1. Wǒ xiǎng dào Nánjīng qù kànkan. 我想到南京去看看。 I would like to go to Nánjīng to look around. Nǐ jìhua něitiān qù? 你計劃哪天去? What day do you plan to go? Míngtiān huòshi hòutiān qù dōu kéyi. 明天或是後天去都可以。 Tomorrow and (or) the day after are both possible. 2. Shànghǎi lí Nánjīng yǒu duó yuǎn? 上海離南京有多遠。 How far is Shanghai from Nánjīng? Yǒu liǎngbǎiwǔshiduō gōnglī. 有兩百五十多公里。 It’s over 250 kilometers. 3. Zuò huǒchē yào zǒu duōshao shíhou? 坐火車要走多少時候。 How long does it take to go by train? Yào zǒu sìge bàn xiǎoshí. 要走四個半小時。 It takes four and a half hours. 4. Zhèi shi wǒ dìyīcì dào Nánjīng qù. Yǐqiǎn méi qùguo. 這是我第一次到南京去。以前沒去過。 This will be the first time I have gone to Nánjīng. I haven’t gone there before. 5. Bànge xiǎoshí gòu le. 半個小時夠了。 Half an hour is enough. 6. Wǒ xīwang xiàwǔ líkāi zhèr. 我希望下午離開這兒。 I hope to leave here in the afternoon. Shísāndiǎn líng wǔfēn yǒu yítàng tèkuài. 十三點零五分有一趟特快。 There’s an express at 1305. 7. dǎsuan 打算 to plan to 8. huòzhě (huòzhe) 或者 or (alternate form of huòshi) 9. yǐhòu 以後 afterwards, later on, in the future 10. zhōngtóu 鐘頭 hour (alternate word for xiǎoshí)