1. A: Wo yě xiǎng dào Nánjīng qù kànkan. 我也想到南京去看看。 I would also like to go to Nánjīng to look around. 5 5 FSI-Chinese B: Nǐ jìhua něitiān qù? 你计划那天去? What day do you plan to go? 5 5 FSI-Chinese A: Míngtiān huòshi hòutiān qù dōu kéyi. 明天或是后天去都可以。 Tomorrow and (or) the day after are both possible. 5 5 FSI-Chinese 2. A: Shànghǎi lí Nánjīng yǒu duō yuǎn? 上海离南京有多元。 How far is Shànghǎi from Nánjīng? 5 5 FSI-Chinese B: Yǒu liǎngbǎiwǔshiduō gōnglǐ. 有两百五十多公里。 It's over 250 kilometers. 5 5 FSI-Chinese 3. A: Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu duōshao shíhou? 坐火车要走多少时候。 How long does it take to go by train? 5 5 FSI-Chinese B: Dàgài yào zǒu sìge bàn xiǎoshí. 大概要走四个半小时。 It probably takes four and a half hours. 5 5 FSI-Chinese 4. C: Yào zǒu bànge xiǎoshí. 要走半个小时。 It takes half an hour. 5 5 FSI-Chinese 5. B: Nǐ jìhua zài Nánjīng zhù jǐtiān? 你计划在南京住几天? How many days do you plan to stay in Nánjīng? 5 5 FSI-Chinese A: Zhèi shi wǒ dìyīcì dào Nánjīng qù. Yǐqián méi qùguo. Nǐ shuō liǎngtiān gòu bu gou? 这是我第一次到南京去。以前没去过。你说两天够不够? This will be the first time I have gone to Nánjīng. I haven't gone there before.Would you say two days are enough? 5 5 FSI-Chinese B: Liǎngtiān gòu le. 两天够了。 Two days are enough. 5 5 FSI-Chinese 6. A: Měitiān yǒu jǐtàng chē? 每天有几趟车? How many trips are there each day? 5 5 FSI-Chinese A: Xiàwǔ yǒu meiyou chē? 下午有没有车? Are there trains in the afternoon? 5 5 FSI-Chinese A: Wǒ xīwang xiàwǔ líkāi zhèr. 我希望下午离开这儿。 I hope to leave here in the afternoon. 5 5 FSI-Chinese 7. *B: Shísǎndiǎn líng wǔfēn yǒu yìbān tèkuài. 十三点零五分有一班特快。 There's an express at 1305. 5 5 FSI-Chinese 8. **B: Shísǎndiǎn líng wǔfēn yǒu yítàng tèkuài. 十三点零五分有一趟特快。 There's an express at 1305. 5 5 FSI-Chinese 9. dǎsuan 打算 to plan to 5 5 FSI-Chinese 10. huòzhě (huòzhe) 或者 or (alternate form of huòshi) 5 5 FSI-Chinese 11. yǐhòu 以后 afterwards, later on, in the future 5 5 FSI-Chinese 12. zhōngtóu 钟头 hour (alternate word for xiǎoshí) 5 5 FSI-Chinese