1. A: Dào Xīméndīng qù, zuò jǐlù chē? 到西門町去,坐幾路車? What bus do you take to get to Xīméndīng? 5 1 FSI-Chinese B: Zuò Shíbālù. 坐十八路。 Take Number 18. 5 1 FSI-Chinese 2. A: Shíbālù chē duō bu duo? 十八路車多不多? Are there many Number 18 buses? 5 1 FSI-Chinese B: Bù hěn duō. 不很多。 Not very many. 5 1 FSI-Chinese 3. A: Měi gé duōshao shíhou yǒu yìbān chē? 每隔多少時候有一班車。 How much time is there between buses? 5 1 FSI-Chinese B: Měi gé èrshifēn zhōng yǒu yìbān. 每隔二十分鐘有一班。 There’s one every twenty minutes. 5 1 FSI-Chinese 4. C: Wǒ měige Xīngqīliù dōu qù kàn diànyǐng. 我每個星期六都去看電影。 I go to see a movie every Saturday. 5 1 FSI-Chinese 5. A: Zuìhòu yìbān chē shi jǐdiǎn zhōng? 最後一班車是幾點鐘? What time is the last bus? 5 1 FSI-Chinese B: Shíyīdiǎn shífēn. 十一點十分。 Eleven-ten. 5 1 FSI-Chinese 6. D: Zhèbān chē shì bu shi qù Xīméndīng? 這班車是不是去西門町? Does this bus go to Xīméndīng? 5 1 FSI-Chinese E: Shì. Shàng chē ba! 是。上車吧! Yes, Get on! 5 1 FSI-Chinese 7. A: Dào Xīméndīngde shíhou, qǐng gàosong wǒ. 到西門町的時候,請告誦我。 When we get to Xīméndīng, please tell me. 5 1 FSI-Chinese F: Hǎo. 好。 Okay. 5 1 FSI-Chinese 8. A: Hái yǒu jǐzhàn dào Xīméndīng? 還有幾站到西門町? How many more stops are there to (before) Xīméndīng? 5 1 FSI-Chinese F: Xià yízhàn jiù shi Xīměndīng. 下一站就是西門町。 The next stop is Xīméndīng. 5 1 FSI-Chinese 9. shàng- 上 last, previous (something) 5 1 FSI-Chinese 10. tóu- 頭 first (something) 5 1 FSI-Chinese 11. gàosu 告訴 to tell, to inform (alternate pronunciation for gàosong) 5 1 FSI-Chinese 12. shǎo 少 to be few 5 1 FSI-Chinese 13. xià chē 下車 to get off the bus; “Out, please!” 5 1 FSI-Chinese 14. yǒu(de) shíhou 有(的)時候 sometimes 5 1 FSI-Chinese 15. chéng 城 city 5 1 FSI-Chinese 5 1 FSI-Chinese