1. Tā yǒu yíge háizi. 他/她有一个孩子。 He/she has one child. tàitai 太太 wife Yǒu tā tàitai gēn yíge háizi. 有他/她太太跟一个孩子。 There are his wife and one child. 2 3 FSI-Chinese 2. Hú xiānsheng yǒu yíge mèimei. 胡先生有一个妹妹。 Mr. Hú has one younger sister. mǔqin 母亲 mother Yǒu tā mǔqin gēn yíge mèimei. 有他母亲跟一个妹妹。 There are his mother and one younger sister. 2 3 FSI-Chinese 3. Lǐ xiǎojiě yǒu liǎngge dìdi. 李小姐有两个弟弟。 Miss Lǐ has 2 younger brothers. jiějie 姐姐 older sister Yǒu tā jiějie gēn liǎngge dìdi. 有她姐姐跟两个弟弟。 There are her older sister and two younger brothers. 2 3 FSI-Chinese 4. Liú xiānsheng yǒu yíge nǚhaizi. 刘先生有一个女孩子。 Mr. Liú has one daughter. mǔqin 母亲 mother Yǒu tā mǔqin gēn yíge nǚháizi. 有他母亲跟一个女孩子。 There are his mother and one daughter. 2 3 FSI-Chinese 5. Lín tàitai yǒu sānge nánháizi. 林太太有三个男孩子。 Mrs. Lín has 2 boys. xiānsheng 先生 Mister Yǒu tā xiānsheng gēn sānge nánháizi. 有她先生跟三个男孩子。 There are her husband and 3 boys. 2 3 FSI-Chinese 6. Tā yǒu yíge jiějie. 他/她有一个姐姐。 He has one older sister. fùqin 父亲 father Yǒu tā fùqin gēn yíge jiějie. 有他/她父亲跟一个姐姐。 There are his/her older sister and his/her father. 2 3 FSI-Chinese 7. Wáng xiānsheng yǒu sìge háizi. 王先生有四个孩子。 Mr. Wáng has 4 children. tàitai 太太 wife Yǒu tā tàitai gēn sìge háizi. 有他太太跟四个孩子。 There are his wife and 4 children. 2 3 FSI-Chinese