Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Qǐngwèn, zhètiáo lù shì shénme lù? 请问,这条路是什么路? May I ask, what road is this? Cue Nánjīng Dōnglù 南京东路 Nanjing East Road Qǐngwèn, zhètiáo lù shì Nánjīng Dōnglù ma? 请问,这条路是南京东路吗? May I ask, is this Nanjing East Road? 2 Qǐngwèn, zhètiáo lù shì shénme lù? 请问,这条路是什么路? May I ask, what road is this? CueZhōngshān Běilù 中山北路 Zhongshan North Road Qǐngwèn, zhètiáo lù shì Zhōngshān Běilù ma? 请问,这条路是中山北路吗? May I ask, is this Zhongshan North Road? 3 Qǐngwèn, zhètiáo lù shì shénme lù? 请问,这条路是什么路? May I ask, what road is this? CueXīnshēng Nánlù 中山南路 Zhongshan South Road Qǐngwèn, zhètiáo lù shì Xīnshēng Nánlù ma? 请问,这条路是中山南路吗? May I ask, is this Zhongshan South Road? 4 Qǐngwèn, zhètiáo lù shì shénme lù? 请问,这条路是什么路? May I ask, what road is this? CueNánjīng Xīlù 南京西路 West Nanjing Road Qǐngwèn, zhètiáo lù shì Nánjīng Xīlù ma? 请问,这条路是南京西路吗? May I ask, is this West Nanjing Road? 5 Qǐngwèn, zhètiáo lù shì shénme lù? 请问,这条路是什么路? May I ask, what road is this? CueXīnshēng Běilù 新生北路 Xinsheng North Road Qǐngwèn, zhètiáo lù shì Xīnshēng Běilù ma? 请问,这条路是新生北路吗? May I ask, is this Xinsheng North Road? 6 Qǐngwèn, zhètiáo lù shì shénme lù? 请问,这条路是什么路? May I ask, what road is this? CueZhōnghuá Lù 中华路 Zhonghua Road Qǐngwèn, zhètiáo lù shì Zhōnghuá Lù ma? 请问,这条路是中华路吗? May I ask, is this 7 Qǐngwèn, zhètiáo lù shì shénme lù? 请问,这条路是什么路? May I ask, what road is this? CueShànghǎi Lù 上海路 Shanghai Road Qǐngwèn, zhètiáo lù shì Shànghǎi Lù ma? 请问,这条路是上海路吗? May I ask, is this Shanghai Road?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Zhè shì Nánjīng Dōnglù Yíduàn. 这是南京东路一断。 This is Nanjing East Road, Section 1. Duìbuqǐ, zhè shì Nánjīng Dōnglù jǐduàn? 对不起,这是南京东路几断? Excuse me, what section of Nanjing East Road is this? 2 Zhè shì Zhōngshān Běilù Èrduàn. 这是中山北路二断。 This is Zhongshan North Road, Section 2. Duìbuqǐ, zhè shì Zhōngshān Běilù jǐduàn? 对不起,这是中山北路几断? Excuse me, what section of Zhongshan North Road is this? 3 Zhè shì Xīnshēng Nánlù Yíduàn. 这是新生南路一断。 This is Xinsheng South Road, Section 1. Duìbuqǐ, zhè shì Xīnshēng Nánlù jǐduàn? 对不起,这是新生南路几断? Excuse me, what section of Xinsheng South Road is this? 4 Zhè shì Rénài Lù Sānduàn. 这是仁爱路三断。 This is Renai Road, Section 3. Duìbuqǐ, zhè shì Rénài Lù jǐduàn? 对不起,这是仁爱路几断? Excuse me, what section of Renai Road is this? 5 Zhè shì Hángzhōu Nánlù Yíduàn. 这是杭州南路一断。 This is Hangzhou South Road, Section 1. Duìbuqǐ, zhè shì Hángzhōu Nánlù jǐduàn? 对不起,这是杭州南路几断? Excuse me, what section of Hangzhou South Road is this? 6 Zhè shì Hépíng Xīlù Èrduàn. 这是和平西路二断。 