 257, 5055, 295, 264, 6149, 10223, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12292765607737531, "compression_ratio": 1.0381679389312977, "no_speech_prob": 4.42421151092276e-05}, {"id": 216, "seek": 87750, "start": 887.5, "end": 889.5, "text": "Take it and try to find some.", "tokens": [25891, 309, 293, 853, 281, 915, 512, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12292765607737531, "compression_ratio": 1.0381679389312977, "no_speech_prob": 4.42421151092276e-05}, {"id": 217, "seek": 87750, "start": 890.5, "end": 891.5, "text": "38,", "tokens": [12625, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12292765607737531, "compression_ratio": 1.0381679389312977, "no_speech_prob": 4.42421151092276e-05}, {"id": 218, "seek": 87750, "start": 891.5, "end": 894.5, "text": "\u9019\u500b\u5b69\u5b50\u4e0d\u50cf\u8a71,\u4e0d\u7ba1\u600e\u9ebc\u8aaa\u90fd\u4e0d\u807d\u3002", "tokens": [6287, 48989, 1960, 12760, 11103, 11, 45376, 11614, 4622, 7182, 1960, 21524, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12292765607737531, "compression_ratio": 1.0381679389312977, "no_speech_prob": 4.42421151092276e-05}, {"id": 219, "seek": 87750, "start": 897.5, "end": 899.5, "text": "This child is too much.", "tokens": [5723, 1440, 307, 886, 709, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12292765607737531, "compression_ratio": 1.0381679389312977, "no_speech_prob": 4.42421151092276e-05}, {"id": 220, "seek": 87750, "start": 899.5, "end": 901.5, "text": "No matter what you say, he just doesn't listen.", "tokens": [4540, 1871, 437, 291, 584, 11, 415, 445, 1177, 380, 2140, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12292765607737531, "compression_ratio": 1.0381679389312977, "no_speech_prob": 4.42421151092276e-05}, {"id": 221, "seek": 87750, "start": 902.5, "end": 904.5, "text": "\u5c0d\u561b,\u9019\u54ea\u50cf\u65b0\u4e2d\u570b\u7684\u5152\u7ae5?", "tokens": [2855, 20722, 11, 2664, 17028, 12760, 12560, 21854, 1546, 35125, 11957, 98, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.12292765607737531, "compression_ratio": 1.0381679389312977, "no_speech_prob": 4.42421151092276e-05}, {"id": 222, "seek": 90450, "start": 904.5, "end": 908.5, "text": "Yes, he's certainly no child of New China.", "tokens": [6054, 11, 415, 311, 3297, 572, 1440, 295, 1873, 3533, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16531527444217983, "compression_ratio": 0.990909090909091, "no_speech_prob": 3.0254144803620875e-05}, {"id": 223, "seek": 90450, "start": 909.5, "end": 910.5, "text": "39,", "tokens": [12493, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16531527444217983, "compression_ratio": 0.990909090909091, "no_speech_prob": 3.0254144803620875e-05}, {"id": 224, "seek": 90450, "start": 911.5, "end": 913.5, "text": "\u4f60\u6025\u6025\u5fd9\u5fd9\u7684\u505a\u4ec0\u9ebc\u53bb\u554a?", "tokens": [2166, 36379, 36379, 48839, 48839, 1546, 10907, 7598, 6734, 4905, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16531527444217983, "compression_ratio": 0.990909090909091, "no_speech_prob": 3.0254144803620875e-05}, {"id": 225, "seek": 90450, "start": 915.5, "end": 917.5, "text": "What are you in such a hurry to go do?", "tokens": [3748, 366, 291, 294, 1270, 257, 11025, 281, 352, 360, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16531527444217983, "compression_ratio": 0.990909090909091, "no_speech_prob": 3.0254144803620875e-05}, {"id": 226, "seek": 90450, "start": 918.5, "end": 919.5, "text": "\u5411\u5b78\u53bb\u554a\u3002", "tokens": [24282, 21372, 6734, 4905, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16531527444217983, "compression_ratio": 0.990909090909091, "no_speech_prob": 3.0254144803620875e-05}, {"id": 227, "seek": 90450, "start": 920.5, "end": 921.5, "text": "I'm going to school.", "tokens": [40, 478, 516, 281, 