1. Tā zǒu le ma? 他/她走了吗? Has he/she left? zuótiān 昨天 yesterday Tā yǐjīng zǒu le. 他/她已经走了。 He/she has already left. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 2. Tā àiren ne? 他/她呢? And his/her spouse? zuótiān 昨天 yesterday Tā àiren yě yǐjīng zǒu le 他/她爱人也已经走了。 His/her spouse has already left too. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 3. Tā lái le ma? 他/她来了吗? Has he/she come? míngtiān 明天 tomorrow Tā hái méi lái. 他/她还没来。 He/she hasn’t come yet. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 4. Tā àiren ne? 他/她爱人呢? And his/her spouse? míngtiān 明天 tomorrow Tā àiren yě hái méi lái. 他/她爱人也还没来。 His/her spouse hasn’t come either. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 5. Tā dào le ma? 他/她到了? Has he/she arrived? zuótiān 昨天 yesterday Tā yǐjīng dào le. 他/她已经到了。 He/she hasn’t already yet. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 6. Tā àiren ne? 他/她爱人呢? And his/her spouse? míngtiān 明天 tomorrow Tā àiren hái méi dào. 他/她爱人还没到。 His/her spouse hasn’t arrived either. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 7. Tā zǒu le ma? 他/她走了吗? Has he/she left? míngtiān 明天 tomorrow Tā hái méi zǒu. 他/她还没走 . He/she hasn’t left yet. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 8. Tā gēge ne? 他/她哥哥呢? And his/her older brother? zuótiān 昨天 yesterday Tā gēge yǐjīng zǒu le. 他/她哥哥已经走了。 His/her older brother hasn’t left either. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 9. Zhào tóngzhì dào le ma? 赵同志到了吗? Has comrade Zhào arrived? zuótiān 昨天 yesterday Zhào tóngzhì yǐjīng dào le. 赵同志已经到了。 Comrade Zhào has already arrived. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 10. Wáng tóngzhì ne? 王同志呢? And comrade Wáng? zuótiān 昨天 yesterday Wáng tóngzhì yě yǐjīng dào le. 王同志也已经到了。 Comrade Wáng has already arrived too. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 11. Tā fùmǔ zǒu le ma? 他/她父母走了吗? Have his/her parents left? míngtiān 明天 tomorrow Tā fùmǔ hái méi zǒu. 他/她父母还没走。 His/her parents hasn’t left yet. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 12. Tāmen háizi ne? 他们孩子呢? And their children? zuótiān 昨天 yesterday Tāmen háizi yǐjīng zǒu le. 他们孩子已经走了。 Their children have already left. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 13. Tā àiren lái le ma? 他/她爱人来了呢? Has his/her spouse come? zuótiān 昨天 yesterday Tā àiren yǐjīng lái le. 他/她爱人已经来了。 His/her spouse has already come. 2 4 FSI-Chinese 14. Tāmen háizi ne? 他们孩子呢? And his children? míngtiān 明天 tomorrow Tāmen háizi hái méi lái. 他们孩子还没来。 His children haven’t come yet. 2 4 FSI-Chinese