This is West Heping Road, Section 2. Duìbuqǐ, zhè shì Hépíng Xīlù jǐduàn? 对不起,这是和平西路几断? Excuse me, what section of West Heping Road is this? 7 Zhè shì Nánjīng Xīlù Yíduàn. 这是南京西路一断。 This is West Nanjing Road, Section 1. Duìbuqǐ, zhè shì Nánjīng Xīlù jǐduàn? 对不起,这是南京西路几断? Excuse me, what section of West Nanjing Road is this?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Nǐ Zhǎo Nánjīng Dōnglù Yíduàn ma? 你找南京东路 断吗? Are you looking for Nanjing East Road, Section 1? Cue1 1 Shì, wǒ zhǎo Nánjīng Dōnglù Yíduàn Wǔxiàng. 是,我找 Yes, I’m looking for Lane 5 of Nanjing East Road, Section 1. 2 Nǐ zhǎo Zhōngshān Běilù Èrduàn ma? 你找中山北路 断吗? Are you looking for Zhongshan North Road, Section 2? Cue18 十八 18 Shì, wǒ zhǎo Zhōngshān Běilù Èrduàn Shíbáxiàng. 是,我找 Yes, I’m looking for Lane 18 of Zhongshan North Road, Section 2. 3 Nǐ zhǎo Hépíng Xīlù Yíduàn ma? 你找和平西路 断吗? Are you looking for West Heping Road, Section 1? Cue6 6 Shì, wǒ zhǎo Hépíng Xīlù Yíduàn Liùxiàng. 是,我找 Yes, I’m looking for Lane 6 of West Heping Road, Section 1. 4 Nǐ zhǎo Xīnshēng Nánlù Sānduàn ma? 你找新生南路 断吗? Are you looking for Xinsheng South Road, Section 3? Cue4 4 Shì, wǒ zhǎo Xīnshēng Nánlù Sānduàn Sìxiàng. 是,我找 Yes, I’m looking for Lane 4 of Xinsheng South Road, Section 3. 5 Nǐ zhǎo Zhōngshān Nánlù Èrduàn ma? 你找中山南路 断吗? Are you looking for Hongshan South Road, Section 2? Cue14 十四 14 Shì, wǒ zhǎo Zhōngshān Nánlù Èrduàn Shísìxiàng. 是,我找 Yes, I’m looking for Lane 14 of Hongshan South Road, Section 2. 6 Nǐ zhǎo Rénài Lù Sānduàn ma? 你找仁爱路 断吗? Are you looking for Renai Road, Section 3? Cue9 9 Shì, wǒ zhǎo Rénài Lù Sānduàn Jiǔxiàng. 是,我找 Yes, I’m looking for Lane 9 of Renai Road, Section 3. 7 Nǐ zhǎo Zìyóu Lù Yíduàn ma? 你找自由路 断吗? Are you looking for Freedom Road, Section 1? Cue11 十一 11 Shì, wǒ zhǎo Zìyóu Lù Yíduàn Shíyīxiàng. 是,我找 Yes, I’m looking for Lane 11 of Freedom Road, Section 1.
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Nǐ wàng nàbian zǒu. 你往那边走。 Go that way. Cuesān 3 Hǎo, wǒ wàng nàbian zǒu, guò sāntiáo jiē jiù shì, duì bu dui? 号,我往那边走,过三条街就是,对不对? Okay, I go that way, and after crossing three streets that’s it. Is that correct? 2 Nǐ wàng yòu zǒu. 你往右走。 Go to the right. Cue liǎng 2 Hǎo, wǒ wàng yòu zǒu, guò liǎngtiáo jiē jiù shì, duì bu dui? 号,我往右走,过两条街就是,对不对? Okay, I go to the right, and after crossing 2 streets that’s it. Is that correct? 3 Nǐ wàng dōng zǒu. 你往东走。 Go to the East. Cue 4 Hǎo, wǒ wàng dōng zǒu, guò sìtiáo jiē jiù shì, duì bu dui? 号,我往东走,过四条街就是,对不对? Okay, I go to the East, and after crossing 4 streets that’s it. Is that correct? 4 Nǐ wàng Xī zǒu. 