start end text 0 3100 Meeting Module Unit 6, Production Tape 1 3600 9700 On the comprehension tape in this unit, you learn to understand questions and answers used in inviting someone for a meal in a restaurant. 10200 14900 If you think you might have forgotten the meanings of these sentences, go back to the end of the C1 tape and review them. 15400 20200 If you think that you know the meanings for all the sentences on the target list, you should begin learning how to say them. 20900 23500 The situations on this tape are set in the ROC. 23500 31500 Virginia Sanders, who works at the USIS Library in Taipei, is talking with Chen Huiwen, who also works at the library. Listen. 32500 35000 今天我们一起去吃中饭好吗? 35300 38500 好啊,到东门餐厅去吃吧。 39500 43500 Repeat the word for lunch, more literally, middle meal. 44300 45300 中饭 46500 47500 中饭 47500 53500 Repeat, let's go have lunch together today, okay? 54500 57500 今天我们一起去吃中饭好吗? 62500 65500 今天我们一起去吃中饭好吗? 67500 72500 Notice that the time word 今天 is used here in the topic position instead of coming after the subject woman. 72500 76500 The change into the topic position singles out the word 今天 for emphasis. 77500 80500 How do you say? Let's go have lunch together today, okay? 85500 88500 今天我们一起去吃中饭好吗? 90500 95500 Try asking the question again, you'll get a reply. Let's go have lunch together today, okay? 95500 96500 对 101500 104500 今天我们一起去吃中饭好吗? 105500 108500 好啊,到东门餐厅去吃吧。 109500 110500 Again 114500 117500 今天我们一起去吃中饭好吗? 118500 121500 好啊,到东门餐厅去吃吧。 121500 124500 Now repeat, East Gate Restaurant. 125500 126500 东门餐厅 129500 130500 东门餐厅 132500 136500 Repeat, alright, why don't we go to the East Gate Restaurant? 137500 140500 好,到东门餐厅去吃吧。 140500 147500 好,到东门餐厅去吃吧。 151500 157500 Try responding to the question yourself now, say alright, why don't we go to the East Gate Restaurant? 158500 161500 今天我们一起去吃中饭好吗? 161500 166500 好啊,到东门餐厅去吃吧。 169500 170500 Again 171500 174500 今天我们一起去吃中饭好吗? 179500 183500 好啊,到东门餐厅去吃吧。 185500 187500 What's the word for lunch? 187500 190500 中饭 191500 194500 The word for breakfast is similarly formed. Repeat breakfast. 195500 196500 早饭 198500 199500 早饭 201500 203500 Now repeat supper. 204500 205500 晚饭 207500 208500 晚饭 210500 213500 The conversation continues. Listen carefully. 213500 216500 饭 217500 219500 The conversation continues. Listen. 220500 224500 东门的菜,恐怕没有大华的菜那么好吧。 226500 228500 Repeat the word for food, literally vegetables. 229500 230500 菜 231500 232500 菜 234500 236500 Repeat the food at the East Gate. 237500 238500 东门的菜 238500 241500 东门的菜 242500 244500 Now repeat the name of the other restaurant, the Great China. 245500 246500 大华 247500 248500 大华 250500 252500 Repeat the food at the Great China. 253500 254500 大华的菜 256500 257500 大华的菜 259500 264500 Repeat the food at the East Gate isn't as good as the food at the Great China. 264500 268500 东门的菜,没有大华的菜那么好。 273500 276500 东门的菜,没有大华的菜那么好。 278500 283500 The verb 没有 is used here to compare two things and show that one doesn't measure up to the other. 