Standard Chinese, a modular approach. Meeting module, Unit 1, Comprehension Tape 1. The situations on this tape are set in the PRC. On this tape, you'll learn questions and answers used in arranging a time for a meeting. William Martin, who works in the Canadian Embassy, has placed a call to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and has just been connected to the office he's calling. Listen as the phone is answered. Hello? 喂? 喂? Hello? Are you Section Chief Zhu? Why? 你是朱克掌吗? Why? 你是朱克掌吗? Yes. Who is this please? 是 您是哪位? 是 您是哪位? Here is a greeting used on the phone for hello. 喂? 喂? 喂? And here is a common variation. Why? 为什么? This word, unlike most Chinese words, has no fixed tone. The intonation varies according to the speaker's mood. Here is the title Section Chief. 克掌 克掌 Notice the use of the polite terms 您 and 喂 in the Chinese equivalent for the polite English sentence. Who is this please? Listen to the whole exchange live. 喂? 喂? 你是朱克掌吗? 是 您是哪位? 我是威廉马丁. Again? 喂? 喂? 你是朱克掌吗? 是 您是哪位? 我是威廉马丁. Check your comprehension. 喂? 喂? Hello? Why? 您是朱克掌吗? Hello? Are you Section Chief Zhu? 是 您是哪位? Yes. Who is this please? 我是威廉马丁. I'm William Martin. Here's the exchange of greetings that follows. Notice that the expression haven't seen you for a long time may use the negative word 不 instead of 没. 李先生,好久不见,您好啊. 好,您好啊. The conversation continues. I have something I'd like to talk with you about in person. 我有点是想跟您当面谈谈。 Here's a verb that means to talk about or to chat. 谈 谈 Notice that the word gun is acting as a prepositional verb and is translated with. Here's the word that means face to face, which we have translated in person. 当面 当面 Listen to the sentence live. 我有点是想跟您当面谈谈。 Again. 我有点是想跟您当面谈谈。 Check your comprehension. 我有点是想跟您当面谈谈。 I have something I'd like to talk with you about in person. The conversation continues. I don't know whether you have the time or not. 不知道您有功夫没有。 Here's the word that means a period of free time. 功夫 功夫 Here's the whole exchange live. 不知道您有功夫没有。 Again. 不知道您有功夫没有。 Check your comprehension. 不知道您有功夫没有。 I don't know whether you have the time or not. 有功夫。 I have the time. The conversation continues. What time would suit you? 什么时候对您合适? Here's the prepositional verb for in the sense of with respect to or from the point of view of. 对 对 And here's the adjectival verb meaning to fit, to suit, or to be suitable or appropriate. 合适 合适 The sentence 什么时候对您合适 can be translated what time would suit you or more freely what time would be best for you. Here's the whole exchange live. 什么时候对您合适? 今天明天都可以. Again. 什么时候对您合适? 今天明天都可以. Check your comprehension. 什么时候对您合适? What time would suit you? 今天明天都可以. Either today or tomorrow would be fine. Let's change the scene and listen to another Canadian official calling the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 喂. 喂,你是刘女士吗? 不是,她现在不在。你有事吗? 你知道她今天有没有功夫? 我有一点事想跟她当面谈谈。 您最好等她回来,问她什么时候对她合适。 好,谢谢你。再见。 再见。Again. 喂. 喂,您是刘女士吗? 不是,她现在不在。你有事吗? 你知道她今天有没有功夫? 我有一点事想跟她当面谈谈。 您最好等她回来,问她什么时候对她合适。 好,谢谢你。再见。再见。 Check your comprehension. 喂. Hello. 喂,你是刘女士吗? Hello, are you Miss Liu? 不是,她现在不在。 No, she's not here now. 你有事吗? Can I do something for you? 你知道她今天有没有功夫? Do you know whether she has any free time today? 我有一点事想跟她当面谈谈。 I have something I want to talk with her about in person. 您最好等她回来,问她什么时候对她合适。 It would be best for you to wait till she comes back and asks her what time suits her. 好,谢谢你。再见。 Alright, thank you. Goodbye.再见。 Goodbye. Let's go back to Mr. Martin's call to Section Chief Drew. Here's his next question. 今天下午两点钟方便吗? Listen to the answer. Three would be more convenient than two. 三点比两点方便一点。 Here's the prepositional verb that means in comparison with. 比. The prepositional verb比 is used in making comparisons between two things which are different. In translating, it may be helpful to think of the word比 as corresponding to English than. More complicated examples will be found in the reference notes. Here's the whole exchange live. 今天下午两点钟方便吗? 三点比两点方便一点。 Again. 今天下午两点钟方便吗? 