你往西走。 Go to the West. Cue 1 Hǎo, wǒ wàng Xī zǒu, guò yìtiáo jiē jiù shì, duì bu dui? 号,我往西走,过一条街就是,对不对? Okay, I go to the West, and after crossing 1 streets that’s it. Is that correct? 5 Nǐ wàng nán zǒu. 你往南走。 Go to the South. Cue 5 Hǎo, wǒ wàng nán zǒu, guò wǔtiáo jiē jiù shì, duì bu dui? 号,我往南走,过五条街就是,对不对? ,Okay, I go to the South, and after crossing 5 streets that’s it. Is that correct? 6 Nǐ wàng běi zǒu. 你往北走。 Go to the North. Cueliǎng 2 Hǎo, wǒ wàng běi zǒu, guò liǎngtiáo jiē jiù shì, duì bu dui? 号,我往北走,过两条街就是,对不对? Okay, I go to the North, and after crossing 2 streets that’s it. Is that correct? 7 Nǐ wàng zuǒ zǒu. 你往左走。 Go to the left. Cue 4 Hǎo, wǒ wàng zuǒ zǒu, guò sìtiáo jiē jiù shì, duì bu dui? 号,我往左走,过四条街就是,对不对? Okay, I go to the left, and after crossing 4 streets that’s it. Is that correct?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Wàng qián zǒu yìdiǎn. Wǔnòng zài yòubian. 往前走一点。五弄在右边。 Go ahead a bit, and Alley 5 is on the right. Wǒ zài wàng qián zǒu yìdiǎn. Wǔnòng zài yòubian, shì bu shi? 我在往前走一点。五弄在右边,是不是? I go a bit farther ahead, and Alley 5 is on the right. Is that it? 2 Wàng nàbian zǒu yìdiǎn. Liùnòng zài zuǒbian. 往那边走一点。六弄在左边。 Go a little bit that way, and Alley 6 is on the left. Wǒ zài wàng nàbian zǒu yìdiǎn. Liùnòng zài zuǒbian, shì bu shi? 我在往那边走一点。六弄在左边,是不是? I go a bit that way and Alley 6 is on the left. Is that it? 3 Wàng dōng zǒu yìdiǎn. Sānnòng zài yòubian. 往东走一点。三弄在右边。 Go a bit to the east, and Alley 3 is on the right. Wǒ zài wàng dōng zǒu yìdiǎn. Sānnòng zài yòubian, shì bu shi? 我在往东走一点。三弄在右边,是不是? I go a bit to the east, and Alley 3 is on the right. Is that it? 4 Wàng qián zǒu yìdiǎn. Shínòng zài yòubian. 往前走一点。十弄在右边。 Go a bit forward, and Alley 10 is on the right. Wǒ zài wàng qián zǒu yìdiǎn. Shínòng zài yòubian, shì bu shi? 我在往前走一点。十弄在右边,是不是? I go a bit forward, and Alley 10 is on the right. Is that it? 5 Wàng xī zǒu yìdiǎn. Shíèrnòng zài zuǒbian. 往西走一点。十二弄在左边。 Go a bit to the West, and Alley 12 is on the left. Wǒ zài wàng xī zǒu yìdiǎn. Shíèrnòng zài zuǒbian, shì bu shi? 我在往西走一点。十二弄在左边,是不是? I go a bit to the West, and Alley 12 is on the left. Is that it? 6 Wàng nán zǒu yìdiǎn. Shíqínòng zài zuǒbian. 往南走一点。十七弄在左边。 Go a bit to the South, and Alley 17 is on the right. Wǒ zài wàng nán zǒu yìdiǎn. Shíqínòng zài zuǒbian, shì bu shi? 我在往南走一点。十七弄在左边,是不是? I go a bit to the South, and Alley 17 is on the left. Is that it? 7 Wàng běi zǒu yìdiǎn. Bánòng zài zuǒbian. 往北走一点。八弄在左边。 Go a bit to the North, and Alley 8 is on the left. Wǒ zài wàng běi zǒu yìdiǎn. Bánòng zài zuǒbian, shì bu shi? 