start end text 0 5000 Standard Chinese, a modular approach. 5000 8000 Resource module on pronunciation and romanization. 8000 10000 Tape 6. 10000 14000 So far in this series of tapes on pronunciation and romanization, 14000 16000 we've been dealing with single syllables. 16000 19000 All of our examples have been single syllable surnames. 19000 22000 On this tape we're going to take up two syllable combinations. 22000 25000 Most of our examples will be place names. 25000 28000 We'll be primarily concerned with sequences of tones, 28000 33000 but our examples just happen to review all the vowel and consonant sounds and spellings we've covered. 33000 36000 You've probably already started on the orientation module. 36000 40000 If you have,you've already come across syllables in what we call the neutral tone. 40000 44000 That is unstressed syllables which cannot be assigned to any of the four tones. 44000 47000 Examples from unit one are the second syllables of 47000 53000 先生,小姐,你呢? 53000 56000 in 太太. 56000 59000 Display one gives you four examples of the neutral tone. 59000 62000 We need four examples because what we call the neutral tone 62000 65000 is actually slightly different after each of the four full tones. 65000 68000 Listen to the high tone verb to fly, 68000 70000 the rising tone verb to be fat, 70000 72000 the low tone verb to slander, 72000 74000 and the falling tone verb to waste, 74000 78000 each with the neutral tone ending luh attached. 78000 86000 Faila,faila,faila,faila. 86000 95000 Again,faila,faila,faila,faila. 95000 100000 Notice that there is no tone mark over the neutral tone syllable in the romanization. 100000 105000 A toneless syllable or what we call a syllable in the neutral tone has a definite pitch, 105000 108000 but this pitch doesn't belong to the syllable the way a tone does. 108000 111000 Instead it's determined by the tone of the preceding syllable, 111000 115000 as you can see in the tone diagrams in the display. 115000 118000 Notice the different heights of the dots representing the neutral tone, 118000 121000 and listen for the correspondingly different pitches of the neutral tone 121000 124000 as the speaker reads the syllables. 124000 130000 Faila,faila,faila,faila. 130000 134000 Again,faila,faila,faila. 134000 139000 We won't go into it on this tape, 139000 143000 but the pitch of the neutral tone is also affected by the tone of a following syllable. 143000 146000 We also won't go into a freestanding neutral tone syllable 146000 148000 and sequences of neutral tone syllables. 148000 152000 After the high tone,the pitch of the neutral tone is almost at the bottom. 152000 154000 Listen for the drop. 154000 160000 Faila,faila,faila. 160000 162000 Try imitating it. 162000 171000 Faila,faila,faila. 171000 175000 After the rising tone,the pitch of the neutral tone is in the middle. 175000 177000 Listen for the drop. 177000 183000 Faila,faila,faila. 183000 185000 Try imitating it. 185000 191000 Faila,faila. 191000 194000 Faila. 194000 200000 You may have noticed that the low tone of two slanders stayed low before the neutral tone of low. 200000 202000 There was no rising tail. 202000 207000 As a matter of fact,the low tone only has its rising tail when nothing follows it immediately. 207000 209000 We'll go further into this in a moment. 209000 213000 After this tail is low tone,which is sometimes called the half third tone, 213000 215000 the pitch of the neutral tone is near the top. 215000 217000 Listen for the jump. 217000 223000 Faila,faila,faila. 223000 225000 Try imitating it. 225000 235000 Faila,faila,faila. 235000 239000 After the falling tone,the pitch of the neutral tone is at the bottom. 239000 242000 It really takes the place of the tip of the tail of the falling tone. 242000 245000 Listen for the steady fall. 245000 251000 Faila,faila,faila. 251000 253000 Try imitating it. 253000 261000 Faila,faila,faila. 261000 265000 Now try repeating each example after the speaker. 265000 272000 Faila,faila. 272000 277000 Faila,faila. 277000 279000 Again. 279000 285000 Faila,faila. 285000 290000 Faila,faila. 290000 293000 This time try saying each example ahead of the speaker. 293000 297000 Here we go. 297000 304000 Faila,faila. 304000 310000 Faila,faila. 310000 313000 Again. 313000 320000 Faila,faila. 320000 326000 Faila,faila. 326000 330000 Exercise 1 has these four examples in scrambled order. 