284500 290500 When 没有 is used in this way, it's followed later in the sentence by 没有 and an adjectival verb or auxiliary verb. 290500 295500 Repeat again, the food at the East Gate isn't as good as the food at the Great China. 296500 299500 东门的菜,没有大华的菜那么好。 304500 307500 东门的菜,没有大华的菜那么好。 307500 317500 How do you suppose that you'd say I'm not as busy as he is? 320500 322500 我没有他那么忙。 324500 329500 How would you say I don't like to see movies as much as he does? 329500 332500 我没有他那么喜欢看电影。 336500 339500 Now you've learned three ways to make comparisons in Chinese. 340500 342500 The first type you learned was with the sentences using 比. 343500 345500 This is commonly used to say something is more. 346500 348500 Repeat, he's busier than I am. 349500 350500 他比我忙。 352500 353500 他比我忙。 355500 356500 他比我忙。 356500 357500 他比我忙。 360500 363500 On this tape, you learn the standard way of saying something is less. 364500 366500 Repeat, he's not as busy as I am. 368500 369500 他没有我那么忙。 374500 375500 他没有我那么忙。 379500 381500 You've also learned how to say when things are equal. 382500 383500 Repeat, he is as busy as I am. 383500 384500 他跟我一样忙。 392500 393500 他跟我一样忙。 397500 403500 Using sentences with 比 for more and sentences with 没有 for less and sentences with 跟 for equally, 404500 405500 put the following sentences into Chinese. 405500 413500 He has more books than I do. 414500 415500 他的书比我的书多。 418500 420500 He doesn't have as many books as I do. 426500 428500 他的书没有我的书那么多。 428500 432500 He has as many books as I do. 437500 439500 他的书跟我的书一样多。 442500 446500 The main verb and sentences comparing things does not always have to be an adjectival verb. 447500 448500 It may also be an auxiliary verb. 449500 451500 How do you say, he likes to see movies more than I do. 451500 452500 他比我喜欢看电影。 455500 456500 How do you say, I don't like to see movies as much as he does. 460500 461500 我没有他那么喜欢看电影。 467500 468500 And how do you say, I like to see movies as much as he does. 470500 471500 我没有他那么喜欢看电影。 473500 474500 And how do you say, I like to see movies as much as he does. 474500 480500 And how do you say I like to see movies as much as he does? 480500 489500 我跟他一樣喜歡看電影。 489500 494500 Let's return to the conversation now. 494500 499500 How do you say the food at the east gate isn't as good as the food at the great China? 499500 514500 東門的菜沒有大華的菜那麼好。 514500 515500 Now repeat. 515500 520500 I'm afraid that the food at the east gate isn't as good as the food at the great China. 520500 537500 東門的菜恐怕沒有大華的菜那麼好吧。 537500 546500 Notice that although the English sentence starts out with I'm afraid that the Chinese sentence puts 恐怕 later in the sentence before the verb 沒有。 546500 557500 How do you say I'm afraid that the food at the east gate isn't as good as the food at the great China? 557500 563500 東門的菜恐怕沒有大華的菜那麼好吧。 563500 564500 Again. 564500 571500 I'm afraid that the food at the east gate isn't as good as the food at the great China. 571500 576500 The conversation continues. 576500 577500 Listen. 577500 584500 雖然不太好可是離我們這裡近。 584500 591500 Repeat the word for although or even though 雖然。 