我在往北走一点。八弄在左边,是不是? I go a bit to the North, and Alley 8 is on the left. Is that it?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Wǒ zài wàng qián zǒu yìdiǎn. Wǔnòng zài yòubian, duì bu dui? 我在往前走一点。五弄在右边,对不对? I go a bit farther ahead, and Alley 5 is on the right. Is that correct? Cuedìyíge 第一个 first Wǒ zài wàng qián zǒu yìdiǎn. Yòubian dìyíge lùkǒu jiù shi Wǔnòng, duì bu dui? 我在往前走一点。右边第一个路口就是五弄,对不对? I go a bit farther ahead, and the first intersection on the right is Alley 5. Is that correct? 2 Wǒ zài wàng zuǒ zǒu yìdiǎn. Sānnòng zài zuǒbian, duì bu dui? 我在往左走一点。三弄在左边,对不对? I go a bit to the left, and Alley 3 is on the left. Is that correct? Cuedìsìge 第四个 fourth Wǒ zài wàng zuǒ zǒu yìdiǎn. Zuǒbian dìsìge lùkǒu jiù shi Sānnòng, duì bu dui? 我在往左走一点。左边第四个路口就是三弄,对不对? I go a bit to the left, and the fourth intersection on the left is Alley 3. Is that correct? 3 Wǒ zài wàng qián zǒu yìdiǎn. Liùnòng zài yòubian, duì bu dui? 我在往前走一点。六弄在右边,对不对? I go a bit farther ahead, and Alley 6 is on the right. Is that correct? Cuedìèrge 第二个 second Wǒ zài wàng qián zǒu yìdiǎn. Yòubian dìèrge lùkǒu jiù shi Liùnòng, duì bu dui? 我在往前走一点。右边第二个路口就是六弄,对不对? I go a bit farther ahead, and the second intersection on the right is Alley 6. Is that correct? 5 Wǒ zài wàng xī zǒu yìdiǎn. Wǔnòng zài yòubian, duì bu dui? 我在往西走一点。五弄在右边,对不对? I go a bit to the West, and Alley 5 is on the left. Is that correct? Cue dìyíge 第一个 first Wǒ zài wàng xī zǒu yìdiǎn. Yòubian dìyíge lùkǒu jiù shi Wǔnòng, duì bu dui? 我在往西走一点。右边第一个路口就是五弄,对不对? I go a bit to the West, and the first intersection on the right is Alley 5. Is that correct? 6 Wǒ zài wàng dōng zǒu yìdiǎn. Qínòng zài zuǒbian, duì bu dui? 我在往东走一点。七弄在左边,对不对? I go a bit to the East, and Alley 7 is on the left. Is that correct? Cue dìsìge 第四个 fourth Wǒ zài wàng dōng zǒu yìdiǎn. Zuǒbian dìsìge lùkǒu jiù shi Qínòng, duì bu dui? 我在往东走一点。左边第四个路口就是七弄,对不对? I go a bit to the East, and the fourth intesection on the right is Alley 7. Is that correct? 7 Wǒ zài wàng qián zǒu yìdiǎn. Liùnòng zài yòubian, duì bu dui? 我在往前走一点。六弄在右边,对不对? I go a bit farther ahead, and Alley 6 is on the right. Is that correct? Cuedìwǔge 第五个 fifth Wǒ zài wàng qián zǒu yìdiǎn. Yòubian dìwǔge lùkǒu jiù shi Liùnòng, duì bu dui? 我在往前走一点。右边第五个路口就是六弄,对不对? I go a bit farther ahead, and the fith intersection on the left is Alley 6. Is that correct?