330000 332000 Read and repeat. 332000 337000 One,faila. 337000 342000 Two,faila. 342000 348000 Three,faila. 348000 354000 Four,faila. 354000 359000 Five,faila. 359000 365000 Six,faila. 365000 370000 Seven,faila. 370000 376000 Eight,faila. 376000 381000 Nine,faila. 381000 386000 Ten,faila. 386000 392000 Eleven,faila. 392000 398000 Twelve,faila. 398000 402000 We notice that the low tone stays low before the neutral tone. 402000 405000 It also stays low before the high, rising and falling tones. 405000 409000 In other words,it stays low before any tone except another low tone. 409000 412000 Listen to examples in display too. 412000 422000 台北,北京,永平,保定.Again. 422000 432000 台北,北京,永平,保定. 432000 437000 The syllable 北,which means north, is in the low tone. 437000 444000 In台北,the name of the largest city in Taiwan,it comes at the end and so it has its rising tail. 444000 451000 In Beijing,Peking,it comes before a different full tone and so it loses its rising tail. 451000 455000 The same thing happens in 永平 and 保定. 455000 458000 Try repeating these examples after the speaker. 458000 471000 台北,北京,永平,保定.Again. 471000 483000 台北,北京,永平,保定. 483000 488000 When a low tone comes before another low tone,something quite different happens. 488000 490000 It changes to a rising tone. 490000 493000 Display 3 has the names of two lakes in Peking. 493000 499000 Nanhai,literally South Sea and 北海,literally North Sea. 499000 502000 Notice that the tone diagrams are the same for both names. 502000 509000 Before the low tone of 海,the low tone of 北 becomes a rising tone,indistinguishable from the rising tone of 南. 509000 511000 Listen. 511000 517000 南海,北海.Again. 517000 524000 南海,北海.Try repeating. 524000 532000 南海,北海.Again. 532000 538000 南海,北海. 538000 563000 Try repeating the examples in exercise 2 and repeat after the speaker. 563000 567000 台北,北海. 567000 572000 北京,3. 572000 578000 永平,4. 578000 584000 北海,5. 584000 589000 保定,6. 589000 594000 北海,7. 594000 599000 北京,8. 599000 604000 台北,9. 604000 610000 北海,10. 610000 615000 保定,11. 615000 620000 永平,12. 620000 625000 北海. 625000 631000 Now look at the 20 examples in display 4,representing all two tone sequences. 631000 639000 Listen to the speaker read across the rows,paying particular attention to the neutral tone and to the irregular low tones. 639000 649000 山西,昆明,香港,開花,飞了. 649000 660000 延安,云南,台北,羅定,肥了. 660000 672000 北京,永平,北海,廣信,肥了. 672000 682000 四川,热河,上海,奉意,肥了. 682000 711000 台北,北海,廣信,肥了. 711000 719000 飞了,high neutral,3. 719000 727000 羅定,rising falling,4. 727000 739000 北海,rising low,the basic low tone of bay has become a rising tone,5. 739000 747000 热河,falling rising,6. 747000 755000 四川,falling high,7. 755000 770000 永平,low rising,8. 770000 781000 開花,high falling,10. 781000 789000 香港,high low,11. 789000 797000 云南,rising rising,12. 797000 804000 北京,low high,13. 804000 812000 飞了,falling neutral,14. 812000 820000 上海,falling low,15. 820000 828000 廣信,low falling,16. 828000 837000 飞了,rising neutral,17. 837000 845000 昆明,high rising,18. 845000 854000 延安,rising high,19. 854000 862000 飞了,low neutral,20. 862000 870000 奉意,falling falling. 870000 887000 Now read and repeat the examples in exercise 4,concentrating on getting the tone sequences right. 887000 902000 3.云安,4.飞了,5. 902000 921000 四川,6.昆明,7.廣信,8. 921000 933000 奉意,9.北海,10. 933000 951000 飞了,11.永平,12.上海,13. 951000 969000 飞了,14.云南,16.台北,16. 969000 990000 挪定,17.开化,18.飞了,19.北京,20. 990000 1003000 任何. 1003000 1021000 昌州,泽州,武昌,浙江,芝芙,杰石,九龙, 1021000 1036000 越南,青岛,隋原,浦儿,日本, 1036000 1052000 波翼,盟字,旅顺,万千,飞了,飞了,飞了,飞了. 1052000 1070000 exercise 5 is another tone dictation exercise. Mark the tones appropriately, repeating as you do so. 1070000 1091000 falling rising,3.旅顺,low falling,4.武昌,low high,5.隋原, 1091000 1118000 rising low,6.飞了,high neutral,7.之福,high rising,8.万千,falling falling,9.浙江, 1118000 1131000 falling high,10.浦儿, rising low,the basic low tone of 浦 has become a rising tone. 1131000 1158000 11.飞了, rising neutral,12.杰石, rising rising,13.波翼,high falling,14. 1158000 1187000 藏州,high high,15.日本,falling low,16.飞了,low neutral,17.九龙,low rising,18. 1187000 1210000 盟字,rising falling,19.泽州,rising high,20.青岛,high low. 1210000 1217000 now read and repeat the examples in exercise 6, concentrating on the tone sequences. 1217000 1246000 汤州,2.浙江,3.九龙,4.隋原,5.波翼,6. 1246000 1275000 万千,7.飞了,8.泽州,9.之福,10. 1275000 1304000 越南,11.浦儿,12.盟字,13.飞了,14.飞了,15. 1304000 1327000 武昌,16.杰石,17.青岛,18.日本,19. 1327000 1337000 隋原,20.飞了,20.