591500 595500 雖然 595500 599500 repeat although it's not too good it is close to us 599500 603500 雖然不太好可是離我們這裏近 603500 607500 雖然不太好可是離我們這裏近 607500 611500 雖然不太好可是離我們這裏近 611500 615500 雖然不太好可是離我們這裏近 615500 619500 When Sui Ran is used to start off a sentence 619500 623500 it must be followed in the second part of the sentence by Ke Shi 623500 627500 repeat again although it's not too good it is close to us 627500 631500 雖然不太好可是離我們這裏近 631500 635500 雖然不太好可是離我們這裏近 635500 639500 雖然不太好可是離我們這裏近 639500 643500 take part in the conversation yourself now 643500 647500 respond that although it's not too good it is close to us 647500 651500 respond that although it's not too good it is close to us 651500 655500 東門的菜恐怕沒有大華的菜那麼好吧 655500 659500 雖然不太好可是離我們這裏近 659500 663500 雖然不太好可是離我們這裏近 663500 667500 雖然不太好可是離我們這裏近 667500 671500 again 671500 675500 東門的菜恐怕沒有大華的菜那麼好吧 675500 679500 雖然不太好可是離我們這裏近 679500 683500 雖然不太好可是離我們這裏近 683500 687500 the conversation continues listen 687500 691500 哦還有一個新開的飯館子 691500 695500 離我們這裏更近 695500 699500 repeat the adjectival verb to be new 699500 703500 新 703500 707500 repeat a newly opened restaurant 707500 711500 新開的飯館子 711500 715500 新開的飯館子repeat the word for even more 715500 719500 更 719500 723500 更 723500 727500 repeat even closer to us 727500 731500 離我們這裏更近 731500 735500 離我們這裏更近 735500 739500 repeat oh there's also a newly opened restaurant that's even closer to us 739500 743500 哦還有一個新開的飯館子 743500 747500 離我們這裏更近 747500 751500 哦還有一個新開的飯館子 751500 755500 離我們這裏更近 755500 759500 repeat 759500 763500 what's the word for new or newly 763500 767500 新 767500 771500 what's the word for even more 771500 775500 更 775500 779500 how do you say there's also a newly opened restaurant that's even closer to us 783500 787500 還有一個新開的飯館子 787500 791500 離我們這裏更近 791500 795500 again 795500 799500 還有一個新開的飯館子 799500 803500 離我們這裏更近 803500 807500 the conversation continues, listen 807500 811500 他們那裏的菜非常好 811500 815500 今天我請你到那裏去吃 815500 819500 repeat the adverb extremely or unusually 819500 823500 非常 823500 825500 非常 825500 829500 repeat the food there is extremely good 829500 833500 他們那裏的菜非常好 833500 837500 他們那裏的菜非常好 837500 841500 repeat 841500 845500 repeat 845500 849500 今天我請你到那裏去吃 849500 853500 今天我請你到那裏去吃 853500 857500 repeat 857500 861500 repeat 861500 865500 repeat 865500 869500 repeat 869500 873500 今天我請你到那裏去吃 873500 877500 repeat 877500 881500 他們那裏的菜非常好 881500 885500 repeat 885500 889500 他們那裏的菜非常好 889500 893500 repeat 893500 897500 repeat 897500 901500 repeat the food there is extremely good 901500 905500 repeat 905500 909500 repeat 909500 913500 他們那裏的菜非常好 913500 917500 repeat 917500 921500 repeat 921500 925500 他們那裏的菜非常好 925500 929500 我請你到那裏去吃 929500 933500 那不好意思 933500 937500 repeat the phrase which means embarrassing 937500 941500 不好意思 941500 945500 repeat the sentence that would be too embarrassing 945500 949500 那不好意思 949500 953500 那不好意思 953500 957500 repeat 957500 961500 repeat 961500 965500 repeat 965500 969500 他們那裏的菜非常好 969500 973500 今天我請你到那裏去吃 973500 977500 那不好意思 977500 981500 repeat 981500 985500 他們那裏的菜非常好 