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Tā cóngqián zhù zai nèige hútong. 他从前住在那个胡同。 He used to live on that alley. Cuenián year Tā cóngqián zài nèige hútong zhùle jǐnián? 他从前在那个胡同住了几年? How many years did he live on that alley? 2 Wǒ fùqin cóngqián zhù zài Guānghuá Lù. 我父亲从前住在光华路。 My father used to live at Guānghuá Road. Cuenián year Nǐ fùqin cóngqián zài Guānghuá Lù zhùle jǐnián? 你父亲在光华路住了几年? How many years did your father live at Guānghuá Road? 3 Tā gēge shàngge yuè zhù zài nèige fàndiàn. 他/她哥哥上个月住在那个饭店。 His older brother stayed at that hotel last month. Cue tiān day Tā gēge shàngge yuè zài nèige fàndiàn zhùle jǐtiān? 他/她哥哥上个月在那个饭店住了几天? How many days did his older brother stay at that hotel last month? 4 Tā jiějie qùnián zhù zài péngyou jiā. 她/她姐姐去年主在朋友家。 Her/his sister stayed at a friend's house last year. Cueyuè month Tā jiějie qùnián zài péngyou jiā zhùle jǐge yuè? 她/她姐姐去年在朋友家住了几个月? How many months did her/his sister stay at a friend's house last year? 5 Wáng Tóngzhì cóngqián zhù zài zhèige hútong. 王同志从前住在这个胡同。 Comrade Wáng used to live on this alley. Cuenián year Wáng Tóngzhì cóngqián zài zhèige hútong zhùle jǐnián? 往同志从前在这个胡同住了几年? How many years did Comrade Wáng live in that alley? 6 Zhāng Tóngzhì qùnián zhù zài nèige hútong. 张同志去年住在那个胡同。 Comrade Zhāng lived on that alley last year. Cueyuè month Zhāng Tóngzhì qùnián zài nèige hútong zhùle jǐge yuè? 张同志去年在那个胡同住了几个月? How many months did Comrade Zhāng live on that alley? 7 Tāmen cóngqián zhù zài Sānlitún. 他们从前住在三里屯。 They used to live in Sanlitun. Cuenián year Tāmen cóngqián zài Sānlitún zhùle jǐnián? 他们从前在三里屯住了几年? How many years did they live in Sanlitun.
Give affirmative response to all questions. 1 Nǐ zhǎo shénme dìfang? 你找什么地方? What place are you looking for? CueNánjīng Lù 南京路 Nanjing Road Wǒ zhǎo Nánjīng Lù. 我找南京路。 I’m looking for Nanjing Road. 2 Nǐ zhǎo shénme lù? 你找什么路? What road are you looking for? CueZhōngshān Lù 中山路 Zhōngshān Road Wǒ zhǎo Zhōngshān Lù. 我找中山路。 I’m looking for Zhōngshān Road. 3 Nǐ zhǎo shénme? 你找什么? What are you looking for? Cuenèiběn shū 那本书 this book Wǒ zhǎo nèiběn shū. 我找那本书。 I’m looking for this book. 4 Nǐ zhǎo shéi? 你找谁? Whom are you looking for? CueWáng Xiānsheng 王先生 comrade Wáng Wǒ zhǎo Wáng Xiānsheng. 我找王先生。 I’m looking for comrade Wáng. 5 Nǐ zhǎo shénme dìfang? 你找什么地方? What place are you looking for? CueWǔguānchù 武官处 defense attache’s office. Wǒ zhǎo Wǔguānchù. 我找武官处。 I’m looking for the defense attache’s office. 6 Nǐ zhǎo shéi? 你找谁? Whom are you looking for? CueHú Měilíng 胡美玲 Hú Měilíng Wǒ zhǎo Hú Měilíng. 我找胡美玲。 I’m looking for Hú Měilíng. 7 Nǐ zhǎo shénme? 你找什么? What are you looking for? Cueyìzhāng Táiběi dìtú 一张台北地图 Taipei map Wǒ zhǎo yìzhāng Táiběi dìtú. 我找一张台北地图。 I’m looking for a mp of Taipei.