1. A: Jīntiān wǒ jièdào yìběn hǎo xiǎoshuō. 今天我借到一本好笑说。 Today I borrowed a good novel (from someone). 8 1 FSI-Chinese B: Shénme xiǎoshuō,ràng nǐ zénme gāoxìng? 什么小说,让你 怎么高兴? What novel is it that makes you so happy? 8 1 FSI-Chinese 2. A: Zhèiběn xiǎoshuō xiěde shì dàlùde qíngkuàng. 这本小说写的是大陆的情况。 This novel is about the situation on the mainland. 8 1 FSI-Chinese B: Guānyú dàlùde? Jiè gěi wǒ kànkan xíng bu xíng? 关于大陆的? About the mainland? How about lending it to me to read? 8 1 FSI-Chinese 3. A: Xiàge xuéqí nǐ xiǎng yánjiū shénme? 下个学期你想研究生么? What are you going to do research on next semester? 8 1 FSI-Chinese B: Hái shi lǎo wèntí: Zhōngguóde zhèngzhi qíngkuàng. 还是老问题: 中国的政治情况。 It's still the same old topic: the political situation in China. 8 1 FSI-Chinese 4. A: Zuótiān Xiǎo Míng gěi tā nǚpéngyǒu xiě xìn, xiěde hǎo cháng. 昨天小明给他女朋有写信,写的好长。 Yesterday Xiǎo Míng wrote a letter to his girl friend, and it was really long! 8 1 FSI-Chinese B: Niánqīng rén zǒng shi niánqīng rén. Wǒ niánqīngde shíhou yě shi zhèiyang, nǐ wàng le? 年轻人总是年轻人。我年轻的时候也是这样,你忘了? Young people are always young people. When I was young I was like that too, have you forgotten? 8 1 FSI-Chinese 5. A: Shǔjiàde shíhou, nǐ xiǎng dào nǎr qù wánwanr? 暑假的时候,你想到哪儿去往往儿? Where do you want to go to summer vacation? 8 1 FSI-Chinese B: Wǒ xiǎng dào Yàzhōu jǐge guójiā qu kànkan. 我想到亚洲几个国家去看看。 I'd like to go visit a few countries in Asia. 8 1 FSI-Chinese 6. A: Zěnme, nǐ xiǎng yánjiū Yàzhōude wénhuà chuántǒng? 怎么,你想研究亚洲的文化传统? Oh? Do you want to do research on Asia's cultural tradition? 8 1 FSI-Chinese B: Bù néng shuō yánjiū. Wǒ zhǐ shi xiǎng qù kànkan nàlide shèhuì qíngkuàng. 不能说研究。我只是想去看看那里的社会情况。 It can't be called research. I just want to go have a look at the social situation there. 8 1 FSI-Chinese 7. A: Lǎo Wáng, wǒ jīntiān gǎnjué hěn bu shūfu. Lǎo Wáng, 我今天感觉很不舒服。 Lǎo Wáng, I feel awful today. 8 1 FSI-Chinese B: Kuài zuòxia, wǒ qù gěi ni dào bēi chá lai. 快做下,我去给你倒杯茶来。 Sit down and I'll pour you a cup of tea. 8 1 FSI-Chinese 8. A: Nǐ qùde nèige dìfang zhèngzhi, jīngji fāngmiànde qíngxing zěnmeyàng? 你去的那个地方政治,经济方面的情形怎么样? What was the political and economic situation like where you went? 8 1 FSI-Chinese B: Jǐjù huà shuōbuqīngchu, yǒu shíjiān wǒ zài gēn ni mànmānr shuō ba. 几句话说不清楚,有时间我在跟你慢慢儿说吧。 I can't explain it clearly in just a few sentences; when I have time I'll tell you all about it. 8 1 FSI-Chinese 9. A: Yánjiū Zhōngguo xiànzàide wèntí yídìng děi dǒngde Zhōngguó lìshǐ. 研究中国现在的问题一定得懂得中国历史。 To study the problem of China now, you have to understand Chinese history. 8 1 FSI-Chinese B: Nǐ shuōde zhèiyidiǎn hěn yàojǐn, wǒ kǎolǜ kǎolǜ. 你说得这一点很要紧,我考虑考虑。 This point of yours is very important; I'll think it over. 8 1 FSI-Chinese 10. A: Nǐ zài Zhōngguo zhù liǎngnian, yídìng huì xuéhǎo Zhōngwénde. 你在中国住两年,一定会学好中文的。 If you live in China for two years, you're sure to learn Chinese very well. 8 1 FSI-Chinese B: Shì a, yìfāngmiàn kěyǐ xuéhǎo Zhōngwén, yìfāngmiàn yě kěyǐ duō zhīdào yidiǎnr Zhōngguóde shìqing. 是啊,一方面可以学好中文,一方面也可以多知道一点儿中国的事情。 Yes, on the one hand I can learn Chinese well, and on the other hand I can find out more things about China. 8 1 FSI-Chinese 11. yìbiān(r)... yìbiān(r) 一边(儿)。。。 一边(儿) doing... while doing... 8 1 FSI-Chinese 12. yímiàn...yímiàn... 一面(儿)。。。 一面(儿)。。。 doing... while doing... 8 1 FSI-Chinese