1.	Tā mǎi shū le.	他/她买书了。	He/she bought books.	piányi	便宜	cheap	Tā mǎide shū zhēn piányi.	他/她书真便宜。	The books he/she bought are really cheap.	3	4	FSI-Chinese
2.	Tā mǎi shū le.	他/她买书了。	He/she bought books.	piányide	便宜的	cheap ones	Tā mǎide shū shì piànyide.	他/她书是便宜的。	The books he/she bought are cheap ones.	3	4	FSI-Chinese
3.	Tā kàn shū le. 	他/她看书了。	He/she bought books.	Zhōngguó shū	中国书	American books	Tā kànde shū shì Zhōngguó shū.	他/她书是中国书。	The books he/she looked at are Chinese books.	3	4	FSI-Chinese
4.	Zhào xiānsheng kàn dìtú le.	赵先生看地图了。	Mr.Zhào looked at maps.	dà	大	big	Zhào xiānsheng kànde dìtú zhēn dà.	赵先生看的地图真大。	The maps Mr.Zhào looked at are really big.	3	4	FSI-Chinese
5.	Zhōu tàitai mǎi dìtǎn le.	周太太买地毯了。	Mrs.Zhōu bought carpets.	guìde	贵的	expensive ones	Zhōu tàitai mǎide dìtǎn shì guìde.	周太太买的地毯是贵的。	he carpets Mrs.Zhōu bought are expensive ones.	3	4	FSI-Chinese
6.	Zhāng xiānsheng mǎi zhuōzi le.	张先生买桌子了。	Mr.Zhāng bought tables.	Měiguó zhuōzi	美国桌子	American tables	Zhāng xiānsheng mǎide zhuōzi shì Měiguo Zhuōzi.	张先生买的桌子是美国桌子。	The tables Mr.Zhāng bought are American tables.	3	4	FSI-Chinese
7.	Tā mǎi shūjiàzi le.	他/她买书架子了。	He/she bought bookcases.	hǎo	好	good	Tā mǎide shūjiàzi zhēn hǎo.	他/她书架子真好。	The bookcases he/she bought are really good.	3	4	FSI-Chinese