985500 989500 今天我請你到那裏去吃 989500 993500 那不好意思 993500 997500 別客氣沒什麽 997500 1001500 那個地方的菜又好又便宜 1001500 1005500 你說的地方一定好 1005500 1009500 repeat both good and cheap 1009500 1013500 又好又便宜 1013500 1017500 repeat 1017500 1021500 repeat 1021500 1025500 那個地方的菜又好又便宜 1025500 1029500 repeat 1029500 1033500 那個地方的菜又好又便宜 1033500 1037500 repeat 1037500 1041500 別客氣沒什麽 1041500 1045500 那個地方的菜又好又便宜 1045500 1049500 repeat 1049500 1053500 別客氣沒什麽 1053500 1057500 那個地方的菜又好又便宜 1057500 1061500 repeat 1061500 1065500 repeat 1065500 1069500 別客氣沒什麽 1069500 1073500 別客氣沒什麽 1073500 1077500 別客氣沒什麽 1077500 1081500 那個地方的菜又好又便宜 1081500 1085500 你說的地方一定好 1085500 1089500 again 1089500 1093500 別客氣沒什麽 1093500 1097500 那個地方的菜又好又便宜 1097500 1101500 你說的地方一定好 1101500 1105500 repeat 1105500 1109500 一定 1109500 1113500 一定 1113500 1117500 repeat 1117500 1121500 repeat 1121500 1125500 你說的地方一定好 1125500 1129500 你說的地方一定好 1129500 1133500 repeat 1133500 1137500 repeat 1137500 1141500 repeat 1141500 1145500 你說的地方一定好 1145500 1149500 repeat 1149500 1151500 orsponding in the conversation yourself 1151500 1155500 say that anyplace you say should be good 1155500 1159500 那個地方的菜又好又便宜 1159500 1163500 repeat 1163500 1167500 你說的地方一定好 1167500 1169500 again 1169500 1173500 那個地方的菜又好又便宜 1173500 1177500 repeat 1178500 1180500 你说的地方一定好 1184500 1188500 他们那里有好些菜,别的地方吃不着 1191500 1192500 好些 1193500 1194500 好些 1199500 1201500 他们那里有好些菜 1201500 1203500 他们那里有好些菜 1205500 1206500 别的 1208500 1209500 别的 1211500 1212500 别的 1215500 1216500 吃不着 1218500 1219500 吃不着 1223500 1224500 吃不着 1224500 1226500 吃不着 1240500 1242500 我找不着他的电话号码 1242500 1249500 我找不着他的电话号码 1255500 1257500 今天没买着苹果 1261500 1263500 今天没买着苹果 1263500 1265500 现在再次 1265500 1268500 他们那里有好些菜,别的地方吃不着 1278500 1281500 他们那里有好些菜,别的地方吃不着 1284500 1285500 再次 1285500 1291500 他们那里有好些菜,别的地方吃不着 1296500 1299500 他们那里有好些菜,别的地方吃不着 1306500 1307500 别的 1307500 1312500 他们那里有好些菜,别的地方吃不着 1314500 1317500 他们那里有好些菜,别的地方吃不着 1319500 1320500 好些 1322500 1324500 他们那里有好些菜,别的地方吃不着 1326500 1327500 好些 1329500 1330500 好些 1330500 1335500 他们那里有好些菜,别的地方吃不着 1340500 1343500 今天我们一起去吃中饭好吗 1345500 1349500 好啊,到东边餐厅去吃吧 1349500 1353500 东门的菜, runs a little bit better than the East gate 1357500 1362500 东门的菜,恐怕没有大华的菜那么好吧 1365500 1367500 虽然我看不太好,但也不错 1370500 1375500 虽然我们在东门吃饭,但也不错 1375500 1380500 虽然不太好,可是离我们这里近 1386500 1389500 哦,还有一个新开的饭馆子,离我们这里更近 1392500 1396500 哦,还有一个新开的饭馆子,离我们这里更近 1396500 1400500 哦,还有一个新开的饭馆子,离我们这里更近 1402500 1404500 The food there is extremely good 1408500 1411500 他们那里的菜非常好 1412500 1415500 Today I'm going to invite you to go eat there 1419500 1422500 今天我请你到那里去吃 1422500 1425500 And I'll let you do that 1427500 1429500 那,不好意思 1430500 1432500 Don't be polite, it's nothing 1432500 1435500 The food there is both good and cheap 1441500 1443500 别客气,没什么 1443500 1446500 那个地方的菜又好,又便宜 1446500 1450500 Any place you suggest it should be good 1456500 1458500 你说的地方一定好 1461500 1464500 They have a good many dishes there that you can't find other places 1464500 1469500 他们那里有好些菜,别的地方吃不着 1472500 1474500 This is the end of the tape 1474500 1495500 This is the end of the tape