1395, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16531527444217983, "compression_ratio": 0.990909090909091, "no_speech_prob": 3.0254144803620875e-05}, {"id": 228, "seek": 90450, "start": 922.5, "end": 923.5, "text": "Number 40,", "tokens": [45, 4182, 3356, 11], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16531527444217983, "compression_ratio": 0.990909090909091, "no_speech_prob": 3.0254144803620875e-05}, {"id": 229, "seek": 90450, "start": 924.5, "end": 928.5, "text": "\u5728\u5927\u9678\u7684\u5341\u5104\u4eba\u53e3\u4e2d,\u6709\u591a\u5c11\u662f\u53d7\u904e\u6559\u80b2\u7684?", "tokens": [3581, 3582, 8842, 116, 1546, 20145, 25459, 4035, 18144, 5975, 11, 2412, 41492, 1541, 23151, 8816, 21936, 14356, 110, 1546, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.16531527444217983, "compression_ratio": 0.990909090909091, "no_speech_prob": 3.0254144803620875e-05}, {"id": 230, "seek": 92850, "start": 928.5, "end": 930.5, "text": "\u6709\u591a\u5c11\u662f\u53d7\u904e\u6559\u80b2\u7684?", "tokens": [2412, 41492, 1541, 23151, 8816, 21936, 14356, 110, 1546, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14194358189900716, "compression_ratio": 1.1901140684410647, "no_speech_prob": 8.140771569742355e-06}, {"id": 231, "seek": 92850, "start": 933.5, "end": 937.5, "text": "How many of the one billion people on the mainland have received an education?", "tokens": [6462, 867, 295, 264, 472, 5218, 561, 322, 264, 32365, 362, 4613, 364, 3309, 30], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14194358189900716, "compression_ratio": 1.1901140684410647, "no_speech_prob": 8.140771569742355e-06}, {"id": 232, "seek": 92850, "start": 939.5, "end": 942.5, "text": "\u6211\u60f3\u73fe\u5728\u9023\u96e2\u57ce\u5e02\u5f88\u9060\u7684\u8fb2\u6751\u90fd\u6709\u5b78\u6821\u4e86\u3002", "tokens": [25246, 12648, 36252, 32662, 45277, 27261, 4563, 34489, 1546, 9830, 110, 39553, 48121, 21372, 49684, 2289, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14194358189900716, "compression_ratio": 1.1901140684410647, "no_speech_prob": 8.140771569742355e-06}, {"id": 233, "seek": 92850, "start": 943.5, "end": 945.5, "text": "\u53d7\u904e\u6559\u80b2\u7684\u4eba\u5927\u6982\u4e0d\u5c11\u3002", "tokens": [23151, 8816, 21936, 14356, 110, 29979, 32044, 1960, 15686, 1543], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14194358189900716, "compression_ratio": 1.1901140684410647, "no_speech_prob": 8.140771569742355e-06}, {"id": 234, "seek": 92850, "start": 949.5, "end": 952.5, "text": "I think that now even villages far from the city have schools.", "tokens": [40, 519, 300, 586, 754, 20444, 1400, 490, 264, 2307, 362, 4656, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.14194358189900716, "compression_ratio": 1.1901140684410647, "no_speech_prob": 8.140771569742355e-06}, {"id": 235, "seek": 95250, "start": 952.5, "end": 957.5, "text": "So there are probably a lot of people who are educated.", "tokens": [6455, 456, 366, 1391, 257, 688, 295, 561, 567, 366, 15872, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1489860339042468, "compression_ratio": 1.280701754385965, "no_speech_prob": 1.3789201148028951e-05}, {"id": 236, "seek": 95250, "start": 958.5, "end": 959.5, "text": "This is the end of the tape.", "tokens": [5723, 307, 264, 917, 295, 264, 7314, 13], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.1489860339042468, "compression_ratio": 1.280701754385965, "no_speech_prob": 1.3789201148028951e-05}, {"id": 237, "seek": 95950, "start": 959.5, "end": 985.5, "text": "end of society module units 5 through 8 review tape 1.", "tokens": [50364, 521, 295, 4086, 10088, 6815, 1025, 807, 1649, 3131, 7314, 502, 13, 51664], "temperature": 0.0, "avg_logprob": -0.3952554066975911, "compression_ratio": 0.8709677419354839, "no_speech_prob": 0.0011076871305704117}], "language": "zh"}