ànzhào 按照 according to CAR 2 FSI-Chinese bǎoxiāngàng 保险杠 bumper CAR 2 FSI-Chinese bǎoxiǎn 保险 to insure, to be insured CAR 2 FSI-Chinese bǎoyǎng 保养 to have a maintenance checkup CAR 1 FSI-Chinese bǎo 爆 to explode CAR 1 FSI-Chinese bēitāi 备胎 spare tire CAR 2 FSI-Chinese biànsùqì 变速器 gear shift CAR 2 FSI-Chinese biě 瘪 to be dented CAR 2 FSI-Chinese bōli 原理 glass CAR 1 FSI-Chinese cā 擦 to wipe CAR 1 FSI-Chinese chángchang 常常 often CAR 1 FSI-Chinese chāo sù 超速 to exceed the speed limit CAR 2 FSI-Chinese chē hòutoude chuānghu 车后头的窗戶 rear windshield CAR 2 FSI-Chinese chēhuò 车祸 car accident CAR 2 FSI-Chinese chē mén 车门 car door CAR 2 FSI-Chinese chēmén 车门 car door CAR 2 FSI-Chinese chē qiántoude chuānghu 车前头的窗戶 front windshield CAR 2 FSI-Chinese chēshēn 车身 body of a car CAR 2 FSI-Chinese chētou 车头 car hood CAR 2 FSI-Chinese chēxiāng 车厢 trunk CAR 2 FSI-Chinese chuànghuài le 疮坏了 damaged CAR 2 FSI-Chinese chuàng 疮 to bump into, to collide with CAR 2 FSI-Chinese chǔlǐ 处理 to handle, manage CAR 2 FSI-Chinese chū shi 出事 to have an accident CAR 2 FSI-Chinese dà hòutian 大后天 the third day from now CAR 2 FSI-Chinese dài 带 to carry along with, to bring CAR 2 FSI-Chinese dāngníbǎn 挡泥板 fender CAR 2 FSI-Chinese dānzi 单子 ticket, note CAR 2 FSI-Chinese dǎqìtǒng 打气筒 air pump CAR 1 FSI-Chinese dǎ qì 打气 to add air CAR 1 FSI-Chinese dǎ 打 to hit CAR 1 FSI-Chinese dēngjìzhèng 登记证 car registration CAR 2 FSI-Chinese dēng 灯 light lamp CAR 1 FSI-Chinese dēng 灯 lights CAR 2 FSI-Chinese diànpíng 电瓶 battery CAR 2 FSI-Chinese dìng 订 to order CAR 1 FSI-Chinese dòng 动 to move CAR 2 FSI-Chinese fādòng 动机 to start, to mobilize CAR 1 FSI-Chinese fāhuǒ kāiguan 发火开关 ignition CAR 2 FSI-Chinese fákuǎndān 罚款单 ticket, a fine CAR 2 FSI-Chinese fákuǎn 罚款 to fine, to issue a fine CAR 2 FSI-Chinese fēngshàn pídài 风扇皮带 fan belt CAR 2 FSI-Chinese fēngshàn 风扇 fan CAR 2 FSI-Chinese gāojí 高级 high grade CAR 1 FSI-Chinese Gōngānjú 公安局 Bureau of Public Safety CAR 2 FSI-Chinese gōngjù 工具 tool CAR 1 FSI-Chinese gōngshēng 公升 liter CAR 1 FSI-Chinese gūjì 估计 to estimate CAR 2 FSI-Chinese jíǎnchá 检察 to inspect, to examine, to check CAR 1 FSI-Chinese jiǎndàn 简单 to be simple CAR 1 FSI-Chinese jiàshǐ zhízhào 驾驶执照 driver’s license CAR 2 FSI-Chinese jǐngchá 检察 police CAR 2 FSI-Chinese jìngzi 镜子 mirror CAR 2 FSI-Chinese jīqi 机器 engine, more literally, “machine” CAR 2 FSI-Chinese jǐshù gōngren 技术工人 mechanic CAR 1 FSI-Chinese jīyóu 机油 machine oil CAR 1 FSI-Chinese lǎba 喇叭 horn