三点比两点方便一点。 Check your comprehension. 今天下午两点钟方便吗? Would two o'clock today be convenient? 三点比两点方便一点。 Three would be more convenient than two. The conversation continues. Since I'm going out in a little while, I might not be able to get back by two. 因为我一会儿出去也许两点回不来。 Notice that the word 因为 may be translated since as well as because. Here's a word that means a short while. 一会儿。 Notice that the word 以会儿 is pronounced as if it ended with er instead of ir. Like other time words, 以会儿 before the verb refers to the time when something happens and is translated in a little while. Here's the word for perhaps or might. 也许。 And here's the compound that means not able to get back. 回不来。 To say not able to about the action of a compound verb of result, you add the toneless syllable 复 between the action and the result. Now listen to the contrast between able to and not able to. 回得来。回不来。回得来。回不来。 To say able to, you add the toneless syllable 复 between the action and the result. Here's the whole exchange live. 因为我一会儿出去也许两点回不来。 三点钟也好。 Again, 因为我一会儿出去也许两点回不来。 三点钟也好。 Again, 因为我一会儿出去也许两点回不来。 Again, 因为我一会儿出去也许两点回不来。 三点钟也好。 Again, 因为我一会儿出去也许两点回不来。 Well then, I'll wait for you in the reception room downstairs at three o'clock. 那么我三点钟在楼下的会课时等您。 那么我三点钟在楼下的会课时等您。 Here's how you say well then. 那么。那么。 Here's the word for downstairs. 楼下。 The word for upstairs, of course, is 楼上。 And here's the word for reception room. 会课时。 In China, visitors to government or business office buildings are usually met in special reception rooms. Listen to the whole exchange live. 那么我三点钟在楼下的会课时等您。 好,三点见。 Again. 那么我三点钟在楼下的会课时等您。 好,三点见。 Check your comprehension. 那么我三点钟在楼下的会课时等您。 Well then, I'll wait for you in the reception room downstairs at three o'clock. 好,三点见。 Fine, I'll see you at three. Here's a short review dialogue using the words just introduced. This conversation takes place between two young Chinese workers in the upstairs hall of their apartment building. Here it is live. 我一会儿想到北京感恩馆去看看。 你要不要一起去? 你想几点钟去? 一点钟怎么样? 我现在有一点事,也许一点钟做不完。 三点钟比一点钟对我方便一点。 三点钟去行不行? 好,那么咱们三点钟在楼下见,好不好? 好。 Again. 我一会儿想到北京展览馆去看看。 您要不要一起去? 你想几点钟去? 一点钟怎么样? 我现在有一点事,也许一点钟做不完。 三点钟比一点钟对我方便一点。 三点钟去行不行? 好,那么咱们三点钟在楼下见,好不好? 好。 So if you understood what we said. 我一会儿想到北京展览馆去看看。 I'm thinking of going to visit the Peking Exhibition Hall in a little while. 你要不要一起去? Would you like to go along? 你想几点钟去? What time are you thinking of going? 一点钟怎么样? How would one o'clock be? 我现在有一点事, I have something to do now,也许一点钟做不完。 I might not be able to finish by one o'clock. 三点钟比一点钟对我方便一点。 Three o'clock would be more convenient for me than one o'clock. 三点钟去行不行? Would it be all right to go at three o'clock? 好,那么咱们三点钟在楼下见,好不好? Fine. Well then, we'll meet downstairs at three o'clock, all right? 好。 Fine. Here's a longer conversation reviewing all the material introduced on the tape. You'll hear the conversation twice live. The conversation will be repeated at the beginning of the C2 tape, once live and once with pauses and English. A translation of the conversation will also be found in your textbook for this unit. Listen. 喂. 喂,请问张科长在不在? 他出去了,您是哪位? 我是大卫李。 哦,李先生,好久不见。 您找张科长有什么事吗? 我有点事,想跟他当面谈谈。 不知道他十一点钟回得来回不来。 他是十点半出去的,也许十一点回不来。 您知道他什么时候有功夫? 张科长上午比下午忙。 他每天四点钟以后就不那么忙了。 不知道那个时间对您合适不合适? 合适合适。 等一会儿张科长回来,我告诉他, 你们在什么地方见呢? 我想四点钟,我可以在您那边的楼下会客室等他。 谢谢您。 不客气,再见。 再见。 再见。 喂。 喂,请问张科长在不在? 不在,他出去了,您是哪位? 我是大卫李。 哦,李先生,好久不见。 您找张科长有什么事吗? 我有点事,想跟他当面谈谈。 不知道他十一点钟回得来回不来。 他十点半出去的,也许十一点回不来。 您知道他什么时候有功夫? 张科长上午比下午忙, 他每天四点钟以后就不那么忙了。 不知道这个时间对您合适不合适? 合适合适。 等一会儿张科长回来,我告诉他, 你们在什么地方见呢? 我想四点钟,我可以在您那边的楼下会客室等他。 谢谢您。 不客气,再见。 再见。 您有功夫没有? 您有免费时间吗? 那么,我三点钟在楼下的会客室等你。 好,那么,我等您在三点钟下楼下等您。 喂,您是张科长吗? 是,您是哪位? 我是威廉玛丁。 我是威廉玛丁。 我是马丁先生,好久不见。 哦, Mr. Martin, 我没有见您一段时间。 您在四点钟下楼下等您。 您在三点钟下楼下等您。 您在三点钟下楼下等您。 您在三点钟下楼下等您。 您在三点钟下楼下等您。 您在三点钟下楼下等您。 您在三点钟下楼下您被收 您在三点钟下楼下等您。 您在三点钟下楼下等您。 您在三点钟下楼下等您。 您已在三点钟下楼下等您。 I have something I'd like to talk with you about in person. If you think you're ready, go on to the P1 tape. This is the end of the tape. end of meeting module unit 1 comprehension tape 1