Give affirmative response to all questions. 1. Chàbuduō bànge zhōngtóu jiù dào. 差不多半个钟头就到。 I’ll be there in about half an hour. Bànge zhōngtóu zuǒyòu jiù dào. 半个钟头左右就到。 I’ll be there in about half an hour. 2. Chàbuduō yào yige zhōngtóu. 差不多要一个钟头。 Almost an hour. Yào yige zhōngtōu zuǒyòu. 要一个钟头左右。 It will take about an hour. 3. Tā zhùle chàbuduō sāntiān. 他住了差不多三天。 He stayed for almost three days. Tā zhùle sāntiān zuǒyòu. 他住了三天左右。 He lived for about three days. 4. Tā chàbuduō wǔshísuì le. 他差不多五十岁了。 He is almost fifty years old. Tā wǔshísuì zuǒyòu le. 他五十岁左右了。 He is about fifty years old. 5. Nèiběn shū chàbuduō yào shíkuài qián. 那本书差不多要十块钱。 That book costs about ten dollars. Nèiběn shū yào shíkuài qián zuǒyòu. 那本书要十块钱左右。 That book costs about ten yuan. 6. Chàbuduō yào zǒu sìshiwǔfēn zhōng. 差不多要走四十五分钟。 About forty-five minutes Yào zǒu sìshiwǔfēn zhōng zuǒyòu. 要走四十五分钟左右。 It takes about forty-five minutes to walk. 7. Chàbuduō sānge xīngqī. 差不多三个星期。 Almost three weeks. Sānge xīngqī zuǒyòu. 三个星期左右。 About three weeks.