CAR 2 FSI-Chinese lēngqì 冷气 air conditioner CAR 2 FSI-Chinese liàng 亮 to light up CAR 1 FSI-Chinese -liàng 量 counter for vehicles CAR 1 FSI-Chinese liǎo 憭 to be severe CAR 2 FSI-Chinese língjiàn 零件 parts CAR 1 FSI-Chinese líng 灵 to be sharp, to be keen CAR 1 FSI-Chinese lǔbiǎo 路表 odometer CAR 2 FSI-Chinese lúnpán 轮盤 steering wheel CAR 2 FSI-Chinese lúntāi 轮胎 tire CAR 1 FSI-Chinese mǎn 满 to be full CAR 1 FSI-Chinese máobing 毛病 trouble, flaw, defect CAR 1 FSI-Chinese páidǎng 档档 transmission CAR 2 FSI-Chinese páiqìguǎn 排气管 exhaust pipe CAR 2 FSI-Chinese páiqìkǒng 排气孔 exhaust pipe CAR 2 FSI-Chinese páiqìxiāoshēngqì 排气消声器 muffler CAR 2 FSI-Chinese páízhào 牌照 license plates CAR 2 FSI-Chinese pēnqī 喷漆 to spray paint CAR 2 FSI-Chinese piào 漂 ticket, coupon CAR 1 FSI-Chinese pídài 皮带 belt CAR 2 FSI-Chinese pǔtōng 普通 regular CAR 1 FSI-Chinese qiánjīndǐng 千斤顶 jack CAR 2 FSI-Chinese qìyóu 汽油 gasoline CAR 1 FSI-Chinese qì 气 air CAR 1 FSI-Chinese qī 漆 paint, lacquer CAR 2 FSI-Chinese qǔ 取 to pick up, to get, to fetch CAR 2 FSI-Chinese rènyuàn 人员 personnel CAR 2 FSI-Chinese shāchē 刹车 brakes CAR 1 FSI-Chinese shāchē 刹车 brakes CAR 2 FSI-Chinese shǒu shāchē 手刹车 parking brake CAR 2 FSI-Chinese shòushāng 受伤 to be injured CAR 2 FSI-Chinese shōuyīnjī 收音机 radio CAR 2 FSI-Chinese shuǐxiāng 水箱 radiator CAR 2 FSI-Chinese shuōmíng 说明 explanation CAR 2 FSI-Chinese sōng 松 to be loose CAR 2 FSI-Chinese sùdùbiǎo 速度表 speedometer CAR 2 FSI-Chinese tiáozhěng 调整 to adjust CAR 2 FSI-Chinese tuī 推 to push CAR 1 FSI-Chinese tuōche 拖车 tow truck CAR 1 FSI-Chinese tuō 拖 to tow CAR 1 FSI-Chinese vàijiaoguān 外市关 diplomat CAR 2 FSI-Chinese wàijiāo 外交 diplomacy, foreign relations CAR 2 FSI-Chinese wàishì jǐngchá 外市警察 foreign affairs police CAR 2 FSI-Chinese wàishì 外市 foreign affairs CAR 2 FSI-Chinese wān 弯 to bend CAR 2 FSI-Chinese xíhuǒ 熄火 to stall CAR 1 FSI-Chinese xiūhǎo 修好 to fix CAR 2 FSI-Chinese xiūliháng 修理行 repair garage CAR 1 FSI-Chinese xíūli 修理 to fix, to repair CAR 1 FSI-Chinese yǐngqíng 引擎 engine CAR 1 FSI-Chinese yǐnqíng 引擎 engine CAR 2 FSI-Chinese yóumén 油门 accelerator CAR 2 FSI-Chinese yóuxiáng 油箱 gas tank CAR 2 FSI-Chinese yóu 油 oil, gasoline, fuel CAR 1 FSI-Chinese yǔshuāzi 雨刷子 windshield wiper CAR 2 FSI-Chinese zāng 脏 to be dirty CAR 1 FSI-Chinese zìdòng páidǎng 自动排档 automatic transmission CAR 2 FSI-Chinese zìdòng 自动 automatic CAR 2 FSI-Chinese zuò 坐 seat CAR 2 FSI-Chinese zú 足 to be enough, to be sufficient CAR 1 FSI-Chinese