1	Diànyǐngyuàn fùjìn yǒu meiyou yínháng?	电影院附近有没有银行?	Is there a bank in the vicinity of the movie theater?	Yínháng shì bu shi zài diànyǐngyuàn fùjìn?		Is the bank in the vicinity of the movie theater?	4	2	FSI-Chinese
2	Dōngdān fùjìn yǒu meiyou càishichǎng?	东单附近有没有菜市场?	Is there a vegetable markeet in the vicinity of Dōngdān?	Càishichǎng shì bu shi zài dōngdān fùjìn?	菜市场是不是在东单附近?	Is the vegetable markeet in the vicinity of Dōngdān?	4	2	FSI-Chinese
3	Gōngyuán fùjìn yǒu meiyou xuéxiào?	公园附近有没有学校?	Is there a school in the vicinity of the park?	Xuéxiào shì bu shi zài gōngyuán fùjìn?	学校是不是在公园附近?	Is the school in the vicinity of the park?	4	2	FSI-Chinese
4	Nàr fùjìn yǒu meiyou lǐfǎde?	那儿附近有没有剪头的?	Is there a place where hair is cut ine that vicinity?	Lǐfǎde shì bu shi zài nàr fùjìn?	剪头的是不是在那儿附近?	Is the place where hair is cut ine that vicinity?	4	2	FSI-Chinese
5	Běijīng Fàndiàn fùjìn yǒu meiyou diànyǐngyuàn?	北京饭店附近有没有电影院?	Is there a movie theater in the vicinity of the Běijīng restaurant?	Diànyǐngyuàn shì bu shi zài Běijǐng Fàndiàn fùjìn?	电影院是不是在北京饭店附近?	Is the movie theater in the vicinity of the Běijīng restaurant?	4	2	FSI-Chinese
6	Nèige shāngdiàn fùjìn yǒu meiyou yínháng?	那个商店附近有没有银行?	Is there a bank in the vicinity of that store?	Yínháng shì bu shi zài nèige shāngdiàn fùjìn?	银行是不是在那个商店附近?	Is the  bank in the vicinity of that store?	4	2	FSI-Chinese
7	Nǐ jiā fùjìn yǒu meiyou xuéxiào?	你家附近有没有学校?	Is there a school in the vicinity of your home?	Xuéxiào shì bu shi zài nǐ jiā fùjìn?	学校是不是在你家附近?	Is the school in the vicinity of your home?	4	2	FSI-Chinese